So many of the extreme and absurd agendas of the World Controller Class, aka the Oligarch Overlords, aka the Zionist Banksters, can be seen as enacting a world depopulation plan. We will look at 3 examples.
Climate Change
Certainly the World Controller Class conducts their studies. Most often they hire “experts” such as university professors and renown historians and their research staffs to examine the trends of history carefully to inform their current policies and programs. Certainly they know that at the advent of the “Oil Age,” the growth and spread of a hydro-carbon energy system worldwide during the broader “Industrial Revolution,” the world human population expanded. Here is a look at a short span more recently.
Note the correlation between oil use and population growth is 99%!
Here is a look at most of the 20th century, another astonishing correlation between oil use and population growth.
It really took off after WWII. That was the “Boomer” generation and the post-war affluence. Interestingly, it was the Germans during WWI who invented synthetic nitrogen to make the gun powder needed for their war effort. Their names were Haber and Bosch, and the Haber-Bosch process of synthetic nitrogen began to be applied world-wide to agriculture fields to increase yields, otherwise restricted by much slower and inefficient methods of nitrogen replenishment, such as cover cropping, guano and fish fertilizer, and laying fields fallow.
Other effects of hydro-carbon energy, including coal and natural gas, increased population as well, such as efficient transportation, home heating (and cooling), electrification including refrigeration, medical infrastructure (which took lives too of course), and other systemic effects.
The Oligarch Overlords know this. They look at these graphs too. Put simply, they invented the climate change scare to give a thin rationale for their plan to reduce the hydro-carbon energy systems, ostensibly to replace them with lame low-power “renewables.” This will have an inverse effect from the growth of the hydro-carbon energy systems, reducing population. That’s their plan. They have a method to their madness.
Such a plan was inflicted on Germany after WWII for a time by the Morgenthau (J) Plan, to drive Germany back into the agrarian age and eradicate its industrial capacity. This was also designed to slaughter off a large percentage of Germany’s population and sharply reduce its birth rate. So many of the Jewish Power Elite’s programs for depopulation world-wide have been applied to Germany in the past. It is Weimar World and Global De-Nazification today.
The World Controller Class has been manipulating people’s sexuality for a long time, practically from the beginning if we include the influence of religion. The so-called “Free Love” movement of the late 60s/early 70s, peaking in the “Summer of Love” in 1967, was part of a broader “Counter-Culture Revolution” social engineering program planned and enacted by the Oligarch Overlords through its CIA, academia, Zionist bankster, Jewish porn and feminist networks. The objective was to sever the natural bonds between man and woman that lead to marriage and children, by making such people seem “up tight” and prudish (old), instead offering the ecstatic possibilities of uninhibited sex as a form of “liberation.”
Contraception and abortion also began to be more heavily promoted, with a Jew, Gregory Pincus, inventing the birth control pill. His wikipedia entry even says “The birth control pill helped pave the way for the women's liberation and concomitant Sexual Revolution movements.” This served to reduce fertility and lower the population, at least among those with access to “the pill,” which were mostly White women, though efforts were made to foist it on blacks and others.
Homosexuality, an obvious depopulation phenomenon, was made more acceptable during the “Counter-Culture revolution” era, especially 1969 with the “Stonewall Riots” in Greenwich Village NYC. “Gay Rights” accelerated thereafter, led by Jews. It has expanding into a positive promotion and celebration up to today.
Worse, the current transsexual method of madness is now being directed at young impressionable children, trying to normalize such an obviously anti-human and essentially evil influence in human affairs. White birth rates have been falling in America for decades. When the current crop of children—beaten in the head with the Transgenda, largely promoted by a single Jewish family the Pritzkers along with their accomplices including Jewish Attorney General Merrick Garland and his daughter, profiteering off the drugs/surgeries and school curriculum materials for this grotesque distortion of normality and reality—become otherwise breeding adults, they will not have any interest in heterosexual generative sex, and will not know how to conduct it if they did.
Another steep plunge in the birth rate, and future population numbers, is being engineered.
Mass Migration
Whites are estimated to be around 10% of the world’s population, far outnumbered by Asians, browns such as East Indians, Arabs and Mestizos, and blacks.
3 months ago I posted the essay “A Case for White Extinction: Population Decline and the 5 Acts of Genocide,” which presents the current White population as 10% of the world total. Currently the White population world-wide is in decline, while Asians for instance continue to breed at an increasing rate, quadrupling throughout the 20th century and continuing into the 21st. They are now 60% of the world population. Asians are generally of an IQ similar to Whites on a bell curve, though lacking White traits of creativity, entrepreneurialism, and innovation. Asians have appropriated most of the main features of White Western civilization and may be capable of maintaining it without Whites.
Blacks are currently 15% of the world population, around 1.4 Billion. That could be going up to 2 Billion by 2050. The Chinese are currently supporting development in Africa, where Whites have wasted untold $trillions but actually inhibited development as much as blacks have. Black IQ is around 80 or below for Africa, with slightly higher ratings among U.S. blacks on a bell curve, who are on average 20% or more White. Blacks have shown themselves to be incapable of maintaining White Western civilizational infrastructure, with examples of South Africa, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and Haiti as essentially failed societies subsequent to White departure, or even areas of U.S. cities such as Chicago, Cleveland, Baltimore, Philadelphia and others.
Arab population only in the “Arab World” is almost half a Billion (465 Million), and that does not include the increasing millions now infecting the West, and more coming. Arab population more than quadrupled since 1960 and continues up on a steep curve.
The World Bank data shows the Arab populations of 22 “Arab World” nations, but Israel is not on the list, despite at least 20% of the population being Arabs, aka “Semites”, depending on how the borders are drawn.
Jews are overwhelmingly over-represented in funding, organizing, promoting, celebrating, legalizing and inflicting non-White mass migration into majority White nations. Advertising imagery in White nations overwhelmingly depicts mixed-race couples in a cult programming strategy to encourage race-mixing or miscegenation especially targeted at White females to contribute to the eradication of the White race.
As we saw in the essay “A Case for White Extinction,” this meets at least 4 of the UN’s 5 Acts of genocide.
According to their own census, Jews are .2% of world population at 15.3 million, up 100,000 in 2022 from their previous census. Less than half live in Israel, with the next highest nation being the United States at—get this—6 million. Jews may be over-represented in homosexuality, as they are in much else, and if the rainbow colors in this picture depict Jewish “pride,” then their numbers are likely to decline in the future.
Jews are highly aware of their unique independent racial and tribal identity, and are not likely to allow that. The homosexual/transsexual agenda is more a weapon Jews inflict on other races, especially Whites, to reduce their populations, as we saw in the second factor for depopulation.
The world Jewish population is at least stable and even increasing, when we consider:
”The numbers include those who define themselves as Jews and who do not identify with another religion. When also including those who are eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return, the global total rises to 25.5 million people…” If Communism, transsexualism, the cult of homosexuality, worship of Mammon and Marxist feminism are considered religions, as they should be, the numbers of Jews under the first definition would decline—but they would still be eligible for Israeli citizenship under the “Law of Return,” making them Jews. Palestinians, who had their lands and homes stolen by Israeli Jews by acts of terrorism, are denied a “Law of Return.”
Jews Genocide (verb)
In a completely hypothetical scenario, in the event Germans gassed 6 million Jews to death (a purely fictitious story) in less than 3 years of attempted genocide, it should take 7.6 years to eradicate today’s 15.3 million Jews world-wide. Logistical factors such as the much more widespread dispersal of Jews around the world, Jewish power to defend itself and even inflict its own genocides on other racial types, the current debased and degraded German population once again under Jewish domination, and prevailing attitudes of induced philosemitism among non-Jews through intimidation, bribery and blackmail make this hypothetical scenario—called irrationally “Holocaust 2.0”—highly unlikely. If it were to be attempted, it would most likely take far more than 7.6 years. Many Jews still believe in the possibility and their obsessive paranoid reaction often takes the form of aggression, land grabs, terrorism, money hoarding, criminality, racial supremacism, demands for increased protection from their host populations, excuses for their own crimes, mass media lies and censorship (ADL).
Jews have been the villains that inflicted some of the largest and most atrocious mass genocides in history, and/or led and organized such horrific slaughters using other racial types as their proxy butchers. Examples include the Holodomor in Ukraine in the mid 1930s, with estimates of 3-10 million dead by imposed famine, led by the Jew Genrikh Yagoda. Mao Zedong in China slaughtered upwards of 100 million in two waves, yet was advised and counselled by Jews. The Armenian Genocide of 1.5 million Christians was carried out by “The Young Turks,” who were led by crypto-Jews and funded by the Jewish Rothschilds. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia and subsequent Red Terror aftermath slaughtered 10s of Millions through torture and direct execution, and death by exhaustion and malnourishment in the Soviet gulag work/death camps. Many of the organizers, executioners and camp commandants were Jews. Over the decades the Soviet Union endured until 1990 with extensive U.S support, an estimated 70 million were killed. Jews predominated at the organizational, financial and applied level of this appalling genocide.
Dishonorable Mention: Vaccine Programs and Medical System
We will not examine this factor in depopulation strategies at length here. It is well developed in the book Covert Covid Culprits and in the essay “The Jewish Origins of the For-Profit Medical Industry.” The scientific study “Death By Medicine” explains the lethal nature of our “public health” system, though omits the Jewish factor.
We might add abortion as a factor in genocide loosely under the medical system category. Jews strongly support abortion for Goyim especially Whites, and gladly perform the murderous surgeries themselves.
We have seen the effects of 3 programs in world affairs on population decline, especially currently White population: climate change, transsexualism and mass migration, with also a focus on actual genocides. A toxic medical system and abortion are other factors. Jews are prominent at the financial, organizational and application level of all of these, though too little evidence has been presented here regarding the Jewish roe in the climate change agenda to reduce population through restricting energy supply.
From an honest examination, signs indicate the #1 element in driving the world’s depopulation programs, aimed particularly at the White race at this time in history, is Jews. Noticing is power. Stay safe and stay alive.
A correction on the Jewish IQ. Jews love to inflate their IQ to give them cover for their success. The IQ of nations shows that Israel's IQ is 93.
Excellent essay, but this sentence would need more elaboration."Over the decades the Soviet Union endured until 1990 with extensive U.S support, an estimated 70 million were killed." Unless you are speaking of the support the Soviets received during WW2.