Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
As stated by the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, in its Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, referring to Article I:
...the crime of genocide may take place in the context of an armed conflict, international or non-international, but also in the context of a peaceful situation. The latter is less common but still possible. The same article establishes the obligation of the contracting parties to prevent and to punish the crime of genocide.
Reference to Article II states:
The popular understanding of what constitutes genocide tends to be broader than the content of the norm under international law. Article II of the Genocide Convention contains a narrow definition of the crime of genocide, which includes two main elements:
A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; and
A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:
Killing members of the group
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
Under these definitions and conditions the U.N. calls “Acts”, we will first examine if we can clearly determine the White race is trending toward extinction on Earth and as an example in the U.S. This will require an extensive analysis and so another essay will be devoted to the 5 Acts of genocide, to see if they may be causative of White extinction trends driven by an “intent to destroy.”
Is the White Race Trending Toward Extinction?
First, we must establish whether the demographic numbers of the White race are in decline, and if so how steeply. This will not prove White genocide—only an evaluation of the 5 Acts combined with “intent to destroy” will show proof—but may allow us to trace back from effect to cause.
White Lives World-Wide
According to White Date, who has conducted a careful tally in “How Many White People Are There in the World?” Whites currently (no date is shown, but post 2017) make up 760 million of the world’s population of 7.5 Billion. Thus Whites are about 10% of world population. White Date is exact in removing Arabs, Mestizos/Hispanics and certain Asians from among White demographics, to arrive at accurate figures for true Whites only. He makes no mention of removing Jews, so presumably the .2% world Jewish population is included among Whites. Why the accompanying photograph by the Jewish Agency for Israel shows only blacks waving Israeli flags is a puzzlement.
Is our current 10% a number of Whites that has been declining over time? V Dare features a 2008 essay by Pat Buchanan titled “Whites Down To 10% Of World Population By 2060— Does It Matter?” It references the National Policy Institute (two links in the essay go not to NPI, but to a sports betting site in German. Online subversion?), which compiled the data in 2008. It states:
Whites were 28% of world population in 1950
Blacks were 9%
Whites will be 9.8% of world population in 2060
Blacks will be 25%
200 million Whites will disappear from its absolute population by 2060
Arab population will increase 10 times by 2060
Buchanan cites other reports at the time, which show:
25% of Eastern European Whites will vanish by 2050
North, West & South Europe populations are near stable only due to non-White immigration
Hispanic population of the U.S. will triple by 2050
Recall that White Date more exactly calculates White numbers already at two-thirds of Buchanan’s count, making Whites already 10% of the world population. Whites have arrived at their 10% world-wide minority status almost 40 years before predicted. Over the course of 70 years from 1950 to around 2020, White percentage of world population declined by almost two-thirds.
Buchanan provides as one reference a U.N. report “World Population Prospects,” a 2017 revision. Though the report addresses all racial and ethnical types, the photograph adorning it displays only blacks.
It states:
“Europe is the only region with a smaller population in 2050 than 2017. Beyond 2050, Africa will be the main contributor to global population growth.” (p. 3)
Fertility in all European countries is now below the level required for replacement of the population in the long run (around 2.1 births per woman on average) and, in most cases, has been below the replacement level for several decades. Fertility for Europe as a whole is projected to increase from 1.6 births per woman in 2010-2015 to nearly 1.8 in 2045-2050. Such an increase, however, will not prevent a likely contraction in the size of the total population. (p. 5)
“In 2010-2015, 46 per cent of the world’s population lived in countries with a fertility level below 2.1
births per woman. Low-fertility countries now include all of Europe and Northern America…” (p.6)
The projected increase in European fertility rates approaching 2050 noted on page 5 must be due almost entirely to the incursion of non-White migrants.
Overall, between 1950 and 2015, the regions of Europe, Northern America and Oceania were net receivers of international migrants, while Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean were net senders, with the volume of net migration generally increasing over time. (p. 9)
Between 2015 and 2050, the top net receivers of international migrants (more than 100,000 annually) are projected to be the United States of America, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Russian Federation (all White nations - AH). The countries projected to be net senders of more than 100,000 migrants annually include India, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, and Indonesia. (p. 10)
Between 2015 and 2050, the excess of deaths over births in Europe is projected to total 57 million, whereas the net inflow of international migrants is expected to be around 32 million, implying an overall reduction of Europe’s population by about 25 million. (p. 16)
The United Nations’ “World Population Prospects” look grim for European and North American Whites. This relied on data only as recent as 2015, and trends have only worsened.
American Renaissance references the same studies and presents most of the same data as Buchanan in its 2008 essay “Global White Population to Plummet to Single Digit — Black Population to Double.”
U.S. White Decline
An analysis of a formerly largely White diaspora nation as an example will help answer our question, “Is the White race trending toward extinction?” Wikipedia’s “White People” entry shows a chart of White population in the U.S. and its relative decline over time. This chart relies on four census studies, one covering 1790 to 1990 titled “United States – Race and Hispanic Origin,” which separates Hispanics and Whites for our purposes. Other U.S. census studies cover 2000, 2010 and 2020.
From a peak of almost 90% in 1940, the White population percentage of the U.S. has declined by almost one-third to a current 61.6% over the course of 80 years. In the 150 years from 1790 to 1940, the White population increased by almost 10%. Yet in the short 10 years between 2010 and 2020, White population plunged a full 15% relative to other U.S. races. This shows that the decline of White population percentages is accelerating.
The 2020 U.S. census webpage displays the headline “Improved Race and Ethnicity Measures Reveal U.S. Population Is Much More Multiracial. ” It includes a more nuanced picture than the U.N. Prospects report, that appears to show 6 Whites (only one a child), 4 blacks among whom 2 appear to be mulatto children, and one East Indian youth holding the dog.
To be clear, the “Improved Race and Ethnicity Measures” in the headline refers to census data collection methods such as a two-part question, not to such measures as hiring quotas, slavery reparations, statue removal, anti-White media messaging, or advertising depictions of mixed-race couples.
The actual title of the census report is “2020 Census Illuminates Racial and Ethnic Composition of the Country.” Illuminating it most certainly is. A brief and general summary states:
Nearly all groups saw population gains this decade and the increase in the Two or More Races population (referred to throughout this story as the Multiracial population) was especially large (up 276%). The White alone population declined by 8.6% since 2010.
The oddity of referring to the 2020 U.S. Census Report as a “story” aside, we see that the only significant racial population that declined over the last 10 years was the “White alone” group. More specifically:
The White population remained the largest race or ethnicity group in the United States, with 204.3 million people identifying as White alone. Overall, 235.4 million people reported White alone or in combination with another group. However, the White alone population decreased by 8.6% since 2010.
By far the largest demographic gain since 2010 was the “Multiracial population,” which almost quadrupled.
The Multiracial population has changed considerably since 2010. It was measured at 9 million people in 2010 and is now 33.8 million people in 2020, a 276% increase.
Under “White Population” section, we see:
Although the White alone population decreased by 8.6% since 2010, the White in combination population saw a 316% increase during the same period.
Under “Black or African American Population”:
While the Black or African American alone population grew 5.6% since 2010, the Black or African American in combination population grew 88.7%.
“In combination” means self-identified as cross-bred with another race group. Both the White in combination group and black in combination group increases indicate that much more race mixing or miscegenation is occurring in the U.S. than previously. It also means that due to cultural, political, economic and racial reasons, people are identifying as mixed-race more than they used to. One wonders how the anti-White programming in the U.S. today is influencing especially younger people to consider themselves mixed-race rather than White alone. This would not account for blacks declaring themselves mixed-race however, if they were mixed with Whites (most American blacks average 25% White). The black in combination group increased only at 28% of the White in combination group, however. It must be noted that the decline in White only population percentage (-8.6%) plus the increase in black only percentage (+5.6%) totals a difference of over 14% in only 10 years.
Remember that:
It is important to note that these data comparisons between the 2020 Census and 2010 Census race data should be made with caution, taking into account the improvements we have made to the Hispanic origin and race questions and the ways we code what people tell us.
Presumably this means the following 2020 census data on “Hispanic or Latino Population” is more accurate:
Between 2010 and 2020, the Hispanic or Latino population grew by 23%.
Slightly more than half (51.1%) of the total U.S. population growth between 2010 and 2020 came from growth in the Hispanic or Latino population.
The only other significant racial group in the U.S. that saw increases was Asian.
The Asian alone population grew by 35.5% between 2010 and 2020. In comparison, the Asian in combination population grew by 55.5%.
When looking at these Multiracial trends in the U.S., the Kalergi prediction (apparently not a Plan) of race-mixing stated: “The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, outwardly similar to the ancient Egyptian, will replace the diversity of peoples with a variety of personalities.” It appears to be in full effect in the U.S.
Projections and Predictions
Now we may project these trends out into the future to see at what point the White race shall become extinct in the world and in the U.S. These projections presume none of the factors affecting White decline will change, though current conditions suggest they will get worse for Whites until they may get better. We take our starting point in time as 2020.
Combining the White Date figures with the Buchanan figures, we see that Whites declined worldwide from 28% in 1950 to about 10% today. That is a drop of 18% in about 70 years. We may project our calculation from here. If we attribute an 18% drop in the remaining 10% every 70 years, the White race will go extinct on Earth in 385 years. The year will be 2408. We must remember that these are percentages relative to other races, not absolute numbers—with one exception: zero.
In the U.S., if the White alone population declined by 8.6% in the last 10 years, then it would take 116 years to decrease that original 2010 population down to zero, at a rate of 8.6% decrease every 10 years. According to this projection, by 2139 White alone population percentage numbers in the U.S. would be zero.
These projections are necessarily complicated and rendered inaccurate by various factors, most obviously because we are looking at percentage of Whites compared to other racial groups including mixed-Whites, not absolute numbers. Even if White absolute numbers remain stable but White percentage compared to other races declines, that could establish conditions for further decline in White absolute numbers given racial competition and conflict (S. Africa may be an example).
Now we will examine the decline in absolute numbers according to Buchanan and project a White extinction date. We will take his starting point of 2008, but counting from 2020 when we know the White population of the world is about 760 million (according to White Date). Next, considering Buchanan’s prediction that 200 million Whites will be removed from the population by 2060 (in 52 years from 2008), how many years until White population is zero? Losing 200 million every 52 years reduces a White population of 760 million to zero in almost 200 years (760 million / 200 million = 3.8. 3.8 x 52 = 197.6 years) The White extinction year would be 2220.
Both these projections of averages and absolutes assume the factors affecting White decline will not change, when in fact a decline in breeding population creates its own changes, from acceleration of decline due to fewer choices of breeding partners, to the emergence of race consciousness and race memory of extinction motivating a decrease and even reversal of decline rate. Many other factors could intervene as well, both positive and negative. These changes can be unconscious-instinctual or conscious or both.
A Solution is in the Details
One intriguing analysis states that the original progenitor population for the entire White race today was made up of under a few thousand White people. Arthur Kemp, author of the canonical March of the Titans and the new Race and Racial Differences, writes in the Afterword to Patrick Chouinard’s book Rise of the Aryans: “...the White race is indeed a family, and that the European founding population was tiny—a few thousand, or maybe even a few hundred strong.” (p. 292) The implication of this leads to the possibility that a rather small intact separate breeding population of Whites in our future could repopulate the entire White race world-wide from its base alone. (ppg. 291-7) Obviously this re-founding stock should be of the best genetic quality and thoroughly protect itself from miscegenation.
Conclusion: White Decline World-Wide Not a Genocide-Yet
We now have some basis from examining these trends to project the ongoing decline of the White race into the future, to the vanishing point. Different kinds of analysis lead to different timelines, but the data allows us to consider possible end points within view.
Here we have established that indeed the White race percentage is in notable decline, while in the U.S. and world-wide, other racial groups are increasing relative to Whites. We also see that in absolute numbers the White race may lose 200 million members every 52 years, approaching zero in 200 years barring changes in the trend. Another essay will be needed to examine the five acts of genocide to determine to what extent White decline is caused by “intent to destroy,” and by whom.
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I am looking for some Information... maybe you can help.
I came across some Information and I am looking for more Information.
It is about a Book "The Forever War" written by Joe Haldeman.
It was used by as an Adoption for "Space above and beyond".
Now Elon Musk Mother Mea was born Haldeman.
If there is a connection I like to know it.
Joshua Haldeman was the leader of the Technocratic Movement.
Joe Haldeman wrote "The Forever War" in which Earth is involved into cloning and after an AI war.
Joshua Haldeman and his Technocratic Movement seemed to anticipate or elaborate if not plan exactly this.
I like to find proof of connection between both Haldemans.
Because the Novel and the Technocratic Movement seem to have many thing in common.
Please if anyone can give me Information about the connection I be grateful.
Because somehow I can feel there is a connection.
Haldeman isn't your of the shelf name.
Thank you
GENOCIDAL BRITISH GEOPOLITICS explains this phenomenon. Without British conquest of Europe, empowering Jews over Gentiles, none of this would be happening. You need to distinguish what is the responsibility of the English and English-Americans from what is the responsibility of Jews.
E. Michael Jones in Slaughter of the Cities shows that the English protestant WASP class wanted to destroy Catholic communities in US cities (just as they were preparing to firebomb German cities, taking a break only to starve German women and children). Urban decay in America, like Detroit, is not just a black problem, but a WASP problem. WASP-German haters pushed blacks up from the South to work their bomb factories in the North. The reality of British RACIST-DEGENERACY, where they will destroy their own society for world domination, is a reality. Jews are along for the ride.
The English think of themselves as the real Jews. English Mormons (the "real" jews) call non-Mormons "Gentiles." The two-faced English have one cult after another describing the elect and the damned. Just as the English weaponize Jews against non-Jews through mass murder communism and Zionism, the English ruling class of America weaponized blacks against Catholics. (This illustrates the primacy of ethnos over race.) You can be sure they are using migrants against everyone today. This is a degeneracy of the English that is independent of the dangers of Jews or blacks. If the English in American and England weren't Jew-lovers, Christ-killers, Jews and blacks wouldn't have power and influence. Blacks can't build airplanes to firebomb Germans. They can work English factories to build bombs to burn Europeans alive. Thomas Sowell talks about how the low-life black "culture" came from England first, while Oxford wants to rule the world. You have this combination of a quest for racist world domination over everyone (Europe included), with this absolute bottomless pit of degeneracy CHAV-culture, modern art, sexual hedonism (Rockefeller-Clintonism).
It all goes back to British power calculus, over any moral calculus (Catholicism), or biological calculus (National Socialism). A species difference has survival value. Besides linguistic differences being species differences, the British hatred of teleology (which yields accountability and community building) for their own empiricism (piracy and parasitism) is a divide that the "thin reed of race" (Sam Francis) cannot overcome.
The PRIMACY OF ETHNOS (volk) over race is what will allow Germans to survive.
Given the world wars, it is evident that most of Europe could care less, if Germany were wiped off the map. Once Germans go, they all go. Germans are a linchpin to everyone's existence on earth. They are the essential people, if not the canary in the coal mine. That's what history teaches. It's imbedded in the order of peoples (volk-dharma) to coin a word. Everything is a means to an end. The end among the peoples of the world must be an aspirational ethnos, not a degenerate ethnos, otherwise the world ends in degeneracy and extinction. Teleology gives organization to the peoples of the world for better or worse.
People are born and raised in their ethno-language. There is no white language, unless we agree with Benjamin Franklin that "English are the whites." Yet, that would be an ethnic language, like Arabic that dominates others. In any case, there are no racial languages in Asia or Africa. We experience life only through ethnos. We have the language of a particular ethnos, descend from a particular ethnos, eat and celebrate in terms of an ethnos, and strive for the aspirations of an ethnos that may or may not be good for a racial collective (such as Polish imperialism posturing as nationalism).
Language is the fabric of our thought. Inner thought is closer to us than our families. Our thought is ethnic in origin and form, not racial in origin or form.
Give the differences between English and Germans, the English are endlessly in a quest for freedom, to express themselves, to be who they are, which ends in, civil war, class warfare, principled degeneracy, and atomized extinction, whereas, German duty-culture will preserve Germans in the long run.
Once the British lose their death grip over Europe, things will improve. Even after Brexit, Europe has improved in various ways. Ethno-populist parties have been winning again, while the war in Ukraine has prompted a throwing off of British pacifist bullshit in Germany. That's a cultural change. The war on ICE engines is running out of steam. Immigration controls are also coming back. Olaf Scholz admitted that the old way was "dysfunctional." The tide is turning to volk-serving politics again. It can't be lost on Europeans that the US committed an act of war on Nordstream (Germany). US influence will never be the same. The US will always be held in suspicion from now on. The UK is still begging the US for a trade deal. The UK is the odd-man out for a change. The US wants to build chips plants in the desert for $50 billion. Chips are water-intensive. Something is fishy here. Europe will have chips plants. The US won't. Who would want to buy a booby-trapped Biden chip anyways?
The outlook is getting brighter for Europe, despite, current challenges.