I am looking for some Information... maybe you can help.

I came across some Information and I am looking for more Information.

It is about a Book "The Forever War" written by Joe Haldeman.

It was used by as an Adoption for "Space above and beyond".

Now Elon Musk Mother Mea was born Haldeman.

If there is a connection I like to know it.

Joshua Haldeman was the leader of the Technocratic Movement.

Joe Haldeman wrote "The Forever War" in which Earth is involved into cloning and after an AI war.

Joshua Haldeman and his Technocratic Movement seemed to anticipate or elaborate if not plan exactly this.

I like to find proof of connection between both Haldemans.

Because the Novel and the Technocratic Movement seem to have many thing in common.

Please if anyone can give me Information about the connection I be grateful.

Because somehow I can feel there is a connection.

Haldeman isn't your of the shelf name.

Thank you

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An interesting path of inquiry.

As a child and younger man, I was fascinated by science fiction and read it constantly. I had seen The Forever War by Haldeman but never read that one. Not sure why not, perhaps because I was less interested in the hard science fiction than the more sociological sci-fi.

I have not heard of the Technocratic Movement, but other similar groups such as Eugenics and others (can't recall that one in Canada that spread) have emerged.

Sometimes a search of Wikipedia gives family connections.

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Maybe you find my article I wrote about this one interesting...


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You could contact Joe and ask him. Please do and let us know what you find.


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I know his email...

BUT... I don't think he will reply...

Nevermind the Article is written.

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I checked Wikipedia and it gave No family information at all.

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Wikipedia is not a source of Information.

Anyway i wrote the Article.

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You wrote the wikipedia entry?

for some info wikipedia is fine. The references wikipedia entries provide are often good sources themselves, and lead to others.

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Wikipedia is controlled by Trolls.

Mainstream Information is ok but if you look for deeper knowledge it is really shit.

Jimmy Wales is basically a Jewish Deception Artist... framing most people and excluding the most important Information.

The Truth lies always within the lies... one must be able to see.

Have you read my article?

I am outside the mainstream for some reason...

The Hyperloop is based on my invention, try to change that on WP...

The whole world is conned.


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GENOCIDAL BRITISH GEOPOLITICS explains this phenomenon. Without British conquest of Europe, empowering Jews over Gentiles, none of this would be happening. You need to distinguish what is the responsibility of the English and English-Americans from what is the responsibility of Jews.

E. Michael Jones in Slaughter of the Cities shows that the English protestant WASP class wanted to destroy Catholic communities in US cities (just as they were preparing to firebomb German cities, taking a break only to starve German women and children). Urban decay in America, like Detroit, is not just a black problem, but a WASP problem. WASP-German haters pushed blacks up from the South to work their bomb factories in the North. The reality of British RACIST-DEGENERACY, where they will destroy their own society for world domination, is a reality. Jews are along for the ride.

The English think of themselves as the real Jews. English Mormons (the "real" jews) call non-Mormons "Gentiles." The two-faced English have one cult after another describing the elect and the damned. Just as the English weaponize Jews against non-Jews through mass murder communism and Zionism, the English ruling class of America weaponized blacks against Catholics. (This illustrates the primacy of ethnos over race.) You can be sure they are using migrants against everyone today. This is a degeneracy of the English that is independent of the dangers of Jews or blacks. If the English in American and England weren't Jew-lovers, Christ-killers, Jews and blacks wouldn't have power and influence. Blacks can't build airplanes to firebomb Germans. They can work English factories to build bombs to burn Europeans alive. Thomas Sowell talks about how the low-life black "culture" came from England first, while Oxford wants to rule the world. You have this combination of a quest for racist world domination over everyone (Europe included), with this absolute bottomless pit of degeneracy CHAV-culture, modern art, sexual hedonism (Rockefeller-Clintonism).

It all goes back to British power calculus, over any moral calculus (Catholicism), or biological calculus (National Socialism). A species difference has survival value. Besides linguistic differences being species differences, the British hatred of teleology (which yields accountability and community building) for their own empiricism (piracy and parasitism) is a divide that the "thin reed of race" (Sam Francis) cannot overcome.

The PRIMACY OF ETHNOS (volk) over race is what will allow Germans to survive.

Given the world wars, it is evident that most of Europe could care less, if Germany were wiped off the map. Once Germans go, they all go. Germans are a linchpin to everyone's existence on earth. They are the essential people, if not the canary in the coal mine. That's what history teaches. It's imbedded in the order of peoples (volk-dharma) to coin a word. Everything is a means to an end. The end among the peoples of the world must be an aspirational ethnos, not a degenerate ethnos, otherwise the world ends in degeneracy and extinction. Teleology gives organization to the peoples of the world for better or worse.

People are born and raised in their ethno-language. There is no white language, unless we agree with Benjamin Franklin that "English are the whites." Yet, that would be an ethnic language, like Arabic that dominates others. In any case, there are no racial languages in Asia or Africa. We experience life only through ethnos. We have the language of a particular ethnos, descend from a particular ethnos, eat and celebrate in terms of an ethnos, and strive for the aspirations of an ethnos that may or may not be good for a racial collective (such as Polish imperialism posturing as nationalism).

Language is the fabric of our thought. Inner thought is closer to us than our families. Our thought is ethnic in origin and form, not racial in origin or form.

Give the differences between English and Germans, the English are endlessly in a quest for freedom, to express themselves, to be who they are, which ends in, civil war, class warfare, principled degeneracy, and atomized extinction, whereas, German duty-culture will preserve Germans in the long run.

Once the British lose their death grip over Europe, things will improve. Even after Brexit, Europe has improved in various ways. Ethno-populist parties have been winning again, while the war in Ukraine has prompted a throwing off of British pacifist bullshit in Germany. That's a cultural change. The war on ICE engines is running out of steam. Immigration controls are also coming back. Olaf Scholz admitted that the old way was "dysfunctional." The tide is turning to volk-serving politics again. It can't be lost on Europeans that the US committed an act of war on Nordstream (Germany). US influence will never be the same. The US will always be held in suspicion from now on. The UK is still begging the US for a trade deal. The UK is the odd-man out for a change. The US wants to build chips plants in the desert for $50 billion. Chips are water-intensive. Something is fishy here. Europe will have chips plants. The US won't. Who would want to buy a booby-trapped Biden chip anyways?

The outlook is getting brighter for Europe, despite, current challenges.

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Thank you for sharing your views. This will require a more thorough response later when I can give it full attention.

For now: Very few British WASPs were behind the events of 911. Or mass media manipulation. Or covid lockdowns, vax mandates, mask madness...

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I've never encountered such a pile of twisted shit in all my admittedly limited Substack readings. Ignoring the educated incoherence of your argumentation, I take this to be your core message: don't blame the Jews; it's the Brits. The Jews are just along for the ride. The English weaponize Jews against Gentiles. Once the British lose their death grip over Europe, things will improve.

Dude, anybody w/ sense knows you've got the power dynamics reversed. I'm wondering why a pro-Catholic, pro-German is pandering to Jewish Power. E Michael Jones certainly isn't!

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The role of Anglo-British aspects in the power program are worth considering, though they no longer dominate, but have been shifted to a lesser support status.

"It would be a gross and misleading oversimplification to suggest that the power nexus now promoting a plan for the centralization of all political power in a new world order is exclusively Jewish. ...the plan for world government in its present form first took shape n the 20th century as an "Anglo-American" exercise, promoted from one side of the Atlantic by Cecil John Rhodes and his associates, including Lord Milner, and on the other side by the super-rich White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) pioneering families headed by the banker J.P. Morgan; when this essentially non-Jewish financial elite lost its position at the apex of international finance-capitalism (as recorded by Professor Quigley), it was not wiped out but only drawn into orbit in a constellation of financial power it could no longer control, to be held in position thereafter by strong motives of shared worldly interest."

-Ivor Benson, The Zionist Factor, 1986

Benson's reference to Quigley of course is to Tragedy & Hope, Quigley's "History of the world in our time," 1966. Benson fails to mention that Rhodes himself was beholden to the Jewish Rothschilds, principally for control of the diamond and gold mines in the Transvaal and Orange Free State of S. Africa. It was Rothschild money that allowed Rhodes to oversee the building of a rail line out of the region, and conduct the war against the Boers, Dutch farmers who peaceably occupied the region until the diamonds and gold were discovered.

Benson maintains that the Jewish money power fully began to displace and render secondary the Anglo-American money power headed by J.P. Morgan in the early 1930s. Even the placement primarily by Jews of Wilson as President and the passage of the graduated income tax was designed to displace Anglo-American power and give rise to Jewish power. Jews also began to take over Wall Street at this time, having already subsumed the City of London into their hands years before.

Today the take-over is complete. Jews dominate, Anglo-American WASP power is simply holding on for the long slide.

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Thanks for this article. It validates what we instinctively know. We are in big trouble and we also face the evil behind the Great Reset and their intention to control us with technology. I don't even know where to begin to do anything about our situation and there is zero among the political elites who even talk about this.

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