It has come to my attention that it is now time to address something that many still believe is the ultimate Taboo Truth: the holocaust (I choose not to capitalize it except in a title because in that way I convey its diminished importance). My encounter with holocaust revision began around late 2016 when my mentor and guide provided me with a copy of the 28 page booklet “Did 6 Million Really Die?” by a man who may have been a British PhD history candidate Richard Harwood (I found out later his real last name was Verrall).
I read it in about 2 hours, and that swiftly the entire edifice of the holocaust tale which had been constructed in my mind over the course of 50 years by movies, comic books, newspaper articles, public statements by elected and appointed officials, public school curriculum—we watched a “visual aid” film about the holocaust in 6th grade—TV documentaries and broadly accepted community and national opinion was a heap of rubble on the ground floor of my imagination. Immediately I was certain the holocaust story was a complete hoax, a smudge of particularly absurd war propaganda, and a nonsensical anti-German atrocity story.
Over the course of about 2 weeks, I struggled to integration my enormous revelation. As can be common among the newly awakened, I was eager to tell others, and on the phone one day with my girlfriend at that time, I conveyed my certainty. She was aghast. Stunned. How could I even think such a thing? I tried to explain to her how I could think it, because I had a booklet that explained in exacting detail many key facets of the hoax. Would she be willing to let me show it to her? No! One of her good friends was Jewish. That was the end of the call and of the relationship (not the only reason to be fair, but the best excuse) .
Another part of my integration process was the insight that I could not entirely trust my own judgement, my own assessment of reality and fantasy. Suddenly the holocaust story appeared so fantastical, so ridiculous, so utterly preposterous that I was stunned that I had ever believed a word of it. I did not beat myself up about my gullibility, and had to admire the strategies of the holocaust promoters in deceiving me, even while seeing that their story was patently absurd. Cattle cars? Gas chambers? The sadistic Dr. Mengele? Anne Frank hiding in a glass house? Lampshades, soap?! LOL! It became a story of dark humor, of derision, ridicule.
I had of course penetrated a few other major myths by that point—original family denial/delusion, vaccines, and the beginnings of the Jewish Issue, having read and integrated the knowledge in the book The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed (the first book my mentor offered me). So I was somewhat ready to consider other myths, but the holocaust was so big, so ubiquitous, so omnipresent that the implications were disorienting for a time.
Part of the disorientation that was less troubling for me than many others, it seems, was a sense of disconnection from the rest of society. Here I was walking around and talking to people who overwhelmingly probably believed the central mythology of our world and age, and I no longer believed. In fact, I knew it was a sordid pornographic hoax. And most of the time, I thought I probably shouldn’t say anything. It was surreal for a while.
Over time I discovered a like-minded family of affiliation, IRL and online, where holocaust revision was casually accepted as self-evident.
Did Six Million Really Die? was more than enough to banish the fantasy fiction, but my mentor had an almost complete set of the Holocaust Handbook Series by Castle Hill Publishing, by Germar Rudolf. I learned Rudolf had been a 6’4” German PhD chemistry student studying theoretical hydrogen crystallography at the prestigious Max Plank Institute in Germany when he heard of the Leuchter Report (explained shortly) and turned to his own study of the holocaust fable. He was of course expelled and never completed his studies. He did go on to produce the Holocaust Handbook Series, give lectures at revisionist conferences, and other truth activism.
The Holocaust Handbook Series consists of about 45 complete volumes exploring every aspect of the holocaust story in minute detail. It ranges from a 100 page booklet #3, Final Solution, Germany’s Madagascar Resettlement Plan to an over 700 page book #28 The ‘Extermination Camps’ of ‘Aktion Reinhardt’, Part 1. I read most of #22 The Real Case for Auschwitz, a 700 page refutation of the evidence presented by Debra Lipstadt in her defamation trial against the great British WWII historian David Irving.
This needs more focus. Here is a good summary though perhaps too detailed for some. Skim and sample. IHR has an account of the media coverage of the trial with headlines. Some are comical. Here is an archive of many articles about the trial you can sample. It was an epic legal case regarding the holocaust (not the only one as we will see).
To return to my survey of the Holocaust Handbook Series, I read German librarian and historian Ingred Weckert’s booklet Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich. I studied 3 full books by Rudolf himself: Lectures on the Holocaust, Dissecting the Holocaust, and Resistance is Obligatory.
Many more books were available for study to pry apart every minutest detail of the official story, but I felt I had more than enough to substantiate my understand and convey it to others if the possibility ever arose. The last full book I studied in this period of my research was #31 Breaking the Spell by Nicholas Kollerstrom. Published in 2014, it incorporated all the relatively new archival records released by the literal ton and trainload regarding WWII and all related matters after the collapse of the Soviet Union and public access to its records. Breaking the Spell I consider a definitive work and an excellent summary of all relevant revisionist knowledge on the holocaust hoax (now known by some as the holohoax).
#7 The Hoax of the 20th Century by Arthur Butz was considered the classic work on the holohoax, but it was published first in 1976 and did not have access to the Soviet archives so destructive of the official holocaust story. For this reason I have not fully read it, but it is celebrated as presenting the best revisionist material prior to 1991.
Another work outside the HH Series that was of immense influence on me was The Great Holocaust Trial by Michael Hoffman (review here), an account of the 1985 trial of German-Canadian Ernst Zundel for “knowingly distributing false information,” filed obviously by a Jewish woman backed by the full power of International Jewry.
Another was The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz, with introduction by David Irving, who calls the Auschwitz gas chambers a modern “shroud of Turin” (a fake cloth said to be from the robe worn by Jesus at the crucifixion, to attract tourists). Leuchter, an expert on the equipment used for capital punishment in the U.S. including individual gas chambers, went to Auschwitz and collected samples of masonry from the inside of the alleged gas chamber, and had them examined for residues of hydrogen cyanide (ferrous cyanide at that point of contact with masonry) at several unrelated labs as anonymous samples.
The results were devastating. Only minute background levels were detected, from exposure to distant delousing chambers fumigating clothing and bedding in order to suppress lice spreading the disease of typhus among the Germans’ prison work force. Leuchter concluded that the facility said to be a genocidal gas chamber could not have been exposed even once to enough gas to kill anyone. He further explained that for various reasons the building could not have been engineered and designed as a gas chamber, because it did not have sparkless lighting (hydrogen cyanide gas is highly explosive and a single spark from a light switch would destroy the entire building and much of its surroundings), any means of exhausting the gas from the chamber to allow the guards access to remove bodies, and did not have a sealable door but instead a wooden door with a glass window that opened outward, and other architectural and engineering details. Leuchter presented his evidence at the Zundel Trial in 1985.
That trial was declared a mistrial and resumed in 1988. A good account is given here. Eventually Zundel spent 2 years in almost solitary confinement in Canada before being transferred to Germany for more years in prison. He was eventually released and went to live in the remote Black Forest, far from the raving madness of holocaust obsession. He died in 2017.
Zundel founded Samisdat (name for subversive literature secretly distributed in Stasi E Germany) which had a number of interesting videos of the trial, strategy sessions and recorded statements. I can no longer find Samisdat online, and the primary source videos of Zundel and his team—attorney Doug Christie, expert Robert Faurisson and others—I can no longer find. Their postings on other sides read “This video removed for violating community guidelines” or similar.
Here let me present just a few scientific facts about hydrogen cyanide gas I have learned in my holocaust revision studies:
hydrogen cyanide gas is lighter than air. It is like helium. It cannot possibly be made to drop down out of shower heads, or fill a room from top to bottom efficiently.
hydrogen cyanide gas is corrosive to metal. Iron, steel or copper plumbing pipes would be destroyed upon the first contact.
hydrogen cyanide gas kills by occupying the receptor sites in tissues and organs for oxygen. A victim dies when the heart and brain are starved of oxygen. This has the effect of leaving oxygen in blood that would normally turn blue after discharging its oxygen, keeping it red. This bright color of the blood shows through the skin of a body killed by gas inhalation, making it bright red. Have you ever heard an “eyewitness” state they saw the striking bright red color of bodies killed by gas? Never.
Hydrogen cyanide gas is incredibly explosive and highly toxic to handle. The Germans started using Zyklon A, in liquid form, but changed to Zyklon B, in crystal form, because it was safer to handle. They placed cards of gypsum or cardboard covered with crystals in special machines that blew warm air over the crystals, discharging the crystals into gas that blew into special chambers where clothing and bedding was hung, exposing the lice maggots in the fabric to the fumigant gas, killing the lice and preventing the spread of the disease typhus which the lice carried. The process took hours to complete, including the careful exhaust of the gas before the chamber could be entered and the fabrics set out in the open yard for further clearing of the gas. This is the only crystal of truth about the use of gas at the core of the holocaust story: The Germans used gas to Save Jewish lives, not take them.
I was eventually directed to, the best active resource and archive of holocaust revision material on the internet. It stands for Committee for Open Debate On the Holocaust, and it contains all anyone needs to explore and debunk the holohoax.
My mentor was a strong promoter and distributor of the video documentary “The Last Days of the Big Lie,” a debunking of Steven Spielberg’s (Jewish) holocaust promoting documentary “The Last Days.”
Eventually, perhaps within a year, the wonder and surreality of destroying the holohoax wore off, and I turned my focus to other Taboo Truths, such as reading the works of former State Senator Dr. David Duke, for instance. Still, at times I dove back into the holocaust revision material in order to extend my understanding and gain command of more convincing and persuasive evidence should I have the opportunity to present it. My mentor and I considered organizing a public event where we would present our revisionist knowledge, in a town stocked with Jews and 3 synagogues no less, but while we conducted other public events on The Jewish Issue, Hitler & National Socialism, debunking Anne Frank, the Zionist role in 911 and more, we never set up our holohoax public presentation.
A local independent theater was putting on a run of an Anne Frank play, and the local media hyped it up, proudly declaring the producers of the play had enhanced and improved the script for this new edition. My mentor/colleague and I set up outside and presented a brochure debunking the diary, based on an essay by Brian Harring, “The Anne Frank Diary Fraud.” The producers of the play reacted with subdued hysteria, called mall security (it turns out we were on private land), and after a tense but cordial exchange with the security guard, who called the police, we strolled off and left before law enforcement could arrive to confront a couple well-dressed educated historians. This occurred at 7:30 pm on a Friday night. The next morning, the story was the front page headline of Saturday’s news. No names were known or given.
Much more recently, I edited and added two chapters to a new book on the fraud of the Anne Frank Diary, Unmasking Anne Frank. It has the best factual and logical analysis of the diary fraud even than Harring and other previous diary revisionists, with the possible exception of Robert Faurisson’s “Is the Diary of Anne Frank Genuine?”
One time a “holocaust survivor” claiming to be a step daughter of Otto Frank himself, Eva Schloss, came to a nearby University campus to bedazzle the local audience with tales of the holohoax. The local media made a big deal of this “celebrity” and the event organizers issued discount tickets to high school students, who attended in droves. My mentor and I planned to attend and set up a table outside with holocaust revision materials, but the event was cancelled due to snow and rescheduled for another venue, a local armory. I eventually went late and stood around the lobby, disgusted with all the pomp and excitement over such a fraud, but was not as active with brochures and books as I might have been. Even the few conversations I had with students left them seeming wary and confused about me more than about the subject.
Another time we went to a public reading and book presentation at the local library, by the son of a “holocaust survivor” hawking his mother’s supposed “memoires” of her time at Auschwitz. This is a form of holocaust genre all its own. The room was filled with earnest gullible older white folks and some Jews. At question and answer time, I challenged some of the claims made, such as the idea that the Germans electrified so much current into the barbed wire surrounding the “camp” that one touch would kill a Jew. The cover of the book displayed a hand reaching toward a string of barbed wire. I needn’t tell you all that it is impossible to electrify barbed wire, and a special smooth wire is needed to act as an electrified fence. Nor that the amount of current needed to kill a person who touched it would be so immense the Germans could not possibly have produced it. Nor that a much lower current is needed to deter bears from climbing into orchards and gardens, and would certainly suffice for Jews just the same.
Soon enough I drifted out of my fascination with holocaust revision, integrating it into my conceptual framework while engaging other taboo topics. I never forgot the extraordinary transformation I went through in about a month’s time when I first started with Did 6 Million Really Die? I offer my mentorship through whatever challenges you among the Taboo Truth community may encounter if this is your first exposure to holocaust revision.
Around this time I found another key source of holocaust revision in my journey of awakening. Since it came very late, after I had fully broken from the spell, I did not consider it as part of my earlier awakening process. But it is still highly persuasive on its own, and I have made print copies and hand them out when possible. One persuasive aspect of this source is that the author is Jewish, though not the most persuasive aspect. That is found in the review of revisionist history the author covers. I have covered most of that myself, and more, but this essay does a great service of summarizing revisionist material to the point of a clear conclusion.
I know others of us have already traversed the transformation, and so can appreciate a piece of dark humor. In fact, since my awakening on this issue, many memes and cartoons and even whole videos have become so funny to me, I think I have never laughed so hard in my life. That’s what happens when we bust the holohoax myth: It becomes hilarious! (warning: the consequences for ridiculing the holohoax openly among some people and communities can still be serious)
Pol Pot and the Hollywood Producer
To everyone reading and commenting and liking and sharing here:
I really should have remembered to include another key source of holocaust revision I have found in my journey of awakening. Since it came very late, after I had fully broken from the spell, I did not consider it as part of my earlier awakening process. But it is still highly persuasive on its own, and I have made print copies and hand them out when possible. One persuasive aspect of this source is that the author is Jewish, though not the most persuasive aspect. That is found in the review of revisionist history the author covers. I have covered most of that myself, and more, but this essay does a great service of summarizing revisionist material to the point of a clear conclusion.
Holocaust Denial by Ron Unz
Thankyou for some excellent reading material there. Stalin executed around 5.5 million Russian POW's returned from German camps as 'traitors' for not having fought to the death, perhaps Stalin's sudden need to accuse the Germans of killing 6 million Jews was an attempt to deflect attention away from himself and his own actions? Stalin did just the same with the Katyn Forest Massacre and the purported massacre of 100,000 Jews at Babi Yar, where in reality, Bolsheviks had slaughtered scores of thousands of Christians 20 years earlier, but the WWII Russians had the deaths faked as being recent during the recent German occupation of the land, a typical Jewish ploy.
The Russians even had 40,000 dishonest sworn affidavits collected from Russian soldiers testifying to what they 'knew' the Germans had done. But thousands of Allied air reconnaissance photos proved that the Germans never buried any bodies there at the time they were there, the bodies were in an advanced state of decomposition from 20 years earlier, and the Russians refused to allow any Western forensic investigators to analyze the bodies. Such is 'Russian' Jewish 'evidence' under Jewish criminal terrorist dictatorship.