Last week Taboo Truth crossed the 500 subscriber threshold. We had 120 new folks join us in 30 days, plus a number of those are now in our support cadre with donations. I think most of our new folk were inspired by the interviews I did with Red Ice on the book Covert Covid Culprits and Tim Kelly on “Jewish Banking Dynasties Founded the Fed.” I got great feedback on both those interviews and am glad everyone could listen and consider the knowledge presented.
Taboo Truth now has 167 essays in the archive and counting. To celebrate over 500 folk, I will select 5 of my favorites, summarize them, and invite commentary. I will omit from consideration those essays that are chapters in the book, and chose my favorites from the rest, which is still over 150. This will be difficult but rewarding.
In a second post, I will select 5 of your favorites based on number of likes and comments, summarize them, and invite commentary. We will see what common themes emerge.
Karl’s Picks
#1 - Hitler Imprisoned Rothschilds - June 27 2022
Also published as the cover story in the September/October 2021 Anniversary double-issue of The Barnes Review.
I was astonished at the knowledge I found when researching this. The interpersonal war between Hitler as German Chancellor (and before) and the Jewish Rothschild family of corrupt bankers was a microcosm of the entirety of WWII. Yet the story was almost completely absent from every conventional and even most unconventional historical accounts.
From the earliest days of his public speaking, Hitler had included Jewish bankers as among the enemies of the German people and especially ideological enemies of National Socialism, which advocated “freedom from the financial slavery to interest.” The economic devastation Germany suffered in the Weimar period had many factors, and Jewish bankers such as the Rothschilds was one of them.
So immediately after the hugely popular Anschluss reunification of Germany and Austria in March 1938, Louis Rothschild operating the family bank in Vienna was imprisoned for 1 year and whatever assets of the bank Louis had not been able to hide were confiscated by Hitler. The war between Hitler and the Rothschilds was on.
Robert Rothschild sons Alaine and Elie were kept as prisoners of war in special prisons for British officers throughout most of the war. Victor Rothschild’s aunt Aranka died at Buchenwald prison of typhus.
The story of the 5th Rothschild imprisoned by Hitler I found amazing but true. George Mandel, real name probably Jeroboam Rothschild, served in the French parliament and was Minister of the Interior during the German campaign into France in 1940. Mandel/Rothschild advocated for war with Germany long before this, serving his Jewish banker family. I invite all to re-read the complex prison trajectory of Mandel/Rothschild from the Vichy administration to the National Socialist German custody, and then the strange “capture” of Mandel/Rothschild during a prison transfer by the Milice, a French nationalist citizen militia. The Milice took this Rothschild to a forest and executed him in reprisal for the killing of the Vichy French Minister of Information Henriot by the bitter enemy of the Milice, the Maquis, communist/socialist/anarchist resistance subversives against the German and Vichy French cause.
This is my very favorite essay on Taboo Truth for the utter wonder of this under-reported interpersonal war between Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany and the enormously powerful and corrupt Jewish Rothschild banking family. It stands as a microcosm of the entire macroscopic catastrophe we call World War II. Indeed it is a true life metaphor for the entire Semite-Aryan conflict throughout all of history.
#2 - Centinal Promise #2: U.S. Neo-Commit Agit-Prop
February 26 2023, Update: August 28 2024
Back in late February, we reached our first 100 folk at Taboo Truth. I celebrated with a new post every day for 7 days. #2 was an original version of an essay posted at The Occidental Observer which was well received there, with some comments saying it was among the best they had read, and Anne Coulter saying it “should be in the TOO hall of fame.” Yet it was far from popular, with relatively few comments over all.
To me, this is my 2nd favorite essay because I feel it addresses a crucially urgent phenomenon in our nation today that is almost never discussed and less understood: the true nature and goal of Neo-Communist agitation propaganda. It was a challenge to present this in an understandable way, and I feel I managed it.
I also was delighted with the title that came to me, changed by TOO but back to the original here. When I see my essays on TOO and moreso on The Unz Review, I know they need compelling titles to draw attention among so many others.
This essay begins with a quote by Theodore Dalrymple, half-Jew from the Manhattan Institute, itself dominated by Jews. I examine the quote line by line and depict how such Neo-Communist propaganda is inflicted upon us today in the U.S., and to what ends.
Knowledge is power, and once we see through such obviously deranged propaganda as Critical Race Theory, transsexualism, “diversity is our strength” and climate change hysteria, probity returns to us and sanity guides us to power. Jews lose, and we win.
#3 - Jewish Control of U.S. Presidents #2 - Ronald Reagan April 12 2023
I like this essay for the depth of research it presents into a President who is otherwise largely celebrated as a great Conservative American leader. This took a lot of work finding and reviewing sources, but I was rewarded with discovery of many Jewish organized crime figures in and around MCA who dominated Reagan from the beginning of his career as President of the Screen Actors Guild to Governor of California to President of the United States.
A kind of dark majesty or glamour exudes from the Italian Mafia, mostly from its depiction in Hollywood movies and The Godfather by Puzo and later The Sopranos. I find with the Jewish organized crime syndicate, only a vile wretched stench exudes. I have an ardent hatred for the child-raping Jews, and Reagan was connected to some of them. Reagan arranged many benefits for Jews as President and worked to protect them from investigation and prosecution.
Reagan was truly an actor as President. He came across as a mild, caring father figure, but he was under the complete control of the most perverse, debased and corrupt Jewish Mobsters. Good to know.
#4 - Did Franco Betray Hitler? April 15 2023
My fascination with National Socialist Germany and its Chancellor Adolf Hitler may never fade. Throughout an intensive and extensive course of study over 7 years now into historical revisionist sources, I have continued to discover the most astonishing truths. One sub-area of this study is: turning points. Could Germany have won given certain factors falling in its favor rather than against? The answer is clearly yes and I continue to discover more as I study.
It surprised me to learn that the policies and practices of Franco’s Spain during the war was one of these turning points. Hitler and Germany had supported Franco from the very beginning of the Spanish Civil War through to the end. While Franco and his Nationalist government was not fully Fascist as Italy was, and not National Socialist, it was far more closely aligned with NS in its anti-Communist and Nationalist aspects. Germany and Spain should have been natural allies, even though Spain did not join WWII and maintained various states of neutrality. This had always been my understanding.
It was not just that Franco refused Hitler’s request to seal the Straights of Gibraltar against British naval vessels and U.S. merchant marine ships re-supplying the Soviets. Franco actually aided and abetted Hitler’s enemies, giving them recovery and staging grounds in Spain, stopping shipments of crucial war materials to Germany, appointing ambassadors favorable to the Allies, and more.
I can’t say I “liked” this essay, since the emotions it evoked were painful. Betrayal always is, especially when the fate of the world is at stake. Yet emotional response is often a sign of a good essay, and along with the factual historical knowledge it contained, I consider this essay among my top 5.
A similar essay, “Unused Wonder Weapons Lost the War and the World,” is also good study on this topic.
#5 - 100 Year Retrospective on the Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020
December 3 2022
As far back as the 6th grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I loved science fiction and fantasy, starting before that with Greek and Norse Myths and the stories of H G Wells. Over the years I wrote quite a bit of fiction as short stories and drafts of novels, all sci-fi/fantasy.
This essay, among the earliest on Taboo Truth, is a form of science fiction, presented as a dystopian futurology satire. I enjoyed the creative freedom and free flow of imagination not nearly so allowed in history essays. I truly amused myself at times with the satire, and when this was posted on TOO some commentators said it was the funniest thing they had read in ages, and others said it was worthless. That’s funny itself!
It takes the form of researchers from the World Collective 100 years in the future, looking back on our covid pandemic of 2020. It traces development from here over the next 100 years, with weird medical science, a new disease model known as Quixons, automated AI lockdowns, wireless vaccination, and much more. The digital spirit of Bill Gates makes an appearance, in a world with almost no races, no nations, no freedoms, no families—
Almost. The Dis-Gens still lurk somewhere out there (possibly allowed to exist as controlled opposition and an emotion magnet).
Honorable Mention
As you might imagine, I struggled to select my top 5 and put them in any kind of order—except for #1 which was a given. I scanned back through the archive list and reviewed some I thought could be candidates, and noted them on a list from which to pick.
Others I selected were: The Jew Taboo, Imagine the Idyllic Nation, Covid Evil: Satanic References in the Coronavirus Scamdemic (an exception to my rule not to include chapters in my book), Hope for Heroes, Jewish Covid Scientist Who “Saved the World” Developing New “Universal Vaccine” (embedded title) and Obscuring the Jewish Issue in Media #5 - Tucker Carlson - Best Version.
Oh yes, and Jewish Banking Dynasties Founded the Fed, Atwill vs. Haemers (because I think I am winning), Passing the Talmud Torch… I’ll stop. It’s like trying to pick favorites among children.
Happy 500!
My pleasure to share the link to here, the thing i can do when money is too tight for the paid sub.
Loved to drop the "Tucker is a PsyOps" so many follow him without thinking.
As for favorite there are too many good article, the late "Jewish Banking Dynasties Founded the Fed" paired with Tim Kelly and you about it are very amazing, just the extra info reading plus listening add so much to it.
If you ask me, I think you should have the recognition and similar-type following that E. Michael Jones and Kevin McDonald have. Of course, they've had many more years of exposure and ridicule to their publications and interviews that has caused people to look into their work. However, your research and attention to detail is impeccable and there are few that can match it. I'm still working my way through some of your older material that I have not read, but, up until this point, I have nothing but respect and admiration for the work you've put in so far.
In addition, you come across in your interviews as someone who is balanced and integrated emotionally, very polite and good natured, and doesn't possess some ulterior or damaging agenda. Traits like that will cause many to gravitate your direction!
With you now writing on Ron Unz's site, it's just a matter of time before you obtain the respect and acknowledgement you deserve. Of course, as you are already more than aware, that growth in public awareness will also be accompanied by an ever increasing amount of attacks from the ignorant "woke mob," the strategically placed internet trolls/agents, and the typical and tiresome institutional culprits of the FBI, ADL, SPLC, etc. By this time next year, you should be well on your way to becoming an abiding and permanent "go-to" for all those seeking how better to understand Jewich power and its cunning, deleterious, and steadfast agenda against the rest of us!