Centinal Promise #2 - U.S. Neo-Commie Agit-Prop
Communist Propaganda is a Wonder Weapon in the Culture War
“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
-Interview with Theodore Dalrymple by Jamie Glazov, FrontPageMagazine.com, August 31, 2005
Ever since I saw this quote a few years ago, soon after the covid hex began in 2020, it has haunted my perception of the government/media/academia (g/m/a) Complex (if there exists a military/industrial Complex, there exists others, and g/m/a is one. They all join together in one Meta-Complex we might call the New World Order or Great Reset). This quote is troubling to consider, because it reveals that we in the U.S. live under a Communist g/m/a mind tyranny. Too few people understand this, believing Communist influence faded in the U.S. after WWII and especially after the “McCarthy Era” ending in the mid-50s.
No. Communism of course only expanded its influence and power after the National Socialists and Fascists lost to Communism in WWII (European Civil War 8B), since the U.S. and Britain fought on the Communist side, having been infiltrated by Communists, many of them Jews. Communism expanded further after one of the only checks and limits on Communism in the U.S., Senator Joseph McCarthy through the Senate Sub-Committee on Permanent Investigations (not the House Un-American Activities Committee), was defamed and deposed.
This has led directly to our Communist domination today, and Dalrymple’s quote reveals it. It is a tremendous struggle for many Americans today to consider that we suffer under a Communist propaganda onslaught. So perhaps it helps to label it Neo-Communism, since it has morphed beyond class warfare into many other divisions, and has incorporated new oppressive technologies (both should be essays of their own). I have studied Communist strategies and influences in a number of books, such as Behind Communism by Frank L. Britton (essentially plagiarized by Dr. David Duke in his book The Secret Behind Communism, though Duke gives credit to Britton) and The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen. Many other sources can be cited addressing Communist propaganda as a culture weapon, but here we will examine Dalyrmple’s for its insights.
First, we will examine Dalyrmple. He is half-Jewish through his mother, and his father was a “Communist businessman.” That is a significant tautology! His real name is Anthony Malcolm Daniels. Beware of Jews with Communist businessman fathers who change their names. Daniels/Dalrymple was a prison doctor and psychiatrist, and became a “conservative English cultural critic,” of all things. He is the author of at least 20 books between 2001 and 2015, and is the Dietrich Weismann Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.“ (At least two of three “recent content” articles featured at MI appear to be authored by Jews: Shapiro, and Goldberg & Kaufmann.)
Dietrich Weismann was a “Chairman for the Board of Trustees in the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research,” deceased 2015. Mission statement: “The Manhattan Institute is a think tank whose mission is to develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility.” The Board of Trustees is loaded with high-power Jews, such as Chairman Paul Singer (Billionaire vulture fund manager, LGBT philanthropist, etc.), Maurice Greenberg (former executive at bankrupt AIG, friend of Henry Kissinger, former vice chairman of Council on Foreign Relations, member of Rockefeller Trilateral Commission, critic of Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s “holocaust denial,” etc.) and Robert Rosenkranz (Chairman Delphi Capital Management, member CFR, etc.), and many other high-power Jews.
His quote appears to warn us about the dangers of Communist propaganda, but we must consider that it may be part of the indoctrination/familiarization influence, or what Michael Hoffman calls The Revelation of the Method. This is a dangerous stage of Communist propaganda where the techniques used against us are shown to us, when we have little power to resist. It instills deeper demoralization and subservience to Communist rule. It shows their almost total confidence in their power over us. Orwell’s 1984 should be considered not a cautionary tale or a warning, but Revelation of the Method, indoctrinating us to a near-future Communist dystopia we are more likely to passively accept having read Orwell. He was after all an embedded journalist in a Trotskyite unit fighting on the Communist side of the Spanish Civil War.
Dalrymple may be the same. He says, “…the purpose of Communist propaganda was… to humiliate… the less it corresponded to reality, the better.” We have many examples to consider today, such as Critical Race Theory demonizing Whites in a campaign of “anti-racism,” “diversity is our strength” as migrant violent crime decimates the White population, gender reassignment surgery declared “gender affirming care,” and closing schools, bankrupting businesses, denying right to assemble and mass injection of an under-tested experimental high-tech substance that does not meet the legal or medical definition of vaccine will rescue public health and help us “build back better.” Dalrymple’s quote explains a great deal in our society that would be otherwise not just baffling, but maddening.
Jews play an overwhelming role in afflicting this humiliating propaganda upon the U.S. population, just as Jews played an overwhelming role in Communism historically. And they use their g/m/a Complex power to impose brutal punishment through public defamation, demonetization, ostracism, prison and even death on any who speak out against these obvious lies.
The rest “…are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves…” Drastic psychological damage is inflicted when people know something is false, but are inhibited by fear from saying so, or even pressured into mouthing the lies themselves. “…they lose once and for all their sense of probity.” It means adherence to high ideals, integrity, honesty to self and others. This is deeply demoralizing, and is the goal of Communist propaganda: suppression of dissent against it, and forced compliance with it. “To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself.” Neo-Communist Jews in the U.S. today impose their own evil—Jews and their lies—upon the goyim, in a process of projection-conversion. When we assent to silence, we participate in the evil. We are Judaized.
They say in their own causes: “Silence is violence,” and “See something, say something.” Those who break that silence and say something are rewarded. Yet they make saying something against their propaganda dreadfully costly and even painful. This is why free speech is now very expensive.
Daniels/Dalrymple summarizes: “A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.” Presumably he means “emasculated” as a lack of courage to speak truth to power. We become liars even to ourselves by failing to assert our own truths in the face of such obvious lies. In the Communist societies Dalyrmple and I have studied, everyone knew the official State propaganda was lies. Astonishingly, a significant percentage of people in today’s U.S. on both sides of the politically bi-partisan lies actually believe them, no matter how deliberately and intentionally little “it corresponded to reality.” “Obvious lies,” are adopted as true by many Americans, passionately. Interpreting Dalrymple, our Neo-Communist overlords would prefer we know it is all lies, and so they present their blatant absurdities in escalating extremism—but still gullible Americans believe. Ignorance is bliss, and perhaps they paradoxically escape the worst damage suffered among those who see the lies but dare not refute them.
It has been said by Solzhenitsyn that Americans are weak because we have not suffered under Communist domination, to gain perspective and make us strong. We are suffering now under Neo-Communist propaganda evil, and while many succumb to it— They can fool some of the people all of the time, and some of the people part of the time, but they can’t fool some of the people at all. These are the ones forced to toe the lies and demoralize themselves, to renounce their probity.
Many have already defied this and spoken truth about power and to power. That is why we speak Taboo Truth. That is why the Occidental Observer presents the great body of knowledge it commands. Many other outlets of lie-busting and truth telling are here and growing. We retain our probity and undermine evil in the culture war for the Good Society founded on Truth, wherever it may lead. Truth leads to the Good Society. Neo-Communist lies forced upon the U.S. population lead to ruin, chaos, enslavement and death, a tyranny of Neo-Communist overlords upon the “society of emasculated liars.”
Truth is our weapon in this culture war. Probity is our shield. They are trying to disarm us. Hold fast to the weapon of Truth and defend with the shield of probity. Daniels/Dalrymple as the son of a Jewess and a “Communist businessman,” Fellow at the Jewish-dominated Manhattan Institute may be showing us their strategy to deepen our demoralization. This should backfire. The more who know, the more we grow. Popular blowback is a growing tide no Neo-Commie lies can stop. Power will always rise strong among a People of re-masculated truth-tellers.
This is very well written, and many who read it will recognize it as the truth.
Many sadly have been programmed to run from the truth. They fear even the smell of the truth.