Happy 500!

My pleasure to share the link to here, the thing i can do when money is too tight for the paid sub.

Loved to drop the "Tucker is a PsyOps" so many follow him without thinking.

As for favorite there are too many good article, the late "Jewish Banking Dynasties Founded the Fed" paired with Tim Kelly and you about it are very amazing, just the extra info reading plus listening add so much to it.

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Great of you to share any of these essays elsewhere, Kati. My primary goal after creating them is to share them to the 4 directions, and I'm glad you can help. I won't bother with the conventional Jew-controlled platforms such as Twitter, FB, etc, knowing they will be banned or worse, but most other venues are welcome. The Tucker-Types could benefit from some perspective.

I was happy with my interview with Tim Kelly and thought it rolled on into related topics very well. I've gotten great reflections from people for that interview. Ready for more!

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If you ask me, I think you should have the recognition and similar-type following that E. Michael Jones and Kevin McDonald have. Of course, they've had many more years of exposure and ridicule to their publications and interviews that has caused people to look into their work. However, your research and attention to detail is impeccable and there are few that can match it. I'm still working my way through some of your older material that I have not read, but, up until this point, I have nothing but respect and admiration for the work you've put in so far.

In addition, you come across in your interviews as someone who is balanced and integrated emotionally, very polite and good natured, and doesn't possess some ulterior or damaging agenda. Traits like that will cause many to gravitate your direction!

With you now writing on Ron Unz's site, it's just a matter of time before you obtain the respect and acknowledgement you deserve. Of course, as you are already more than aware, that growth in public awareness will also be accompanied by an ever increasing amount of attacks from the ignorant "woke mob," the strategically placed internet trolls/agents, and the typical and tiresome institutional culprits of the FBI, ADL, SPLC, etc. By this time next year, you should be well on your way to becoming an abiding and permanent "go-to" for all those seeking how better to understand Jewich power and its cunning, deleterious, and steadfast agenda against the rest of us!

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Thank you for your reflection Ed.

I do wonder whether at least part of the reason Kevin MacDonald told me to stop submitting to TOO was because I had become a rival to him. It may have been a distant reason--he said some of my essays required too much editing from him.

I make an effort to be amicable and balanced, in interviews and comment sections. I've been listening to Ron Unz essays recently, and I like his presentation. I have developed my own and understand the necessity for good manners. Jared Taylor has achieved this as well.

Unz appears not to have posted my submission on the Trump indictment, so maybe like KMac he is selective.

I have already drawn the attention of Antifa, but that was for more public education efforts. I am apprehensive about rising above the threshold of influence, but pushing on anyway. We may already have had a troll on TT, Clarence, who I promptly banned. KMac as you say has faced the wrath to a large degree and it may also be a reason he was nervous about some of my submissions. "Over the top," and "excessive" he called some of them. Mostly we don't go far enough.


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Interesting information about McDonald! Doesn't surprise me. In the past, he has always had some pretty lame and weak reasons for not delving into the Holohoax. I believe he's used such terms as "counterproductive!"🙄 Suure Kevin!

Of course, EMJ has his, what I perceive to be, "blindspots" as well, but which of us doesn't? But, again, that's what has been, and is, refreshing about you- you're pretty open to looking at anything, and revising your conclusions if necessary. A rare breed! As Nietzsche stated,

"Very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions-? Rather, it is a matter of having the courage to attack one's convictions!"

- Beyond Good and Evil

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I guess I'm humble in that way. And I am humble before the knowledge of KMac on the Jewish Issue. I knew him personally and had a few in depth conversations with him in my home and his. He was always articulate and vastly well informed. He must have more troubling encounters with Jews/Antifa/etc. than I, so maybe that informs his "blindspots." I can understand.

Interesting quote by Nietzsche. Attacking my convictions often means betraying myself to the small-minded and weak-egoed as "ignorant" or "confused." This is how we learn and grow beyond ourselves and them. All knowledge is a temporary theory ever evolving toward truth.

What are EMJ's blind spots? White identity, for one.

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Yes! Even though I have my disagreements with McDonald and Jones over certain issues, I have nothing but respect for the time and effort they've put forth in their lives. Hell, I own and have read all their books, and am a subscriber to Jones's Culture Wars.

Both have awakened many people to the subversive Jewish role throughout Western history, and they are to be commended for it. Also, they both have been very generous of their time to others in answering questions and making themselves available for interviews. I anticipate that their contributions will probably be recognized even more posthumously.

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I too subscribe to Culture Wars, so am a fan of EMJ. But his blind spots are all based around his dogmatic devotion to the Catholic Church. White Identity is condescendingly referred to as White Boys. Race itself is dismissed as a category of the mind, not reality, not a biological fact. German pagan ancestry is ridiculed as barbarians chasing pigs thru the Black Forest. He takes cheap shots from his bully pulpit instead of making common cause w/ natural allies.

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I've heard EMJ say appeals to White identity is a lost cause, poor strategy and counter-productive, because Whites have been too vilified and demonized as a race. So appeals to Irish Catholic, Roman Catholic, even German or Frank or Swede is better.

I think we need both.

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