5.0 out of 5 stars Nearly Everything You Have Read about Machiavelli is Wrong

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 17, 2015

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Of the many the books I have read on Machiavelli, Raymond Angelo Belliotti’s “Machiavelli’s Secret: The Soul of a Statesman” (2015) is by far the most faithful and dependable reading of what he actually wrote.

Belliotti’s book is not revisionist in the sense of re-interpreting Machiavelli. Rather, his book is a corrective look at the meaning and intent of Machiavelli’s work in contrast to all the flawed popular and academic notions of his writings. For example, Belliotti unassailably shows that: 1) Machiavelli never wrote “the ends justifies the means”; 2) never favored politics over morality except in infrequent, necessary situations; 3) advocated for absolutist ethics over consequentialist ethics, and disparaged those who judge deeds only by their results instead of their principles; and 4) never argued that pagan morality should be exclusively used in politics while Christian conventional morality should be relegated only to private life. What Machiavelli actually wrote was that one “cannot, under cover of good, do evil” (Discourses, I-page 46).

However, Belliotti does not try and gloss over Machiavelli’s political philosophy.

Belliotti sets the record straight that Machiavelli wrote something worse than “the ends justify the means” when he wrote that the end makes the means honorable and that moral men believe this. But he wrote that this is so only because the masses judge actions based on their favorable outcomes based merely on external appearances. And Belliotti points out that Machiavelli still advocated harsh, cruel measures to achieve the most highly desirable goals.

Belliotti blames not only all the pop books on evil “Machiavellianism” but on the academic works of such scholars as Leo Strauss, Harvey Mansfield, Isaiah Berlin, John McCormick and others. Which raises a question that Belliotti did not raise: were these scholars Machiavellian in their twisting of Machiavelli’s writings? Belliotti even refutes Erica Benner’s notion that Machiavelli was a serial trickster who wrote esoterically and satirically. Instead, he lays out for everyone to see what has always been in plain sight.

1. Statesmen must embrace conventional morality (Christianity) as their default position and therefore accept the absoluteness of numerous imperatives.

2. They must learn both how not to be good and how to use evil well, but only on those occasions when there is necessity to do so or an emergency that threatens the existence of the state or conventional morality. Evil well-used is reserved for founding a nation or religions, expelling foreigners to protect the state, reforming corruption, and removing obstreperous elements or immigrants as a last resort. Evil well-used is typically proportionate, quick, and furthers the common good. Conversely evil ill-used is disproportionate, recurrent, politicized, and pretends to further the common good.

Power obtained through inhumanity and evil ill-used cannot reap glory (The Prince, p. 8; The Discourses, I-p. 10). The entire theme of The Prince is to reject tyranny in favor of a republic of representative government where power of elites is shared with the Popolo (the people).

3. In such difficult situations, politicians and military leaders must get their hands dirty, but that does not excuse or justify evil. Evil ill-used is gratuitous cruelty. And no matter whether evil is well-used or ill-used, its use unavoidably results in leaders losing their souls.

“Machiavelli’s secret” is that even leaders who must use evil for greater ends have a secret inner life that can never be revealed as it would disclose leaders as weak, effeminate, and unable to use the threat of power in lieu of actual violent measures to further the common good.

Belliotti's book bogs down in his chapter on "The Problem of Dirty Hands" when he uses obscure academic language like "deontological ethics" (rule based ethics as opposed to consequentialist ethics). But the rest of the book is written very clearly and is copiously documented.

I cannot recommend this book high enough. Run to Amazon and buy it.

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Another reason Hitler eschewed the use of nerve gas was that he had suffered the effects of gassing at the close of WW!. He was hospitalized w/ temporary blindness from a mustard gas attack.

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Good point. Possibly a factor. Then again, Hitler could just the same been More motivated to use gas, knowing how effective it could be, and even unconsciously or consciously wanting to inflict a like revenge.

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Mr. Haemers

Three revisionist books to recommend on Machiavelli

1. Raymond Angelo Belliotti, Machiavelli's Secret - best overview of his thought

2.Michael Jackson, Machiavelliana: The Living Machiavelli in Modern Mythologies

3. John M. Najemy, Machiavelli's Broken World

But the best revisionism of Machiavelli may be his own prose poem titled Tercets on Ambition which is a denunciation on the ambition of Florence's leaders.

I have taken the poem and paraphrased it for today's situation. See below


A modern paraphrase of Niccolo Machiavelli’s “Tercets on Political Ambition”, December 7, 1509, Verona, Italy. A tercet is a prose poem in a series of three sentences.

To: “Anonymous”

Anonymous, since you are so surprised by the political reaction to the pseudo-event of January 6 that came come about in Washington DC, it does not seem to me that you take the world as it is. And if this report seems strange to you, as you have assured me, meditate a little deeper out of moral concern. Because from the street protestors of Portland to the elected officials of Georgia, from New York to the opposite shore, we see the sprouting of this transgression.

What province or what city escapes it? What village, what contrived drought or energy crisis? Everywhere political Treachery and Predatoriness penetrates. When man was born into the world, they (the elitists) were born too; and if they had no existence, happy enough would be our condition.

Hardly God made the stars, the heavens, the light, the elements, and man – master over so many things of beauty – and had quelled the pride of the angels, and from Paradise had banished Adam with his wife for their tasting of the apple, when (after the birth of Cain and Abel, as with their father and by their labor they were living happy in their poor dwelling).

A hidden power which sustains itself in the heaven, among the stars which heaven as it whirls encloses – to man’s being by no means friendly –to deprive us of peace and set us at war, to take away from us all quiet, and all good, sent two man made Furies to dwell on the earth (Plandemic and pseudo race riots). Kings without clothes on they are, and both of them come with such grace that, to the eyes of many, in grace and happiness they abound.

Each one of them has four faces along with eight hands, and these allow them to grip you and to surveil in whatever direction they turn. Envy, Sloth, and Hatred are their companions, and with their Plandemic they fill the world, and with them go Cruelty, Pride, and Deceit.

These drive Concord to the depths. To show their limitless desire, they bear in their hand a bottomless cremation urn (C-19 deaths).

Through them the quiet and happy life always lived in Adam’s dwelling with Peace and Charity took flight. With their Plandemic venom they armed Cain against his good brother, filling with it his vitals, his heart, and his chest. And they revealed their mighty power, since in primitive times they could make a heart; a heart covetous.

When men were living naked and destitute of all riches, and when, as yet, there were no examples of poverty and of wealth. Oh, human spirit insatiable, arrogant, crafty, and shifting and above all malignant, wicked, violent, and savage. Because through your longing to ambitious, the first violent death was seen in the world, and the first concrete sidewalk stained red with blood!

Since this evil seed is now mature, since evil’s cause is multiplied, there is no reason for men to repent of doing evil. From this it results that one class (professional class) goes down and another class (working class) goes up; on this depends, without law or agreement, the shifting of every moral condition. A plague has appeared many times from China (Hong Kong Flu, Swine Flu, Bird Flu); this vice eventually was used by Cuomo, Newsom, Walz, Whitmer to break up the cities in their states.

Breaking not merely whatever good his enemy has or seems to have and that everyman values – and so always the world has been, modern and ancient. Every man hopes to climb higher by crushing now one, now another, rather than through his own wisdom and goodness. To each of us, another’s success is always distress, and therefore always, with effort and trouble, for another’s ills we are watchful and alert to exploit.

To this our “natural instinct” draws us, by our own motion and our own feeling, if laws or greater forces do not restrain us. But if you wish to know the reason why one people command and the other weeps, while everywhere the elected leaders are Treacherous. Why Egypt remains as victor and not under tyrannical, terrorist rule after ousting a Hillary-backed Muslim Brotherhood terrorist regime in 2012; on the other hand, why all of America is shattered by a stormy sea of troubles.

And why upon these lands has come the affliction of what wicked seed which Treachery and Predatoriness bring to spoiled fruition. I say that if with Treachery are joined a valiant heart, a well-armed vigor, then for himself a man seldom fears evil. When through her own nature a country lives unbridled, and then, by accident, or organized and established under good laws, Treachery used against foreign peoples that violence which now the emergency laws, governors and mayors permit to use at home in their respective cities and states, (wherefore home-born trouble erupts); yet she is sure to keep disturbing the communities of others, wherever that violence of hers had planted its banner.

In an opposite way, that land is servile, exposed to every harm, to every injury, in which the people are ambitious and cowardly. If Cowardice and Bad Government sit side by side with this Treachery, every sort of distress, every kind of ruin, every other ill comes quickly. And when someone blames Disease, so much afflicted and worn, men are not born so vigorous and hardy, I say that this does not excuse and justify our lack of worth, for discipline can make up where Disease is lacking.

This in times gone by made America flourish, and for conquering the world from end to end, stern discipline gave her daring. Now she lives, if it is life to live in tears, beneath the havoc and the fate which this great Sloth of hers deserves. Such Sloth amounts to Cowardice with her companion vices. From this Treachery come those wounds that have killed the American independent economy.

Pass over contrived trivial political feuds, turn your eyes to this nation, upon these people are thunderstruck and bewildered, You will see how Treachery results in two kinds of action; one class robs and the other class weeps for its wealth ravaged and scattered. Let him turn his eyes here who wishes to behold the sorrows of others and let him consider if ever before now the sun has looked upon such savagery.

A man is weeping for his father dead from the Plandemic and a woman for her husband; another Asian-American woman beaten and driven in sadness from their own business or home. How many times, when a Black father has held his son tight in his arms, a single shot from a rioter has pierced the breasts of them both. Another is abandoning his ancestral home and fleeing to Texas or Florida, as he accuses cruel and ungrateful gods, or political scapegoats, while his family is overcome with sorrow.

Oh, strange events such as never happened before in the world (sarcasm)! Every day many children are aborted through abortion. To distract those overcome with sorrow, false accusers come forth to blame the perpetrators and state governors of these political crimes, of….. sexual harassment (not murder of elderly in nursing homes). Foul with blood are the ditches and streams, full of plagued bodies and others murdered in planned riots.

Birds of prey, wild beast and dogs have more dignity than those buried in family tombs in body bags, tombs repulsive, and unnatural! Wherever you turn your eyes you see the earth set with tears and blood and the nursing home air full of screams, sobs and sight. If from others a man deigns to learn the ways of Treachery, the sad example these wretches can teach him.

Always their faces are gloomy and dark, like those of a man terrified and numbed by new injuries or sudden fears.

Wherever you turn your eyes, you see the earth set with tears and blood, and the air full of silent screams, sobs and sight that are never allowed to be heard by loved ones. If from others a man will stoop to learn the ways of Treachery, these “deplorables” can teach him. Since no man has power to drive Treachery out of himself, needful it is that Judgment and Sound Intellect, with Method and Vigor, be its companions.

Pastor Tim Keller[i], to his cost, and perhaps in vain, never discovers that he needs to hold the sword and not the Book in his hand. Yet in a different way man struggles to rule, for the most part; and according as he gains more, he loses it sooner and with greater admonishment.

So, if often something comes into being that is rapid and insistent, which troubles and makes sad the heart of man.

Let no one be astonished at that, because in the world most men let themselves be mastered by often planned events that are seen as unplanned. Alas! For while with another’s affliction I am keeping my thought engaged and my speech, I am weighed down with greater fear.

I see Treachery, with that swarm of predator birds, which Heaven at the world’s beginning, allotted her, flying over the mountains.

And already she has scattered so many sparks among those people swollen with envy that she will burn their towns and their farmsteads if grace or better government does not bring her to nothing”.

Paraphrased by Wayne Lusvardi, San Antonio, Texas, March 21, 2021.

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A damning critique of our times, and all times since the Garden. Machiavelli was based! The lighting for sure.

Throughout we see mention of the Plandemic, from which no one died, but by the Plan, not the demic. The demic was a demon, of lies laid high, fault facing outward, pointing fingers: China, Fauci, Wuhan, U$, pharma. The fault lies not in ourselves, but among the Jews. And then ourselves for not seizing the necessary benevolent evil to stop the far greater evil of the wretched race.

-Paraphrase of self, 2023

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Mr Haemers

I read Machiavelli and do not read the Leo Strauss propaganda about him. Machiavelli was not a teacher of evil as portrayed by Jewish intellectuals to keep us from reading him. For instance, Machiavelli wrote "the ends justify the means" but what is left off that sentence is "only in an emergency to save the Republic" from war, corruption, insurrection, etc. He was a playwright and poet and wrote a poem "On Ambition" that was critical of Florentine leaders without any virtue (which he defined as self-sacrifice to save the Republican and preserve liberty). Machiavelli had a hierarchy of leaders and on top were the religious leaders who could keep the city-state from corruption and provide myths to sustain the founding of the city-state. But he was anti-Pope, Pro-Strong leaders. Agathocles of Syracuse was a general who Machiavelli singled out for special condemnation for his ruthless cruelties and betrayals resulting in the destruction of the city of Syracuse. Machiavelli wrote of Agathocles: “One ought not, of course, call it virtue to massacre one’s fellow citizens, to betray one’s friends, to break one’s word, to be without mercy and without religion. By such means one can acquire power but not glory”.

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I'll be damned! I have been indoctrinated about Machiavelli without realizing it. I trust you are right about him. Just as with Razputin. Can you post the best revisionist view of Machiaveli you have?

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Mr. Haemers

I agree with you about Hitler as a sincere leader with Machiavellian virtue (the homeland and the republic take precedence over ambition) not an actor as we have today everywhere. I wanted to vet another scenario about Hitler's identity since you posed a scenario of Germany winning the war. Your scenario is likely unappealing to Normies who are over-socialized to believe in Capitalism (Jewish debt money system) over Hitler's misunderstood form of National Socialism (sovereign money, borders, trade balances, no industry offshoring, strong ethnic identity and families, masculinity).

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Mr. Lusvardi,

Your comment has inspired an interesting thought train. I have not before seen the phrase Machiavellian virtue, and I take it to mean willingness to exert force if necessary to ensure the well-being of the nation and people. The Fascist symbol of the lictor rods (bundle of sticks held together with a spiraling band) with the blade of an ax extending out of the surface, might depict this concept. If so then yes, Hitler was that kind of leader. Most associate Machiavelli with ruthless self-interest, which Hitler most certainly was not.

It is hard to know anymore what Normies think. What Normies? Are there left-wing Normies and Right-Wing Normies? Yes, it appears so, with many nuances in sub-sets. Left-wing anti-vax holocaust denying Normies? Probably a few. Right-wing pro-family lesbian ex-military Normies? Probably a few as well. Many on both sides are increasingly disappointed and even outraged over Capitalism today. They might not know the form we suffer under today is primarily Jewish, and they might not know Fascism provided a solution which they would heartily approve of, but they might be willing to learn. It is well worth introducing the concepts to Normies of all kinds if done gracefully. I continue to try. I am sometimes surprised at the openness people display. It might be time to stop being surprised; the System as it stands today is so obviously corrupt and vile that people are open to alternatives if they can be shown the truth of Fascism's historic opposition to such a vile system. Our ranks are growing.

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How ironic is it that NS Germany is forever trashed for the fictitious gassing of "the six million" but (purportedly) fails to use it's stockpile of nerve gas to defend it's own self!

Although Irving's scholarship regarding WW2 is nonpareil, I've been hesitant to always take him at face value - especially when he started backpedaling after his lynching by that kike bitch Lipstadt and her cabal.

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Agreed. Irving at times appeared more anti-German than the history warranted. This may have been mostly due to his subjective British bias, but perhaps partially due to his need to convey at least some anti-German sentiment so as not to be labeled a "Nazi sympathizer."

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Agreed however, regardless of whether there's a sanctimonious act of contrition, be it via self-censorship, backpedaling, apologizing or flat out groveling, he's eternally labeled as a "holocaust denier" which places him under the rest of the goyim cattle in the pecking order.

His apologists claim that he had to lighten up or risk losing his fortune, which shows where his real priorities laid.

On a larger scale, I don't think there's been a bona fide Brit nationalist in that joke of a country since Mosley.

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Hitler knew that chemical weapons are not reliable. They are subject to wind, rain, humidity, cold, snow. All atmospheric conditions alter by time of day. Finding a proper moment to use them isn't easy. On a large battlefield, end-to-end conditions can be very different. The danger of self-injury would be greater with nerve gas residues, which poisons through skin, not just breathing it in. A gas mask wouldn't provide complete protection.

If Hitler couldn't win the war due to a mutual beneficial moral crusade against communism, which found no quarter with the English and English-Americans, the psychological effects of gas would be temporary and used against Germans to demonize them even more, given their dominant RACIST ANTI-GERMANISM.

You can't wait to the last minute to deploy a super weapon. Germany didn't need one. The war was lost when Hitler imaged the English to be fellow Europeans, Aryans, Germanics, "whites," (white is an ethnic euphemism for the English and those who serve them) with common values and geopolitical objectives.

Hitler missed the fact that the Soviets were a British-American creation serving GENOCIDAL BRITISH GEOPOLITICS. Churchill didn't quit after Dunkirk because Stalin was in his bag. Defeating Stalin would leave the British operating to get the US into the war. The only way to win the war was by conquering England with everything Europe had... leaving Stalin without a geopolitical master. Offering to lease Scotland to Stalin would have done greater psychological wonders than gas.

This is why the white concept is absolutely defective. Germans weren't considered fellow whites in WWII. In WWI, they were Huns to be exterminated. Germans are lower than blacks and Jews on the English scale. That's true today as it was 100 years ago.

Nerve gas could have been used on Moscow and Stalingrad or London on day one. However, you don't know what the enemy has, or how quickly they could deploy a similar weapon. If they could bomb German cities, they could gas them as well. Preventing a complete annihilation of Germany made the decision to refrain from using lethal gas the only reasonable option among numerous terrible options.

Hitler was always beset with hesitation, at Dunkirk, at the invasion of France, in bombing England, etc. Unless conditions were an emergency, he waited.

Hitler invented the "mutually assured destruction" doctrine before WWII as indicated by his appeals to banning bombing of civilians. That appeal didn't entertain the English.

The fact is that the British bear 100% responsibility for the hell that we are in now. It is the nature of their empire to seek WORLD DOMINATION (see Cecil Rhodes Prime Minister of the British Cape Colony) by hook and by crook, and to subvert anything good that makes any nation on earth strong, healthy, and independent. It brings vice and sickest to the world because it can't dominate the world by its virtue. Empires rule by vice. Nations rule by virtue.

Asking Hitler to fix a problem that existed well-before and well-after him is humanly impossible and not just. The English and English-Americans didn't keep their own house in order. The fundamentals of their society were wrong from the beginning. Problems breed problems, until you reach biological extinction, which is, what we are seeing.

White nationalists say that "the 6-foot tall English with 300 million guns in civilian hands were overpowered, outmatched, and outmuscled by 5-foot tall Jews." You can believe that. Or, as I say, the English use Jews to take over the world to humiliate nation after nation. In any case, whether it is Jews or English who are primarily responsible for the perverse conditions of today, you can't ask Hitler to clean up (or fumigate) the English or American houses, when that is their own responsibility.

Just as it is ridiculous for German Christians to chase Africans around with a bedpan in Africa, it is ridiculous for NS Germans to chase the English who ride Jews through the countryside, or to chase Jews who ride the English around through the cities. They need to fight their own battles. The expectation that Germans should be the world policeman, while they are wrongly vilified for wanting to conquer the world is doubly absurd.

The degenerate conditions of the world are a product of symbiotic English-Jewish domination. Americans seems happy enough with it that it will persist, until it breaks down of its own dysfunction and they starve to death.

It is better to write them off as a lost people and start something great and fresh.

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No effective gas mask was available to the allies, but perhaps it was to the Germans. Even a few successful deployments on a limited area would be enough to reverse the morale and terrify the Allied soldiers at Normandy. Even a few deliveries by Luftwaffe airplane with German troops far away would have been effective.

Hitler's decision to honor von Runstedt's request to stop his Panzers before Dunkirk was reasonable and wise. The Panzer unit had been running non-stop for 2 weeks straight, the men needed rest, the equipment repair and maintenance, and the terrain before them was coastal fill, in which the Panzers would have sank. The Dunkirk story we have been told was propaganda. Though we have no records, it is a plausible speculation that Hitler allowed a reasonable escape at Dunkirk as a signal to the prominent and extensive peace movement in Britain, which included some Royal Family, military men and a large part of the population. It was worth a gesture. Hitler knew the control over Britain exercised by Jews, especially through Churchill, and had no illusions. von Runstedt was soon ordered on to the Battle of Paris, which was far more important that Dunkirk. On only 2 of the 9 days of the evacuation did the Luftwaffe harry the evacuation, more as a reminder to hurry up--a kick in the butt--than as a real attempt to kill the enemy at a vulnerable point. The English and Americans depicted this as a heroic escape assisted by heroic civilians, but that's war propaganda.

The pre-emptive strike into France by Germany was not any kind of hesitation by Hitler. It was carefully and effectively timed to strike the 2.4 million man French and English army poised to invade Germany. It worked.

Hitler's delay in counter-bombing England was not necessarily hesitation either. When he finally gave the order a month after England was bombing Germany, his targets were air fields, coastal installation, radar facilities, naval ports, war supplies... Not English civilians. This was wise, since the English (Jewish) strategy of bombing civilians to demoralizing them only made their loyalty and morale with Hitler stronger.

The relative height of English and Jews is irrelevant. What matters is the devious diabolical brain, the use of overwhelming wealth, and twisted soul.

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This is a keen set of observations and alternative scenarios that raises several questions about Hitler. One is: was he a stealthily selected and groomed patsy (and plausible offspring) of the Rothschilds, on a mission to destroy Germans and Germany and in so doing making the US a puppet state? Some of Hitler's decisions were questionable, such as fighting on several fronts at once (Russia, Africa, etc.). Perhaps more importantly, Haemer's revelation about Hitler's reticence to use super weapons, indicates he either was a moral fool or a demonic double agent. Today we find that the US is oppressed by globalist zionist bankers, infiltrated at the highest levels of the federal government by those with dual citizenship in Israel, and engaged in an internal war with criminal organizations (BLM, Antifa, Soros DA's, etc.) who employ a Communist ideology. These are the same forces that Germany was fighting prior to WWII. It raises the further question of what will be the outcome of the current three front war (corporate funding of race wars and mandates, medical mandates, and oligarch-funded undermining of the culture and religion)? The US has already lost control of the federal government, two consecutive elections and federal budgeting, and is either going to face total devaluation of the dollar and decimation of the economy or a war to destroy the country. The only nation that has been able to overturn a zionist-backed color revolution and election coup is Egypt, when in 2012 it formed what it called a Couch Party and removed its puppet president. For more on this read:

"Egypt's Couch Party Overturned Election Coup - Could US Do the Same? LewRockwell.com, June 27, 2023. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/06/wayne-lusvardi/egypts-couch-party-overturned-election-coup-could-us-do-the-same/

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After intensive and extensive research, I see no question that Adolf Hitler was a genuine statesman devoted to the well-being of his people and nation. Talk that he was a willing agent or patsy for Jews or the English or anyone else is more defamation propaganda. The story that Hitler's grandmother Aloise was a servant at a Rothschild house and was sent home pregnant is more defamation propaganda. They must always find new ways to discredit the man. Hitler's parents and ancestors were Austrian, which is to say German. He was a shining example of a true nationalist statesman working on behalf of his beloved people, an example which they must not allow to stand, and so they smear and defame him.

The decision to open the Eastern front was not a mistake. It was a necessity. The book Icebreaker by Viktor Suvorov details the immense armed forced Stalin had staged on the border with Germany through occupied Poland, poised to invade Germany and decimate it and all of Europe. Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa on June 22 1941, and completely surprised the Soviets, overwhelming them initially because the Soviet army was prepared only for offensive war, not defense. It was a brilliant master-stroke by Hitler, and it would have won but for 2 things: US resupply of the Soviets by the Lend/Lease Act pushed through by Communist Jews at the Treasury Dept. Morgenthau and White (Weiss), and subversion and sabotage within the German military by former German aristocrats resentful of Hitler and working to lose Germany the war. Any delay by Hitler would have seen the Red Army launch their Operation Thunderbolt and decimate Germany and all of Europe. Instead Hitler delayed the Soviet conquering of Eastern Europe for 3 years. Even Barbarossa was delayed a potentially crucial few weeks by the German need to bail out Mussolini and Italians trying to fight down a Communist take over of Greece. The two front war was a necessity, not a mistake.

I do agree that the same enemy Hitler was primarily fighting then we are facing now, Internatioinal Jewish banksters. Hitler imprisoned 5 Rothschilds. We must do the same.

Another Zionist-backed revolution that was thwarted was Iran. It had a theocratic revolution instead and quelled the Western color revolution. Iran is hated by Jews ever since.

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I must mention that Hitler imprisoned 5 Rothschilds, starting with the big Jewish banker in Austria Louis Rothschild in April 1938. He kept him in a comfortable prison for 1 year and confiscated the assets of the Rothschild bank (what Louis was not able to hide) for the unified Austrian/German Reich. 4 other Rothschilds, including Allain and Ellie among the British military officers, and George Mandel (Jereboam Rothschild) in France along with a Rothschild aunt imprisoned at Ravensbrook were captured and kept captive throughout the war. Hitler would never have done this were he a Rothschild himself. It was one of the main reasons the Rothschilds commanded the British, French and US fight a war against Germany.

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I am increasingly confused about what NS was then, seeing what is described by it now. What is formally described as historical NS is framed very negatively. At the same time, the framers use the same methods that they accuse historical NS of having used. And they most remarkably use the same identical metaphors that were used in historical NS against I believe those perceived as traitors and non belongers, to those today perceived as traitors and non belongers, namely non NPI endorser and non injection accepters. This kind of continuity in the use of methods and even phrases, but then combined with the decades long and now accelerating efficient continuous implementation of Hooton, Kaufman, Morgenthau plans, totally disorients me on what NS was then, and whether we are seeing its continuation under new names now but by the same kind of personnel - partially the descendents of old Nazi families (especially as regards the EU bloc), partially by clearly Jewish personnel especially in the biosecurity field both I development and in execution. And in the Neocon war field as in the biosecurity field, many explicitly Ukrainian Jewish ancestries. What am I to make of that? If they appropriate everything they accuse NS of while condemning NS for it yet expecting to be respected and appreciated for exactly that - only calling it differently (protecting democracy I think), and at the same time not providing any of what I had perceived to be NS's official goals and promises a d also achievements with regard to wellbeing of own population: this really puzzles me.

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I don't know which methods you think are the same between historical NS and today's (banksters? oligarchs?). Certainly not state-issued national currency with no interest. Not responsible positive use of media. Not displacement of Jews from positions of power and influence. Not protection of children and families. Not support for small independent farmers. etc.

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No, I said, the methods that today they are accusing the NS of, inter alia:

- Gleichschaltung, suppression of dissident views (today this is implemented in the extreme. Back then I don't know for sure, only what they tell me)

- Hating against minorities (today, against

People not wanting the injections)

- Hating against dissidents (today, in Germany, they calculate that 20% of citizens are what they call "brown sediment", ie voters for the only reasonable party . and the only win of the reasonable party was - I kid you not - REVERSED on demand of then chancellor Merkel(-Kadzmierzik?). And today, they are seeking to reverse a win of that party again. And they are going to prohibit the party.

So, these are things that they are saying NS used to do, but I only see who is doing them today.

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Some of these measures the National Socialists used to a limited targeted degree. Certainly they disbanded and expelled the Communist Party in Germany, even before the vote on the Law of Plenary Powers on March 24 1933. But the vote would have passed anyway without the Communists voting against.

As for suppressing dissenting views, this became almost immediately moot, when the huge majority (90%) of the national people approved of the NS government. One exception was the White Rose society, supposedly a young Christian youth group, but in fact doing the propaganda anti-Hitler work of Communists. Yes, they were suppressed. As were others. The nation and people of Germany were still too fragile, impoverished and desperate, vulnerable to another Communist revolution, to tolerate any significant disruption of the nation-building plan (1st 4 year plan) of the NS.

As for hating against minorities, the only racial minority in Germany at the time was Jews (also about 2%), who were rightly seen as responsible for Germany's many miseries, including the Treaty of Versailles, the ruinous hyper-inflation, the sexual perversion, the cultural degeneracy generally, and the rest. The Nuremberg Laws were enacted in 1935 to displace Jews from positions of power and influence so the nation could recover. But NS Germany also protected Jews from violence and discrimination, as angry citizens rightly outraged by Jewish predation and promotion of depravity attempted reprisals. The "highest authority" on Kristallnacht issued orders to stop any violence against Jews.

Homosexuals are often portrayed as victims of NS discrimination, and this may be true to some small and distorted extent, since such Jews as Magnus Hirschfeld had been promoting perverse public sexual degeneracy for years. Hitler once declared Hirschfeld (who went about dressed as a woman known as Aunt Magnesia) the most dangerous man in Germany. So yes, some legitimate prosecution of homosexuals flaunting their degeneracy publicly where children could see it were forced back into the closet. That said, the leader of the SA Ernst Rohm was found out to be homosexual, and that was a challenge for Hitler, but it did not result in execution or even immediate expulsion from the NS party. It was nuanced.

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For whatever reason, my reply is above.

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I see.

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Their tactic confuses you. A rapist blames his victim. The English and Jewish enemy blames its German victims for its own crimes to retain its moral cohesion and moral stature, which in reality, is a losing battle. They can't live with the blood on their hands from these and many other crimes. They need that German scapegoat to exist.

Indians know that Churchill was a genocidal racist. American conservatives celebrate him and would collect his feces if they could. According to the Racist Anti-German (RAG) axiom that dominates the 20th Century (and comes from English sources originally, e. g., Chesterton), any power or interests or German side of the story has no standing. Any technology that Germans use to advanced themselves is "mad" and "sinister." While any new invention is first considered for its (American) military uses to advance American power.

This is a clash of standards. One suits German biology. The other suits American power and profit, which brings biological extinction, in the long run.

There is no reason to be confused by what is going on. Volk teleology (action that serves the volk) is the inner logic of National Socialism (action that serves the volk is key to volk survival). This perspective stands on its own as a perspective on life. It is not affected by how well it was executed by Hitler or anyone else. Any failure to take volk-serving action is a setback that affirms the principle, just as, any action that advances the volk affirms the principle.

The Volk is blood-Germans and their posterity, not "whites," or "Caucasians," or "Aryans." The latter terms mean and could mean anyone from Iceland to Somalia, Bangladesh to Egypt, and Morrocco to Moscow. This would include Jews and Arabs as "white," as is convention, on the US census.

If you have difficulty with seeing what is going on, look at things, aesthetically.

Fascism (including NS) means national renewal. It upholds health, strength, and beauty. TRASHISM is what American stands for and what it imposes on peoples that it conquers.

Just because people wear NS garb does not mean they understand volk teleology or serve it. English and American Trashists (such as Lew Rockwell) call everything nazi that isn't pro-laissez-faire capitalism, not because it is accurate and true, but because it serves their power. Demonizing their enemies gives them their endorphine-boost. That's a biological problem they have. The American-English, who are too lazy to purge their own traitors and trashists, also blame Hitler for not winning the war which their grand-pappy was so proud to participate in, now that victory is not so sweet, but comes with a bitter pill, a grandson who is dysphoric and wants to cut off his own privates. A lot of this is a function of the birth control pill, which the English upper class wanted so bad. Bill Gates wants a spermicide. They were more interested in pleasure than reproductive "fitness." Whereas blacks are plenty fit in the reproductive area.

Hitler is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't.

Anglosphere dysphoria on Hitler is still working itself out. The English (see Lew Rockwell) know that everything is falling apart, so they have to blame some cabal of "nazis" who are ruining the world, instead of, themselves. This is the "naztard" point of view. It is a refusal to take responsibility for the fate of the world that is clearly in their hands. Rhodes Scholar subversive Naomi Wolfe (a Jew who Lew promotes) practically says, "The demiurge is a nazi." How can you defeat a demiurge? This is the final closing of the American Mind. Confusion and frustration about a dire fate suggest an imperceivable metaphysical enemy.

You could call this biological self-destruction and mental breakdown of the English the Long Revenge. The long-run reality is that German volk teleology has never lost. It cannot be defeated. It is a basic truth of life on earth. Germans must recover and celebrate it to renew themselves. The Anglosophere (a civic not ethnic empire) doesn't have anything like that and can't make use of it anyways, just as, Jews have no use for beauty contests, but will use them for subversion.

The Anglosphere of Trashism has hit its Wall of Pretentiousness and is having its rapid punctuated decline in all areas.

It is hard to get a decent car any more for a decent price in the US. For $6K you can get a Subaru with 160,000 miles on it. A car like that would have been closer to $1K twenty years ago. The Anglosphere is decomposing fast and eating its own tail. If inflation persists at 5% over the next 5 years, that is a 28 percent decline in the standard of living. That will eat up its military budget as well. As US power declines, Jewish power will decline. Trashism rules America and won't be kicked out until it hits a Venezuelan bottom some 15 years from now. INVEST IN HORSES!

Just as the Soviet Union claimed to be best for workers, the American system claimed the same. When the American system can't deliver the goodies or food anymore, it discredits its reason for being.

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American conservatives do not worship Churchill. American neo-cons do. Conservatives infected by Zionism worship him. Pat Buchanan, leader of paleo-cons, criticizes the Mad Dog in The Unnecessary War as England's chief instigator of that war. I view this oversight as more of your consistent misdirection on behalf of Jewish Power which blames subverted white govts instead of the Jewish subversive elements that changed their direction. Likewise, it's not American power and profit that advocates biological extinction. It's endemic Jewish racism that desires world domination and extinction of other races.

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I don't see anyone saying the White colluding and capitulating race traitors get a pass. This is a complex sub-topic which comes up a lot: Who is to blame the most, the Jewish Power Elite or the White colluders and capitulators who conspire with them?

I lean toward the Jews. I imagine what our lives and world would be like without Jews but still with British royal family, WASP bankers, Hearst and original Disney type media, etc. Well, we have only to look back to the US prior to say the late 60s. It was enormously better, because while the WASP elite was at least not malevolent toward the rest of the US population, the Jewish Power Elite that replaced them were malevolent. That is evident today.

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LOL! So, the greedy, ignorant and feckless Merkan government and people, most of them christ-insane jew lovers, get a pass because they've been 'subverted' - by their idols??

"Normies", "cucks", "civnats" and "patriots" all willingly lap up the slow-acting jew poison and therefore deserve the lion's share of the culpability!!

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The culpability could at least be equal, if not heavier on the Jew side, in my view.

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I would agree with you if whites were only scammed once or twice but this is clearly not the case. Even in the face of an enormous amount of blatant evidence of jew crimes against them, the overwhelming majority continue, for various (bullshit) reasons, to willfully accept getting shafted. The blatant fact that these whites go beyond the pale to surrender their progeny, culture and country eliminates these cunts from any and all absolution!

Starting the clock on May, 1945 is sufficient but this farcical tragedy goes back much much further in time. What should have been total extermination devolves into "thank you Hymie, may I have another" and continues in perpetuity.

The jews are the most vile of sub-humans. The white race can definitely conquer and eradicate them from the planet...... for good. It all starts when the excuses for being culpable idiots stops!!

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No, I said, the methods that today they are accusing the NS of, inter alia:

- Gleichschaltung, suppression of dissident views (today this is implemented in the extreme. Back then I don't know for sure, only what they tell me)

- Hating against minorities (today, against

People not wanting the injections)

- Hating against dissidents (today, in Germany, they calculate that 20% of citizens are what they call "brown sediment", ie voters for the only reasonable party . and the only win of the reasonable party was - I kid you not - REVERSED on demand of then chancellor Merkel(-Kadzmierzik?). And today, they are seeking to reverse a win of that party again. And they are going to prohibit the party.

So, these are things that they are saying NS used to do, but I only see who is doing them today.

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