Who knows what is true? But I still contend that if confronted with jewish propaganda outlets versus virtually any other outlet (including Palestinians), then we must assume that the jew is lying. It should take many levels of proof and corroboration to ever believe anything from a jew.

Just sayin'.

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Yes I totally agree, any Jew outlet is to be considered lies until proven true. Non-Jew outlets should be considered wrong or false (not intentionally) until proven true, because so much source material is also controlled by Jews.

In this case, we also have to wonder if Jews are controlling the war propaganda on both sides, even the pro-Palestinian. Or at least allowing it for their purposes. It may help to think that their ultimate purpose is to move through their Polarities Plan to the JWO-OWG. So they Want a protracted, larger war, and building up the Palestinian side suits that purpose.

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I don’t know either but it looks, to me, like the political Zionist “jews” are not the biblical Jewish people, they are self-appointed for all the obvious reasons as a coup against the true Jewish people and God’s divine plan for humanity. The Bible seems more true every day, imo. It’s a seed war, Satan against God.

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Even the religious non-Zionist or even the anti-Zionist Jews may not be the biblical Jewish people. I have seen evidence the ancient Israelites were Aryans. Jesus may have been a blue-eyed blond Aryan. There is much to consider in this theory and I am not decided yet. Ongoing investigation continues.

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Jesus was clear about who these faked jews are and who their father is. He called them the Synagogue of Satan.

Nothing could be truer.

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“The synagogue of Satan”. It certainly fits.

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Looks like we got a few of their synagogue members commenting to me in another thread. Almost like they come out of the woodwork.

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Maybe alerted by an AI surveillance bot. Some of us more vocal counter-semites may be under more personal surveillance.

Use the dialogue to present relevant facts they might not hear otherwise. Speak to the lurkers, not the synagogue members.

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It's called unit 8200. Dedicated to the internet. Rumble has lots of information on they. Just search 8200.

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Unit 8200, on Rumble.

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Amusingly, that statement is written in the New Testament by men who never saw, heard or spoke to Jesus. Considering that the New Testament is written as an instrument to get people to join what was, at that time, a cult, one takes much of it with a grain of salt.

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Some question remains whether the Romans wrote it to pacify the rebellious Israelites, or the Israelites wrote it to subvert and ultimately destroy Rome.

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Thus sayeth the rabbis.

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Thus sayeth that famous Jew, Jesus…..

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That dude was no jew.

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The greatest 'cult' that has ever been. I will gladly stay in, as you say 'cult'. What religion(cult) do you live by that is greater. Please show me with some scripture that you deem to be harmful? Have you read what you deem to be some kind of treachery to get us to commit evil on each other. I doubt very much that you have read much of any of the bible. I'm sure you can dig up someone who's will theorize nonsense about the origins of bible, but none of it can be proven. The only way anyone can attack the bible is thru ignorance of the bible. Detail matter.

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If you look back at history, during the 1st and 2nd centuries, Christianity was basically considered a cult by definition, until the Roman Empire adopted it as its official religions. Cult doesn’t necessarily have a negative connotation.

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They are not Israelites, they are Edomites. Around 110 BCE, Hasmonean leader John Hyrcanus I conquered Idumaea (Edom). According to several ancient sources, including Josephus and Ptolemy, he forcibly converted them to Judaism, and incorporated them into the Jewish nation:

Hyrcanus also captured the Idumean cities of Adora and Marisa and after subduing all the Idumeans, permitted them to remain in their country as long as they had themselves circumcised and were willing to observe the laws of the Jews. And so, out of attachment to the land of their fathers, they submitted to circumcision and to make their manner of life conform in all other respects to that of the Jews. And from that time onward they have continued to be Jews.-Josephus. -- Europeans are the Israelites. All of the disciples went to Europe to preach.

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There are lies coming from both sides... If you see it on MSN don't believe it. Whatever the end result is (if there will ever be an end result) thats what your answer will be for all this happening.

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The lies from both sides may really be coming from one side--the Jews. They may need this war to escalate to push their polarity shift to BRICS+, and so need more sympathy and support for the Palestinians. Trying to bring Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and Yemen in would serve their purposes.

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Context is as important as image and narration in evaluating clips from a war. Narration is often heavily tilted w/ bias. Turning the sound off may help discernment. But even w/ no or minimal sound the edited image in itself may be deceiving. Case in point: scene in a supposedly makeshift Pal morgue w/ blanketed bodies, camera panning the front row. One blanket starts to twitch, a soldier notices and reveals a live person's head. Soldier smiles and covers up said head moving on down the row. Does this reveal an outake of obvious Pal chicanery or is it staged by Israelis to discredit the other side? An uncritical reading will follow what appears to be dispositive proof of fakery and conclude Pal death stats are inflated. See! W/o sufficient context which 90% of war reportage lacks, it's really hard to know what's real. My judgment is the IDF staged this as a psyop. Can't prove it w/o adequate context tho.

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The jews have put a straitjacket on the American psyche. It's very difficult to find an 'in' when trying to convince whites of serious hebraic malfeasance so their atrocities go unpunished.

When charged with anti-Semitic heresy for not supporting Israhell I use the U.S.S. Liberty attack to fend them off. You can at least halt further advances by asking why they support a rogue country that blatantly killed and wounded over 200 American sailors. The ones that don't go into spasms of cognitive dissonance can sometimes be opened up to more questions about additional jew crimes.

Surprised to see If Americans Knew still up on JewTube.

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USS Liberty especially good with veterans and military types.

I used the IAK website. Wonder why its on Jewtube. We tried to invite Allison Weir to a presentation in our region, but when I disclosed to her that we were considered "neo-Nazis" in our region--as I thought only fair and honest--she stopped responding. They sent us a big box of brochures for an Israel/Palestine day at the college campus, but the administration sent a thug squad of 3 men to inform us that our table was not approved and we had to take it down. We had USS Liberty info to offer as well.

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Except that the land is not indigenous to Palestinians, and their prison in Gaza was actually built by Hamas…..

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Can you provide evidence for these assertions?

In my understanding, after the Oslo accords, Israel withdrew its direct presence from Gaza and that is when Israel began to build the perimeter prison around the Gaza Strip. Not just walls, but checkpoints, blockades, surveillance and subversion, isolation.

It does appear that Israel had some influence in founding and managing Hamas, though not total.

The land of Palestine is certainly more indigenous to the Palestinians than to any Ashkenasi Jews, certainly temporally. Or Sephardic Jews, since they had the same origins out of the region starting in 70AD and again for good in 135 AD. But this land of Palestine was inhabited, overrun, occupied, administered, colonized, re-colonized and otherwise lived in by so many different peoples over so much time that no one can have "original" or "indigenous" claims. Indeed this can be said about almost every place on Earth.

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And my basic issue with this is that when these people ,who were previously known as Levantine Arabs, were living in Egypt or Jordan (Gaza or the West Bank respectively), they were not only not calling themselves ‘Palestinian’, but were not looking for a Palestinian state, apparently being content enough to live in either Egypt or Jordan. It is only when Israel takes these lands over as a result of war, that suddenly there is this discussion about ‘Palestinians’….????

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The difficulty with deciding that this is solely from the Israeli side occurs when you also see that Egypt has blockaded Gaza in the south. While what we are currently seeing can be considered a religious war, there is also the argument that there are also Arab nations who do not want Hamas, Hezbollah or Houthis to be active in the region, and thus clandestinely support Israel’s attempt to destroy Hamas (as well as Saudi Arabia’s attempt to destroy Houthis). Most Arab nations are not aligned with Iran, which is at the center of these groups….which is amusing as Iranians are not Arabs but Persians.

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