I would summarize the current horrors in this region in clear simple direct terms:
The racist apartheid colonial Jewish supremacist state of Israel is escalating its slow genocide ethnic cleansing of the indigenous native Palestinians from their own homeland. Palestinians die helplessly on their prison reservation from overwhelming superior weapons of mass destruction supplied by Israel’s Jewish vassal state the United States. No other nation or people dare intervene, afraid of Israel’s bully golem the U.S., or themselves bribed, blackmailed and threatened by the world-wide Jewish organized crime syndicate ruled at the peak of power by a Satanic cult of Zionist banksters. This Jewish Power Elite (JPE) need their nation of Israel purged of all Goyim sub-humans in preparation for installing Israel and the city of Jerusalem as the epicenter of Jewish world domination and control in their mad fantasy of totalitarian rule over the dead, dehumanized and traumatized Goyim animal survivors.
If Americans Knew summarizes the current context in its own clear simple direct terms:
‣Israel and Gaza are not separate countries. Gaza is a small territory mostly surrounded by Israel and whose borders Israel controls (directly or in the case of one crossing, indirectly).
‣Gaza is often called an “open-air prison” -- for good reason. (Add a “reservation”-KH)
‣Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Palestinian Arabs peacefully shared the land before Israel was created in 1948. (Incite, divide, conflict and conquer-KH)
‣Israel was founded in 1948 by forcing non-Jewish Palestinians off the land. (And into reservations-KH)
‣Israel has been taking over more Palestinian land ever since...
‣The two “sides” are not evenly matched.
‣Palestinians are killed at massively higher rates than Israelis, and this has always been true. (The revenge ratio must be over 1000 to 1-KH)
‣Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have often tried nonviolent resistance. (What other choice? Weapons are denied them but poured into Israel-KH)
‣Numerous respected organizations have documented Israel’s systemic human rights abuses and violations of international law. (US vetoes block UN Resolutions at the Security Council-KH)
‣Israel relies on funding and diplomatic cover from the U.S. and other states.
‣On October 7, 2023 up to 1,000 Palestinians broke out of Gaza, took hostages, and attacked Israeli soldiers and civilians near Gaza. (So it appeared. What was the truth? Let it happen, make it happen or fake it happen-KH)
‣Israel immediately began indiscriminately shelling Gaza, killing and maiming men, women, and children of all ages. (The goal all along: Palestinians dead and gone-KH)

These two summaries of mine and IAK serve to establish an honest context and reasonable accounts of current events. However, the account found in the link immediately above is at least incomplete and more so suspect, as is all “information” about this Hamas/IDF “war.” For instance, we have heard that most of those killed on the Israeli side were killed by Israel forces themselves, to prevent them from being taken hostage by Hamas (Hannibal Protocol), or out of frenzied hysteria, or poorly trained incompetence, or …). We have heard that Hamas itself was created and controlled by Israel as controlled opposition. We have also heard (Gemma O’Doherty on Our Interesting Times interview with Tim Kelly) that even the pro-Palestinian accounts—including the above pictures—may also be contrived, fabricated, mass mind control psy-op provocation propaganda. I have wondered about the videos of apparently Palestinian fathers lifting limp apparently lifeless bodies of children out of line-ups of such bodies lying on sidewalks, with ketchup-red blood smeared on their clothes. The camera angle appears to look down from above, as if on a ladder or scaffold or…? We tend to see what we want to see, and what (((they))) want us to see.
Some of us will feel this is a form of outrage blasphemy against the beloved innocent helpless Palestinians for me to suggest, just as pro-Israel folks will say it is outrage blasphemy to suggest the IDF killed most of the Israeli victims, not Hamas. The first casualty of war is truth on both sides, and the fog of war obscures the front where opposing forces mingle—especially when war propagandists have influence over both sides. Still, we see what may actually be “independent” reporting and “citizen journalist” accounts and depictions, and tell ourselves we have some basic clarity, at least. It would be just as bad an outraged blasphemy to dismiss it all as fantasy fiction.
A couple of the latest videos of the combat found on Winter Watch:
They appear real. They could be current. They could be something else.
Here is a 12 hour video looking over the border into Gaza from Israel. It’s by “Agenda Free.” Rubble buildings, occasional apparent bomb blasts and smoke clouds. This was back on October 30-31.
The War Expands
Some accounts tell us the Houthis in Yemen are conducting drone hits into Israel to protest the IDF ground invasion of Gaza.
Yemeni Minister threatens to attack Israeli ships.
Is Hezbollah mobilizing out of Lebanon supported by Iran, to strike into northern Israel?
Breitbart (Jewish) says Iran says the ‘2 state solution’ is dead and Israel should revert back to Palestine. No Jews, just Arabs, Israel gone. Is Iran supporting Islamic “militias” attacking US forces in the region? Lots of talk about Iran joining the war and then it escalates toward World War III.
Bedrock Reality
All this, whatever the reality beneath the fog, bends toward the JPE’s Polarity Plan to shift world power from the Uni-Polar US to the Multi-Polar BRICS+. US declines, BRICS+ (including Iran) rises, and Israel emerges closer the BRICS+ power and closer to its goal of the racially pure, Zio-ethno-state of Jewish Supremacy epicenter of evil world domination. Palestinians gone dead or alive, Blackrock rebuilds Gaza and West Bank, Ben Gurion Canal installed, and off into the 40-50 year Multi-Polar world starting in 2030.
Unless. White Folks, reclaim America from the Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG), pull the plug on Israel and begin the process of “expatriating” all the world’s Jews to Israel. Let them earn their own way in the world for once. No more aid for Israel! Free America!
Who knows what is true? But I still contend that if confronted with jewish propaganda outlets versus virtually any other outlet (including Palestinians), then we must assume that the jew is lying. It should take many levels of proof and corroboration to ever believe anything from a jew.
Just sayin'.
There are lies coming from both sides... If you see it on MSN don't believe it. Whatever the end result is (if there will ever be an end result) thats what your answer will be for all this happening.