It's time for the parasite to depart our communities.

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Yes. Parasites must be expelled by active measures.

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Active measures is the only solution.

A leach will not willingly withdraw from our veins - physical elimination of this parasite is mandatory. 100% eradication is the only method of cleansing our racial bodies.

Until that time, we remain sick, diluted, subverted, and less than our potential.

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well said... I completely agree with everything you pinned...these vermin need to be exposed for what they are.... a pox on humanity

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Good article, I included in my Daily on-line Journal.

God Bless., Steve



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December 23rd, 2023, Saturday Morning, Index Number 2118:

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You taught me a new word. Thanks.

I agree with virtually every word. Bro Nat has a different take: he wants to give all of Israel to the jews and bring the Palestinians here and give them Arizona.


Yes, I care about the plight of Palestinians and they are being systematically mutilated and murdered. No doubt. But that doesn't mean I want them here.

Seems to me the best solution would be final. No, not a fake holocaust. But simply STOP funding them and let the world take them out. Because the world WANTS to take them out.

Now, watch my fine hypocrisy video about the dangers to Bibi's son:


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Consider this:



Hirudin is a naturally occurring peptide in the salivary glands of blood-sucking leeches that has a blood anticoagulant property. This is essential for the leeches' habit of feeding on blood, since it keeps a host's blood flowing after the worm's initial puncture of the skin.

Uninformed, intellectually lazy goyim waste their economic energy and time on consuming meaningless trinkets of social signaling. Their life force is wasted.

Traditional families and values will return once the Parasite is removed.

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Maybe money is the hirudin. Or our need for macabre fascination entertainment. I agree, we much watch out for this. None of this is entertaining. Live and learn.

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I agree. We reach a point in life and also discover the verboten truth - at this moment, we realize the mountain of mistakes and subversion we accepted as life. The idea of hirudin is all the deceit and decadence the Parasite has feed our Race. This yoke of voluntary slavery must be cast off.

Here is a message from a man who speaks English as his 3rd language:

"Lindbergh ,like Revelo P. Oliver and any white nationalist intellectual existed in an environment in which certain basic values, concepts and assumptions were taken for granted . They took those ideas to be self evident ,and started their arguments at a certain plateau . We , without drawing too many comparisons, are forced to start basically from scratch , we have to elucidate concepts and ideas that any functional European would have internalized as being the natural way of things . The idiotic notion of cultural relativism or racial identity, the imbecilic notion some nigger is equal to a European etc. all need to be refuted . It shows how western countries have been culturally and intellectually hollowed out ."

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Well said. The Hollowers are Jews. Parasites inject enzymes into the exoskeleton and later suck the pre-digested insides out, leaving the hollow shell.

We still have some guts left.

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Nice. I’m always searching for more comparisons in nature. They fit so well.

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We can gather all the Conferences of the world, gather by herds Heads of State, economic experts and champions of all techniques. They will weigh. They will decree.

But, basically, they will fail because they will miss the point.

The disease of the century is not in the body.

The body is sick because the soul is sick.

It was she who needed to be healed and revitalized.

The real, the big revolution to do is there.

Spiritual revolution

Or bankruptcy of the century.

The salvation of the world is in the will of the souls who believe.

Leon Degrelle

The Burning Souls

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Karl, you may want to find a cheaper copy of this book. I met the gentleman who wrote it, he did diligent research on the American Bund and met many surviving members and personally owns most of their old gear. https://www.amazon.com/They-too-were-AMERICANS-German-American/dp/1932970193

For your research, and hail victory o/

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Interesting. I did not find this in my research for Part 1 of History of National Socialism in America.

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I heard you talking about that research on the RoundTable with Zach, and I didn't know how to contact you with this information. I hope commenting here is fine. I am a big fan of your perspective, I was introduced to you through Zach.

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Welcome Aidan. Feel free to share here as you please. I'm surprised I did not find this book already.

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Thank you, and as for the book: the author was quite odd and unobtrusive, I met him at a Texan flee market, he sold bronze age European goods, civil war era goods, and mexican empire goods that he metal detected and found. A very fascinating man, he sold me a Germanic sunwheel-swastika pendant, a Germanic swan's foot pendant, a Spanish crucifix he found in a ruined abbey in Mexico, and multiple ring coins. I met Scott right when I became racially aware, and I often think that it was one of those "chance meetings".

I think becoming race-aware creates many of these chance meetings. Once again, good-sir, hail victory and thank you!

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Cool! Do you have a pic of the sonnenrad swastika pendant?

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https://gab.com/Mariner14/posts/111927167005408737/media/1 It took way too long, but here you go Karl!

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Yes, but I cannot connect it to this comment I think. It is not a true sonnenrad, it has four spokes, but they are coming off a complete circle, I haven't seen many like it.

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