Jewish Supremacist Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
This is It. The Alpha Test. Defend Palestine & Defend the World! America Free From Jewish Supremacy!
If Americans Knew reports on the eve of the Winter Solstice, Day 75…
Number of Gazans killed since the Biden administration vetoed UNSC ceasefire resolution:at least 2,626 (approximately 1,103 children)
KH: The U.S. is a Jewish vassal state and grovels before Jewish demands, complicit in war crimes, crimes against humanity, and a real holocaust against brown bodies. U.S. freedom from Jewish control! Save Palestine!
UN relief chief Martin Griffiths says that “such a brutal conflict has been allowed to continue and for this long – despite the widespread condemnation, the physical and mental toll and the massive destruction – is an indelible stain on our collective conscience.”
KH: The stain is worst upon the collective conscience of the U.S., which has allowed its government, media, finance and every other lever of power to be dominated by Jews. Just look at all the Jews and Jew-lovers in the Administration and Congress, starting with Sec. of State Blinken.

The UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, says that people in Gaza “are desperate, hungry & terrified”, with “alarming levels of hunger never before witnessed”… “but water, food & medicine are being used as weapons of war [and] Constant bombardment prevents aid reaching those in need.”
KH: To Jews, Palestinians are sub-human animals fundamentally inferior to God’s Chosen People. They are in the way of Jewish world domination, and must be holocausted. Petty Goyim in the way of Jewish Supremacy must be eliminated.
Israel continues to restrict the entry of aid into Gaza as it carries out bombing raids across the territory.
Jan Egeland, the secretary-general of the Norwegian Refugee Council, has warned Israel and the US that “the indiscriminate bombardment renders Gaza unlivable with generational costs, bottomless suffering for Palestinians and insecurity for the whole region, including Israel.”
KH: That’s the Jewish plan. Israel will be fine though. It has to be, as the center of world-wide suzerainty. The Rothschild extended Jewish banking clan wills it so.
US plans to urge Switzerland to reject a Geneva Conventions for Palestine. The Biden administration is finalizing plans to urge Switzerland to scuttle plans for a meeting to discuss violations of the Geneva Conventions in the current war between Israel and Gaza
KH: The Biden Administration is totally Jewish. Biden himself, however pathetic and weak a puppet of the Jews he is, is a self-declared Zionist. “You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.” No s—t Shylock.The US blocks investigations into Jewish Israeli war crimes, genocides, crimes against humanity, cease fires, and all-around evil, because the US is used and abused as Israel’s bully-slave.
On Tuesday, Israeli troops allegedly surrounded and stormed a residential building, going floor to floor to separate the men from the women and children, and then shooting dead 11 of the men in front of their family members.
AH: Israeli Jews inflict trauma on survivors, as they slaughter anyone capable of resisting them, just as Jewish Communists have always done.
The Project HOPE group says the (new neo-natal) clinic, providing much-needed care to pregnant and newborn Palestinians, was meant to begin seeing patients this week. It was damaged Wednesday during an Israeli attack nearby. The UN has estimated there are about 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, with about 180 births a day.
KH: “Little snakes,” the sadistic Jewish Israeli witch minister called them. They will only grow up to bother Jews trying to take over the world. Jews have always sacrificed children and babies to their demon god.
Auschwitz had a maternity ward for the Jewish mothers and babies, though.
On 20 December, the Israeli military called for another large evacuation in central and south Khan Younis. Residents are instructed to move immediately to shelters further south – all of which are already overcrowded.
KH: Jews like to concentrate their victims in small areas, like fish in a barrel. It makes it easier and cheaper to slaughter them off. International Jews have plans for Gaza to turn it into a seaside resort for sadistic prostitution and more Jewish Ritual Murder games. Jewish Blackrock will help “build back better.” Epstein will re-emerge as Master of Ceremonies. Others see a similar possibility.
Red Crescent ambulance center under siege, no hospitals operating in northern Gaza.
KH: Of course not. Jews can’t have their perceived enemies among innocent civilians trying to recover from their agonizing horrific wounds. Medical infrastructure must be destroyed to facilitate the Palestinian holocaust. Auschwitz had a medical ward though for sick Jews. Otto Frank Anne’s father was in one for a time. Anne Frank died of typhus.
Israeli bombing destroyed dozens of factories in Gaza industrial hub. The district was established in 1997 with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It provides more than 6,400 daily jobs, directly or indirectly, and is the backbone of Gaza City.
KH: How the Jews that control the U.S. allowed USAID to support Palestinian manufacturing jobs (when the U.S. continues to destroy U.S. manufacturing) is a mystery, unless we suppose it was part of a joint CIA/Mossad infiltration and surveillance operation into Gaza. USAID is a known CIA/Mossad front. No Palestinians must be allowed to work and earn money, since they will only use it to build home-made pop rockets against paranoid Jewish Israel.
West Bank: Israel admits 19 prison guards severely beat Palestinian prisoner Abu Assab that led to his death. Since October 7, six Palestinian detainees have died in the Israeli occupation prisons as a result of beatings.
KH: Jews derive joy from direct visceral beating to death of their perceived enemies. They celebrate this at their sadistic Purim ceremony, when Jews ritually whip the body of their perceived enemy Haman with noodles or branches. If the prisoners aren’t resisting, the guards just say they were, to justify their recreation.
On 20 December, 71 trucks carrying supplies entered Gaza through Rafah crossing and 120 trucks entered through Kerem Shalom crossing, including 46 trucks carrying more than 750 metric tons of life saving food organized by World Food Programme (WFP) and the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO).
This remains well below the daily average of 500 truckloads (including fuel and private sector goods) that entered every working day prior to 7 October.
KH: This = under 40% of need. Jews have inflicted hunger holocausts on their perceived victims before, such as the Jew Genrikh Yagoda as Stalin’s famine executioner in the Ukrainian holodomor. 3 - 10 million died slow horrific deaths by starvation. Gaza only has around 2 million now. Relatively easy for genocidal Jews.
Palestinian death toll since October 7: 27,137. A grossly low estimate.
KH: Far too low for Jewish Israeli needs. But the famine weapon should succeed much better over time, and the terror effect should work to force Palestinians to flee, once the “escape routes” can be arranged and the concentration camps established. The IDF will bomb the “escape routes” too just for good measure and to prod the goyim animals into their new pens.
Palestinian injuries since October 7: at least 58,659. Grossly low.
KH: Israeli Jews like Palestinian injuries. The more the better. The injured living are a a greater burden on the rest of Palestinian society, especially their families, making then even less capable of resisting and breaking their will. Israeli Jews showed this during the Palestinian demonstrations “Great March of Return,” with snipers deliberately inflicting heinous wounds on Palestinian legs, eyes and anywhere else they could wound them.
In Gaza, about 1.9 people have been displaced (about 85-90% of the population).
KH: Part of the plan. Ultimately and for Jews hopefully soon, All the Palestinians will be displaced, either to the concentration camps in Egypt, Jordan or anywhere else the International Jews can inflict them, maybe later to the U.S. and Europe to continue White replacement, and hopefully to the Great Beyond (if Jews even believe in an after-life. If there is one, many Jews will go to Hell, so it is not in Jewish interest to believe. Money is their god, and bombs are their prayers at present.)
Reported Israeli death toll since October 7: about 1139, (7 WB, 134 Gaza) including 32 Americans
KH: A top Israeli Rabbi said “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]
NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel may have been caused by Israeli soldiers.
KH: Plenty. We have seen the reports, including from Israeli Jew eyewitnesses, that the IDF killed many of the Israeli Jew civilians. This is part of Israel’s Hannibal Directive, not to allow hostages. They are better dead instead. Jews have often killed other Jews to further their schemes. 17 Jews died in the bombing of the King David Hotel by other Jews disguised as Arabs. Over 250 Jews died when another Jewish terror cult the Haganah bombed the refugee ship the SS Patria. Some Jews are happy to kill other Jews, just as the IDF killed other Israeli Jews on 10/7 and thereafter.
KH: The Jewish dirty work ethnically cleansing Israel of the goyim animals in their prison reservations by the racist, colonialist, Jewish supremacist war criminals in the IDF and Likud party Jewish ethno-state continues. Their goal is clear: inflict a holocaust on the Palestinian sub-humans and wipe Israel clean of their stain, to prepare for the rebuilding of their 3rd Temple, the coming if the Jewish messiah anti-Christ, and Jewish domination of the world centered in Jerusalem and Greater Israel.
The Palestinians must remain.
Look closely at this video at 1:20. What are we looking at? A camera way high up in the air, maybe on a building top. It must be a drone though, since there can be no structure under the camera. Start by looking closely at the man in the bright red shirt near the middle. What is he doing? Where is he going? Why? Go back to 1:20 and play it again. Now look only at the other man in the red shirt right of center. Examine his movements closely and imagine what he is doing, where he is going, and why. Go back to 1:20 and play again. Pick out the man in white who moves from left top center to right top center, balancing and skipping over planks atop the rubble. Go back to 1:20 and play again. Don’t focus your eyes and take in the general movements and directions of the whole crowd. Do they seem to have a general direction of movement? Or are they milling aimlessly, every which way? Back to 1:20, play again. Look at the people standing still at upper left, on a smooth surface. What are they doing? Do they interact with each other? Are they all facing one direction, out into the rubble area? Back to 1:20, again. Switch your glance quickly from person to person, trying to see if any of them look like women, children, elderly, if any of them are pointing cell phone cameras, carrying anything, as we would expect. Do any of them look up at the drone? They all look like young to middle-age men, none carrying anything, none pointing cameras. None look up. Zero.
What is this? It reminds me of video of the milling mob outside the Firehouse crisis center down the street from Sandy Hook Elementary School, taken from the helicopter, or maybe it was a drone. Turn off sound and watch closely.
Still, it does appear The Jewish Supremacists are pushing their ethic cleansing of Israel of the Goyim Palestinians as the next dispensation in their deranged End Times prophecy fulfillment. This is it. Operation Cast Lead 2009 and Operation Protective Edge 2014 were only the beta tests. A mere 1500 Palestinians were killed in Cast Lead, and only 2205 in Protective Edge. This operation today (does it have a brand name? Oh yes, Operation Shield and Arrow. No, that was launched into Gaza in May before 10/7) has a death count well over 10 or 15 times these beta tests. And the slaughter continues. Just as the other 7 disease scares (they left out Measles, but that was only said to be in the U.S.) earlier in the 21st century were beta tests for the 2020 covid scam. We let them get away with it then, so they think we will let them get away with 100 times worse now.
Defend Palestine! Palestine must remain to disrupt the Jewish Supremacist plan for world domination. Free America from Zionist Jew control!
It's time for the parasite to depart our communities.
well said... I completely agree with everything you pinned...these vermin need to be exposed for what they are.... a pox on humanity