Since I haven't seen the discussion, did by any chance the topic of the Holocaust come up?

If not then I have my answer to these jabbering talking heads who refuse to admit that ALL the problems we are facing are a direct result on how the Holocaust narrative has been forced upon us as the boot on our neck to direct attention away from them as being the instigators of most of our world problems.

Adam Greene refuse to debate me, as I'm sure the others who don't want to travel down that rabbit hole as it would indeed cause them to lose some of their Jew supporting followers, and maybe even you Karl. The root of the problem goes back to when the Jews lied about this so called extermination of them. Now the Jews get back at us with the political victim hood nonsense .

When it gets hot and heavy against them (Jews) then they trot out the Holocaust victim hood card and all the antisemitism nonsense to ward off the finger pointing directly at them.

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I don't recall if they mentioned the holohoax. If so, it was brief and in passing. Henrik certainly knows, and Raging Dissident as well, who also knew some NS history, which was good to hear (though not in detail). Ryan Dawson no doubt is also awakened on the holohoax, but I don't remember him mentioning it much. Adam keeps his focus on the Judaic religious themes with some current-day politics. I'm okay with that. It's a valuable contribution, and I don't know of anyone else doing it as well. Whitney Webb also does not mention H, and I'm okay with it. It can be too troubling for some people and they get too anxious for their income and social lives. It is not for everyone. It is truly Taboo, and that can be a frightening thing. We do go beyond them when we present it though. They can follow along as well as they can.

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Exactly! Adam has done some informative work on Jewish History and their bloodthirsty messianic madness, but he's woefully inept in discussing the Holohoax and National Socialism. He goes out of his way to avoid it.

Also, I like how he has constantly complained over-the-years about censorship, yet he has continually blocked people who disagree with him. I made one relatively innocuous reply to one of his Twitter posts about 3 years ago, and he blocked me.

In addition, him having had Christopher Jon Bjerknes on a handful of times shows the pathetic company he's willing to keep. I don't follow Adam anymore, but I believe they've had a "falling-out" and got a divorce- lol!

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I was disgusted with Bjerknes in his debate with Dennis Wise moderated by Adam. Bjerknes must have deliberately trolled and sabotaged the debate. Someone else tells me that Bjerknes is just a disturbed person (Jew) but his behavior was so bad it appeared deliberate to me. That's when I shifted away from Adam Green's channel, though I still think he does good work exposing Judaism.

I hope Adam distanced himself from Bjerknes.

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I consider Adam Greene controlled opposition he says 80% truth but holds back the most important information like how the Jews use the Holocaust narrative to control ALL conversation. He has blocked me only because on who I am. I've never even had a conversation with him. Imagine me being blocked because of who I am and not because he had a problem with my comments. That to me is a very dangerous person.

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Who did Adam think you were? A "Nazi"?

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Wouldn't surprise me Jim. For years on YT, he was more worried about having his channel taken down and sanitizing his message, than communicating the issues directly. He would tell his guests, "We can't say that! I don't want to have my channel taken down," when it came to using the tiresome "bad words."

I've always wondered how he pays his bills because, I can't ever remember him mentioning what he does for an occupation. And he is very sensitive when called-out on Hitler and NS!

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How has Adam shown his sensitivity to NS? I know a man who is close friends with Adam and they meet up at least weekly. This man is fully awakened on NS, so I will ask him about this. I never really thought about it before.

It is strange that Adam was worried his YT channel would be banned for NS, but the rest of his content is so grotesquely "antisemitic" that it should have been enough to be banned on its own. I've wondered about this.

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I have never seen Adam devout one single video to a fair analysis of Hitler and NS! I have seen him dance around the subject in dozens of comments and tweets!

When he blocked me on Twitter about 3yrs ago, I was responding to someone who had made a reply to Adam. I forgot the original tweet, but the gist of my tweet went something like this-"Adam has done some good work on Jewish History, but he completely avoids discussing Hitler and NS"

He then replied to me, "Doing so would only help the Jews," a similar-type reply which I've seen him make multiple times to others.

Now, I haven't watched a video of Adam's in a couple of years! He basically rehashed the same content over and over; material I was already aware of. Whether he has changed his stance- I don't know! But, when he started having the rancorous CJB on- I had had enough! I have nothing but contempt for that loathsome slimeball!

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My biggest complaint against these types are their incessant attacking of Christians. Alienating what is likely the very best allies they could have, they have so much hatred for Christianity (obviously something they don't fully understand) that they aren't willing to work out a partnership. No, they hate Christians as much or more than jews.

Take the moron, Alex Linder, as an example. He is so anti-Christian that he boxes himself in to the National Alliance cult and cannot see the hypocrisy of them pushing some other weird religion they intend to replace Christianity with when their group (all three of them in Alex's pocket) take over the world.

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I can understand your complaint. Christianity when administered by Whites has certainly done great good in the world (though sometimes at the expense of Whites in 'pathological altruism'). The Christian community and values have allowed many people, especially White youth, to resist the degrading effects of cultural marxism (it did not help me and my brothers because we did not have it).

My views on Christianity are mixed and still undecided. Certainly Christian Zionism is a horror to our cause. Some say--and I must consider it--that Christianity is not a proper religion for White tribes, and that the heroic mythology of Greeks, Romans and the Vikings is more aligned with the White world-soul. There may be some truth in that. Christianity is seen by some to be essentially Judaic, and so alien to the White nature. Some Jews have bragged about the influence they have inflicted on Whites through their Judaic Christian faith. Guyenot makes a good case for this.

I haven't explored the details of the Cosmotheism you refer to from NA, but I have heard the general precepts. If it is rooted in natural law and a divine order, as NS is, then I can embrace that and apply it beneficially for my life and my society. It is harder for me to see how Christianity is directly rooted in natural law. It's origins are now so distorted and confusing that I struggle to ascribe it the validity you may think it deserves.

As I said though, I do ascribe it some validity, I just wonder if another approach is more valid for Aryan types.

I do find it ironic and funny that you refer to Cosmotheism as a "weird religion," when the very same label can be applied to Christianity. It's mythology is weird beyond belief! Partly good though, as I say.

Jung said "I'd rather be whole than good." This can be considered a religion all itself. Christian beliefs tend to create a large Shadow, which is then projected. Sexuality, aggression, self-interest, are all instincts Christian beliefs tend to subvert, while its Shadow reaches out in the world in damaging and deadly ways. I prefer integration to separation.

Still, some aspects of Christianity are still opposed to Judaism, which we need more of.

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Maybe you should spend some time listening to Stone Choir podcast (I was introduced by Adam at Myth of the 20th Century). https://stone-choir.com/

I do not agree with all of their theology, but then again, I don't agree with anyone 100%. And yes, Christianity is supposed to be personal, can only be received if the Holy Spirit reaches out, and will happen if Jesus "be lifted up" as He said. What all that means is subject to interpretation and frankly, most Christians disagree with my particular take on the subject.

As a matter of fact, I have been run out of churches due to my "heretical" belief, which is basically Biblical Universalism. Yet even with me writing those two words, I know there will elicit a knee jerk among many people. Some white people are so white nationalistic that the word universal freaks them out. Some are so committed, that they believe that ONLY white people can receive.

The truth is that many Christians hate me and I am one. Funny, huh?

There are so many differing views and theologies within Christianity that I feel it is detrimental to paint them all with the same broad brush of misunderstanding.

Every hard question I ever had about the subject has been answered and the answers hardly ever align with what some people claim Christianity means. So, bashing Christians is dumb, in my book. The constant barrage from the Linders of the world that I mention is only going to provide alienation within his three mouse in the pocket group.

Which, btw, also banned my comments. Subsequently, after being railed by Wee Willie William Williams (the leader of the group) about my difference in opinion about Kyle Rittenhouse's actions, I was made aware that I would not fit in with the group (as if I wanted in).

The only redeeming person there actually wrote me after the brouhaha and apologized, wishing me luck (Kevin Alfred Strom)

Sure Christianity is weird, but it has legs thousands of years old, while Cosmotheism is the dream of William Pierce, who took ideas and molded them into his vision.

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Yes. Michael Hoffman says some Christian sects--mormon, 7th Day, Jehovah's Witness--were deliberately created to sow division and dissent among Christians. So many of the many sects claim they are the True Christians and the others have strayed from the true Word. This tires me. It might intend to.

Mormonism is truly weird, but all religion is weird. Weird means destiny. It all deals with the super-natural, which may be little more than a projection of our own over-heated imagination. Why do we even really need religion? We seem to need it, though. I'm not sure I do. Depends on how we define it. NS could be a religion today, Jungian psychology could be a religion. I'm open to Cosmotheism, Asatru, Odinism, Aryanity... Or none of them. The trade-offs are not clear to me either way. So why mess with it at all? Community, may be one reason. Religions that are social fulfill real human needs. Christian communities seem the most healthy vs. secular, though the healthy behavior is imposed by outside pressures such as shame and guilt, creating a large Shadow.

If we didn't have Christianity, the White West would have had some other religion. Polycultural Paganism might have served just as well, and maybe better. In the end, natural law rules, and whether that is represented in a god/goddess or earthly practice, all will be better in the golden age of order.

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People can believe whatever they want to believe (or not). I am certainly not proselytizing for Christianity (I already said that is another being's job).

My entire point is that these white nationalist entities like Nat Al paint themselves into a corner by attacking Christianity. THEN, they introduce some other "weird" (as in unknown, odd ball, etc) as if it is some counter to Christianity. But where does that end up? Them in a corner by themselves.

Divided whites with jews laughing.

"If we didn't have Christianity..."

But, alas, it is there. So, do we alienate them because we disagree with some of them, while others are our best, most natural allies?

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I tend to agree with you. For now White Christians--though not Christian Zionists--can be our allies in a coalition against Jewish power. Unfortunately, so many millions of White Christians are Christian Zionists, and they must be our enemy. We should consider them race traitors in the battle against Zion. Christian Identity folks are definitely our allies in coalition. For now. First priority is to defeat the Jewish Power Elite, then we can sort our differences later. In this context, even some Jews, such as True Torah Jews and even today's pro-Palestinian liberal Jews may tentatively and very briefly be allies. They can be used against Likud, but must not be allowed to re-establish Zion power of their own. This is probably too tricky though and safest to exclude any and all Jews from the coalition, unless thoroughly vetted and proven, such as possibly Gilad Atzmon et al.

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You can't defeat jews and bow down to them (your mythical jeeeezus and his cavalcade of jewish extras) at the same time! People like you certainly try sidestepping the christian problem with all of the apologetics baloney but you're just putting lipstick on a pig. You diss Linder and Natvan because they take your desert insanity to task and that makes you all so irascibly pompous. I tried many times over the the span of two decades to ally with christians who were supposedly "pro-white", racialists, or even NS supporters. None, to the man, would meet me half way because I wasn't a christ guzzler like them. They were all so sure that they could whip the jews with one hand tied behind their back that they didn't need heathens like me, nor Pierce's or Lane's boys. Well look at you now. All of us mean non-christian weirdos are witnessing poetic justice smite the desert prophecy believers and we're enjoying it!

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An anti-globalist leftist site published this piece that has some similarities with what you predicted, particularly this segment:

"Accelerating the Great Reset

Oil prices will once again go through the roof, creating more impoverishment and another wealth transfer bonanza for Big Oil. A prolonged energy price hike, avoidable as it is, is just economic warfare on small and medium scale businesses and working class consumers. This is likely to accelerate monetary and financial instability, which will play into narratives of pushing Central Bank Digital Currencies to counter that instability. There’d be no logic to it but that won’t stop Central Banks from scaring a financially illiterate public into accepting CBDCs as the answer to financial instability, whatever its source.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the perfect vector for re-igniting extremism in the Middle East and, more importantly, Islamist domestic terror in the West. It would only take a small number of terror attacks in Western and US cities to re-invigorate states of emergency which would be used to ramp up the surveillance state architecture, and crucially, act as the catalyst for the introduction of the Digital ID regime that the G20 have committed themselves to. Because as we all know, the only way to stop terrorists from blowing up a shopping mall is to make them log on to the internet with Digital ID.

With the Online Safety Bill already working so well that even the censors are censoring themselves, all we need now to put the final touches on the digital gulag is Digital ID and CBDCs. And the crisis opportunity in the Middle East will almost certainly accelerate it.

The ultimate global hegemon that sits above the US empire is global capital. And no war that has potential implications for global financial stability is ever approved without the bankers’ final nod. Biden sat in on Israel’s war cabinet meetings, so you can rest assured this has been approved by the central bank mafia.

It also plays into the fake multipolarity narrative in which the West has been earmarked by global capital to become the new Third World while the BRICS economies grow in leaps and bounds. Multipolarity is really just a chimeric construct of global capital intended to facilitate the controlled demolition of the bankrupt monetary system and the rotten debt pile in the West.

The Gaza crisis is an added catalyst for the BRICS shift because the majority of the planet is disgusted by Israel’s unchallenged right to butcher innocent civilians in retaliation for terror attacks by an organisation it begged the Gulf Arab states to, in the words of a former Israeli Defence Minister, “keep funnelling money into”. The idiot Western professional managerial class have long forgotten what justice means, but people in the South still know a racket when they see one. It’s not so long ago that they were at the sharp end of some pretty lethal rackets.

The BRICS shift will make the West much poorer, and if you live in the West and are cheering team Israel instead of team Peace, you’re a turkey voting for Christmas. Don’t misunderstand me – I want to see vastly improved economic prosperity for the world’s poorest. Who wouldn’t? But it’s not going to happen under the multipolar lie. There is only one pole and it’s global capital. BRICS vs the West is a fake drama to fool the next bunch of suckers – the BRICS.

It took two world wars to deliver the global governance structures of the UN, the WHO and the EU. Another war is just what’s needed to completely usurp what little remains of national sovereignty and consolidate more top-down control in the hands of institutions like the UN. All of course for your own good, to ensure that these beastly wars ‘never happen again’.

You are not an Island

Opportunity Crisis is the best, perhaps the only, accelerant of top-down control. Spitting blood and fury at Hamas, which has been nurtured for years by Israel, and baying for blood in the Middle East is not just mindless; it fans the flames of a global crisis which could potentially hand the globalist control freaks a bonanza for advancing their agenda. You should be eagerly pouring cold water on the flames of these crises because ultimately they are the fuel without which the Great Reset cannot burn."


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Excellent. Thank you for bringing this in. Yes, this is very closely aligned with my own theory in "The World Plan: Surrender of Another Empire."

"Multipolarity is really just a chimeric construct of global capital intended to facilitate the controlled demolition of the bankrupt monetary system and the rotten debt pile in the West."

I would add more to this, and say that the Multipolar World coming now is the penultimate stage before the final One World Government. It is not "just" a chimeric construct, it is also a key stage toward the OWG in which the BRICS+ nations will truly blossom (at least their power elite) and the US will truly decline (at least our multi-class masses).

And I'm not convinced the Multi-polar World is meant to demolish the monetary system so much as shift it to BRICS+. The US dollar is scheduled for demolition, but the monetary system itself will continue with new dominant currencies and nations, and then digital currencies.

The Great Reset could burn without crises, but it definitely flares hotter with them. I still say we must maintain Palestine in the region as a moral and possibly military presence at the core of the in-coming Jewish world empire.

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"butcher" is more descriptive than slaughter.

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Karl, Thanks for you honest appraisal of the debate.

I have a response for you in today's walk and talk. I hate typing, I'm a better talker.

It's my first topic. after the introduction.


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I watched the first part Jim, where you mention my first name and my hopes for reasonable debate. My full name is Karl Haemers and my Substack site is called Taboo Truth at karlhaemers.substack.com if you ever need to mention it again.

I don't blame you for having to participate in that shouting match with EMJ, which was no debate at all but a chaotic interpersonal hate fest. I hold the moderator responsible for not establishing proper debate form in advance and strictly applying it during. The participants might also be responsible for not proposing and insisting on proper debate form. I feel that such displays of immaturity and conflict as emerged from your talk-over competition with EMJ only harms our cause. It makes us look immature, incompetent, over-emotional and divisive, which is what the JPE wants. We must do much better.

As an example, please review this real debate Jared Taylor had with Wilfred Riley in 2016. It occurred at a college campus, so some degree of debate form was applied (not all, but acceptable).


We don't have to be quite this formal, but close. It would be an immense improvement, and transform our current "debates" from such bad optics they hurt us, to good optics that enhance our image, reputations and credibility.

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I would love to debate Adam Greene on the topics he stays away from.

The Holocaust is the top one and we go from there.

If someone can hook me up with him that would be great. Many have tried in the past, no dice. He has banned me on his channel I've never even spoken to him personally.

I guess I'm the Big Bad Boomer Boogie Man.

I debated the Great E Michael Jones a few weeks ago....You tell me how it turned out.

Comments are telling


Jim Rizoli

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I'm disappointed to say I thought the "debate" was intolerable. Not your fault Jim, but it was just another shouting match where two men talk over each other, with no real debating structure and completely incompetent moderation. I could only get through half way, and that painfully, before I had to stop. It was atrocious. I expected better from Gemma. But she is no debate moderator either.

We need to do our debates according to university debating society rules. We need a good skilled experienced professional moderator. There is a structure, with timed statements, rebuttals and counter-rebuttals, then conclusions. Each side is timed for each response. they go point by point.

The only debate that even came close was Jared Taylor and Wilfred Riley in 2016. It was tolerable. This was not. It was almost as bad as the Wise/Bjerknes/Green debacle.

I would never agree to participate in any such "debate" unless we agreed to strict debating protocols with a good moderator. It is a waste of time otherwise, and worse than that, counter-productive. We look like rabid fools in these dynamics. This is not debate, this is ranting and raving chaotic fussing. Does anyone else know how a real scholarly debate is to be conducted? Jones should know, he's an academic. His conduct was atrocious. Just as Wise with Bjerknes, you had to try to respond Jim, but the whole thing was a pathetic cat fight.

You asked.

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I know a man who is very close with Adam Green. He and I have tried to suggest an interview for me with Green, but nothing has come of it.

I suspect the same for you, but I will mention it.

I will listen to your debate with Jones. SHould be interesting.

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Not only are you a Boomer, Jim, you are a Christian, too.

You must be banned from white advocacy, obviously.

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I appreciate that you want the best kind of White advocacy.

In your view, are "Boomers" and Christians not the best White advocates? Who makes the best White advocates? This is a question we all should ask and answer, so I'm glad you brought it up.

I think Jim makes some good contributions. Perhaps not "the best," but good. We all could get better with practice and helpful respectful critique. The best critiques say what works well and is good, plus How it could be better. It sounds as if you think Jim could be better with less of a "Boomer" mentality and less of a Christian orientation as well. What mentality and orientation do you see works best?

For myself, I suspect the generation-labeling is another cultural marxist social deconstruction program. It does divide us on simplistic artificial identities and severs the functional bond between children/youth and elders, making us all more susceptible to social isolation and inner cultural conflict. Children/youth and elders need each other, and we are stronger together. It is how the NS did it, and we can too.

The Christian identity is a complex consideration and from what I can see, not all Christians are automatically to be banned. We need every ally we can get in a coalition against the Jews, and some Christians have been enemies of the Jews for a long time. Some can be converted.

We should ban automatic banning on simple labels. As an individual, Jim looks to offer some contribution to our cause.

You do too AP, and let's see how we can work together against a common enemy for a common cause.

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"Who makes the best White advocates?"

I dunno. I am not saying that Christians are the best (certainly NOT Zionist Christians). All I am saying is that there are those like me (more than the 'hate Christian' crowd wants to admit) who have been doing this for a long time. My consternation has always been (until recently) with Zionists of all sorts. I am as critical of Zionist Christians as anyone, maybe moreso.

So, none of what I am writing is in defense of them. The sooner they go away the better.

But are we going to suggest that for the first 1800 years that Christians were not the point of the battle against jewish power (because before then, there was NO Zionism in the church)? Are we to pretend that NOW, after a couple of hundred years, that we need to just distance ourselves from the ones who carried the mantle for millennia?

Really? Its the same for the Boomer Bashers, who, from my viewpoint have done little to further the fight against the power. They just seem to want to bitch about older people.

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As I remember Adam Green got dumped by Bjerknes first, but I can't recall the reason. Maybe not giving him enough credit which doesn't seem true. Adam would have done well to ditch Bjerknes first for all his anti-NS/Hitler and pro-H views, but Adam doesn't swing that way as others have noticed. A blogger who's taken Adam to task for his founding/financial support of Handsome Truth and the Goyim Defense League (provocateurs) is the Christian Whistle Blower Jeffrey Daugherty. He's also complained about Adam's fear of debate. He's someone worth checking out.

One thing on the predictions, about China seizing Taiwan? The only way I see that happening is somehow politically not militarily. Taiwan is no threat to China like Ukraine was to Russia.

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Adam founded and financed GDL? I'll be damned. I'll have to check on that. I'm not convinced GDL is fed or provocateur, but it is always possible with these groups today. I'd have to see evidence.

Adam does not appear fearful of debate. I have seen him in many debates with all sorts of folks.

The possibility of various territorial land grabs around the world came up in this panel discussion. Once the world military structure re-focuses on Palestine/Israel, forces in other regions can commit fait accomplis and seize territory. This has been a common strategy and development in history. Hard to say whether this will occur in Ukraine, since both sides appear to be fighting not to win or lise. In my theory, both are dispensations in the current shift from Uni-polar to Multi-polar world.

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Here's Daugherty's main accusation https://rokfin.com/stream/39331/REALLY-BIG-SHOA-HT-UGLY-LIES-LOOMER-ADAM-GREEN There's an earlier video that he mentions as well. Start at 20 minutes in.

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Interesting that you mention the Third Temple. Today the leading rabbis of Israel made the connection between what is going on now and "...the building of the third temple speedily in our days":

"...Therefore, we ask from each person to be a partner and to give a donation of $360 to save the residents of the South of Israel. Be with them during this difficult time.

The merit of this charity is twofold: sharing in the pain of Israel, and also the great mitzvah of charity itself which can protect from all danger, and to see soon the coming of the Redeemer to Zion and the building of the third temple speedily in our days."


If this actually has relevance as to what is going on now or if it is just religious fanatics talking is hard to know, but intriguing nonetheless.

In the same newspaper, which is the biggest religious one in Israel, an op-ed recently made the case that the overt goal of the current situation should be to simply resettle the people of Gaza in Egypt and elsewhere. The blockade and continuous bombing will soon make life unbearable down there, I would guess, and people will yearn to leave. Perhaps that's why the ground operation has been stalling as it would just make things messy?:


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It seems they have always been proclaiming the 3rd Coming. The main incident that provoked the alleged Hamas attack was when many Rabbis and Jews defiled the Al Aqsa Mosque by going inside and holding a Judaic ritual. Blasphemy to the Muslims, and the Jews know it. Hamas reacted swiftly after, but their operation must have had long advance planning--it if was not a DIY false flag by Israel itself using its captive Hamas controlled opposition.

Some are saying that the IDF is stalling because they know they will get beat by Hamas/Palestinian partisans in urban house-to-house and tunnel fighting in Gaza. With what, IED's and home-made rockets? I can't imagine that, but certainly IDF will lose some soldiers in a ground operation in Gaza. Palestinians will lose far more, but a Jew's life is worth 1000 times more than a Palestinian life. No, a Jew's fingernail is worth 1000 more.

Isn't Israel preventing Gazans from leaving? The Egypt crossing is not open, and when it was, the IDF bombed it. That's a deterrent to leave, not an encouragement. One reason for the US carrier fleet is to prevent Palestinians attempting escape by ship. I think Israel wants to keep the fish in the barrel, and shoot them there. At a level even above the Devil's Chessboard, the Jewish Power Elite may be deliberately provoking this conflict with heinous atrocities against Palestinians and even some Israelis, in order to bring in Hezbollah, Syria and Iran, and then force Russia/China to take a sides. The JPE may want another world war to transition to their next phase, the Multi-Polar world. The US will be brought down further in its "alliance" with Israel, part of the plan. BRICS+ will rise because of the conflict. Israel will pivot to cooperation, alliance, and economic arrangements with BRICS+ but will maintain a semblance of parasitism on the US until it is completely drained.

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It appears that the Israelis have entered (northern) Gaza with their ground operation now, and Iran has issued warnings about Israel 'crossing red lines'. If anything happens remains to be seen. These people in the Middle East always talk big. This is very much a 'wait and see' situation.

With regard to Hamas, I saw a recent statement from one of their leaders that I cannot wrap my head around:

"Hamas has admitted surprise that its brutal attack on Israel this month prompted a muscular US response, with Washington deploying carrier strike groups, air-defence systems and thousands of troops to the region. 

Ali Barakeh, a senior member of Hamas’s political leadership in exile, told the Financial Times that the group “didn’t expect this much of a response from America”.

“An Israeli response? Yes, we expected that,” Barakeh said from his office in Beirut. “But what we’re seeing now is the entrance of the US into the battle, and this we didn’t count on.”"



Maybe something is lost in translation, but how it can be a surprise that the US would strongly back Israel, I don't understand.

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You were thinking about this quote, Karl:

"1 Million Arabs Not Worth A Jewish Fingernail” Rabi Yaakov Perrin


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Since the significant decline of boxing beginning in the 90's, and accelerating in the 2000's, UFC has filled much of the void left over. The CEO of the UFC is Dana White, but the man who truly controls the UFC, and who purchased it when it was hundreds-of-millions of dollars in debt, is Ari Emanuel,...yes!...one of the repulsive Emanuel brothers.

Emanuel is married to the great granddaughter of David R. Forgan, who did his part to help setup the Federal Reserve.

Emanuel helped bring the UFC to its current prominence, and a few months ago, merged the UFC with Vince McMahon WWE empire! A win-win for both "bread and circuses" slimeballs!



Of course, the UFC has steadily done its part the last 20 years with its continual and destructive contribution to the culture war, with exploitating women by turning them into gladiatorial pawns in the mixed martial arts spectacle of feminine bloodletting for the frenzied mob of dimwitted duplicates.

Of course, during the Kanye West situation, Emanuel called on companies to terminate their endorsement deals with West, and used the opportunity to, per usual, talk about the "rise in antisemitism."🙄


UFC 294 was this past Saturday night, and after their lightweight champion Islam Makachev's victory over Alexander Volkanovski, Makachev decided to use the opportunity to speak out in support of the Palestinians. Of course, this was not going to be tolerated, and word probably went out at some point even before the fight-card that, if any of these fighters starts opening their mouths- censor it! They did, and they were censored!




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Yes, you hit the nail on the head with that one......We need allies and these fellas have done the worst thing you can do throw the "Christians" under the bus. Not to mention they don't see Hitler as a man that was trying his best to fight Communism which was the real problem for the world as we see now.

Bottom line if you take God out of the picture then what do you have. I don't support the main line religions but I do support and adhere to Christianity based on the teachings of Christ.

Most of the main line churches are pro Zionist.

Jim Rizoli

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No! It's the christians that throw every one else under the bus. Always full of the cliquish Deus Vult crap and living in the delusions of the distant past. The rest of us are considered as unworthy and unenlightened.

Christianity has been in the driver's seat since it conquered (not converted) the indigenous tribes of Europe and now, due to it being a universalist religion, is heading off the cliff. We'll wave from our caves as you all drive by.

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Off topic, but The Red Ice people had me banned from their comments because I was calling out their incessant Trump praising/pushing. There are many within this "movement" who, when chided for their unfailing love and promotion of the jew-controlled Trump, even after posting article and video (one after another) non-stop, criticizing jews, but when it comes to Trump and his jews?

Meh. That's ok because the hero Trump chose those jews, so they must be the "good jews".

I just vomited in my mouth.

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When was this? I'm surprised to hear RedIce would ban anyone for Trump bashing. They pretty much recognize Trump now as a Jewish puppet, I think.

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This was during the election. I saved a screenshotm of the ban warning, in case one needs proof (because I guarantee that they will not admit it). But I do have proof.

As a matter of fact, the comment I wrote that got me banned was:

"And yet the sickening Drumpfters will desperately try to find some way to sugar coat this traitorous conman's antics on behalf of the jews."

I don't remember what the comment was I was commenting to, but I would say that those few words are not ban material (unless I was a pain in their Trump loving side). It happened at Friend's site, too. But now I think he lets me comment.

Its the same old stuff. Viciously dismantle jewish power structures in virtually every article and video, but when it comes to Trump's jews...

They're alright.

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I trust you. RedIce has shifted at times--and quickly--from their original positions on a number of issues, notably covid. Trump too. Now I'm fairly sure RedIce knows Trump is a Jew puppet. They would lose credibility if they were not, at this point.

Their ban on you, even then, was unjust. I am often disappointed at how readily even our side adopts cancel culture. We advocate for open debate, then shut it down ourselves when it comes up internally. Such hypocrisy bothers me. I was banned from Unlimited Hangout telegram chat for "White supremacy" and such.

John Friend banned you too? I'm disappointed. I myself am alert to troll language intended to degrade and pervert the discussion, but your comment, while tending in the direction of defamation language, I consider acceptable.

I'm fairly sure RedIce and Friend are now aligned with your comment on Trump, which should be some satisfaction to you. Often the early nay-sayers are denounced and vilified, only to be vindicated later. It's worth it.

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If anything, I find John to be too consensual and approving, and I've told him so in his comments section.

John has done some solid work since he started almost a dozen or so years ago, but his interviews at times are too agreeable for me. The constant and steady diet of replies that go: "Right, right!"/ "I totally agree!"/ "Exactly!"/ "I know, it's unbelievable!"

Anytime one of his guests says something he disagrees with, he does all he can to avoid any potential confrontational discussion or debate. John is a nice guy- too nice! I would even say soft at times.

The above being said, I will not take away from his contributions. Even as busy as he is with work now, he still finds time to do about an interview a week or two, and still write for AFP and TBR. And John is a sound writer grammatically and punctually!

I do know he has a half-Asian child from a previous relationship that he's not comfortable discussing, and rarely does so. He has admirably admitted that, if he was racially aware then, as he is now, then he would've never had the relationship to begin with.

Some guys in the past have criticized him for having "yellow fever" and not forcing the mother to have an abortion, but to his credit, he said he would've never done that- even now!

He was fired from a city job in San Diego about 8 or 9 years ago because his activities on line were made aware to his supervisor. He has since moved, and I'm not sure what he's doing now!

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On Friend's most recent podcast, he was a bit at logger heads with his guest on the Trump topic. So, he still holds out hope with Trump (to my total consternation).

As for RedIce, it was not either of the hosts, but their admin Reinhard (or Reinholt or something similar) who loved Trump enough to cull me.

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Was that the Massaro interview?

Ah. I don't know Reinhard/holt. Maybe Henrik would have disapproved.

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I've watched Heinrich and Lana since they started. They would probably only delete someone's comment if they were getting really vile or abusive. Like was said above, probably an Admin!

Though I'm not on board with everything of theirs, I have nothing but respect for both of them. Good-natured, seem to get along really well, and I enjoy their 'No-Go Zone' and the like.

Henrich always carries himself in a professional manner, wearing a suit, trying to be fair to a story, and steady and consistent. I found it funny the other day with the panel discussion with Adam, Ryan, etc. Heinrich was wearing a suit, and the other four looked like they were completely indifferent to their appearance, or like Dawson always does, looked like he just woke-up!

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Not sure, Karl. I never miss an interview or article that John publishes, so I am not coming from a point of animosity. I simply cannot understand the lack of awareness of their cognitive dissonance. And worse, when told about the obviousness of that dissonance, they lash out, never seeing the dissonance, and even banning comments.

The Reinholt guy even made a comment or two minimizing my insistence that jews are the problem. Something like, "Oh, it;s the JEWS again", or some such. (I wish I had saved those interactions).

They certainly didn't like this video:


Many of the Trumptards hated that video. But tell me what falsehoods it contains.

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Incidentally, is this for paid subscribers and if not might I share on X?

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This essay should be for all subscribers. If I post something as for paid subscribers only, it should only show up to free subscribers as a preview only.

Feel free to share far and wide. Please let me know how this is received on TwiX. I am reluctant to post such content on that philosemitic platform, but I hope you have success. Let us know.

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Lots of very interesting predictions.

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I've been banned on many platforms comes with the territory.

Mainly because I dare take on the Holocaust cult topic.


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I haven't listened to the discussion so this is just a general comment about Jewish power.

Presumably you know something about MK Ultra and the various mind control societies. As far as I can work out these societies dont have any overt Jewish influence and yet their ability to manipulate and ruin people's lives is almost without comparison.

To my understanding the mind control societies ought to have far more ability to influence the world even than the Jews do and yet the Jews appear to control the world.

I can't resolve this dilemma I just wanted to air it.


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Thanks for this, it is a good point.

I have not deeply researched the Jewish influence in the trauma-based mind control programs of MK Ultra, Phoenix and Monarch. One fact I have found is that the sadistic doctor at the core of MK Ultra was not Carpenter (I think I remember that right), a goy, but Sydney Gottlieb, real name Scheider. He was a Jew. I expected it. I am sure there were others. This would be an excellent research topic and an essay of great interest to many. I have notes for an essay on sadistic Jewish doctors (covid years were loaded with them), but to focus on TBMC programs would be better.

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Thanks for sharing the predictions, but I must respectfully disagree. While, yes, much is scripted, it's a mistake to assume the scriptwriters control everything. This reads like "that's the way it is, that's the way it always was and that's the way it always will be." It's a narrow, low energy view that will not inspire anyone.

You also will never gain any traction if you appeal only to "Whites." Grass roots resistance come in many styles, cultures and languages. Almost everyone has been under the jackboot in some way or another, so we should welcome any push back we see, and work together.

Where you see omnipotent control, I see terminal stage hubris. Sure, they write scripts, they can make things happen, but it's all dull thinking now and their power is collapsing. It will fall under its own weight. They just simply aren't as omnipotent and smart as they believe they are. They play the same scripts because those are the only games they know. As the system fails, people go elsewhere. Lots of "elsewheres." There is a long period of decentralization as new power structures strengthen. This is, I believe, what the "multi polar world" idea is. It's not a plan, but a prediction. The New Silk Road is a post-Imperial project for a time when no single power rules the world. The world will be chaotic, anarchistic and unpredictable for awhile.

If you think about it for a moment, you will realize that this is true, logical and entirely in the natural order of things. It's the nature of power, and human nature. Things rise and fall, and go round and round. We're in a time of a convergence of many long term cycles. I could go on about this for hours, but really, Karl, please stop worshipping the existing "power elite" with your belief in their superhuman power.

By the way, are you really a "dispensationalist"? Really???

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It seems you've misunderstood my essay. Please re-read the last 2 paragraphs. The inspiration is there. Truth, however grim it may appear, is always inspiring and always hopeful. That will show you that I ascribe no "omnipotence" to the JPE, but at the same time to dismiss or minimize their current power would be an equal mistake.

I am open to a racial coalition--the enemy of my enemy is my friend (for now)--yet I feel the focus of inspired resistance at least for me and mine is the White Aryan tribe. We are under the most fearsome assault from the JPE, obviously because we are the most capable of resisting (a classic Communist approach). If a racial coalition can help us, very well, but most likely we will have to help them, and it might be counter-productive to spend energy on such allies. Jews are certainly using blacks against us now, so to at least disrupt this would be helpful, but to try and enlist blacks against Jews (NOI an exception) could be a black hole.

Please re-read. You will find nothing to suggest I am any kind of dispensationalist of the sort they are. I did say we could enact our own dispensations, because waiting around for God or Hitler 2.0 obviously will not serve. Are you a plan-truster?

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Thanks, Karl

I'm not a "plan truster" - I don't believe anyone will "save us" or anyone else for that matter. I see a real power vacuum opening up, and I expect other powers to act according to human nature, and I expect some good to come from that for the simple reason that rising powers in an age of chaos and anarchy cannot rule the world with jackboots.

I join no organizations, especially polarizing ones, and I deal with people at eye level, as individuals. You may say that this is the problem with us "Whites" as it has kept us from organizing to fight, and that's true. But I see it as a successful survival strategy in the kind of times we're getting into now, and maybe that's the real reason we are the way we are. Maybe we've been here before, and we survived (and thrived) due to our ability to rise above petty tribalism and guide others.

One of the things I really like about you is your sincerity and courage in plumbing the depths in search of truth and understanding. I'm just tossing in my two cents worth for whatever it may be worth to you. I hope I haven't offended you.

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Well, you've challenged me, and while I accept and even encourage challenges, I still get re-provoked sometimes from polarizing language. But that's my issue to deal with, and I appreciate your debating position.

I sometimes try to join organizations, but seem to fail, and sometimes that's a relief. I know what you mean, organizations today of the kind I might join cannot be easily trusted even with good reverse vetting.

It seems to me that most White tribal conflict has been engineered into conflict by others than Whites, such as Jews and Communists (at least in the industrial age and somewhat prior). It seems our ability to survive and thrive came most through a predominant White tribe bring Pax Aryiana to the others. That was Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia... So that looks like the model that has served Whites and even guide others, as you say. Tragically, we have strayed from that model to the Neo-Communist and Totalitarian Jewish Capitalist model. It may take an End Times battle to restore it.

No offense Sky and I hope to share more with you as we go on.

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Thanks, Karl. We have more in common than not. I believe your instincts and approach are likely for the best in some situations, just not any I've personally encountered yet. Your experiences are probably different than mine, and I'd like to hear more about them.

Tribalism is used as a weapon against us all, and the most negative stereotypes are pushed to that purpose, and everything is framed in racial, tribal terms. . There is only one tribe that gains from that.

Stereotypes are cartoonish, and real people naturally have more depth. Wars between stereotypes are stupid.

I remember the early days of "BLM." (not joining it, of course, just being my usual observer self). The organization was obviously contrived to provoke a race war, but there were a lot of good people at the grass roots level who recognized that police brutality was not really a "Black" issue, but an abuse of power issue- a matter of principle. They were posting photos and videos of White and Asian victims of police brutality on social media, urging everyone to honor those victims too. Those posts were routinely taken down by unseen hands, and they'd get posted again. Then, a group of BLM supporters, noticing another example of brutality and abuse of power, went to Palestine and stood in solidarity with the Palestinians, banners waving. That got censored fast. (And a "fun fact" you probably already know- a lot of police departments send their cops to training programs funded by and run by "The Tribe," where they're trained to be abusive and kill civilians for minor infractions. )

I admire people who value principles. I see common ground there. Other people are proud of their heritage, I'm proud of mine, and that doesn't even need to enter a discussion if you're talking principle. I'll admit that most people, no matter what their tribe is, aren't that high minded, but you never meet the good people if you assume the worst or talk down to them. People tend to respond, as best they can, at the same level they're approached at, and a civil conversation can result.

I do what I do because this is all I can do, Karl. If my style of diplomacy fails, and we all end up in a violent civil war, then it's time for the brave guys with the guns and stuff to step up. But, if it comes to that, you make sure that there isn't some shadowy tribe reaping a profit from the rest of us killing each other. As they say - "let's you and him fight."

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The end has been written. Obadiah 1:18

“And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.”

Jacob is Europe, Joseph are the other white nations. Esau are the mixed race Jews as I have told you before. Jesus is the Aryan messiah.

This will happen after the collapse of Babylon (Jewish money and world trade)

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I see. And who wrote Obadiah? The LORD? Or Obadiah? Or someone else? The stuff written in these books is as convoluted, edited, distorted and weaponized as the identity of the jews themselves.

It sounds like a better prophecy though. The collapse of Jewish Babylon 2.0 would be good. The second coming of an Aryan Jesus, also good. But Jews seems to be further strengthening their Babylon 2.0, and their Anti-Christ mossiac is preparing to come first. Not good. Jews believe in dispensations, which the current flare of the Hamas/IDF war supports. Be good to see some Aryan Jesus dispensations too by now.

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The books are convoluted to you! Not to me and others who have studied it. It's weaponized because they have you believing that the book is about them. The fact is the books are written by 'whites' and every author traces themselves back to Adam. There are only three races, and that science says that whites are less than 10,000 and the bible say that Adam is less than 10,000 so ergo the bible was written about and for whites. Plus it's written in agricultural terms should also tell you that. It's should be obvious to anyone who reads the words of Jesus that he is not talking to his own kind when talking to the Jews. The book of Genesis is about race. The word Gene-sis means genetics or the race of Adam who's description is 'ruddy complexion'. The battle is the white man against everyone else as the bible has told us from the very beginning.

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I believe very little about the book. It's as convoluted as they have made it. A number of analyists have shown that the whole thing is a pack of lies. I know the Christian ID folks say Jesus and Adam were Aryans. Adam was not the first man. Eve did not come from Adam's rib, she came from Nin-Kursag the Sumerian sky goddess, if Laurence Gardner's view is to be considered. Translations have been distorted, languages shifted (Hebrew is the worst) and all the mythologies in the Torah borrowed and stolen from others. The Jesus myth is just another son/sun of God.

It's probably safest to reject the whole thing. I'm intrigued by Asatru, Cosmotheism, Aryanity, Odinism, other White nature religions and mythologies. Jesus has more in common with Greek and Roman mythology, and Egyptian before that, than anything Judaic. There is nothing Judaic. It is all stolen. Jews can't create. They steal.

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I would say that we could take the OT for the stories and possible premonitions of the Savior. Other than that, it is a bunch of jewish hogwash.

Like Jefferson, I tend to focus on the red letters.

As for Christian ID folks, to me, they are accepting of being some of the most murderous, vile people ever to be written about. Those people, I am not from.

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Here is where todays Jews began. They have nothing todo with the Bible, in fact the book and all of the authors are anti-jew. Around 110 BCE, Hasmonean leader John Hyrcanus I conquered Idumaea. According to several ancient sources, including Josephus and Ptolemy, he forcibly converted them to Judaism, and incorporated them into the Jewish nation:

Hyrcanus also captured the Idumean cities of Adora and Marisa and after subduing all the Idumeans, permitted them to remain in their country as long as they had themselves circumcised and were willing to observe the laws of the Jews. And so, out of attachment to the land of their fathers, they submitted to circumcision and to make their manner of life conform in all other respects to that of the Jews. And from that time onward they have continued to be Jews.

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Yes, these are also called Edomites, right?

But what of Hyrcanus and the Hasmoneans? They must have been the original Jews, making the Edomites converts. So weren't the Hasmoneans the original Jews? Are today's Ashkenasis and Sephardics part Hasmonean?

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Part, they are mixed. Hittites is Asian. Hasmonean was the Israelite leaders of Judea (Jew means Judean) and was thrown out of power by Rome. Herod the Edomite became King when his kinsmen(back stabbed) opened the doors of the Jerusalem fortress and allowed the Romans to come in. Herod replaced all of the Levites with Edomites. By the time of Jesus, Israelite were a minority in Judea. The Pharisee religion is a race mixing religion whereas the Hebrew religion was a racially pure religion. Mat 15:24  But He answered and said, “I was sent only to the lost ''sheep'' of the house of Israel.” Taking to the jews Joh 10:26  But ye believe not, because ye are not of my ''sheep'', as I said unto you. 

Matthew 23:33 KJV: Ye serpents, ye generation(race) of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell(total destruction)?

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Good Lord Karl, this is frightfully depressing :-(

Have you come across An Irish Priest - Fr. Andrew O'Brien? His 1993 published work is remarkable.

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I can understand your emotional reaction. Yes, it does appear grim. It is my hope that sharing clear knowledge of whatever the truth may be, however dire, is empowering and inspiring. Knowledge is power, and truth saves. At the end, I note that a great deal could go wrong with the Jewish plan, and in fact it could even promote our salvation, the Aryan Ascendancy. I thought it ended on a positive note. :-)

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Grateful for this reply K. This current bloody, genocidal scene (like a living hell for Palestinians) along with my fairly recent learning re the culprits/script/plan, has left me quite broken.

I'm a lapsed Catholic (rather anti the church)... talking with my mother (very devout, practicing). Wondering where God is here, and how I'd love see Him intervene, witness His glory...for the occupied people and indeed us all. But it's possible I never shall, in my lifetime at least.

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I believe any God's intervention comes into our own hearts and minds. It is not external. We are here in this world to intervene ourselves, guided by divine inspiration. I used to do direct action educational events on the JI. It was exhilarating. Great courage was required. Self-control. Preparation. We held Dissident Truth Public Assemblies in public libraries on taboo topics such as immigration and gun control and Jews of 911. We presented the JI. People screamed and shouted, and Antifa threatened to disrupt our assembly. We hired private security. Very interesting, very empowering.

May I recommend trying to do something yourself, however small you think it might be? I'm sure we have many opportunities. You will feel immensely better. Action is encouraging. Do you know of any fund-raisers for Palestine? Any public events you can attend? People used to lay down across railroad tracks to stop supply trains from delivering ammunition to Viet Nam. What can we do to stop the US from supplying genocidal arms to Israel? You might consider contacting If Americans Knew and organizing a speaking event. We did (but they backed out when they found out we were recognized as "Nazis" in our community lol). IAK is great, they are looking for places to speak and locals to help promote and organize. They have great literature on the issue, you could distribute it at conferences, sidewalks, free libraries. We did. So much is possible. When I took on one small task and completed it, I felt much better. You might try it. Let me know how it goes.

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I don't know of O'Brien. Do you have a source?

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Looks interesting. it has chapters on Hitler and "Nazis." It might get that wrong. But I have seen good essays on Unlimited Hangout about the subversive agenda behind the "new age movement." Barbara Marx Hubbard was/is a Jew, which should not surprise. I see O'Brien has chapters on Talmud and Torah, plus Freemasonry and Communism. This looks to be good study material. I hope it doesn't get NS and Hitler wrong. They were seen as protectors of Christianity at the time, and Father Coughlin said so. Do you know Father Coughlin?

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P.s. listening to Fr Coughlin now...as I'm cooking:-) Wonderful man. Thank you K.

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No, I don't think I know Fr Coughin.

Some of Fr Andrews talk are on YT...was listening last night. Unfortunately, I think he does get the Holocaust wrong...Hitler also. (Incidentally, he mentioned St Maximilian Kolbe. This got me thinking about MK's cause of death and now not believing the official narrative. The facts are not easy to come by.)

Very difficult and perhaps not even possible to find even learned, opeminded folk to get it all right.


Really liked this interview. You're likely familiar with both Kevin and E. Michael Jones.


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A devout Catholic and a White Muslim convert conversing about Palestine/Israel. Should be interesting.

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