I just finished watching the panel discussion on Red Ice. Presenters were: Adam Green, Ryan Dawson, Raging Dissident and Derek Rants, with Henrik as moderator and participant himself. At the end each presenter was invited to give his predictions looking into the future. While I found some agreement with all presenters and some disagreements with all, I aligned closest with Adam Green’s foresight.
Here are my predictions writ large and kept concise.
The Hamas/IDF apparent conflict is more theater in which both sides participate. Real people are really dying and being maimed, especially in Gaza but also a few in Israel as well, for good/bad optics. Just as covid was only another fake disease scare and pharma grift similar to the previous 6 in the 21st century but writ large to an enormous degree, so the current “lawn mowing” occurring in Gaza/Israel similar to the previous pattern with Cast Lead (2009) and Protective Edge (2014) will be writ large to include Hezbollah out of Lebanon, Syria, Iran and proxies on both sides, basically the US/NATO on Israel’s side and BRICS+ on the Palestinian side.
This itself will be theater as well, a scripted and play-acted drama with real people dying, but the actors maintaining a careful position above the conflict, especially Israel. As other presenters said, it will allow for more power shifts that weaken the current US Uni-polar world, and strengthen the scripted Multi-polar world. China will seize Taiwan, Syria will end its civil/proxy war (but not regain the Golan Heights), Iran will strengthen its alliance with Russia and China, the US will commit its waning military might and world reputation to Israel, the lodestone that has been dragging the US down for decades.
Hot wars will flare in all these regions and more, but throughout Israel will remain untouched. A few relatively small attacks will occur within Israel, mostly Make It Happen and Let it Happen false flags. Babies, synagogues, and other innocent sacred Chosen People will die—or will be said to have died. Hamas and Hezbollah, but also Iran, and even Russia/China/BRICS+ will be blamed.
All of this will be part of the planned shift from the US Uni-polar world to the BRICS+ Multi-polar world. See “The World Plan - Surrender of Another Empire” to review that timeline. Jewish Power Elite within the US will steer the US military and financial structures into the conflict in such a way that anti-US propaganda will flourish and be justified world wide, while deflecting denunciation of Israel. By 2030 the US Jews will have thoroughly destroyed the US in every way— militarily, financially, culturally, demographically, and morally. They will complete the bleeding-dry of the US and will then shift their parasitism to the new BRICS+ Multi-polar world they have created.
Iran, Syria, Russia, China, and the rest of the engineered emergence of the BRICS+ world will be cooperating with Israel behind the front, though appearing to oppose Israel and support the Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims. Religious themes will play up, which Adam Green knows more about than I and explains in his prediction. Israel will threaten the Al-Aqsa Mosque and "terrorist” attacks will occur at “the Dome of the Rock,” and each side will blame the other. The actual destruction and rebuilding of the 3rd Temple is a dispensation that will not occur until the end of the Multi-polar world, around 2070. For now, threats against Al-Aqsa will be used by both sided to incite Muslim outrage, including the “broom” Muslim Arab 5th columns placed in White Western nations, engineered by both Jews such as HIAS, Paidera (Barbara Spectre) and Jewish Family Services with the cooperation of Arab Muslims themselves.
Trump will win the 2024 election, as I have already said in “Bold Prediction: Trump Wins!”, and Adam agrees as well. It will be part of the Jewish plan to destroy the US by inciting a civil war. Antifa & BLM will be well prepared and more militarized to inflict mass terror campaigns throughout US cities and towns and some rural areas, to which US 2A patriots and the Trumpen Proletariat must respond. Look for the violence to begin immediately after the election results emerge in November (we will see accusation of another “stolen election”, this time by the other side), escalating until the inauguration on January 20th. The civil war will continue and escalate thereafter, with the Jewish FBI promoting it, including funding and arming and organizing the Antifa/BLM side, and Christian Zionists and Zio-shills such as Ben Shapiro and Dennis Praeger supporting the 2A patriot side. President Trump will drone and point and shake his fist, urging the conflict on. His Jewish handlers have his script prepared.
Muslim/Arab 5th columns placed within much of Europe will also ignite at this time, spreading chaos, anarcho-tyranny, infrastructure destruction and crisis as part of the Zionist plan for White Western civilization. White Nationalist Europeans will organize and join in their own civil war, mainly fighting the Muslim interlopers as the Jews direct them, even while some will remember their real enemies are Jews, but failing to reach them (a few “pograms” will be engineered to keep Jews afraid and divided from Whites, Arabs and everyone else except their own “antisemitic” Jewish Power Elite).
All of this—all of it—is designed to complete the shift from the US Uni-polar world to the BRICS+ Multi-polar world. The Hamas/IDF & Palestine/Israel conflict will be used to expand the pressures reducing the US as a locus of world control, and expand the forces feeding BRICS+ as the new locus. Israel will remain at the center, largely untouched by either side except for the few token death and destruction incidents needed to portray Israel as victim. To be clear, BRICS+ is no more “nationalist” than Israel is. Both are globalist, while depicting and presenting themselves as nationalist. Both forces within the US and forces within BRICS+ are knowingly participating in this power shift. Many are Jews on both sides. Israel’s globalism is of the ultimate extremity, leading past the coming Multi-polar world starting in 2030, to the final Jew World Order One World Government, temple-rebuilding, Mossiac-coming dispensations by 2075.
I agree most with Raging Dissident that much is fragile, chaotic, crazy and uncertain about this plan, and much can arise to derail it or redirect it. Hopefully the re-awakening of the White race and rising of a Neo-Fascist West to win the Final Conflict and End Times War is Our dispensation, led by the second-coming of an Aryan Messiah (and I don’t mean Judeo-Jesus). As with the Zionist Jews however who claim the entirety of the Jewish race is its own messiah, most importantly this Neo-Fascist Aryan spirit will arise within all our hearts and minds together and be its own “broom” to sweep the world of the Jewish Power Elite and re-ignite the Golden Age.
Since I haven't seen the discussion, did by any chance the topic of the Holocaust come up?
If not then I have my answer to these jabbering talking heads who refuse to admit that ALL the problems we are facing are a direct result on how the Holocaust narrative has been forced upon us as the boot on our neck to direct attention away from them as being the instigators of most of our world problems.
Adam Greene refuse to debate me, as I'm sure the others who don't want to travel down that rabbit hole as it would indeed cause them to lose some of their Jew supporting followers, and maybe even you Karl. The root of the problem goes back to when the Jews lied about this so called extermination of them. Now the Jews get back at us with the political victim hood nonsense .
When it gets hot and heavy against them (Jews) then they trot out the Holocaust victim hood card and all the antisemitism nonsense to ward off the finger pointing directly at them.
An anti-globalist leftist site published this piece that has some similarities with what you predicted, particularly this segment:
"Accelerating the Great Reset
Oil prices will once again go through the roof, creating more impoverishment and another wealth transfer bonanza for Big Oil. A prolonged energy price hike, avoidable as it is, is just economic warfare on small and medium scale businesses and working class consumers. This is likely to accelerate monetary and financial instability, which will play into narratives of pushing Central Bank Digital Currencies to counter that instability. There’d be no logic to it but that won’t stop Central Banks from scaring a financially illiterate public into accepting CBDCs as the answer to financial instability, whatever its source.
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the perfect vector for re-igniting extremism in the Middle East and, more importantly, Islamist domestic terror in the West. It would only take a small number of terror attacks in Western and US cities to re-invigorate states of emergency which would be used to ramp up the surveillance state architecture, and crucially, act as the catalyst for the introduction of the Digital ID regime that the G20 have committed themselves to. Because as we all know, the only way to stop terrorists from blowing up a shopping mall is to make them log on to the internet with Digital ID.
With the Online Safety Bill already working so well that even the censors are censoring themselves, all we need now to put the final touches on the digital gulag is Digital ID and CBDCs. And the crisis opportunity in the Middle East will almost certainly accelerate it.
The ultimate global hegemon that sits above the US empire is global capital. And no war that has potential implications for global financial stability is ever approved without the bankers’ final nod. Biden sat in on Israel’s war cabinet meetings, so you can rest assured this has been approved by the central bank mafia.
It also plays into the fake multipolarity narrative in which the West has been earmarked by global capital to become the new Third World while the BRICS economies grow in leaps and bounds. Multipolarity is really just a chimeric construct of global capital intended to facilitate the controlled demolition of the bankrupt monetary system and the rotten debt pile in the West.
The Gaza crisis is an added catalyst for the BRICS shift because the majority of the planet is disgusted by Israel’s unchallenged right to butcher innocent civilians in retaliation for terror attacks by an organisation it begged the Gulf Arab states to, in the words of a former Israeli Defence Minister, “keep funnelling money into”. The idiot Western professional managerial class have long forgotten what justice means, but people in the South still know a racket when they see one. It’s not so long ago that they were at the sharp end of some pretty lethal rackets.
The BRICS shift will make the West much poorer, and if you live in the West and are cheering team Israel instead of team Peace, you’re a turkey voting for Christmas. Don’t misunderstand me – I want to see vastly improved economic prosperity for the world’s poorest. Who wouldn’t? But it’s not going to happen under the multipolar lie. There is only one pole and it’s global capital. BRICS vs the West is a fake drama to fool the next bunch of suckers – the BRICS.
It took two world wars to deliver the global governance structures of the UN, the WHO and the EU. Another war is just what’s needed to completely usurp what little remains of national sovereignty and consolidate more top-down control in the hands of institutions like the UN. All of course for your own good, to ensure that these beastly wars ‘never happen again’.
You are not an Island
Opportunity Crisis is the best, perhaps the only, accelerant of top-down control. Spitting blood and fury at Hamas, which has been nurtured for years by Israel, and baying for blood in the Middle East is not just mindless; it fans the flames of a global crisis which could potentially hand the globalist control freaks a bonanza for advancing their agenda. You should be eagerly pouring cold water on the flames of these crises because ultimately they are the fuel without which the Great Reset cannot burn."