Alan Dershowitz, Jew, one of Trump’s colleagues in the child raping blackmail ring around Epstein, Jew, claims on Fox News he “predicted” all 4 of Trump’s indictments in his book “Get Trump.” Fox News hostess Bubble Blond says “Every time Trump gets indicted, his poll numbers go up!” News showing Trump’s alleged mug shot floods the zone. Dershowitz says it will be “‘most widely-T-shirted mugshot in history.” IOW, the Trump campaign will use it to harvest votes.
The strategy should be clear. They have used it before. Direct unjust impeachment/indictment charges against Trump, make him ultimately escape them and come out smelling like a rose, to depict Trump as a living martyr triumphing over the Deep State swamp, and propel him back into the White House.
Meanwhile, Trump is the Jewish Swamp.
The mug shot is fake. It is more like posing for a campaign photo-op. Instead of kissing a baby, he is glowering defiance against his evil enemies. His fans love it. Signed copies will be offered at discount at the next Trump rally.
The indictments are fake. If any trials even take place, they will be reverse show trials, and Trump will escape through the Art of Legal Dealing, led by the ultimate show trial lawyer, Dershowitz. This Dealing is all behind the front, where such public spectacles and theatrical productions are orchestrated by the Fake State and Fake News which Trump himself denounced. Trump is the main star actor in the drama.
Also behind the front, the child raping rituals—which are more to prove lack of empathy and trust with power than actual blackmail—will continue with Trump, Dershowitz and the other Jews. Some will entail full-on Jewish Ritual Murder. They don’t need Epstein, others have taken over the organization.
Reasons they will install Trump: The Jewish Third Power behind the fake 2-party front likes to alternate between candidates that half the nation hates and the other half loves, then switch. The Third Power has been trying to spark a civil culture and race war, and Trump’s election 2024 may do it. The Floyd Riots, the Ferguson Riots, the fake Capital “insurrection,” Charlottesville, Covid polarization (ani-vaxxers), the Bush/Obama/Trump/Biden/Trump alternation, immigration policies…
Riots are guaranteed. Antifa and BLM have already announced that as part of the script the riot promoter Jew Soros/Schwartz has provided them. A great deal of preparation is underway for the 2024 election results announcement, and the 2025 inauguration day. Stacks of bricks are already on the forklifts, sales of fireworks are spiking, law enforcement units are considering their stand-down orders and practicing with body armor and shields so they can at least give the appearance of a street presence without being injured too badly, but the Mossad is beefing up Trump’s personal security detail.
Israel cannot have their guy in the White House getting hurt before he enacts the next Dispensation, such as giving the Dome of the Rock Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Jews for their 3rd Temple.
To be clear: We should know by now that the election result vote counts are irrelevant. The Jewish State will install its chosen candidate regardless what the vote count shows. The Jewish State wants us to know this, and has made great efforts to show us. All this propaganda around the Trump indictments is designed to agitate both Left and Right: the Left to hate Trump more as a criminal, and the Right to love Trump more as a living martyr.
Prepare for fireworks from election night November 7 2023 to Inauguration Day January 20 2024. And beyond. Prepare for civil culture and race war. Trump is the Jewish State’s flashpoint man, he has been most useful in inducing violent polarization across the nation, and the 2024 election will be his ultimate performance. The Jewish Hollywood script writers have already provided scenes and lines. The audience will go wild.
Only one factor opposes my prediction. At least in 2016, Trump appealed too strongly to “White Nationalists” and U.S. “Nazis” for the comfort of Trump’s Jew handlers. They may have been surprised to see what a groundswell of enthusiasm Trump’s initial campaign evoked from that Trumpen Proletariat the Jewish State fears and loathes so much.
But it appears they have gotten that demographic under control with such obvious demoralization contradictions as Trump’s vax views, his 2020 campaign which abandoned White Nationalists and promoted black employment rates, the Capital “insurrection” in which Trump participated in the set-up (along with Ray Epps, Antifa, FBI…), Trump’s refusal to pardon or support the imprisoned and tortured “insurrectionists” who demonstrated in his name (instead pardoning Israeli super-spy Jonathan Pollard) and other downplays.
While the 2024 election of Donald Trump will once again incite the Trumpen Proletariat against the Woke/Antifa/BLM/Neo-Liberal Left, Trump voters will never consider aiming their enthusiasm against Trump’s Jewish State masters. Instead they will be directed against the obvious enemy in the streets, not the real enemy on Jewish Wall Street and in the Jewish State. Trump will help to direct this incitement.
Let the civil war begin. Unless we awaken to the theatrics. If Trump survives all his indictments, if the judges are Jews or Jew agents, if Dershowitz leads the defense successfully, with charges dropped or verdicts of not-guilty, and Trump rises out of the legal swamp to re-join his campaign at the last minute and makes a rousing speech about surviving “deep state attempts to discredit me with spurious charges, but I have overcome and now we are going to take this country back from the pedophiles and bad actors who have infected the corrupt Biden regime…” (Can’t you just hear his hoarse droney voice?)
Then prepare for Civil War 2.0. It’s what the Jews want. Trump is their flashpoint man.
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.
Looking even casually at the Trump "mug shot," it is obviously heavily shopped. It may even be a complete digital fabrication, a "deep fake" still life. Look at the background. That is supposed to be a mug shot background? They are always horizontal lines that show the suspect's height. What do we see here? It is the logo of the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office. It looks like it is cut and pasted on, and is that even a real wall behind him or a green screen?
A Trump 2 Presidency:
1. Will not repeal the injections
2. Will not stop the Federal Reserve by replacing it with the Treasury
3. Will not remove all the illegals and stop their $2,200 month per person stipends
4. Will not prosecute those who mass murdered with experimental injections
5. Will not prosecute BLM, Antifa, Sacklers, Pritzker, Soros, Fuckerberg, etc.
6. Will not stop the endless sci-fi Hollywood created fear porn spectacles (9/11, etc.)
7. Will not stop the mutilation of mainly autistic persons
8. Will not (fill in the blank)__________________
None of the above is in his platform. MALA