May I suggest a title for your book? “He Nearly Beat Us. How World Jewery Regrouped And Reorganized After WW2”

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I was in the same state of incredulity as your friend and colleague barely three or four years ago and only got to the topic of WWII and Hitler via my interest in Russia (today and historically) because of the events in Syria.

You have answered all the key questions as succinctly as can be done. I will just add a few thoughts and suggestions for your friend (and mine):

• On the question as to whether “Hitler’s rise to power was funded by our ‘Federal Reserve Syndicate’” (start video at around 6:45)


• On the point “What was Hitler's intentions?”

The best I can suggest is to read all of Hitler’s speeches (1922 to 1945) and answer this question as part of one’s own journey. To summarise, I would suggest simply, peace with equality for the German people (not superiority) which inherently involved the negation of the abominable construct known as the Diktat of Versailles (a form of Balkanisation).

• Adolf Hitler - Collection of Speeches - 1922-1945


Putting aside what we have been told may or may not have happened under Hitler, let’s look at what he said prior to and during WWII and maybe we will get an insight into what actually happened and why.

This is not a short task but should either provide all the smoking guns one is after, or drag them into question.

An audio reading might help. These can be found at Bitchute channel Jewbergstein loaded on November 23, 2021:

Part 1 of 31: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ULQX9IJ3TPJZ/

(It appears they no longer play but can be downloaded as MP3 audios and listened through your favourite audio player.)

A couple of other things Hitler is rightly accused of are the abolition of jewish-controlled usury mechanisms and society-destroying depravity including pornography.

• Rabbi Yaron Reuven - Hitler’s first two laws


Another book I would advocate is John Wear’s ‘Germany’s War’ which provides summaries of various other books chapter by chapter, including Hoggan, Suvorov and Bacque.


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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

I appreciate your research. But you write, “For 14 years the well-blinkered conservatives and Christian democrats of the political center had been feeding at the trough just as greedily as their adversaries of the left.” Although influential Jews took advantage of the situation, they did not cause this greed. Surely this is not a Jewish issue but a human issue.

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