The 6 weapons in the Psychological Warfare inflicted on We the People are:
attention, demoralization, perversion, fear, instinct subversion and confusion. We may add a 7th, division, and possibly an eighth.
We examined Instinct Subversion in “The Jewish War on Instincts“ and Attention in “6 Weapons in the Psy-War 2: Attention.” Here we will expose and understand how the weapon of Fear is used against us, and how to resist and transcend it.
First, we review our fundamental approach to this study. From 2: Attention:
“We who report on and analyze, ridicule and denounce the content the Cabal puts out, partly further its effects as psy-war weapons on ourselves and our viewers/listeners/readers—unless we also expose the psychological warfare goals, strategies and weapons inflicted upon us so that we may escape their influence and pursue Truth.”
“When we re-play the Cabal’s content, telling ourselves and others that we are analyzing it to deconstruct and denounce it, we are also re-imprinting it.”
Our goal is to deconstruct not just the methods themselves, but also their ongoing influence, replacing them with healthy instinctual expressions of self-defense and then pre-emptive aggression. Aggression is not violence, it is intra-species competition.
We all know this feeling. Anxiety, apprehension, alarm, panic, startlement and distress also describe this psychological state. Psychologists have identified 5 distinct types of anxiety: general anxiety, social anxiety, phobias, panic attacks and obsession/compulsion. Some substitute post-traumatic stress for panic attacks, but this is more a cause than a symptom. I prefer the first 5 for clarity, though OCD is more an expression of anxiety than a type of anxiety itself. OCD is ritualized behavior irrationally intended to soothe anxiety.
The Cabal prefers us in a state of one kind of fear or another, preferably more than one. Fear contracts our awareness to a search for immediate threats, a state known as hyper-vigilance. Even when we detect no threat, we imagine one is imminent, and we over-react to the slightest emergence of a threat. Higher order cognitive functions such as objective analysis and assessment of degree and type are impaired, making us over-sensitive to real or imaginary threats.
The Jewish Power Elite prefers us to be frightened of illusions. Then fear overlaps with confusion and demoralization among the 6 weapons to enhance their effect. The number of fabricated phantasms and illusory menaces is large: viruses, Islamic terrorists, evil “Nazis” & gas chambers, nuclear bombs, “White supremacists,” climate change, Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran/Syria, China & Russia, “Boomers,” Fascists, anti-vaxxers, anti-semites, holocaust deniers, climate deniers, colonialism, stockholder capitalism (stakeholder is not a threat), Putin, Orban, Assad, Gadaffi (his ghost), aliens, stock market crash, inflation, the ghost of Adolf Hitler, UFO’s, the unknown, death…
Examples of phantom fears used to control us
Fear Testing
In Covert Covid Culprits I start Chapter 4, “Corona Agenda: Jews of the CFR” with a brief history of the Princeton Radio Project which broadcast an updated version of the War of the Worlds by H G Wells on the day before Halloween, 1938. PRP was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, still only 17 years old. A founding board member was Walter Lippman, the Jewish “father of modern journalism (p. 47).” Today the CFR’s leadership is dominated by Jews. In 1938, an estimated 20% of listeners actually believed martians were attacking and prepared to fight or flee in panic.
Walter Lippman, crazy-eyed Jew, “father of modern journalism”
Communist sympathizer
We need to know that the main objective of the CFR was to study the controlling effects of fear on a population. It also most likely chose an absurd threat to test public gullibility as well, though Wells’ novel was well known. Wells was a Freemason for a time and moved on to the cultural Marxist Fabian Society. Fear of martians in 1938 progressed over the decades to fear of tiny invisible menaces known as “viruses” in 2020. Wells installed the invisible microbe fear through many of his novels, including Shape of Things to Come which featured the “wandering sickness” which turned people into shuffling mindless zombies. Even War of the Worlds showed that lowly invisible microbes defeated martians in the end—illogically, since martians possessed advanced science and technology such as inter-planetary travel, force fields and laser beams, but not effective vaccines.
In 2020 it was a “novel” coronavirus no less, known as SARS-CoV-2. It was worse than martians with laser beams and poison gas. Martians captured humans and experimented on them. So did the covid vax promoters, since the public “roll-out” of the vax came under emergency use authorization at “warp speed”, making the around 250 million people in America the phase 3 test rats (see my latest Note). Many of the promoters were Jews. Morally, psychologically, racially, Jews are the aliens among us.
Fear Sells
Most of us have seen the Problem/Reaction/Solution strategy explained to us. It is a process the Oligarch Overlords crank us through to more deeply inflict their slave control program—but we participate in the program ourselves. Fear is a major factor in this program. When people are made afraid of a “problem” or more exactly a threat, they react emotionally with panic and a demand from “authority” for a means of resisting or escaping the threat. The Jewish Power Elite then provides the solution in the form of a rescue operation, saving us from the threat they themselves created and inflicted, real or imagined. Under the psy-war weapon of Fear, this strategy is better shown as Threat/Demand/Rescue.
Fear sells many kinds of products and services. Medical interventions such as all the invasive diagnostics that detect the threat and its severity, chemical drugs, surgeries, devices, and “therapies” of all kinds are prescribed to alleviate the threat. The ultimate threat is Death. People have been made afraid of Death to the point that many of us will do anything, buy anything, believe anything to avoid it. In Satanic irony, most of the “therapies” only propel us further towards Death while promising to help us avoid it.
Insurance is a gambling game based on fear, and the house always wins. Insurance is a product sold based on fear that a future catastrophic event will happen. It exploits a fear of the unknown future with scenarios of destruction and death. We pay monthly to be “covered” in the unknown probability that we will suffer some terrible loss or damage or even Death in the uncertain and inestimable future. People even pay for “Life insurance,” which is really Death insurance, isn’t it?
And the house always wins. We pay far more in premiums into the system than we get back in claims. The system is rigged with such factors as limits, exclusions, exceptions, deductibles… Insurance may be one of only a few products whose price goes up the more we use it, given that the demand does not go up. Therefore we are disincentivized to use a product we continue to pay for. Advertisers display catastrophic scenarios, and show the relief and peace of mind policy-holders feel knowing they are “covered.”
The original insurance was a large extended family and community that could restore us from losses and injuries, and even deaths in the family and clan, by providing needed resources from its self-generated surpluses. Such clans and communities are scarce in the U.S. and West now. The Amish come to mind.
War is sold with Fear. When Hamas raids Israel—whether real or fabricated—fear sells Israel’s asymmetrical response. Fear sold Israel’s U.S.-supplied modern arsenal to begin with. Israel is “surrounded by hostile enemies” that want to “wipe it off the map.” So why put it there? Because fear sells. Fear sells the Israeli citizens’ clinging to the Likud/Netanyahu (Milekowsky) regime who claims it will “protect” Israel from evil Hamas. If Hamas or some other Palestinian organization is not threatening enough to Israel, Israel will create the threat, incite the fear, then sell the rescue.
We have seen it with many wars. Pearl Harbor the “day that will live in infamy” brought the Axis threat to the U.S. (not really, it was an island chain far out in the ocean) so the U.S. had pretext to join the war against Germany, the Jews’ worst enemy. In one of his later campaign speeches, FDR claimed he had obtained a map which showed Germany’s ambitions to invade and take over North and South America. LOL! People believed it, because fear bypasses the thinking assessing mind and demands protection. The CFR data showed that some of those afraid from the War of the Worlds broadcast in 1938 believed “Nazis” were attacking.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident (entirely fabricated), the sinking of the Lucitania (bait) and the attack on the Maine (invited) are only 3 threats to ships that were exaggerated into threats on the U.S. and its population in order to sell wars. The ships themselves were conflated with national territory. Fear sold the American public on these three wars, and many others. The Israeli navy and air force attack on the USS Liberty was not considered a threat and no war was sold against Israel.
In fact at the time of the Liberty atrocity—1967— the holocaust horror story began to be promoted more widely, and fear gave more U.S. weapons to Israel. The holocaust is a fear story that has sold many programs, especially the movement of many Jews to Palestine where they will be safe from another holocaust poised to occur again (notwithstanding Israel is surrounded by deadly enemies that want it wiped off the map). Fear of German gas chambers (entirely fabricated) has sold many $Billions in reparations. Fear sells Israeli impunity for its many war crimes and crimes against humanity, and U.S. vetoes at the U.N.
Fear is the Mind Killer
So say the Bene Gesserit (B’nai as in B’nai B’rith: Jewish Sons of the Covenant, and as in Jesuit), the female super-”witches” of the Dune science-fiction epic. The Jesuits themselves were infiltrated at times extensively by Jews.
Futuristic witches of the “Sisterhood” transcend fear. What do they serve?
The scientific study “The Consequences of Fear” by David Ropeik, 2004, published at the NIH site National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) aka PubMed Central (PMC), offers interesting insights:
Summary: “Our modern world is a risky place and evokes many well-founded fears. But these fears themselves create a new risk for our health and well-being that needs to be addressed.” (Yes. You yourself help create the fear with this “study” and then our Oligarch Overlords provide the safety/control measures.)
“From transgenic food to industrial chemicals, from radiation to mobile phone towers, the new technologies of our modern world have offered us wonderful new benefits, which also pose a host of new risks. Some of these risks are physically real. Many are only phantoms of our perceptions. Both contribute to an undeniably real sense of worry and apprehension…” (Which is what you want us to feel. Lead the witness with a list of real and phantom fears.)
“As a result of some of the decisions we make when we are fearful, some of the choices we make when we are not fearful enough, and because of the ways our bodies react to chronically elevated levels of stress, the hazards of risk misperception may be more significant than any of the individual risks about which we fret.” (You will make sure we are fearful enough, and manage our perceptions of risk more clearly.)
“So those who study risk in the name of promoting public health would do well to accept that our perceptions, irrational as they may seem, are real…” (They know very well that our perceptions are irrational and are real. That is the goal.)
“…these fears pose an actual danger that needs to be understood, accounted for in the analysis, and reduced every bit as much as the threat from any physical hazard.” (You will provide the risk reduction remedy, and it will be controlling, even while increasing a sense of danger.)
When asked what are the “risks that Americans most commonly worry about, only one post-9/11 danger—bioweapons—made the list.” (How useful! Just in time for covid.) The others were already with us pre-911: “byproducts of modern technology: pesticides, nuclear radiation, genetically modified foods, air pollution, water pollution and hazardous waste.” (I recall the list of concerns Americans said they face, included inflation, stock market collapse, drug abuse, violent crime, with “climate change” far down the list. You are selecting worries for Americans to think about.)
Our NIH-funded study presents some flagrant mythologies and outright lies along with disturbing but mis-represented truths:
“Vaccination has brought major diseases, such as polio and smallpox, under control.” (False! Vaccination has done nothing to control disease. It has only caused disease. That was it’s purpose.)
“The industrial and technological progress of the past five decades is apparently altering the very climate of the biosphere.” (LOL! It is not apparent at all. “Climate change” is another hoax, scam, fraud and Satanic joke.)
“Technological advances in transportation have made this a smaller world for the traveller, but also allow new pathogens, such as the one that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), to breach geographic boundaries that once limited the spread of disease.” (Please! SARS is not a “new pathogen,” it’s not a pathogen at all and it doesn’t cause disease, not one that spreads by airplane or any other vector across “geographic boundaries” or any other boundary, including the human immune system. SARS is one of many “novel” boogey-bugs with which you try to frighten us.)
“Advances in agriculture have made this a world of relative plenty, which many observers think is contributing to an almost global epidemic of obesity…” (Oh yes! Obesity is caused by an over-abundance of food. It has nothing to do with legitimate pain causing food addictions as mind and mood alteration, or protective layering to escape the fear of sexual assault, along with apathetic inactivity. Our problem is too much food! Would you propose an engineered famine? Maybe you have a vaccine for obesity. Gads!)
“Word of SARS spread far faster than the disease itself.” (Exactly! Perception matters more than reality. To be clear, SARS didn’t “spread” at all. It didn’t stay put either.)
“…although the universe of 'information voices' is larger than it has ever been, the ownership of those voices, aside from the world wide web, is in fewer hands than most of us realize, which also contributes to the sense that the world is a risky place.” (When we sense were are being told lies, we feel anxious, because the Truth reassures. The world wide web is also in fewer hands all the time, given the massive censorship measures. But for now we still have platforms, and they are growing as is the censorship and surveillance measures. Most of the “fewer hands” are Jewish. Kanye was right, and Kanye is gone. He may have been COLH.)
“A common (Jewish media-KH) approach is to make risks sound as dramatic, threatening and urgent as possible.” (It is not just for ratings. It is part of the fear trauma used as a psy-weapon.)
“The result is a 24/7 drumbeat of drama and danger, contributing to…'the mean world syndrome'—the sense we have, based on a steady supply of frightening and threatening news, that the world is a riskier place than it actually is.” (We could call it the Palantir syndrome, for those who know The Lord of the Rings. Today Palantir is a data-mining, surveillance, weaponized AI defense contractor.)
The conclusions of this study are most useful to our mind-control masters:
“The study of risk perception reveals that our responses to risks are not simply internal 'rational' risk analyses, but also intuitive 'affective' responses that apply our emotions, values and instincts as we try to judge danger.” (Panic the herd, then steer the stampede straight into the corral and slaughter house.)
“…a significant component of risk is not the physical hazard itself, or how much of it we are exposed to, but how we perceive that hazard and exposure.” (You will manipulate and manage that perception for maximum fear. Then we are malleable.)
In conclusion: “We must therefore achieve a broader definition of risk and adopt new meanings of hazard, exposure, costs and benefits. We must include the toxic effects of our perceptions, in physical and biological terms. We must include the health costs of risk perception. We must accept that being worried or not worried enough has real health consequences that need to be understood, quantified, and incorporated into risk management. Challenging as it is, this broader definition of risk will do much more than the existing paradigm to improve public health.”
Our masters of discourse, and masters of mind control, know all this. Their objective is not to apply a “broader definition of risk” to “improve public health.” They aim to increase “the toxic effects of our perceptions” to degrade public health. Our worry, too little or too much, has already been “understood, quantified, and incorporated” into not risk management, but mind management.
Fear is the mind killer. We don’t think straight or make the best decisions in a state of fear. A prolonged state of fear is intolerable. It damages our health and leads toward the ultimate fear, death. We lunge at any offerings that promise to reduce the fear— those who make such offerings are those who incite the fear from the start.
Fear, properly perceived and applied, can be a motivator. Sometimes, we need our instinctual fear about the actual threats, in order to meet them and deflect, neutralize or defeat them. Real legitimate fear leads to effective fight or flight. In the masculine, fear becomes anger, and anger inspires ruthless self-defense.
I’m not afraid of viruses, CO2, nuclear bombs, Islamic terrorists, “White supremacy,” capitalism, colonialism, racism, gas chambers, “Nazis” or any of the other boogey-bugs, boogey-bombs, boogey-men or boogey-beliefs that float or fly at us through the technics of phantom photons and sound waves.
Don Quixote fought windmills thinking they were monsters. These look kinda like
martian death machines.
I am afraid of the spin masters who incite panics with clever theatrics. I am afraid that we will attack the wrong windmill. I see though the ghost fears to the fear-mongers themselves.
Courage is our inner force that turns fear into anger, and anger into action. Courage takes the energy of fear and transforms it into a terrific rage, which Does Something! about it. Cognition and planning inform the action for the best possible success. Fear-Courage-Anger-Planning-Action is our path.
Look not at the fearful spectre, but at the fear projector. Courage and Action.
Even if we don't fall for the fear mongering by both Right and Left, even if we have a deep religious faith, and social support, the way they oppress fear on us is when we should arrive in an ambulance at a hospital emergency room and our doctor and family are not allowed. After isolating us from the herd, then they make sure you don't get sleep with all kinds of gadgets hooked into you, beeping EKG machines, bombardment with x-rays, then administration of a lethal dose of prescribed drug. Then the doctor shows up to tell you you are terminal (with the disease du jour of the day), but if you relent to a surgery, chemo, etc. they can do heroic medicine and save you .When you odds are better if you stayed home and just sipped salt water. Only your body can heal you, but they make us think a drug or procedure can. So, in a weak moment we agree to surgary, and Rem-death-sevir afterward. Sayonara!
A relatively new figure has been gaining some attention recently with his video-essay's, which are generally quite good. He goes by the moniker Salamandre!
I discovered him about a month ago. I've listened to a handful of his video-essays now; with many, he routinely discusses such monumental Western thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, and in the video-link I posted below- Faulkner! He, at times, appears like he can be quite churlish and brusque. The other day, he threatened to delete a guys comments that were focused on Christian- identity, and I have a serious issue with guys on our end advocating "cancel-culture," unless it is something blatantly obnoxious, vile, or some unnecessary trolling. But, overall I find his material to be pretty good, and insightful.
He has an 'Aryan Archive' link I've posted below as well!