Jews themselves, when taken as a tribe on a bell curve, seem to have different instincts, or perhaps the baser instincts of pure self-preservation expressed in paranoia and aggression are more pronounced in Jews. Jews (the same bell curve qualifier applies) also seem to have a different morality than other types of folks. Jews are not just immoral, not just amoral, but partially collectively act in ways that others would consider anti-moral. Anti-moral means evil. They lie, cheat, steal, murder (sometimes on a mass scale), engage in and promote perverse sex acts, enslave others through debt, prostitution, labor slavery, wage slavery, blackmail/bribery, traffic in stolen organs, torture and slaughter children and drink their traumatized blood, all while raving about “antisemitism” and how they are the victims.
I see many of these clever meme curves
I suspect this may be humor as well. US black curve aligns with Israel. This may be accurate however, given US blacks are 25% White admixture, raising their IQ, and Israel is 25% Arab while Eastern Jews were subject to the “brain drain” as high IQ Jewish males were sent West to interbreed with European elites. lowering the Israeli IQ.
Jews work hard to destroy the institution of the family, tear apart the sacred bond between the masculine and feminine, creating orphans and single parent households, homeless youth, teen pregnancy, child and teen suicide, then propose and promote abortion in another great mass slaughter of innocent babies. To convince Goyim mothers to abort their babies is an extreme subverting of instincts.
Jews work tirelessly to erode and ultimately eliminate the fundamental right to self defense through a combination of fake “mass shootings,” especially in schools, where sometimes children really die (just not by the White boy patsy), and ever more gun control legislation to render the Goyim population defenseless to the next phase of Jewish control and dominance over them.
Jews push vaccines, now with aggressive coercion and “mandates,” that leave people impoverished and unemployed, struggling with children at home instead of school, spiking suicide rates, collapsing small businesses, alarming waves of excess deaths and manglings—laughing all the way to the Goldman Sachs bank.
Jews are also inflicting a chemical warfare on the rest of humanity, poisoning the water, the food, the air and always the medicine. The disease-mongering lockdown of 2021 was itself was a form of poison that mangled children (data here).
Moral & Rational Dismissal of Instincts
One strategy Jews use to render the Goyim less capable of self defense and resistance is to subvert their natural instincts. Instincts are the living organism’s innate reactions to threats and opportunities. Carl Jung said the counter-part of instincts are the archetypes, and that instincts were the drivers of behavior which was not conscious.
Such as this face:
With few exceptions, living organisms are stronger in their self-protective instincts to avoid threats than they are in their self-promoting instincts to seize opportunities. This is especially true in the children, females and elderly in any population of organisms, but also predominant in males. Organisms will act to protect themselves from harm more than they will act to pursue opportunities.
Some obvious exceptions are the mama bear phenomenon, imminent death by starvation, or when a male will sacrifice himself to distract a predator and allow females and children (or whatever the young are called) to escape. But in the main the rule applies: Protect first, pursue second.
Jews know this. They use their GAME Complex (government/academia/media/entertainment) to install fears in the minds of the Goyim, and then offer them a protective solution. Some examples: virus - vax, terrorists - security state, hackers - surveillance/censorship, nuclear bombs - war, mass shooters - police state/gun laws, White supremacy - critical race theory/liberal White hate, “antisemitism” - ADL, extreme Islamic fundamentalist - wars for Israel…
When our instincts scream that Jews are the real threat, because they are the ones fabricating all the fears, Jews tell us that no, they are the victims and we can’t accuse them. It would be unjust and cruel to long-suffering Jews. Jews have suffered enough and to accuse them now of heinous crimes would only add insult to their injury. And it could incite another holocaust, when Jews were genocided for no just reason. Thus Jews appeal to our sense of fairness and compassion, but subvert our instincts.
This was stated clearly by the National Socialist Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, in his diary. We saw this in a recent book review I wrote for Unz Review, soon to come to Taboo Truth. Goebbels wrote:
”The intellectual man doesn’t have a natural defense against the Jewish danger because he is essentially broken in his instinct. As a result, people of a high level of civilization are the most vulnerable. In nature, life always acts in the same way against parasitism; this is not always the case in the existence of nations. This actually results in the Jewish danger.”
Jews have conducted a mass mind control campaign to frighten people of an “invisible menace” (this was one of their slogans for a time), driving gullible Goyim to protect themselves with talismans such as face masks, 6 foot spacing, school and business closures, house arrest confinement, banning of public gatherings & holidays and family functions, travel restrictions, quarantines, and other utterly ridiculous and pseudo-scientific idiocy. Some of us Goyim (and some plebian Jews, to always remember Not All Jews!) complied, submitting to our own fears, desperate for protection. Some resisted, honoring their instincts, including Orthodox Jews. Good for them (though the Jews were then accused by other Jews of causing a measles outbreak).
When Jews incite hatred and violence against Whites among the BIPOCs (black/indigenous/people of color), they also subvert White instincts by trying to make Whites believe they deserve it. Jews inflame White hate, then disable White protective instincts by promoting White self-hate. White guilt undermines White self-defense against BIPOC aggression, both inflicted by Jews. Jews anger BIPOCs over “White Supremacy” and even “micro-aggressions,” then direct BIPOC anger into violence against Whites. Concomitantly, Jews portray BIPOCs as victims of White aggression, never as aggressors. This is an example of Jewish incitement of emotional states derived from instincts, while maintaining an extreme irrationality.
Racism Rules
Unarguably among the strongest instincts is racism. Everyone is racist. Racism is a core instinct of caution and distrust toward those who do not look like, smell like, move like and so think and feel like us. It is the most basic expression of the primacy of self-defense vs. self-promotion known. When we sense that someone in our presence is of another race, our instinct is to distrust and self-protect. This is true for Whites, blacks, yellows, browns and reds. (We know of only 3 actual races: White, black and yellow. The others are combinations)
In fact, throughout the sweep of human history, even tribalism expressed this instinct. People knew at a glance, in an instant, when someone in their presence was not just of a different race, but even of a different tribe. By far the most conflict and war in human history has been between tribes, not races. The greatest threat to anyone of one tribe—especially women, children and elderly, but men too—has been members of another tribe. Instincts arose with compelling power to keep people safe against other tribes. War was almost constant, and its aim was counter-tribal genocide.
We may have been deceived by 200 years of “civilized warfare” in Europe into thinking all warfare has had restraints against harming and killing civilians, slaughtering captured enemy warriors, torturing and executing enemy leaders, enslaving the losers, destroying their lands, or simply eradicating them and taking their land and resources. The Jewish Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament) recounts this clearly. The 200 years of “civilized warfare” in Europe ended with WWII, when Jews manipulated combatants to return to their law of the jungle ways. The Nuremberg Trials farce, Eisenhower Rhine meadow death camps, German expulsions and trail of tears death migrations, enforced post-war food shortages… In short the Morgenthau (J) Plan to genocide Germany and seize its land and resources amounted to an Advance to Barbarism, out of civilized warfare back to tribal primal total war.
Jewish Vengeance
Jews are vengeful. “Never forget” they say. Christian Whites are forgiving. “Love our enemies” they say. “Turn the other cheek.” “Treat others as we wish to be treated.” “To forgive is divine.” In some real sense, Christianity subverts White protective instincts. It sows guilt and doubt in Whites, making us less honoring of our protective instincts. Some say Jews inflicted Christianity as a psychological warfare weapon on Whites for just this purpose. It is now called “pathological altruism” when Whites welcome dangerous members of other tribes and races among themselves, funded and organized and inflicted by Jews. Jews paralyze White self-defense instincts with guilt and compassion, while inflaming BIPOC aggressive self-promotion instincts with accusations against Whites.
Jewish vengeance is timeless, and insatiable. The current war between Ukraine and Russia, with Jew-controlled U.S. as proxy, is partially more ongoing Jewish vengeance against Russia. Jews organized and inflicted the Bolshevik Revolution against the Czars and Russian people as vengeance for “pogroms” and other discrimination against Jews, real and/or imagined. The 60+ million slaughtered White Slavic Christian Russians in the Red Terror, throughout the Communist period until 1990 was not enough vengeance for Jews, even though Jews personally were the work/death camp commandants, the terror squad leaders of the CHEKA/NKVD/KGB, and administrators of genocide such as Genrikh Yagoda, Jewish architect of the Ukrainian Holodomor (3 - 10 million White Slavik Christian Ukrainians). Jewish vengeance instincts last forever and go forever unfulfilled, yet they weaken the vengeance instincts in White Christians with “forgiveness” doctrine.
The 5 Weapons of Jewish psychological Warfare
Suppressing instincts is only one of 5 major weapons Jews use in their psychological warfare, known as Cultural Marxism when imposed by Communist Jews . The 4 others are:
Fear - inciting and inducing terror in the population, such as of an “invisible menace” of a virus, or of evil Germans mass slaughtering using “gas chambers.” This last example is of course meant to mostly frighten Jews. See Semitophobia.
Confusion - The CDC and Fauci issued self-conflicting mandates throughout the covid timeline about mask wearing, vaccination, indoor and outdoor gatherings, business closures, school closures, social distancing and all the absurd lockdown measures. First they demanded mask wearing, then made it voluntary, then voluntary outdoors but mandatory indoors, then mandatory unless vaccinated, then 2 masks were recommended, then masks were declared “symbolic",” then … And they insisted that everyone “follow the science.” This was deliberate to induce a state of confusion among the target populations.
Demoralization - The Jew Cass Sunstein, mass mind control master, wrote about “choice architecture,” where Jews pre-select all candidates and the concept of choice in voting is an illusion. Jews promote and install the most degenerate, unappealing and even grotesque candidates, whose history is an outrage to at least one side of the voting public. They then install plainly repulsive candidates to the other half, in an obvious attempt to make people give up and lose all faith in any candidates.
successive Chicago Mayors They do the same with elections themselves, making it known that elections are compromised and rigged, making voting for any candidate a pointless ritual. This demoralizes the population, deflating hope, subverting justice, inducing impotent outrage and pure disgust. Demoralization works to spread apathy and despair, making the people easier to control.
Perversion - Jews twist and distort moral values, especially around sexuality, using their GAME complex to promote and celebrate homosexuality and now even transexuality, their mind-corrupting pornography, indulgent and hedonistic “lifestyles,” vile sexualizing educational content for children, subliminal sex cult programming in advertising, movies, music, cartoons, comic books and every other vector of influence over the public mind. Ruining the social value system and moral code engenders chaos, in which the Goyim masses suffer, losing focus upon what matters, and Jews tighten their grip of control.
The Final Resolution of this Jewish Issue of suppressing and subverting instincts occurs when we resist the subtle and sinister influences Jews produce and distribute. This is aided by avoiding all GAME influences when possible. A religious practice and community helps resist the degrading influence, since isolation is another tactic that makes all the others more powerful. Whether that practice is some sect of Christian, Odinism, Cosmotheism, Aryanity, Asatru, White Hindu, Daoist, Tantric, Jungian, National Socialism, or even a nameless practice of honoring nature, emptying the mind, ascetic discipline or sensual meditation, a religious practice is a great defense against the subversion of instincts. Of course, Christianity and other religions can themselves subvert instincts, as we have seen, so remain aware and build a deep awareness of instincts, our own and others’, friend or foe.
Knowledge and Truth also build a powerful defense against instinct subversion. Awareness of when it is occurring, through what vectors, toward what targets, for what goals, informs cognitive intervention and ready dismissal. Laughter and ridicule are themselves instinctive responses that render instinct subversion impotent and rebuilds powerful instinctive responses. Get out of our heads, get into our hearts, feel the truth in our bones and blood, learn to recognize the visceral signs of instincts rising. If we have the urge to vomit when seeing a wretched Jew, we are healthy and good.
If we feel rage and hate learning some Jew rapes children, or produces and distributes porn from Jewish sex slaves, then our instincts are functioning and a Final Resolution is possible. Since instincts are what Jews are trying to erase in us, they are what we must reclaim and cultivate.
And remember, we have instincts not just against threat and evil, but in favor of opportunity and Good.
This phenomenon might also be called cognitive dissonance. What you see is not what you think because you are brainwashed to believe otherwise. So you can not follow your "instincts" or your "gut" and deny who your enemy is. There are two other character traits of Jews is observe: a lack of introspection and a lack of reciprocity. While hyper critical of all other ethnic and religious groups they are not self critical at all. The Frankfurt School and Critical Race Theory are manifestations of Jewish projectionism of their faults by criticizing others. There probably has never been a society so accepting of Jews as America (perhaps Austria?) but now they want us dead.
Excellent advice. Trust your gut/ instincts and Don’t expect the Liars to ever confirm that your instincts for the Truth are right! They won’t do that! Ever! Their methods are to always Deny you the knowledge that you’re right! How do I know this ? I was married to an Armenian 1st born son who’s parents ruined him! They literally raise a “god” that can do no wrong and never discipline him. They then worship him and force his siblings to do the same! This was all confirmed to me once again the other day at the grocery store. I was approached by a woman I never saw before. I helped her find her coffee. Noticing an accent, asked where she was from. She said she was Armenian and proceeded to explain how she had to stand up to her father who was a tyrant. I of course told her my experience. Then explained what I had concluded regarding this culture and how they ruined the first born son. She looked at me contemplatively and said “ Yes! You are exactly right! “. So I’m now wondering how many cultures do this? Then, how many of these first born sons go on to adopt and internalize these Jewish methods and tactics- and when I say “Jew” I absolutely do not mean all Jews! I’m friends with many Jews including my own boyfriend, who is wonderful to me!! Faithful and Caring. Most of us “do unto others as we would have them do unto us “. Most of us want good for others. It’s become obvious that these malevolent forces at work have so intricately planned their vile destruction of good people who just want to be a positive force of helpfulness in society they are able to convince medical students to push synthetic drugs and surgical treatments onto the masses that would otherwise be deemed ridiculous in the majority of the cases. I’d like to recommend a book called “ What really makes you I’ll? Why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong. They’ve also been lying big time in the Medical cartel! Sadly, I find that it’s the older people in their 70’s and 80’s that do have the most difficult time giving up the lies they fully believe. Belief is the enemy of Knowing. But you must work hard to rid yourself of the Lies. I’m praying for all. While doing the best I can to keep working on myself! Hugs and Love ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️