Elon and the ADL were in from the beginning, was very clear to me this is scripted drama, just another distraction on top of the giant pile of distractions so people dont even dare touch that pile. "By way of deception, thou shalt do war" is not only the assumed mossad motto, but all jews and esp the ADL uses deception.

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Truly one of the best analysis with excellent advice I’ve read in a good long time! You hit the nail on the head! We need to be reminded of these nuances over and over until we are good at the discernment!! It does get Tricky sometimes! I think one of the most disturbing aspects of listening to these podcasts is the fact that the people talking expose something they have known for years and laugh as they say it or laugh as a follow up after they say something that is definitely not funny. It’s very disturbing to an empathic person who still has compassion. I wish someone would tell them!

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Someone to me who doesn't get enough credit and recognition for his tireless research and analysis is Jan Lamprecht! I've been following Jan for well over a decade now; I think I first came across his name when I use to frequent VNN Forum, and someone posted something by him on that forum.

Jan is very well-read and erudite. His methodical, disciplined, and meticulous approach and tone to his videos reflect his overall strong affective disposition. Jan's been quite prolific over-the-years, and his 'History Reviewed' site has all kinds of excellent material.

Anyhow, I watched his 'The Great Jewish Mask Or The Ass In The Lion's Skin' (linked below) last night. It is over 6hrs long and quite the investment; even Martin Scorsese would have some hesitation with this vid by Jan, but as are many of his lengthy videos, it is definitely worth one's time. A new, rich, and incisive analysis into Aesop's ancient fable 'The Ass In The Lion's Skin,' which has had its own varied history(linked below).





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Checking out The Great Jewish Masque. Very interesting.

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Yes Karl! I thought you might like it. I didn't know how much you've perused Jan's 'History Reviewed' site in the past, but he has other such erudite and cultivated endeavors. He is very observant and insightful. His videos can be quite lengthy at times, because he takes the time to be explanatory and exegetical!

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A great reference Ed. The stunning revelation is such characters as Abraham, David, Solomon, Jacob etc. were all names of gods and mythical figures the Hebrews stole from the surrounding tribes such as the Babylonians, Hittites, Edomites etc. and created a fake history out of them. I'll be damned.

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“This is our best approach now to any media story: Assume it is lies, evaluate which of the 6 tactics are prominent, expose the lies and present the truth, and build our morale, enthusiasm, drive and motivation."

I have been assuming all is lies for years (including what you write!). It's generally the right approach but it fosters an overly cynical attitude. Oh well.... everything has its price!

I just found your site a day or two ago, via Slavlands. Good stuff. Thank you.

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Yes, agreed. I may be writing a form of lies known as counter-lies, or possibly something approaching the Taboo Truth.

Rather than cynicism, which is too close to the state of apathy and despair they want for us, I aspire to confidence as knowledge becomes power.

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I can't tell you how many times I have warned people against the Kabuki of the MuskyADL. I tried to tell anyone that would read or hear that this was a honeypot that would be used to form their viewpoints and mold them into submissive goy.

I like John Friend. I remember when he started blogging because we started at the same time and moved along in similar veins until about 2016.

In 2015 I predicted Trump's win and predicted his role as jewish shill. I began to warn all these similarly minded folks like John about Drumpf's entire life being melded and guided by jews.

But what do people do? They go for broke and believe that a man like Trump is an honest broker because he said something that tickled their ears.

But the hardest part is that these similarly minded folks (Mike King is another one) will post a hundred articles about how bad jews are, but when it comes to Trump, THOSE are the good jews. Trump is a hero that has his entire life controlled by jews. EVERY facet of his life, yet I am to believe he is our savior or whatever.

Idiotic, on its face.

ATTENTION: there are NO good jews.


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Chapter 1 in my book is "Not All Jews!" We may have a limited number of good Jews, most of whom seem to have genuinely converted. Benjamin Freedman is one.

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I agree entirely. Adelson and Epstein and Cohn and Wexner are good Jews? They are/were all Trump Jews.

John Friend knows however. John is far beyond Mike King in his Trumpian Jewareness.

I appreciate your insights. I honor your impulse to awaken others. In my experience, this must be done in a careful, skilled, thoughtful way. Our impulses do not serve. I hope to write about "How to Talk to People About Trum" (or covid, or Jews, or ...) soon.

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My premise in these matters is that none are good until fully vetted. And even then, beware, for who knows what motive is true. I think that Friedman is a good example, but it is easier to say so after his death and full evaluation.

The ones still living should be seen with a jaundiced eye.

My other idea is that even those who are not fully kill-goy and keep silent, still take advantage of the status the (((controllers))) offer them in society. Many know full well that ones within their own tribe are guilty, but keep silent. Why? They prosper in many ways.

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Mike King has frustrated me enormously since the 2016 "election." At first, I use to see his constant preoccupation with "Q" and the "White hats" as him simply being a bit overzealous and optimistic about the situation, and that he would eventually come around.

In the steady stream of articles that followed, where he would interpret Trump's decision-making and behavior through that lens of "4D chess," he would continually use the phrase "cautiously optimistic" to keep the readers potential skepticism at bay.

Over the years, I had probably sent Mike about 6-$700.00, plus purchased all of his books, because I felt they were excellent introductory texts for normies because, Mike has always been excellent at simplifying the JQ for people that maybe haven't been exposed to the notions of "hidden history," "false-flags," or "staged deceptions" by intelligence organizations. So, I would show them, at times, to friends, family, or co-workers, when I felt there was a positive opportunity to expose them to such material.

Anyway, I've eventually kind of come to the conclusion that Mike has maintained this angle as a grift. He's too smart NOT to see through the obvious ridiculousness of it all, but, because there's a whole army of Q-tards out there to potentially make some money off of, he has steadily maintained the "redemption is around the corner" narrative. He realizes that these Jews have been so successful in turning this world into a degenerative insane asylum that, like many today, he's basically just focused on "getting his," and doing what's best for him and his family at this stage of the Kali Yuga, if you will.

I could be wrong, but that's my two cents!

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Seems plausible. For a Hitlerite to tilt toward Q could not be explained another way.

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I too purchased all of Mike King’s PDF books and often cite passages. I watched and downloaded his entire series titled “Forbidden History of Globalism” which he presented in his character “The Invisible Critic”.

• Episode 01 The Forbidden History of The Globalist Conspiracy "Proofs"


Go to that channel for the entire series of 39 episodes and more.

I am bewildered at Mike’s perseverance with the Q-Trump phenomenon. Many of his ‘faithful’ readers have made comments expressing their dismay. He even goes to great lengths to detail all the ‘evidence’ against Trump and then ‘debunks’ each one.

… flummoxed!!

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That's why I think it's a grift Julius. Remember, before Amazon banned his books, Mike was selling them, especially 'The Bad War,' like hotcakes! Mike is way too smart not to see through it all. And, who knows, he might be struggling financially. He lost a lot in a fire about 15 years ago. Whether that's a factor, I don't know. It's pretty unfortunate that he's maintained this stance for so long!

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Wonder what caused the fire. JDL?

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Just sharing this here for the record and topical interest ...

• From A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind – by Stephen Mitford Goodson

Goodson writes:

"In September 1899 in an act of provocation, the British started to mass troops on the southern Transvaal border. A request on 9 October 1899 that Her Majesty’s government cease “the constant bringing up of troops to the borders of the Republic, and the sending of reinforcements from all parts of the British Empire was ignored. Two days later war broke out. Although the Boers had only a part time army of mounted horsemen, they enjoyed stunning successes in the initial phase of the war. However, they were ultimately outgunned, outnumbered and in some instances poorly led. From June 1900 onwards the Boers resorted to guerrilla warfare. A tiny force of never more than 6,000 active Boers was able to frustrate and tie down almost 450,000 troops of the world’s largest empire.

Peace was signed at Vereeniging on 31 May 1902. The war had been an unmitigated disaster for the Boers. In contravention of the Hague Convention of 29 July 1899, which bound Great Britain to observe its “rules of civilised warfare”, an unprecedented scorched earth policy was introduced. The Boers’ homesteads were razed to the ground, wells were poisoned, their cattle were slaughtered and their women were raped. Twenty-five towns and their contents and 20 villages, including all their churches, were destroyed. 155,000 women and children were herded into 46 concentration camps and housed in tents, where in some camps during winter temperatures fell below zero. 34,000 of them died of malnutrition, poor sanitation and exposure, of whom 81% were under the age of 16. The British also suffered high losses with 21,942 being killed (35% in battle, 65% from disease) and 22,829 being wounded. The bankers had the satisfaction of obtaining full control of the gold and other mineral resources of South Africa, of financing the war in the amount of £222 million and thereby adding a further £132 million to Britain’s national debt. For Nathan, Alfred and Leopold Rothschild the Anglo-Boer War was a consummate victory."

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Great quote. Especially that last line. All Wars Are Banker Wars, and Almost All Bankers Are Jews. Therefore when Mel Gibson says Jews start wars, and Thomas Dalton writes The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, and Hitler blames Jews for starting WWII, they are right.

How far does Goodson go in identifying Jews as War-mongering bankers, or does he obscure the Jewish Issue?

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A masterful essay, Karl. I resonated with it throughout. It brought such clarity to key concepts and I learnt so much. I am off to search for Hoffman’s <i>Twilight Language</i> now.

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I am honored that you saw the worth in this essay. It is the topic I feel is most urgent for us to understand at this time. And it is complex and detailed, as you will see if you study Twilight Language. It started with Hoffman 20 years earlier with Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, which was a revelation to me when I studied it in about 2016. It has only advanced in sophistication and effects since then. Basically, we are all walking droning zombies believing in superstitions and fantasies and delusion implanted by the Cabal. But we are Awakening now. Interesting times for sure.

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I meant to say, I am going to try and stop saying "I'm glad you like it" and "I hope you enjoyed it" and "thanks for sharing" and such.

This stuff is not "entertainment!" It's basically intel in the psy-war. We must treat it as such.

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“When we are enticed to pay attention to one source, we are not able to pay attention to others. Thus it acts as a censorship measure.”

Such an important point. Thank you, Karl.

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Been looking for an old video on the so-called Iron Dome defense system for a few weeks. Luckily, the original guy uploaded it again. This is about 5 or 6 years old, but is obviously still applicable!

I've always been suspicious of Iron Dome, seeing it as simply another Jewish/Israeli lie, like nuclear weaponry, to inculcate and implant fear into the various governments and peoples of the world, and to also utilize as another means to pilfer more money from US taxpayers.

I get so tired of hearing the "Hamas rockets" narrative. Most, if not all, have no guidance-systems, are "homemade" from materials like fertilizer, and rarely succeed in killing anyone. Maybe, if one lands right next to an Israeli, they will sustain serious injury. As you already know, Israel controls basically EVERYTHING that enters into and out of Gaza. Any serious weaponry that is made is, more than likely, because it has been allowed to be made. Just like Hamas itself, all of these illusions are primarily for genocidal pretext and justification!

Here's the vid!


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Years ago I learned about Qassam rockets. Yes, the Palestinians manufacture them out of steel pipe and plate, fertilizer propellant, a nail and spring for firing pin, with no guidance system, a range of a mile or more, no significant explosive warhead... Bottle rockets! It is another Jewish lie that they are any serious threat at all. They are basically gestures of defiance so the Palestinians can maintain some kind of self-respect and dignity, against the high-tech US-supplied IDF weaponry against helpless innocent civilian.

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I'm told the new F-35 fighter jet is poorly designed and malfunctions in flight, the parts are not numbered and it is difficult to repair, but it cost an immense sum to the arms manufacturer who raked the government on its enormous bill. This could be another example of the Iron Dome grift you mention.

The Iron Curtain was more effective.

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Yes! The F-35 is another boondoggle. I can almost guarantee that, if we had the capacity to audit and trace all the supposed "funding" for that project, from its prototype until now, we would see that a large percentage of that money was never even applied to the project. And there are probably countless like it, though smaller in scale financially. I know you are fully aware of the Pentagon's history of "lost" or "missing" finances. The governmental corruption and manipulation we live under now is completely systemic! Nothing surprises me anymore!

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A topical and highly recommended discussion between Kevin Barrett and Cat McGuire

• Emergency Alert! Ukrainian Death Threat Trannies on the Loose! (FFWN Kevin Barrett with Cat McGuire)


especially from around 14:16 re Ukraine

Source article:

• Gazans Break Out of World's Biggest Concentration Camp - KEVIN BARRETT


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The only concentration camps were in the Boer war (Churchill was in one for a short time), then the Eisenhower Rhine Meadow Death Camps after WWII in Germany. Maybe a few others. The German versions were Prisons, with indoor facilities and barracks, kitchens, hospitals, and swimming pools and soccer fields. Oh and theaters.

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• and from The Gulag Archipelago Volume 2 – by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“In August, 1918, several days before the attempt on his life by Fanya Kaplan, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin wrote in a telegram to Yevgeniya Bosh and to the Penza Provincial Executive· Committee (they were unable to cope with a peasant revolt): "Lock up all the doubtful ones [not "guilty," mind you, but doubtful­ A.S.] in a concentration camp outside the city." (And in addition "carry out merciless mass terror" - this was before the decree.)

Only on September 5, 1918, ten days after this telegram, was the Decree on the Red Terror published, which was signed by Petrovsky, Kursky, and Bonch-Bruyevich. In addition to the instructions on mass executions, it stated in particular: "Secure the Soviet Republic against its class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps."

So that is where this term - concentration camps - was discovered and immediately seized upon and confirmed […] And this is when it was born - in August and September, 1918. The word itself had already been used during World War I, but in relation to POWs and undesirable foreigners. But here in 1918 it was for the first time applied to the citizens of one's own country. The switch in meaning is easily comprehended - concentration camps for POWs were not prisons but a necessary precautionary concentration of the POWs. And so, too, for doubtful compatriots extrajudicial precautionary concentration was now proposed. For an energetic mind which could visualize barbed wire surrounding prisoners who had not been tried, the necessary term was right at hand - concentration camps.”

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Yes of course I did not list the Soviet camps.

Boer camps were operating at turn of the century.


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Yes - I should have added that I doubt that the Boer camps were within Solzhenitsyn's scope of vision/awareness - he was so focused on internal Russian matters. Link saved, thank you.

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Some useful facts there but I wonder what the author's (Misha Ketchell) real agenda was. He throws his credibility out the window with his penultimate paragraph.

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Yes. I could have found a better source for Boer camps, but time did not permit. It served.

The National Socialists, said to have operated the most infamous and evil "concentration camps" in history, did not operate any "camps" at all. The Germans operated Prisons, with indoor facilities, barracks etc. as I have said. I do not call NS facilities "camps." They were Prisons.

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I really liked this article because it was not like most, just giving us information. It's about actions we can take.

For a long time I have longed to get control of our local tv channels, our public airwaves which Jews have controlled from the very beginning of tv in the 30s. How to go about it? I don't know. I have learned that it does no good to contract state legislators so any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Also could you say more about "integrating some of the power of our enemy while keeping it under our strict command in service to the Good"? How can we do this?

I think that a lot of the time when people want to be good, we're already well aware of and have experienced our own demons which is why we seek to be good. Although I understand Jung's meaning.

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The "Jew" throughout history is not an actual person...IT is a phenomena...

It is Usury; taking more than you give; unequal exchange; emotional hunger; enough is never enough

-these are all (emotional) expressions of IT...(We resent being taken advantage of)...

We apply the term "Jew" to any who interact with us, taking more than they give in return...

But we deflect in onto the Jews - instead of expressing it directly against those who (emotionally) exploit us...

The only claimed expression of anger by Jesus was his chasing the usurers out of a temple....Everyone should be like Jesus, express their anger directly against the (emotional) exploiters amongst us...

Even within groups of people in which no actual Jew exists there are "jews"...Usury, no matter what name it hides behind, is corrosive and destructive to emotional and social harmony...

And one of the main aims of propaganda is to encourage (coerce) Conformity...In Crowds individuals have their self-agency severely curtailed. Crowds are so easy to manipulate, even control...

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Oct 8, 2023Edited
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We have remnants to reanimate. Asatru maybe. Odinism. Even National Socialism and Jungianism. Nietzsche. We are sparks in the dark Kali Yuga, and we keep our light alive.

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