Posts by Anthony James Hall ...

• If bin Laden Didn't Do 9/11, Then Who Did?


• If bin Laden Didn't Do 9/11, Then Who Did? Part 2


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Quite good essays. Thanks for sharing. I am not convinced that energy weapons vaporized the towers, and think internal explosives, some in the form of nano-thermite paint coatings could be responsible for so much dust. But DEWs is near the bottom, and it could be...

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Laurent Guyenot has also presented convincing evidence of heavy jew involvement in 9 11 and JFK's assassination. He also writes for Unz.

Michael Collins Piper, whom you mentioned during your excellent interview re. jews and the Fed, and Victor Thorn were both heavy hitters in this arena but both died prematurely under mysterious circumstances.

You can also include the OKC bombing for good measure.

Good examples of how jews control the 'opposition' can be found by the striking dearth of information in the most popular conspiracy websites and blogs. A&E for 9 11 Truth, Kennedys and King and many more will simply not tread on hebrew ground and will ostracize those that do.

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I know I have to read Final Judgment. I read The High Priests of War and found it excellent, similar to Bollyn in that category. I have some Thorn books, but they seem to be simpler repeats of Bollyn.

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'Final Judgement' is worth reading, but the book gets very repetitive and redundant! It could have used a much better editing process!

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I hope Guyenot does not die prematurely. A french writer Herve Ryssen is in prison last I heard.

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Standard operating procedure for jews and their goy marionettes. All the revisionists holding citizenship from or residing in a prosecutorial Holohoax-hate-speech country suffer this fate. Zundel, Faurisson, Rudolf, Ryssen, Haverbeck, Schafer, Toben et. al. Irving, Leuchter and Butz had their careers destroyed but could not be jailed. Thanks to the likes of untermenschen like DeSantis and most of congress the same Draconian measures are but a vote (more like edict) away for us too. Hell, there's even a front-running jew in Mexico's presidential race. Cesar Tort must be quaking in his boots.

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I like your "surface down" then "bottom up" method. Misinformation and false leads are injected throughout and flow like currents as we explore the depths. Starting from the most bizarre depths sometimes helps us see the deceptions at the upper levels. Sometimes there are good leads and bits of truth scattered through the raving lunacy and charlatanism. I'll give anything a fair (and critical) hearing. Some of the strangest theories are at least entertaining to read. We always find the same culprits though, time after time after time.

I've noticed something over the years of reading the many 911 debates online. The shills tend to hijack the discussion by steering it towards scientific and technical details that most people would not have any real claim of expertise. The eyes of the casual reader glaze over. Meanwhile, the grubby fingerprints of WHO did it are there in plain sight.

Today, I'm happy to be working from home (as I usually do). I'm away from the maudlin 911 memorial blathering. I'd much rather spend the day with you, Karl, and the rest of the readers here.

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Not related to the article.

I've worked in tennis for years as an umpire and, of course, Novak Djokovic admiringly refused the poison, which caused a lot of resentful blowback coming his way.

Novak was banned from playing the US Open in New York for 2022 because of his "vax status." Well, he was finally cleared to play this year, and ended up winning his 4th US Open and 24th overall Grand Slam. I guarantee this didn't sit well with numerous people in the tennis community.

Tennis is replete with shitlib's and countless lesbians and, many within this community dislike and bear a grudge against Novak for not being a good little government clone.

Well, ESPN, which owns the broadcasting rights for the US Open decided to team-up with Moderna to mock Novak and "show him up" somewhat during Sunday's Men's Final. These scumbags are always looking for ways to degrade certain individuals and the world overall. Here it is:


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Shot of the day. Ugh.

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Interesting video I saw yesterday. Footage of the Pentagon showing not a single plane part among the devastation:


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Not sure what to make of it. FBI video? Strange how the building was sheared off straight and flat on the left side. IDK.

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Do you know what Simon Shack looks like? https://www.septclues.com/SIMON%20SHACK%20PICS/simon_2010aSMALL.jpg This tells me he's a Jew. Likely the surname is fake. He's hiding his identity.

I was a fan of Sept Clues for a couple of years, but I became disenchanted w/ Simon when he started into No Deaths to go along w/ No Planes and no valid video tapes. (Even the disintegration of the Twin Towers). I'm willing to believe the total number of dead may have exaggerated just as I believe no scheduled commercial jumbo jets crashed at WTC or the Pentagon or Shanksville. But to say no planes of any sort were involved is scorched earth, going too far. No dead at WTC and Pentagon is unnecessarily outrageous. Brings a whole lot of criticism on 9/11 truth on a humane level. There's an extreme mentality to Simon.

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I've never looked into the person of Shack. You could be right. I never make a definitive ID based on appearance and/or name alone. He doesn't have a Wikipedia Early Life section--no Wiki at all. Could be Shack is 80/20, putting out truth of CGI planes then discrediting himself with absurd claims otherwise. I didn't know he claimed no deaths on 911, that is clearly absurd. Was he trying to discredit himself, or distinguish himself as the most out-there theorist of them all, to gain attention and notoriety?

Some strange affiliations of Shack's (real name Hytten) father and brother.


So I'm back to wondering what is really at the bottom of 911.

In the Bollyn video I shared, toward the end he says Judy Wood's theory that the demolition was a "cold" event is "complete nonsense," since Bollyn shows many instances of extreme heat in the demolition. Who and Why is clear though.

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Bollyn becomes emotional when speaking of Judy Wood. His Buck Rogers comment to dismiss DEW is churlish. There have been more revelations about the existence of beam weapons over time. They are real and thermite is real whereas mini-nukes is conjectural. The main proponent of thermite, Stephen Jones has a questionable background re suppression of cold fusion.

It seems the Towers take down was a complex operation and thermite may have been used as one stage. Evidence of molten metal can not be denied. But there are so many anomalies for all singular theories such that we can't believe any of them was entirely responsible for all the damage.

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I believe Bollyn refused to debate or be interviewed with Wood some years back. What his true motivations were- I don't know!

Maybe he has his own "confirmation bias," because there is a scenario or "model" by which both their ideas can be incorporated into the "How" of the Twin Towers.

Also, Wood stated many times before that she wasn't definitely saying that directed free-energy brought the Towers down. She said, "I'm simply asking questions!" Many people don't understand the difference between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning!

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I'd love to see real debates carried out between differing proponents. By real I mean strict rules enforced - neutral host, structured segments, time limits, no talking over each other, penalties for cheap shots ... Such things used to take place in high schools way back.

My notion of a combined scenario would be start w/ the thermite explosion and then bring in the DEW. Conventional explosives might be part of the total package but more as a decoy than for effectiveness.

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I second that idea.

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Thermite for sure. While I currently have some 2nd hand knowledge of the existence and use of beam weapons, Before It's News essay by ?? did some calculations and concluded, "the device needs to be many, many times as powerful as all of Earth’s power stations put together," to vaporize and pulverize the towers. I am not a physicist and I'm better at words than numbers, but this is something.


If the author is Knarlydawg (which is not clear), its "Bio Page" is blank. I do not know the credibility and founding/admin. of Before It's News. Like Unz it re-posts essays from other sites, though it may produce some original content too. It appears to be Christian, and features stock market prices too. It claims to have had 1.5 Billion visits and archive 8k articles and postings. The search function appears not to work and I could not see if it has posted any Karl Haemers essays. It definitely addresses the Jewish Issue.

Any knowledge of BIN welcome.

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Now I see signs it is Q-tard.

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I believe both explosives and directed free-energy weaponry were used on 9-11! The evidence of thermite isn't even debatable, as Steven Jones and Bollyn have shown. But, thermite is used for a much more efficient, speedy, and effective "cutter charge" than other explosives. Plus, it would be impossible for thermite to be responsible for the "dustification," the eventual pyroclastic flows across the Hudson, the countless "anomalies" like the melting of windshields, engine-blocks, etc. from a couple of blocks away, and the Hutchinson Effect.

There's a reason Judy Wood's titled her book, "Where Did The Towers Go?," because a "normal" demolition of two 110-floor skyscrapers would leave an immensely high pile of rubble and, not a couple of relatively small mounds.

In addition, virtually full and intact bodies would have been recovered, though highly disfigured, damaged, and mutilated. Recovery crews testified to finding hair, fingers, toes, etc.

Because many people think in dialectics and black-and-white, they commit to an "either/or" approach when problem-solving or drawing conclusions from a specific event. It was either "nukes" or "controlled demolition!" It was either "thermite" or "DEW's!" Like, saying "no planes," doesn't necessarily mean that planes weren't involved in the Vigilant Guardian exercise or that the eventual "hijacked planes" didn't actually take-off from airports like Logan in Boston.

I'm also with you Karl on not dismissing someone because of their last name, or "how they look." I get so tired of those people looking to outright dismiss someone because their last name might be "Miller," or they have a "big nose." It can get pretty ridiculous at times.

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Jones and Bollyn showed that a form of thermite paint was used in a 2-layer system. If applied widely enough throughout the building, it could account for some or much of the dustification. Bollyn claimed maintenance crews had been applying paint throughout the structures for a prolonged time prior to the demolition.

Even Shack says the planes may have been winged missiles with a similar profile to planes, and the CGI was used to touch them up to look like planes. Then there's the eye-witnesses saying they never saw any planes, but only explosions. Bollyn's evidence and facts seem the most well-documented and conclusive to me.

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I have to respectfully differ with the idea of thermite being the sole possible explanation!

Maintenance crews had been seen, but not on every single floor of BOTH Towers. Plus, the immense amount of thermite that would be required to perform such a task; and the time needed to install everywhere would be waaay to impractical, then, adding the fact that much of the outer and inner core columns were not accessible after the completion of the building, and would have required enormous time and manpower to make them accessible. Port Authority did have "power-downs" beginning in July of '01, I believe, but they would have had to create scheduling difficulties of enormous proportions for the tenants of both buildings to install.

I think Bollyn is trying to make the anamolous events and details fit his "thermite only" theory. The problem with the "thermite created the dustification" is, you need more than just thermite.(See below)

As far as I'm aware, Bollyn has always been hostile and resistant to directed free-energy weaponry, mocking it as ridiculous "science fiction," when, it's not even up for debate anymore. The government admits to funding billions into their use, and there are multiple videos of them being used, whether light or microwave amplification by the likes of Boeing.

Also, thermite doesn't explain the toasting of cars a block away with zero building debris on them. It can't account for the Tesla-Hutchinson Effect, the fusion of dissimilar materials, slow bending and twisting of metals, the "toasted looking" cars, or people jumping out of the buildings where there was no fire or potential for smoke inhalation. There's the famous call from Melissa Doi (see below) from the 83rd floor of the S Tower where she talks about it being it being "really, really hot" and she says "I can't see the air!" Keep in mind, she says there's smoke, but doesn't cough once, not one single time! The original call of 24-minutes has never been released!

Some believe that she, and the 4 others she's with are feeling the effects of microwave amplification, and thar, what is happening is her cataracts are "graying-out" her vision and her flesh is slowly being "cooked." This is also why multiple people jumped where there was no immediate smoke or fire, because they were trying to "escape from being cooked!"

Anyhow, because not one, let alone two 110-floor buildings had ever been demolished with explosives, I believe they used the explosives to make the structures easier to destroy using the directed free-energy weaponry. Had they attempted just explosives, the rubble would have been 40-story's high!


(Curled, not buckled!)





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"This tells me he's a Jew!"

"One does not need to have the authentic Hittite nose to be a Jew; the term Jew rather denotes a special way of thinking and feeling. A man can very soon become a Jew without being an Israelite; often it is only necessary to have frequent intercourse with Jews, to read Jewish newspapers, to accustom oneself to Jewish philosophy, literature, and art" - Houston Stewart Chamberlain

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In my view, Jew is tribal. 2 sub-tribes, Ashkenasi and Sephardic. It's in the blood. I no longer believe the Khazarian conversion theory. DNA data proves it wrong. Everything derives from the tribal blood type: religion, culture, history, intelligence, insanity...

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Not sure about the Hittite reference. I thought they were non Semitic people. That may have been revealed after HSC's time. My designation for the hook nose would be Sephardi.

One may become Judaized w/o being a Jew. I went to NYU or NYJew, our in-joke. And I got a 4 year dose of the Heebie Jeebies, but even moderately intensive indoctrination didn't prevent me from casting that off once internet access to alternatives kicked in. I think it's much harder for a Jew to cast off his conditioning because he gets it from birth.

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I just read that Hittites were Aryans.

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I am 3/4 through this Unz reading, and while it is compelling as so often, I have yet to hear any mention of Bollyn.

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keep going he is mentioned with a photo of his book

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Yes, I see Unz finally mentions Bollyn. He is the only author Unz critiques so harshly, warning of "serious stylistic weaknesses" and "poor organization," citing "frequent repetition of the same points." While I agree with Unz that Bollyn's book The Original Articles makes repetitions, I find them to be positives of the work, enabling better memory of key points. Bollyn's later book The War on Terror is truly flawed with excessive repetition throughout a rather short work.

Still, no one bring together in one focus the U.S. Zionist/Israeli Jew culprits of 911 like Bollyn. Most others such as Thorn rely largely on Bollyn. Unz acknowledges this without naming names. Bollyn is the source for "911 was an Israeli job."

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OK thanks. I am listening rather than reading. I think Unz uses some tech that puts his written essays into spoken form in his voice, even though he doesn't actually speak the words.

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"I thought Bollyn was accurate in this theory for years, until last year John Friend, editor at American Free Press where Bollyn published his 911 essays, showed me evidence for another theory." Fill in the blank.

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In this case I am referring to a different How. The Who and Why are still the same.

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The DEW angle is fashionable, but so complicated and unnecessary. It also counts on the claim of (((Judy Wood))) using the dullest, not the sharpest, video. Bollyn's view on the Israelis means the British blew up the Twin Towers. Israel is a British servant state, not a Jewish sovereign state. Hitler wrote in Table Talk (July 25th 1941) "England and America will one day have a war with one another, which will be waged with the greatest hatred imaginable. One of the two countries will have to disappear." It may be that Jewish anti-Americanism is a function of their service to the British empire. What is clear is that Britain is a revanchist regime that Americans are too dull to realize or respond to. Britain wants its colonies back and it hasn't repudiated its efforts. War of 1812. Skull and Bones. Rhodes Mafia. CFR. These all have the same objective to recapture their lost colony and have it serve British imperialism and British world domination. Biden has 5 Rhodes Scholars in his cabinet and admin, and dozens of British educated admins. Probably, more officials serving Britain than that are Jews, with the Jews serving British visions, not Jewish ones. Woodrow Wilson saved British ass in WWI, and was honored with Wilson College at Princeton. Then, it was renamed by Rhodes Scholar and Jew President of Princeton. Here is a perfect example of the convergence of Jews serving British imperialism. There is a dual cause to the event. Like a watermelon, you have a green Jew on the outside serving red Britain on the inside. There's no benefit to being a British subject or a turncoat for the REDCOATS. They repeatedly stab their own in the back because the operate from a power calculus, not a moral calculus or a white calculus (and non-Britons are not white as Benjamin Franklin wrote). "In 2020, the School was renamed again when the Princeton University Board of Trustees voted to remove Woodrow Wilson's name because his "racist thinking and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school or college whose scholars, students, and alumni must stand firmly against racism in all its forms." That's a power calculus.

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Any British power behind the Jewish power behind the U.S. power is so well hid it may as well be a DEW. CFR is totally Jewish. So is Britain itself. Rothschilds et al. long ago seized control of the Empire through finance.

Agree to disagree.

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We're not given the timeline. Steel beams were removed immediately.

They must have used a time machine to disappear the buildings into the future.

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Even the videos and photos immediately after the dust-clouds settled. There would have been numerous desks, chairs, bathtubs, toilets, tv sets, radios, broken sheet rock, sewage-lines, etc. Multiple individuals from the clean-up crews mentioned there was very, very, little of that.

As Wood showed, when used, thermite has an intensive and blinding glow to it. The almost infinite amount that would have had to have been used to "dustify" everything is impractical, and to be honest doesn't even make sense as the model for two 110-floor skyscrapers, whereas directed free-energy does. Otherwise, "dustification" would have been utilized in demolitions before, in order to make the clean-up process easier in certain cases. Thermite wasn't applied to the above items(desks, chairs, etc.)- how did they disappear? It starts to become quite the reach to maintain the "thermite did all that" model.

And, again, I believe explosives were used in these buildings! You can see the lateral squibbing! You can hear the basement explosions in the documentary '911 Eyewitness' before the collapses began! You can hear and see the explosives from WTC 7 on certain videos! And, the multiple eyewitnesses who testified to hearing explosives!

But, just standard control demolition does not account for the numerous other issues I've brought-up previously. Haven't looked into the time-machine angle yet😁! I'll get back to you!


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I suppose you are right. IDK. I lived in S OR when Antifa and their deranged meth head agents set the Almeda fire. I evacuated and returned to find the homes on the neighboring block completely turned to ash and small chunks of black charcoal. Everything was gone, ceramic toilets, plumbing pipes, plates and bowls, you name it, all ash and charcoal. One house had solar panels on the roof, and not a sign of them remained, not the glass, the aluminum frame, the copper wire, nothing.

So I don't know. As far as I know, this was conventional ground fire that produced these effects, not free energy weapons or DEW's or a time travel device : ) The wind was rather high that day (though not as high as Maui), so maybe wind-driven fire is hotter than low-wind conditions. The winds were mostly still on 911, it seems.

To me, the main question regarding How is: Was it within the capability of Jews? Jews have stolen a lot of Aryan technology, and employ race traitors, so the answer could be yes.

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I suppose I'm more amenable to the directed free-energy weaponry because, one, I've read on and about Tesla extensively long before these "DEW events" started taking place. Second, I've spent hours of research on weather modification and the likes of Paradise Ca., Marshall, Co., and Maui, HI. Normal wild/natural fires don't reduce concrete foundations to the ground, leave an extensive residue of "white ash," and have the numerous anomalies that are present on these fires. Black ash is almost always present, whole neighborhood's are not levelled; there's always a "partially burned house" present somewhere, and rarely are melted aluminum, steel, and windshields found. Also, numerous people still are making the assumption of the winds in Lahaine coming from Hurricane Dora. When the fires started, Dora was over 500-miles away! The outer cloud-bands weren't even touching Maui! We need to possibly see the winds as being the result of the fire-attack itself, just like in Dresden!

We both agree, I believe, that "nuclear" weapons are a hoax! I use to ask some people that had a "Jew sniffer" the question- " You don't think these Jews would utilize these nuclear weapons, if they were real, to help achieve their fanatical, messianic aims?" I'd say, "The reason so many Jews are involved within the history of nuclear weaponry is because they wanted to create an "almighty weapon" to enhance their ability to make the people's of the world fearful!" Well, now I believe they have that "ultimate weaponry" at their disposal in these directed free-energy weapons, and it concern me greatly.

I know your busy with your writings, and doing your own thing Karl, and I truly have the utmost respect for you and your writings. Your very detail-oriented, meticulous, and your writings reflect that. But, when you get a chance, watch this interview by Peggy Hall with Robert Brame. He's a forensic arborist, and he explains in detail about which trees should burn first, last, are most resistant, etc. Very interesting interview!

Then, watch Max Igan's 'The Crowhouse' video from (14:30-33:00). He shows some of this intense footage from Greece, Libya, and Turkey. The flooding in Greece is next-level! I'm not rushing to the conclusion that ALL of these major weather events are man-made, but I definitely believe they have amped-up the level of attacks. It's just hard to know!

You know, as well as I do, how the Jews "think" when they feel threatened. If they feel they have firm control and that people are starting to wake-up to their bloodthirsty machinations, they will unleash that' "Samson option" mentality and behavior upon the populous. This concerns me to know end!



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Here some more possible evidence Karl! This was just posted. It's apparently from Turkey two weeks ago. More and more of these will surface as they continue these attacks! The guy who originated the video goes by A Plane Truth on YT; he's one of these "the Jesuits are behind it all!"🙄


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Hard to say. Ground-moving fire? Didn't see any beams.

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Keep in mind Karl, you're not suppose to see any "beams," under the visible spectrum! When you cook food in your microwave- do you see any "beams?" And, since when does a "ground-moving" fire move that fast, suddenly "jump," what was probably a couple-of-hundred feet, and give-off those hues of colors, and have that kind of "smoke"(dust cloud/dustification)as a by-product?

When discussing his Teleforce weapon, Tesla once said something along the lines of, "...if I knew the exact frequencies of the Earth, I could blow it up!" He also stated that he could destroy armies and airplanes from a couple-of-hundred of miles away. The link below is from Boeing's own website!

Tesla was not a "materialist!" He did not believe in "atoms" and their component "parts" like "electrons" or a "nucleus." He believed in "living energy," "frequencies," "resonance," and "lumenescence." He thought Einstein, and his Relativity to be laughable bunk, even though he valued Einstein's approval.

As much as I detest and loathe the subterranean bottom-feeder that goes by the name of Christopher Jon Bjerknes, his 'The Manufacture and Sale of St. Einstein' is an excellent expose of the charlatan Einstein. When I was young, my father, who worked at Westinghouse for over 20yrs, turned me on to the interactive history and ideas between Edison, Tesla, and Westinghouse, also known as the "War of Currents." I won't get into it here, but, let's say it was a significant "fork in the road" from which, Tesla was marginalized, his funding cut off by JP Morgan, and he died broke and alone. However, today his ideas reign dominant and supreme in our age of wireless communications!

I linked below a video you'll find quite hilarious Karl. Couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw it. Don't worry about the Russian language, the vid speaks for itself. Let's just say, "Road rage with a twist!" As much as I take these topics of discussion serious, I have my lighter side as well Karl. As Nietzsche's Zarathustra instructs, "Learn to laugh my friends!"



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the kosher culprits and their motives are the easy part...the only questions I have are what method was used for the controlled demolitions and what happened to the planes and passengers of the four flights that they claimed hit the towers Pentagon and the field in PA...in the end its the who and why that are what's really important...shalom

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Not so easy for so many subject to the cult programming of Jewish victim status.

To me, the questions of CD and the fate of the planes and passengers are less important.

Bollyn says the two flights in the NYC area were grounded at Steward air field, which had recently been sold off from NY state ownership to private buyers. Ronald Lauder was on the NY state commission privatizing those assets. I don't recall who bought Stewart, but it was no doubt more kosher culprits. Then drone planes repurposed as cargo planes from passenger jets took off and were remote controlled into the towers. That's Bollyn's theory.

September Clues (link in essay) says the objects that hit the towers and pentagon were winged missiles, with a similar profile as passenger jets, but the video was shopped and chopped to look like passenger jets. All September Clues has to say about the real passenger jets (if they actually existed) was that 3 of them had LAX as their destination, but no family people were in attendance at LAX to receive the passengers, and LAX was then evacuated as a "precaution." Like Sandy Hook, the supposed passengers on the alleged commercial flights could still be alive.

Agreed, Who and why is essential.

May the Farce be clear to you. (I don't do Jewish blessings, because they are always curses)

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