Today is 22 years since the events of 9-11, when almost 3000 innocent Americans (and only 1 guilty Israeli) were horrifically slaughtered in a false flag incident to justify a “War on Terror” waged by U.S. Zionist and Israeli Jews against their enemies in the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan. 10s of 1000s more Americans died in those conflicts, and millions of Iraqis, Afghans (mostly Pashtun led by the Taliban), and others. People are still dying today in the Jewish “War on Terror.”
Here is the memorial essay I posted last year to honor the dead sacrificed by the Jews, and to name Jews as the criminals against humanity.
911 Was an Israeli Job
This year we will look at some poll results from the notoriously corrupt and lying Wikipedia largely controlled by corrupt and lying Jews, including the ADL. These polls will focus on Who was Really responsible for 9-11. Then I will try to find more honest results for us to consider.
2008 was only 7 years after the events, and poll results tend to vary more widely from the official story as the years go by. It is telling that only 4 possible culprits are listed as “behind” the 9-11 attacks, and Israel is one of them. It is rather disappointing that this chart shows that not really did 25% not know, but 93% did not know. Did the Wiki-Jews feature this chart in order to brag about their role, and how most people still don’t know? If we got organized, 7% would be enough to bring the criminals to justice.
This shows that not Israel, but Jordan, Egypt and Palestine are American’s closest allies in the Middle East. The U.S. is not shown on this chart at all.
This headline is misleading:
Two Thirds of Americans Blame Israel for 9-11
I could not find the original poll results from Reuters, but this website claims it said:
”The poll showed 58 percent of Americans surveyed saw U.S. ties to Israel and its policies toward the Palestinians as a major motivation behind the attacks on New York and Washington. That figure was down from 68 percent last month." Last month was one month after 9-11.
So it really means that U.S. close relations with Israel brought Arab attacks on the U.S., not that Americans blame Israel for actually doing 9-11—which they did. Jews may have promoted these poll results in order to show that not only was Israel always at risk from “Islamic Extremist Terrorists,” but the U.S. was too. This could be used to make Israel and the U.S. even closer allies (not that that’s possible given Israel’s Jewish strangle-hold over the U.S. was already total. Jews are paranoid though and always need more).
This man is a knowledge hero. His books Solving 911: The Deception That Changed the World and The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East are essential to know that Jews Did 911. He now has an improved webpage along with his own website. I chose this video lecture for us to study this year:
We Know Who Did 911
Last, it is possible Bollyn’s theory that Jews such as Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Comptroller of the Pentagon on 911, arranged for the passenger planes to be grounded at Stewart air port in NY State, which had been purchased by private interests from the state through an auction overseen by Jew Ronald Lauder, and then drones of cargo planes converted from passenger jets by Zakheim’s company launched to strike the towers guided by remote control, also a Zakheim tech company asset—is wrong. I thought Bollyn was accurate in this theory for years, until last year John Friend, editor at American Free Press where Bollyn published his 911 essays, showed me evidence for another theory.
I have decided that rather than start at the surface of main stream corporate for-profit Jewish media stories, and dig down deeper layer by layer toward the truth, I will now start all the way at the bottom and work my way up toward the surface until I reach the layer of truth. Most times, I end up staying at the bottom (with certain exceptions such as flat earth, martians and— not much else). September Clues looks like rock bottom truth at this time.
More on September Clues here:
We remember and honor the dead, sacrificed by evil Jews for their mad scheme of world domination. Bring the Jews to justice for their crimes against humanity!
Posts by Anthony James Hall ...
• If bin Laden Didn't Do 9/11, Then Who Did?
• If bin Laden Didn't Do 9/11, Then Who Did? Part 2
Laurent Guyenot has also presented convincing evidence of heavy jew involvement in 9 11 and JFK's assassination. He also writes for Unz.
Michael Collins Piper, whom you mentioned during your excellent interview re. jews and the Fed, and Victor Thorn were both heavy hitters in this arena but both died prematurely under mysterious circumstances.
You can also include the OKC bombing for good measure.
Good examples of how jews control the 'opposition' can be found by the striking dearth of information in the most popular conspiracy websites and blogs. A&E for 9 11 Truth, Kennedys and King and many more will simply not tread on hebrew ground and will ostracize those that do.