Taboo Truth
Medical money Magic - Taboo Truth
Why I Need Truth - 1

Why I Need Truth - 1


Part 1 of my personal story toward Truth I offer to all our Taboo Truth folk.

Since 2016, I have admired the work of Whitney Webb. She first appeared to me as the author of an explosive series of essays on the Jewish child-raping blackmail ringleader Jeffrey Epstein. I was soon to expand my own research/writing work to professional outlets, and Webb’s research-dense, fact-filled approach to taboo truth-telling became my standard.

Since that time, I have heard Webb give relatively vague, general answers to questions in interviews such as “What motivates you to write as you do?” and “Why are you so compelled to find these truths?” (paraphrases). She replied about her childhood conditions in her family, problems she had with her mother, general distrust of others, isolation… She even said at times that she really didn’t want to talk about it, exposing criminals against humanity was enough of a motivation (paraphrase). It’s not about her, it’s about the truth.

I had been pondering for some years my own motivations for my obvious compulsions into research and writing, though not very deeply and finding no real satisfying answers. Eventually I had some insights, specifically for why the truth is so important to me (it took me some time in life to realize truth is not so important to everyone else, so why me?), and also why I am so outraged whenever someone is unjustly accused. I get fiercely motivated to correct such injustice with facts. I discovered the reasons as I reviewed my life history, childhood trauma, adult dysfunction and family imprinting & conditioning with these questions in mind.

I never wrote or spoke out these insights into my calling before, except in my mind.

Then a month ago, Whitney Webb spoke in full disclosure and open honesty about her own life story, and why she is so devoted to truth. I was deeply moved with empathy and compassion, as well as sympathy. Her life story is truly agonizing and emotionally painful. It humbled me once more to remember that even people we admire as adept and accomplished are suffering tremendous hardships, inside and out, that we scarcely imagine. I can relate.

The first part of her audio sharing is a discussion with Ryan Christian, Whitney’s friend and colleague, on how the world’s Power Elite (my term) entangle us in dysfunctional abusive relationships, just as we entangle ourselves in dysfunctional personal relationships, including family, partners and colleagues.

Truth & The False Self by Whitney Webb (my title)

At 1:47:00, Whitney says goodbye to Ryan and begins her personal story. She answers more fully the questions from previous interviews for why she pursues the truth, and why it matters to her. I was heart-struck. To hear that people who needed to love her brutally berated and denounced her—such a brilliant mind and good heart!—ignited my protective outrage.

I began preparing my own disclosure of those insights I had already found in myself. In some ways my story will be similar to Whitney’s, and I am going to add my understanding of recovery and healing as well. I hope this can help you all too. I believe sharing my life story in this way can be part of my ongoing healing journey, and part of yours as well.

Taboo Truth
Medical money Magic - Taboo Truth
In our first audio podcast on Taboo Truth, I speak on a number of frauds and lies presented to us as medical knowledge. Once we understand these lies, so much else of the medical model becomes clear. We can then protect ourselves from "Death by Medicine" and live more healthy lives.