As the International Zionist Cabal works to expand the local “war” in Gaza/West Bank to the broader region and then world-wide, as part of its Polarities Plan currently shifting the locus of power from the Uni-Polar U.S. to the Multi-Polar BRICS+, news out of Iran feeds the war-mongering as a significant move on their devil’s chessboard.
For clarity on the Polarities Plan within which this Iran move fits tightly, review these essays:
The World Plan—Surrender of Another Empire
Hamas/IDF: Prediction Writ Large
Meta-Analysis of History: Thucydides Trap vs. Polarities Plan-Part 1
Meta-Analysis of History: Thucydides Trap vs. Polarities Plan-Part 2
Iran Announces “Terrorist Attacks” Today
Today Zero Hedge released this news report titled:
Iran Confirms Over 70 Killed By Terror Attacks On Memorial Event For IRGC's Soleimani (Special gratitude to my friend and colleague Carl in Cali for bringing this to our attention).
This is of course urgent news of the greatest alarm, since fears the local IDF/Hamas “conflict” will escalate to the wider region and then the world have beset us since 10/7 when this all began (again. It had precursors of course, but this time it is exponentially larger).
But let us notice the first other news outlet Zero Hedge draws on is Sky News, still owned by the at least half-Jew Rupert Murdoch. Review the essay “Obscuring the Jewish Issue in Media #5 - Tucker Carlson - Best Version” for confirmation. As always, and especially with potential war propaganda “news,” and especially when the Polarities Plan may be making dispensations forward into the next power-shift, we must analyze the report with critical skepticism to ascertain validity from fakery. Sky News is immediately suspect.
More important however is content. The Zero Hedge report claims it is verified now by “Iranian state media” that “…more that 70 were killed in two ‘terrorist attacks’ at the cemetery where memorial anniversary events for the slain IRGC General Qassem Soleimani were being held in the southern city of Kerman.” Of interest is Zero Hedge placing “terrorist attacks” in quotes, suggesting a false flag of one kind or another, which we should anticipate.
First, however, we should recall the news of Soleimani’s apparent assassination by U.S. drone strike ordered by then-President Trump in January 2020. This was the only “proof” of Soleimani’s assassination I ever saw:

Then we saw news of Soleimani’s funeral, with pictures of his apparent casket and immense crowds of devout followers honoring the great Iranian general—and angry at the Trumpen U.S. “Great Satan.”
In all the many news reports at the time, nothing really confirmed Soleimani’s death except through suggestion, such as these photos. The first was especially absurd. Would Soleimani drive in a little compact car? Where are the other cars in his convoy nearby? It was said 2 cars were hit and 10 died. Wouldn’t Soleimani’s car be armored with bullet proof glass? The Jewish Neo-Con Trump Administration had been threatening Soleimani for weeks before this “strike.” Wouldn’t the experienced general and his staff be prepared for an assassination attempt?
The IDF/Mossad/U.S. Jewish Neo-Con Axis is known for striking the funerals of victims they had already killed. Or so we are told. This large dense gathering in Iran for Soleimani’s funeral would have been a prime target, yet nothing occurred. Now we are asked to believe a “terrorist attack” struck the 4 year memorial tribute at Soleimani’s grave. Just as with Soleimani’s apparent assassination, we must examine this new report for validity, especially given its exquisite timing to expand the IDF/Hamas “conflict” as part of the Polarities Plan shift from U.S. hegemony to BRICS+ world dominance, with Israel/World Jewry riding the transition.
“Iran is meanwhile vowing to ‘punish the perpetrators of the Kerman explosions…” Just as Iran threatened to get the evil Trump and his Americans who killed Soleimani. Nothing came of that, and if anything comes of this latest provocation action, it will only advance the Polarity shift in which Iran is participating. Remember, Iran joined BRICS+ by invitation in August 2023, become official just this month of January 2024! Immediately we see this “terrorist attack” on Soleimani’s memorial. Incitement provocation, and most likely, Iran participates now that it is officially part of BRICS. The Daily Express essay tells us: “The group (BRICS+) considers itself an alternative to the US-led world order.” So does Israel/world Jewry.
Zero Hedge links to a Sky News report earlier today, for which the Zero Hedge report is an “update.” The earlier Sky News report is titled, astonishingly: “More than 100 killed in blasts near Iran tomb - US says no reason to believe Israel involved.” The guilty deny where none accuse. Oh no, let’s get this straight from the start even before any investigation begins: It couldn’t have been Israel! The U.S says so!
Sky News gives these fine details: “Iran's Tasnim news agency, quoting two unnamed sources, reported that ‘two bags carrying bombs went off’ at the site and that the ‘perpetrators ... of this incident apparently detonated the bombs by remote control’.” Bags don’t carry bombs, people do. “Two unnamed sources” doesn’t help. Earlier Sky News tells us the bombs went off 10 minutes apart. Was there an evacuation and security lock-down in between? A lot of people can be evacuated to safety in 10 minutes. Bomb-sniffing dogs to find the second “bag?” No mention of any of that.

The Zero Hedge update says: “The semi-official Nournews initially described that ‘several gas canisters exploded on the road leading to the cemetery and relevant authorities are monitoring the situation’.” “Semi-official?” Not reassuring of validity. “Relevant authorities?” Who is relevant, and who’s authority? And which is it, remote controlled bombs in “bags” or gas cannisters?
Gas cannisters? Meaning gasoline? How big would a gasoline cannister have to be to explode close enough to a crowd of people to kill 73 of them and injure 170 more? Would Iranian security allow such huge gas cannisters to sit so close to the funnel-point into the cemetery?
The details here even in this one report vary widely, from 20 dead to 73 dead, "scores" injured to 170. Lots of mistakes too, one says 15 injured, but they left off a zero. Perhaps they are not mistakes, but confusion techniques. See “6 Weapons in the Psy-War:4-Confusion” for a review of this mass mind control technique.
These kinds of incidents always give conflicting details in rapid succession. They blur the story just as they blur the pictures and videos. Let us look at both videos Zero Hedge presents. The first one is the usual grainy blurry quality, and I always wonder why. Cell phone videos get much better quality. They deliberately blur and obscure them so we can't discern fine details. At :19 seconds of the :30 second video, we hear a distant explosion in the soundtrack, and a woman starts screaming. But the crowd shown milling in the video doesn't react with that collective flinch we would expect, in fact the crowd behavior changes not at all. It is possible the soundtrack is dubbed in over the video, not really associated with it. (I could not insert the actual video here, as Zero Hedge does. Please use the link, to TwiX, which is slightly better quality. And Please advise me in the comments if you know how I can do this)
Second video is only :10 seconds, by Media Bisimchi. Breitbart (Jewish) tells us Media Bisimchi is “Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-affiliated” outlet. So Iran’s version of our CIA-inspired war propaganda media outlets. This second video is also grainy and blurry, and the sun glare is almost straight into the camera. It looks slightly better on TwiX, which is where we will examine it.
Main feature is a few men running past the camera with apparently a body on a stretcher. Starts out with a man in the background, head and shoulders above the crowd, right hand raised silhouetted against the bright sky, as if to say “Action!” How is it that he is so much taller than the crowd? Is he on a platform or ladder? Next, we see the stretcher and body on the ground amidst another milling crowd, and crowd clears to let us see 4 men crouch to pick it up. Tall man in background waves some more, almost frantic.
At :04 seconds a big guy, back to the camera but looks Anglo Western, seems to wave at the tall man in the background then starts to gesture with his right arm in the “come here” motion. He gets into a close face-to-face encounter with what looks like a military man in beret hat, who a moment earlier looked to be on a cell phone. Sun glare is very bad here.
Pause it at :06 seconds and advance through in the smallest increments possible. Watch the men carrying the stretcher come through, straight up to and past the camera—which does not move. Camera angle pans left and back, angles down and up, but looks to be on a tripod or stationary support. People move around the camera location which remains stationary. It does not swivel 180 degrees to follow the men carrying the stretcher.
View the body on the stretcher from :06-:08 and look for fake blood, no blood at all, no real visible injuries, is the body perhaps a dummy mannequin, and other signs of fakery. Hard to say. We can’t see much else about the body. Face is obscured entirely. Body on stretcher is wearing sneakers, though To a solemn funeral memorial attended by devout Shia Muslims, for a national hero killed by the Great Satan? Same with the clothes of the stretcher bearers, blue jeans, casual winter coats, etc.
Look at the last man carrying stretcher in back right corner as he moves past camera. Is that not a boy? Does he actually smile just before he moves out of range of the camera? Near the beginning of the video, he is not one of the 4 who crouch to lift the stretcher, he joins on after they are standing straight and starting to move. Would the Shia men allow a boy to do a Muslim man’s job? I don’t know their culture, but maybe the potential actors in this video don’t either.
The sound track is only chaotic male voices and a rising and falling siren.
Zero Hedge closes its report on the incident thus: “And very quickly in the aftermath, as casualties are still being rushed to the hospital, an Iranian official has been quoted in state media as saying the blasts in Kerman city were ‘terrorist attacks’.” (bold original)
Of course, “terrorist attacks,” and “very quickly,” before any investigation is possible. Just as Ehud Barak, 911 architect, was on the BBC announcing “terrorist attacks” by OBL and Al Qaida before the dust had even settled at the WTC.
One final comment from Zero Hedge, perhaps derived from Sky News:
“This couldn't come at a worse time and appears possibly connected with events in Gaza as the region already stands on the brink of a major regional war.”
Yes and no. This couldn’t come at a better time, and could hardly be a better incident, to push the region over the brink into the major regional war the Jewish Supremacist Cabal must provoke to further its Polarities Plan that degrades U.S. military power, reputation, and fiscal viability while building up BRICS+ military power, reputation and fiscal viability. Israel, the U.S., Iran and their various captured Psy-War media all participate to push this next move on the devil’s chessboard. They use staged, scripted and play-acted “terrorist attacks” such as most likely this one at Soleimani’s alleged grave site.
This falls into the category of Fake It Happen false flag, and the Make It Happen and Let It Happen false flags, along with their various combinations (10/7 was most likely all 3) will deploy throughout the expansion of this war until Russia, China, a fuller force of the U.S. military, and a “Western Coalition” will all join like pro tag-team wrestlers to enact the big Phony War in which many will sincerely die, infrastructure will be destroyed, hordes of brown ”refugees” will stream into the West and Blackrock will invest in the rebuilding. The Ben Gurion Canal will be installed through what is now North Gaza (what is left of it) and World Jewry will steal much of the Suez Canal traffic. Israel will be ethnically cleansed of Palestinians, West Bank included, and another dispensation, Jewish racial supremacy in Israel, will be realized. Prepare for an Eretz Israel from the river to the sea, as the Yinon Plan dictates.
Israel will sit at the center of the storm, relatively untouched except for a few token “terrorist attacks,” real or fake, to ensure Jewish Supremacists have a justification to scream “victims!” as they pull the strings, spin out the lies, direct the money, deploy the acting troupes, hand out scripts to the Shabbos Goyim, kill the civilians, wipe out infrastructure, and inflict general chaos on the wider region. Iran too will play its part.
Out of this chaos the Jew World Order will emerge one dispensation closer to its end goal of World Dominance. By 2030 World Jewry will complete its degrading destruction of the U.S., and its pivot to parasitism over the up and coming BRICS+ world. From there it is one dispensation away in the Polarities Plan to the Jew World Order One World Government (JWO-OWG).
—Unless. Whites Awake World Wide! A fierce coalition of counter-semitism can stop this Jewish madness and restore our Golden Age of peace, prosperity and miracles. The worse the Jew World Order gets, the more Aryans Arise. Organize! We’ve done it before, We are doing it again.
Like David Webb's 'The Great Taking,' 'The Spider's Web' is another solid documentary revealing a "behind the scenes" look at how these financial structures and instruments they invent and utilize are all about enslaving the population!
Here's Keith Wood's confronting Alex Jones on "who" is behind Epstein and, of course, Jones is evasive!