Jan 29Liked by Karl Haemers

Hi, Karl! I posted a lengthy comment on here--after listening to the interview--about my brother and my's theories about how this group has moved around throughout history based on the Phoenecian purple. Was there something offensive about it?

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Jan 28Liked by Karl Haemers

Really great. Thanks to you both.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28

In Greek mythology, Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus were spared imprisonment in Tatarus because they hadn't fought the Titans in the war with the Olympians. Because of this, both were given the task of creating Man.

Prometheus shaped man out of clay and Athena breathed life into them. Prometheus had asked his brother Epimetheus to give all creatures of the Earth their specific qualities and traits, unfortunately when he came to men, he had run out and had nothing left.

Because of this, Prometheus decided to make men upright and give them fire. He loved man more than the Olympians because they had banished his family to Tartarus. Zeus commanded that men be made a specific way, so Prometheus tricked Zeus and Zeus took fire away from men because of this deceit.

Prometheus lit a torch from the Sun and gave fire to man permanently. Enraged that man had fire once again, Zeus had Hephaestus create Pandora, the first female, who possessed deceit, a lying tongue, and treachery. Zeus then gave Pandora a box, which she was commanded NOT to open, but to deliver to Epimetheus.

Prometheus warned Epimetheus not to accept gifts from Zeus and sent Pandora on her way but, Pandora's beauty was too overwhelming and Epimetheus allowed her to stay. Her desire to open the box was too much and she caved. When she did, all the evil in the world was released, except one which lay at the bottom of the box- Hope!

Zeus eventually had Prometheus punished for his transgressions by having him chained to a rock in the Caucasus Mountains, where Zeus's giant eagle would eat his liver, which would grow back again, and the process repeated over again.

Zeus gv Prometheus two ways out: 1) Tell Zeus who the mother of the child that would dethrone him was, 2) An immortal must volunteer to die for Prometheus, kill Zeus's eagle, and unchained him. Eventually, Chiron the Centaur agreed to die for him and, Heracles killed the eagle and unchained him.

Etymologically, Prometheus translates as "fore-thought" or "seeing the future." Epimetheus translates as "after-thought" or "seeing the past." In 'Mein Kampf,' there is the passage:

"Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, which we see before our eyes today, is almost exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power. This very fact fully justifies the conclusion that, it was the Aryan alone who founded a superior type of humanity; therefore, he represents the archetype of what we understand by the term- MAN! He is the Prometheus of mankind, from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has at all times flashed forth, always kindling anew that fire which, in the form of knowledge illuminated the dark night by drawing aside the veil of mystery and thus showing man how to rise and become master over all the other beings on earth. Should he be forced to disappear, a profound darkness will descend on the earth; within a few thousand years human culture will vanish and the world become a desert" - Chapter 12 'Race and People'


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