Feb 4Liked by Karl Haemers

That was an excellent summary, very important stuff.

I would hope that this is just the type of information that many liberal normies who are standing against the horror’s they see Israel committing could be receptive to right now.

The ‘counter-culture’ craze was a Jew-driven movement designed to pivot the Aryan away from a traditional lifeway to modern, Judeo norms that prioritize materialism, sexuality, and the dissolution of family.

I too was so easily fooled into thinking it was all organic, just a cultural shift that spontaneously emerged. But now I’m aware that Liberal revolutions are imitations. They are birthed in the mind of the Jew; liberal revolutions are populations wielded as implements, population as technics.

This is the right time to share this information widely, while people all over the world are curiously searching for answers to the Jewish Question. As Duhring wrote: “The solution of the Jewish problem must be an international one if it is to have any lasting effect, and one of the major preparatory steps is the elimination of the false idea of tolerance.”

It’s tolerance that got us to this place with the Jews. Again, as Dohring said:

“The word "tolerance" is always on the lips of the modern Jews, when they speak of themselves and demand completely unhindered play for their type and way. Tolerance, however, is that which suits no people less than precisely the Jews.”

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Feb 4Liked by Karl Haemers

You convey very well the horror of slowly coming to the realization that our entire lives have been spent unkowingly immersed in a sewer of obscene and diabolical intent. I hope we can all in our various ways help others to wake from this mass hoodwinking and form the neccessary resolve to identify the parasitic infestation, shut down the attack at it's core and expel the toxic elements.

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Feb 4Liked by Karl Haemers

Should we begin to make a list that could be used to argue for the deportation of Jews from every Gentile country? Their sordid history right up to their actions today would be more than enough to justify this permanent solution.

Every civilization of white people has probably been destroyed by Jews. The horrors of the French Revolution. The Holodomor. It goes on and on and the cause of the demise of great civilizations was so many non white slaves so that the result of the open borders in the west today looks like Greece or Rome when non white people began to be the leaders.

Reading March of the Titans, vol 1 and the history of non whites slaves eventually outnumbering the white host population, reminds me of different non whites in our congress and the things they say and do. Or Kamala for instance. The death of the west is here and can be seen. Who exactly opened the borders of every white nation today? Who blackmails congress to support Israel?

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Feb 5Liked by Karl Haemers

Thanks very for your response Karl. Most interesting.

Enjoyed this Goodrich - Brian Ruhe interview. Perhaps TG saved all the references for his book:-)

Also understood Hitler tried to protect the Catholic Church from Communist, Freemasonry infiltration yet read E Michael Jones claiming on X that he despised the church.

Follow some seemingly reliable folk (on X) re Russia, Putin, the SMO progress...yet none will ever criticise the Red Army. Unsure if it remains an offence to do so. All I read is the WW II liberating Soviets. Quite astonishing given their atrocities. Terrible shame.

Incidentally, much in Hellstorm is also covered in the other 2 films


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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Karl Haemers

The scope and scale now of this well-organized transportation of illegals into the United States has now been expedited and accelerated to involve vast and virtually incomprehensible numbers of people now.

This well-funded network of NGO's, city and state governments, foreign countries, airports, banks, etc., from the beginning of the process of recruitment, mobilization, and pick-ups, to the endpoint of securing identification, voter registration, welfare, foodstamps, and housing, has now reached that "constant, steady, and unrelenting stream" that Biden spoke of back in 2014.

The idiocracy, corruption, and manipulation has reached such collossal levels now in Congress; which are so out-of-touch with even a modicum of "sensible" legislation that would reflect even a fraction of "border security" that, the current Senate Immigration Bill involves allowing $1.5M illegals every year and billions for the NGO's facilitating the process.

What's tragic is, even with the deception, corruption, and treasonous betrayal at these glaring and gaudy levels, there is still are large segment of the population who are either absolutely clueless, apathetic, and indifferent, or have convinced themselves once again that Donald Trump will come riding in on his white horse at 78yrs old come next January!

2006's 'Idiocracy' is no longer a prophetic look into our future, it's a dystopian mirror into our nightmarish today!



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In addition to all of the social engineering, generations of boys and men have bought into the insanity of science fiction. Convincing them that going to Mars is a viable solution to our throwaway planet Earth. Resulting in the destructive waste of Space Force and eventually God knows how many thousands of Starlinks to spy on us.

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Excellent. At this point, I have every reason to think that these people are totally connected and planning their machinations. They call it good, but every indication shows us that it is pure evil.

I finished a new video that points out the jews' destructive Immigration policies:


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Karl, not quite related but I'm most curious...

Have watched the documentary 'Hellstorm', Dennis Wise's 'Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told', now making my way to finish 'Europa: The Last Battle.'

Pretty damn gobsmacking...the lot! Turns 'history' upside down. Finding it most compelling.

Are they reliable in your view?

The real, bloody enemy being the Jewish Bolsheviks/Soviets/Red Army/Communists?

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Thank you Karl. I understood that many of the Frankfurtians ended up doing MK-ULTRA work.

Re: MK-ULTRA So Jewish

MK-ULTRA So Marxist too ...

An important occult factor in the grand scheme of things is the phenomenon of designed, temporal event relationships in these matters, which allude to their kabbalistic structure and authorship.

An exemplar : Karl Marx and MK_ULTRA :

While not forgetting the Marxist signature to the “cultural revolution” …

From Karl Marx died on 14 March 1883

to MK-ULTRA approved by DCIA Allen Dulles on 13 April 1953

= 666 months, 666 weeks, 666 days


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Dr. Nathan S. Kline was a jew according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency


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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

The world is a little bit poorer today with the passing of John Kaminski on Wednesday. I consider him one of the best essay stylists I've encountered dealing with the Jewish issue, right up there with my former acquaintance, and also deceased, Curt Maynard, and the former pseudonymous writer of the now long defunct and inoperative News From The West blog 'Patrick Grimm.'

John had the excellent ability to be concise and condensed, all while providing alluring stylishness to his articles. Never knew or communicated with John once; he appeared to me to be quite kind and good-natured.

Condolences to his family and friends!


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Thanks for the mention of the (1960s) 1970s hippie/Aquarian counter-culture. Older than you by 20 years I experienced the full-force of the "revelation". I survived, but several of my friends did not. Vital as it is to understand the intentional destruction of societal norms by Jews, it has occurred to me over the years how weak traditional culture (the object of the attack) was, as transmitted by public school (especially Civics, American History, English literature), church, parents (influenced by "news", advertising). It was all fallen fruit rotting on the ground.

What moved the founding fathers, how they disagreed with each and why--we students were never exposed to this, never taught to reflect, think. The Civil War?: caused bad Southerners, beating the negroes. Labor movement, labor riots: "our democracy has resolved all that, nothing to think about, we are now one happy national family". No discussion at home ref: the hazards of the Salk vaccine, the doctor knows best and believe in the governments Food Pyramid (Drink Milk!!). Democrat vs Repubican -- such is the range of political thought, reflection on the national past. The Greatest Generation (once widely considered as drunks, wastrels in the late 1930s) beat the Evil of the Millenium (the Eastern Front was a sideshow). NSDAP was alleged to be the ravings of a mentally-ill folk.

In short, the 1950s/1960s normie society was already a spiritually and culturally stagnant bog. Consumerism, cocktails, and stadium sports were all I was taught and all "one needed to know".

Finally, while I appreciate the revealing of the deeds of the demonic tribe, I worry more why Western Civilization seems spiritually exhausted (a point firmly asserted by a supremely educated friend I had in Vienna). Jews are poison. But if Europeans/Westerners lack cultural vitality of centuries past, how shall we prevail??

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Goodrich is a former marine. D'you have issues with black men Karl? (Was taken aback by your George Floyd remark some time ago... saddened me a little since I'd assumed you were a decent, empathetic, not racist type of fellow)

Wasn't familiar with Ruhe until the interview.

I follow someone (a Dutchman now living in Russia). He said there were plenty criticising the SMO but certainly if you're in the media or have a large following it was not permitted to share propaganda. You can't lie. Seemed fair enough given the conflict was underway. And the anti Russia propaganda here, everywhere actually, was in full swing. All relentless lies on our mainstream here.

Been following it quite closely... various sources. In no doubt Russia will succeed. Time will tell but I think we'd be much better off here/UK if we had someone like Putin leading. There is no-one serving our interests at all. It's pretty awful.

Curious to see how Blackrock's plans will pan out. I hope they fail.

Yes. Seems demonizing the 3rd Reich, along with praising the Red Army is the only acceptable narrative... enforced too... a travesty. I was deeply shocked about the mass German rapes largely by the Soviets for example...a socialist here (X) and supporter of Russia/SMO was appalled... called it utter propaganda. Interestingly there are a few that seem to get away with posting the truth about Hitler, the Jewish Bolshevik atrocities...refreshing but of course not without risk.

I'd never before realised what tremendous suffering the German people experienced. Kind of devastating. They were the real victims...of course there were others...just not the official, celebrated victim with a powerful, lucrative industry behind them.

Patton was taken out for his stance I believe.

Appreciate your reply. Thank you.

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You've done a lot of good research in a short amount of time w/ limited resources. I've not read Estulin, but now knowing he's conventionally anti-Nazi and typically fascist-bashing, I have a strong sense of where he's coming from.

My introduction to the Fabians and their offspring Tavistock came thru a side door - Beatles Conspiracy Theory, which might be considered as the British version of the Aquarian Conspiracy. We had Laurel Canyon and Woodstock. They had Liverpool and Carnaby Street. Both are related subversions, sharing a few actors and influencers, but not as many Small Hats as you capture in your inferential web.

Practically all your J perps are America-based. A couple spent a little time in England. Lewin was the most influential, but he was not a member, let alone number two, at Tavistock. Eric Trist was. Another J influencer on the Tavis was Melanie Klein, a second generation Freudian. But in my estimation, the Fabian socialists and their later progeny were substantially a home grown dialectic cohort - gentiles all. Yes they were influenced by Jews. Weren't we all? But to huddle Freud, Sagan, Gottlieb et al under the umbrella of Tavistock Jew is considerable conceptual overreach.

Science fiction is not a Jewish stronghold. Asimov got a push because he was part of the Tribe, not because he was a great writer. I don't think they're that futuristic, being as they don't believe in the supernatural or the mythic from infancy the way we do.

Last blasts: Adorno didn't mess w/ kid's heads by promoting atonal music. That stuff is aimed at the intelligentsia. Coleman gets it wrong when he fingers Adorno as the eminence grise behind the Beatles. Tosh! The "German Professor" was into academic music theory and perverting classical music not lolling about in Strawberry Fields. And Estulin chiding Sagan's Cosmos for its "Aquarian-Dionysian, existentialist, touchy-feely environmentalism" is laughable in its own right. Existentialists are anything but touchy-feely. Know what I mean...

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Karl fyi I am having trouble staying connected to your substack- even though I am a free subscriber and have been recieving notifications from your stack for months without any issue, I am no longer able to get notifications and even though I am registered with your substack as a subscriber, on my substack account your stack is not listed as one of my current subscriptions, and when I use my account to search for your site and select it, I am not automatically signed in- instead I have to request a sign in every time. If there is something I need to do to update the subscription information? I changed my original email for my substack account about a month ago, that is the only thing I can think may have some bearing here? It is odd that only a few subscriptions are glitching - such as yours and Timothy Kelly, for ex. I do wonder if this is some sort of shadow banning shenanigans.

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Good Day Mr. Haemers.

I hope you are well. Here is a link from a gentleman who has spent the latter decade extensively canvassing this important topic you broach upon. While it is only an abbreviated or "cliff notes formatted" discussion on it, my hope is you will find it a germane and serviceable resource for the furtherance of your integral studies. Peace be with you.


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