I’ve been deeply immersed in an excellent history book, Stalin’s War by Sean McMeekin, 2021. It is at least partially revisionist, and not overtly anti-Hitler and does not often engage in reduction ad Hitlerium (reducing everything to the evil of Hitler, including Hitler himself). It does still believe in the holocaust, a glaring error that usually makes me dismiss a book in disgust (my own reductio ad holocaustium adsurdum), but only makes brief indirect references. The book is such excellent honest history otherwise, however, that I continue in rapt attention to its unfolding story.
The book is 666 (!) pages long, for once a likely coincidence. Chapter 31, “Soviet High Tide in Washington” begins on page 568. This is where more of the names in the FDR Administration, especially the Treasury Department, but also other Departments, are revealed as Soviet agents reporting to and taking order directly from Stalin’s NKVD military intelligence service. Some of these names are featured in other chapters as well, but here I saw enough all in one place to pursue this tangent and see how many were Jews.
FDR Admin Makes the World Safe For Communism
Henry Morgenthau Jr.
Secretary of the Treasury, Jew. Proposed and presented the “Morgenthau Plan,” for the de-industrialization of Germany after the war, with mass impoverishment, joblessness, forced migration and slaughter by starvation of an estimated 30-40 million more Germans. Because Germany relied on trade of its industrial manufactured goods in exchange for food to feed its dense population, eradicating Germany’s industrial base would ruin its trade balance, and other non-Jewish officials at the time estimated the death toll would be 30-40 million.
The State Department under Cordell Hull (1/4 Jew) planned a softer post-war reconstruction for Germany, but when Hull saw the Morgenthau Plan, he eventually resigned in disgust and dismay.
Morgenthau insisted on imposing his Plan. “It was in this spirit of outdoing Stalin in vindictive bloodlust that Morgenthau and his Treasury aides formulated one of the most significant policy doctrines of the Second World War. Morgenthau’s own blood was clearly up, at least in part out of genuine conviction. The secretary was Jewish, which gave him a personal stake in holding Hitler and the Germans responsible for the on-going mass murder of European Jewry.”
Here McMeekin unfortunately appears to validate the holocaust hoax. He should know that especially in 1944, little rumor of the atrocity story had been spun out yet, except for a few stories spread by MI5 British Intelligence, the OSS of the U.S. intelligence, and the World Jewish Congress. Even British military analysts recommended doubting the rumors of vermin-like gassing.
He has more: “Like Roosevelt with unconditional surrender in 1943, Morgenthau had sincere personal reasons for advocating the policy line that he did, even if it did dovetail neatly with Soviet foreign policy objectives.” (p. 571)
What reasons? Morgenthau’s relatives “died in the holocaust?”
Because Stalin approved of the Morgenthau Plan, allowing the USSR to seize large areas of Germany into the Soviet slave empire and transferring the intact German manufacturing and processing infrastructure as well as German soldiers as slave labor to Stalin as “reparations,” Morgenthau almost got his way. Cooler heads and less evil sadistic vengeful Jewish minds prevailed after the Morgenthau Plan was set aside in favor of a State Department plan almost as bad. The State Dept. was also infiltrated and rotted by Jewish Communist agents. Germany was allowed to survive. FDR fully endorsed the Morgenthau Plan and even added such clauses as no German airplanes allowed, no uniforms and no marching. It was the Jew Morgenthau who presented his Plan with such insistence.
Joseph Goebbels of the German Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda used leaked news of the plan to inspire German resistance. U.S. military advisors and generals deplored the plan because it only incited the Germans to fight harder at a time when they should have been entering into peace terms with the Allies. Hitler knew the utter destruction and eradication of Germany was part of the Jewish plan from the beginning, long before the Morgenthau Plan and even the earlier “unconditional surrender” demand FDR had announced in 1943 before the “Big Three” Teheran conference.
Stalin approved the increased German resistance because it meant Hitler would devote more German defense forces against the British/U.S. than against the Red Army, and because Stalin liked to see both his allies and his enemies die in large numbers. Morgenthau supported Stalin’s wishes.
Harry Dexter White (Weit or Weiss)
McMeekin has much to say about this Jewish Soviet agent, acting under Morgenthau as the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury. He literally reported directly to the NKVD and took his orders from Stalin. It was actually White/Weiss who drafted and promoted the Morgenthau Plan. McMeekin says: “…as many as seven Soviet Agents answering to Moscow had a hand in drafting this document (Morgenthau Plan), including White, Solomon Adler (who… would move to Communist China after Mao was in power), Frank Coe (…who would, like Adler, end his career working for Mao), and four others. Of these agents, White was the most important.” (ppg. 571-2) McMeekin provides a photograph of this vile sadistic Jew between pages 216 - 217.
This is the photo McMeekin uses, without the magazine frame.
Solomon Adler
”…Stalin’s spies in the U.S. camp, in particular Solomon Adler, the Treasury man in Chungking, had been poisoning the well against Chiang (Chiang-Kai shek, Chinese nationalist) for months.” (p. 513) This was one way the FDR Admin. made the world safe for Communism. Adler along with the other Soviet moles in the Treasury Department, White and Coe, produced defamation propaganda against Chiang, and so unjustly defamed Chiang that the promised deliveries of gold and war materials were withheld, and Mao was allowed to take over China after the war. Adler was one of the Jewish Communists who went to work for world history’s greatest mass murderer of all time, Chairman Mao.
McMeekin writes: “This Communist talking point about the irredeemably corrupt Chiang Kai-shek, crafted by three Soviet agents in the Treasury Department, was Washington conventional wisdom by the end of the war—and it remains a standard trope of the historical literature on China to this day.” (p. 514
Not anymore. At least two of these three US-based Communists who gave China to mass murdering Communist Chinese were Jews.
Frank Coe
Wikipedia fails to identify Coe as Jewish, but other sources claim to be sure. Death of Communism says: “On July 1, 1946, Coe became the first Secretary of the Rothschild controlled International Monetary Fund. Coe, who was also a Jewish Communist agent, was a member of the infamous Silvermaster spy Cell.” McMeekin identifies Coe as a Soviet agent in the Treasury Dept., and then worked with Mao, but not as Jewish. McMeekin is not diligent in identifying Jews, though he mentions the Jew word when it is relevant, as in explaining Morgenthaus’ blood lust toward Germans.
Mao meeting with Jews Israel Epstein, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, and Solomon Adler. Frank Coe, not likely Jewish, helped design the Great Leap Foreword, the engineered famine which killed forty million people.
Nathan Silvermaster
Likely one of the other four Jewish Soviet Communist spies McMeekin mentions was Nathan Silvermaster. He ran an entire spy network ring in the Treasury Department. Of 14 names listed in Silvermaster’s ring on his Wikipedia entry, up to 12 appear to be Jewish. Silvermaster also served on the War Production Board and flooded immense amounts of data on U.S. armaments, ammunition production, and every kind of war material to Stalin and his Commissars, many of them Jewish.
Stalin’s War states: “In the years after Roosevelt recognized the USSR, dozens of Soviet agents and CPUSA members infiltrated the US government, helped along by the vigorous and almost entirely un-vetted bureaucratic expansion of FDR’s New Deal. Key targets for infiltration included the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, where a Communist cell run by Harold Ware provided entree for notorious Soviet agents such as Whitaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, and Nathan Silvermaster.” (ppg. 42-3)
Conclusion: Commie Jew Spies in the FDR Admin. betrayed Poland, China, Yugoslavia, the Baltic nations, and much more of the world to the horrors of Communism. Above all, they betrayed the United States.
McMeekin writes a great deal about the Lend/Lease Act which poured immense tonnages of war supplies of every kind to Stalin and the USSR, even at the expense of the U.S. war effort in the Pacific against Japan itself, and at shortages to Britain, Polish government in exile and its nationalist AK fighters, nationalists in China Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang, nationalists in Yugoslavia, and even shortages to the U.S. civilian population. So many tons of butter were shipped to Red Army soldiers that shortages in the U.S. necessitated the invention of the unhealthful alternative margarine. The Lend/Lease Act was drafted and pushed by the Commie Jew White/Weiss and promoted by Jew Morgenthau, on behalf of Stalin and the brutal USSR. They were all traitors not just to the United States, but to the world, for they arranged for the horrors of Communism to sweep huge swaths of the world and vast hordes of people under its totalitarian tyranny.
And they betrayed Hitler and the Germans, the “hero of the Second World War” according to Francis Parker Yockey, the vanguard of a free and prosperous world that would have defeated Communism and brought the world into a truly marvelous future. These Jews in FDR’s Treasury Department ruined that future and gave the world to Communism.
Hi Karl I recently found your substack and it looks like a treasure trove of great information. I am interested in finding clarity on the origins of the Talmud. Have you written extensively on this or do you know where I can find the timeline of its creation and whether the Pharisees in Jesus’ time were involved in it’s creation?
Thank you Karl, and thank you Observer for those links, especially the article by Yitzhak Shichor – bookmarked and downloaded. I have “Stalin’s War” on my bookshelf but have not yet been able to start it (see below).
I do, however, have a dossier of related links and have watched and read most of them but will need to revisit.
Paul Craig Roberts chips in …
• World War II Was Stalin’s War
From John Wear:
• Review of “Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II” Part One
This includes a link to the following interview which I thumbed down and it deterred me from prioritising reading the book
• Stalin's War: A New History of World War II with Author Sean McMeekin, PhD - The National WWII Museum
• Review of Sean McMeekin’s Book “Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II” Part Two
And for balance here is the latest ‘Snopesy/Wiki-type’ hit job
• Review of Sean McMeekin's Stalin's War - Geoffrey Roberts