Yet another Jew running the CDC, and who else in the Israeli-controlled substate? Jewish religious law forbids a Jew to save the life of any Gentile whose life is in danger. Of course. America is sleep-walking.

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On FB you see the "Cohen" she married plus her children, besides wonderful mask photos.


Imho reading her bio she is fully programmed on the western medicine vaccine scam, rather worse vs Walensky, maybe fall/winter Mandy can show what she got, new booster already in September and everyone is waiting for the next plandemic, Bill Gates cant hold himself anymore cause of too much Vorfreude...

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"Get behind the mask," the pic caption says, but she and her husband are together over their anniversary cake, sans masks. It's all so foolish.

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Aug 25, 2023
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Excellent source. It took some time and effort to find the video, but it was worth it:


This is from Gemma O'Doherty, the brave Irishwoman doctor. Interesting that an Irishwoman is naming the Jews.

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Shared with multiple people who are only half-awake regarding the Judenfrage.

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Good of you Conchobhar. The Truth spreads person-to-person. The half-awake are the best recipients.

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This is a damn good article!

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This Video or Article with my comments is Referenced Here:

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[ https://www.dropbox. com/scl/fi/d2cz881lxh1z9zdw2p5s5/Multiverse-Journal-Index-Number-1995-August-22nd-2023-Tuesday-Morning.pdf?rlkey=nzciymiy3yx8mug6za00y77a4&dl=0]



[ https://www.facebook. com/Steven. Work/posts/pfbid0LCAesVLMjd97rdDB7vK5jwUHozeWyMyq67h6qwhNbnhP5Rnxp6NMQLM2XSgr6U2wl]

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[ https://www.dropbox. com/scl/fi/zftgxr81hz96mnitv6gpp/Facebook-Multiverse-Journal-Index-Number-1995-August-22nd-2023-Tuesday-Morning.pdf?rlkey=8uw2aqs2g8i18nmmak8889ovj&dl=0]




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August 22nd, 2023, Tuesday Morning, Index Number 1995:

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In scanning your content, it looks as if we have a different understanding of Fascism and Fascist history. If you are open, I will try to produce something clarifying Fascism, including its alliance with Christian folks and opposition to Communism, which I'm sure we both know was anti-Christian in the most brutal way.

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You are indeed sharing far and wide. I'm honored and appreciative.

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From one subversive, goy-hating Jewess to another. Is the Cohen cow pushing the newest fear porn about "variants"?

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I haven't tracked it.

Latest "variant" is another Omicron BB1.x... It jumped from a bat to a clown to a porn star and then was found in the President's closet. A maid stole classified documents from the closet and the Mossad planted them in Mar-a-Lago, and that's how the "variant" got to Fla. From there DeSantis declared a state of emergency, and when he went to Israel to sign the latest "antisemitism" law the WHO declared a world-wide pandemic of international concern, stage 4. Israel locked down the Straights of Hormuz and Suez Canal, to stop the spread and flatten the curve (Iran's oil income curve). Iran responded by sheep dipping 4 of its top bio-weapons specialists and blaming the Mossad. Israel and Biden blamed a new engineered virus the Iranians were developing to target only Ashkenasi Jews, but Iran said it was a natural strain, not lab escaped. Netanyahu released the engineered virus the Israelis had built to kill only Iranians, but it back-fired and started killing Israeli Jews too. The Ben Gurion Center for Bio-Defense deployed a new vaccine pre-made to protect the Israeli Jews, but nobody was dying from the engineered virus, not in Israel nor Iran. Israel mandated the vax for its entire population, and then the deaths started. The Israeli Health Ministry blamed the deaths as "another holocaust" caused by the ghost of Hitler inhabiting the body of the Ayatollah. Netanyahu took a private jet sent by his buddy Larry Silverstein toward Philadelphia to escape the other holocaust, but MAGA Republicans tried to shoot it down to prevent the virus from entering the U.S. Neo-Con Jews deployed a missile defense system and the plane landed safely in Philly. When Netanyahu came down the stairs, he was a woman. The media declared the new virus "the trans bug" and blamed the Iranians for trying to feminize the world. The North Korean Ministry of Love announced that they had worked with the Chinese and Jewish traitor Charles Lieber to engineer the trans bug to feminize Israel, but it had gotten loose in the U.S. China said it didn't matter, the U.S. was too far feminized already. Trudeau opened Canada's borders even wider and welcomed anyone infected, promising free transsexual transformation for anyone who wanted it and anyone who didn't. The Truckers tried to protest, Antifa sabotaged their trucks with rainbow paint and dildos stuck in the gas tanks, plus spraying trans bug serum on the tires, so the Truckers stayed home.

In France, devout Muslims and random Pakis started rioting, burning buildings and smashing cars, assaulting cops, demanding a vax to save them from the trans bug. Allah does not accept trannies in Muslim heaven, only manly men and virgins. The Yellow Vests re-emerged with yellow masks that stopped the spread, and battled the Muzzies in the streets of Paris and other cities.

The Alternative for Germany party tricked Antifa into burning down the German parliament building and media tried to blame it on the AfD, who then seized government and media control and declared a state of emergency. They used trannies with existing immunity as human shields, repaired the Nordstream 2 pipeline and cut a deal with Russia for oil and gas.

Putin made a public speech as a woman, declaring that the trans bug was a terrible threat to Russia, but would be good for the West He was stepping down in favor of the great grandson of Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) who had natural immunity because he was already an effeminate rabid Jew. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, now wearing a yellow mask, unveiled the new rainbow flag with a hammer & sickle symbol at the center, and declared it should be flown above the stars & stripes at all embassies and consulates. China surrendered at once in terror of the U.S. military which was largely immune to the trans bug. All China's efforts to masculinize its population and military started to fail when videos appeared on Western media showing men staggering down the streets of Wuhan suddenly growing breasts and wearing high heels. China sent teams of men in submarines and naval craft into the South China Sea to establish refuge populations and seed colonies to escape the trans bug, but they forgot to send women with them and the colonies on Taiwan and Indonesia became gay. Xi proposed marriage to Putin, who accepted, and offered a dowry of Rubles. Xi matched it with Yuan, and at the ceremony they burned U.S. dollars in a sacred vase and scattered the ashes in the Yangtze and Rubicon.

To be continued...

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Wow. You have Aristophanes's sense of comedy and a German philosopher's (Hegel? Schopenhauer? Nietzsche?) sense of gravitas all wrapped up in one here. This essay, by itself, is brilliant. I wish I were capable, in the current moment, of emulating your ability, but I have to confess: I'm woefully unequal to the task.

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Thank you. I had the same thought. I did make it into a full essay. This is only the 2nd or 3rd futuristic fantasy satire I have written. One other is here:


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Do you suspect that Israel faked their vaxx injury data, that they were given saline injections?

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I heard plenty of news out of Israel: Most vaxxed nation in the world, only got Pfizer vax, a perfect experiment for Pfizer, still had many "breakthrough cases," etc.

I did not research Israel & vax closely, but I knew to distrust any news out of that nation. Jews lie, and Jews lie the most about Israel. Some of us speculated that it could be a placebo or a fake vax, though we know the Jewish Power Elite has brutalized the mass of the Jewish people before (holohoax story is a form of terror over the Jewish people).

What was Israel's vax injury data? Did they claim it was high? Or low?

I wonder how the 20% Arab population in Israel responded to the vax program? Refused? Allah will save, not tech.

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