Great episode Karl. Shared.

I now see why Matthew Ehret was so keen to promote the documentary

• The Secret of the Great Pyramid - Interview with Fehmi Krasniqi


The agenda of this anti-White revisionism is explained in just a few seconds from 3:32:30


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Oh no! The pyramids were built by blacks?! LOL

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with a solar lens and magic concrete no less - ROTFL

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but primarily it was their brilliant high IQ minds and superior scientific acumen.

Ehret becomes more absurd since he dissed Hitler on OIT. I really wanted to debate him. I want to debate anyone who dis-understands Hitler. I cannot tolerate unjust accusations.

Or unjust celebration, as with great brainy Negroes building the pyramids. LOL! I suppose the best response is to laugh.

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Mr. H,

I will attempt to make this very brief and to the point. Germany during National socialism experienced a renaissance in the realm of mysticism. As I mentiooned in previous correspondance, Runes, which are an ancient Germanic system of mystical explora tion were featured prominently. The swastika is an ancient symbol which has direct significance in many cultures, including the Germanic, and the ressurection of the Black Sun was a masterpiece in archaeological and cultural reconstruction.

This is not some dark avenue to power over others, it is simply put, a call to retrieve a divine understanding, and to make it manifest.

Nothing here was christian. Christianity was and is hostile to this direction. It was a clear effort at knowing thyself, which is a fundamental feature of genuine mysticism.

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I largely agree. Germany experienced an explosion of mysticism in the Weimar period too, as compensation for misery or escapism or desperate grasping for substitutes for personal power.

The sonnenrad was a very cool retrieval.

From the party level, the revival was meant to restore the racial pride and dignity of the German people, so badly damaged by Jews by design in the Weimar post WWI period. As today in the USSA.

Agreed, it is only the defamation artists and demonization propagandists that try to spin it as occult mysticism and dark arts. Some of their statements are so foolish as to be delusional.

The Thule Society was a political activist group.

Much in NS Germany was Christian, though I see your point, nothing in the mystic resurgence was Christian. Except to the extent Christian mythology is derived from older mythology, going back to Egypt. Or Norse or Rome/Greek.

Point 24 of the 25 Points of National Socialism uses the phrase "a Positive Christianity." The NSDAP certainly Germanized Christianity, but Germans had been doing that for centuries.

The NSDAP did enact strict laws and deployed the SD to suppress and disband many "occult" groups, practitioners, charlatans, Freemasons, Theosophists etc. Not all and they showed some favoritism which amounted to division within the SD. But the national laws were clear: no hocus-pocus. No Jew Age hooey.

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I wouldn't describe the stubborn thread of mysticism in the German psyche as escapism or compensation. Such ideas, I believe derive from a misunderstanding of what mysticism is, and how it reflects through life.

I would refer to the bloody history of Christianity in Europe to illustrate how all forms of non-christian-and many forms of christian-mysticism have been and largely still are dealt with by the various churches. It is truly impossible for National Socialism to have recognized their ancient past while embracing Christianity. One does not find their life in the arms of their murderer.

I don't know what you mean by a Germanized Christianity. If by such you are referring to the Krist, then I would point out that the Krist is not Christianity.

No, I do not share your opinion that mysticism was used for political purposes in National Socialist Germany. There is no evidence for such that I have ever seen. The primary reason for the success of the slander campaign lies in the fact that praxis remained a personal and private affair. Germans had no need to explain themselves to others. Their goals ran far deeper than the trivial opinions of the uninitiated.

Keep in mind that various public rituals designed to inspire and ignite the soul are not mysticism. They are expressions of it, the way a painting is the expression of the talent of the painter, not the talent itself.

Finally I would observe that modern thought cannot grasp the mystical imperative. This is abundantly clear. Despite this, the power of mysticism remains.

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I did not mean to say the mysticism Increase in the Weimar period was only escapism and compensation. The roots of it was genuine, as always. But the increase was at least partly due to the undeniably miserable conditions Jews inflicted on Weimar.

Pagan Europe was plenty bloody on its own without Christian persecution. Nevertheless, National Socialists upheld and perpetuated Christianity in their time, notwithstanding some of them (not many) did not profess it or at least display expression of it themselves (Himmler one notable example). Their over-riding need was for unity of the fractured and divided nation they inherited, and so had to retain public acceptance of and cooperation with Christianity, mostly Catholic and Lutheran. I found this gives a good account:


No, I do not refer to the Wiligut Krist. That was specific to the NS period. I mean throughout the influence of Christianity on the Germanic tribes, over time they made it their own with their own interpretation and application. All the European tribes did, such as the Irish Catholic for instance. Same with the Germans.

It may be my mistake if I said mysticism was used for political purposes. More clearly, the revival of the German spirit and morale through an exploration and presentation of their ancestry among the magnificent Aryans of their past, including even the Atlanteans, was an objective of the NSDAP, and it helped the overall revival of the nation. This was not the only nor perhaps even the main objective, and mysticism had its own expression and objectives among the German people as you say. What would you say were their deepest goals? The people were almost entirely enthusiastic and devoted to their NSDAP leadership in almost all ways, as well. The exceptions were significant in the end.

One example of Germans (NSDAP Germans) explaining themselves to others, with a need to, is the book Germany Speaks. Do you know it? It is fascinating and excellent.

I have not before considered that the rituals are not mysticism itself. I will have to think about that. You are saying they are expressions of mysticism. So what is mysticism in your understanding?

I confess I was mostly immersed in modern thought (some of which is immersed in ancient thought) for most of my time. Even then I suspect I engaged in non-modern thought, whatever that might be. I seem always to have had some non-ordinary thought, and more recently even heretical thought regarding history and much else. What would you say are the mystical imperatives? Some mystical thought appears deceptive and misleading to me, as in Jewish New Age psy-ops. I feel I must be thoughtful.

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If I made it sound that the National Socialists didn't attempt to educate others concerning their strategy and their logic/reasoning for adopting such, then I didn't covey the correct thought. Numerous officials within the movement of National Socialism were very keen to explain and educate, especially to those from different cultures/races.

Perhaps I should have offered that the lack of need to explain derives directly from the nature of the mystical experience itself. How? Primarily because the mystical experience is not self created. Nor is such simple, or easily translatable into the language of every day discourse. Often, I would hazard to claim almost universally, any account or depiction of the mystic state occurs only after the power of the event is at least somewhat integrated into the psyche. Many of such events are simply too intimate and transformative to convey in simple words.

This leads into the understanding of ritual, especially cultural and public ritual as a means of introducing to the community to a symbolic and experiential recreation of the experience. Thus it cannot be the experience itself.

Mysticism is the direct connection to the numinous, which is why any vibrant religion is always informed by its mystics.

In terms of history as a bloody affair previous to the rise of the three great abrahamic religions, perhaps my intent is better served through qualification. First, the human population of pre-abrahamic times was considerably smaller than after their rise. This is important to realize that the world of man was far more personal, the ancestry closer, and collective identity stronger than anything around today. This identity was linked to location, and thus war was often caused due to localized shortages, disasters, and deprivations. The conquest of another normally involved the absorption of what we call resource, and the training of the survivors of the conquered into the ways of the conquerors.

The abrahamics however, completely altered the purpose of war.

I have yet to discover any war in pre-abrahamic times that was launched in order to exterminate non-believers. Not one. Yet upon the rise of the abrahamics ideologically based annihilation became the new standard. I don't think for one moment that the National Socialists were ignorant of this fact.

What to do with a nominally christian population then?

Obviously, the goal would have been to do exactly as was done, to find common purpose and magnify shared goals, to work together in areas for the good of the people, and as you point out, to heal the divisions that prevent a general improvement in conditions.

National Socialism never went to war with any of the abrahamics. Certainly this will be disputed by some, but it was the abrahamics, specifically jews, who declared war on Germany. Nowhere will anyone find a litany of grievances related to religious topics from NS towards anyone. Such was not true of other systems, most notably, communism. I am reminded of the accounts of Wehrmacht soldiers who couldn't believe their eyes upon storming Russia-churches turned into machine shops and livestock pens. The men came to believe rather quickly that they were fighting a great godless evil.

National Socialism wasn't abrahamic. it had no need for religious war.

Perhaps, had the self proclaimed good guys not overwhelmed Germany so completely, the record of the Black Sun would be more complete to posterity, but I doubt it. Mysticism is something propelled by one's own juices, transformative and involving a far greater reality. To this day few know of the fantastic women of the Vril society, even though their findings are currently being used against us by the by the same people who declare themselves right.

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I thank you for your educated response. I'm fascinated by your obvious knowledge on these matters, and gladly engage to share more.

It seemed to me you were clear in stating the NS did not share their mysticism openly, since as you say they had no need and it cannot truly be shared in that way. Their strategy, however, of course they were open in sharing. Germany Speaks is the most impressive example I know, though I am sure others exist. And the 25 points was an open demand from the beginning.

I see your point, public ritual is not the mystic experience itself, more a celebration of it. I had some experience with sweat lodge, peyote lodge and sun dance in my days when I sought mystic experience outside my own tribal traditions, and they seemed structured as both ceremony and mystic experience. That said, my own mystic experiences, if that's what they were, were all unstructured and seemingly spontaneous. I remain a spiritual agnostic. I think it possible to transmit such events into words, yet probably poetry would be the best language, and the reception of the words would be as necessary as the speaking/writing of them to succeed in crossing the gap. Even then of course, a pale depiction, and maybe serving more to obscure and confuse than clarify. The paradox of the mystical.

"Any vibrant religion is informed by its mystics." Intriguing. Then such religions die when the interpreters and gatekeepers take over, without having mystic experiences themselves. In fact, they are most often blocked from such experiences by their own inhibitions, and so seek vicarious power. Such corrupted and destructive religious interpretations are one sign that the original mystic has failed and allowed his experience not just to be corrupted, but to corrupt others. I suppose it is impossible to curtail this. An anecdote: I once went to a 10 day Vipassana retreat. The spiritual leader told us (by video recording) that we were going to meditate the real way the Buddah himself did. I figured out quickly that the way the Buddah meditated was the way that worked for him, and he advocated that others meditate the same way: The way that works for each of us. The dogma dharmas could not see this.

What does numinous mean? I know, words cannot convey.

According to the good book Advance to Barbarism by FJP Veal, almost all warfare in human history, going back to the Cro-Magnon vs. Neanderthal wars, were genocidal and exterminational. It was only a relatively brief period of European history that allowed for limited or "civilized" warfare. I know this was not true of Alexander the Great in the 3rd century BC, and probably others, but otherwise most warfare was total. The period of "civilized" warfare ended with WWII according to Veal. According to me, the reason was: Jews. Many times the training of the survivors was as slaves. Some, especially the Aryans, refused slaves because they knew the dangers of race-mixing.

So these total wars may have been launched not to exterminate non-believers, but to exterminate competition. The law of the jungle. Much of history shows people were tolerant of each others' religions, but intolerant of resource competition. Then there is the great man theory, which says wars were launched not for either, but for glory and honor and tests of courage and to display supremacy. Like Alexander. But not Hitler.

I am afraid I cannot think for the moment of any pre-Abrahamic wars that were launched to exterminate non-believers, but I am sure they exist. The Pelleponesian Wars were pretty devastating. Did they think of each other as non-believers? They were both Greeks, essentially. It seems those wars were launched more over pride and honor than non-belief or even resource competition. The 30 Years War however seems to have been over non-belief, but at root was not.

I'm sure the NS were aware of the fact that Jews were hell-bent on total war and revenge to extermination. The firebombing architect was Frederic Lindemann, the author of Germany Must Perish was Kaufman and the Morgenthau plan was drafted by Harry Dexter White (Weissman). All Jews. Hitler knew. Yet the occupation of the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors, for instance, was an Abrahamic war, yet extermination was not the goal, but occupation. Even some parallel society was allowed.

I hope you had a chance to listen to that link I provided above. On the Accusations of Occultism by the NSDAP refutes this by showing the close adherence of NS to Christianity, and somewhat by the persecution and dismissal of other forms of mysticism. I agree with you that this was done to promote unity of the people and nation, and Hitler even advocated against separation of church and state.

From Moses to Lenin by Eckart has some litany of grievances by Hitler and himself against Talmudism. I'm fairly sure Julius Streicher wrote some in Der Sturmer as well. Probably others. I'd be surprised if Hitler did not denounce Judaism as a religion in at least some of his over 1000 speeches. I know he referred to Martin Luther, who denounced Judaism.

At least publicly, and most probably significantly privately and personally as well, NS was Christian. I know some will dispute this and point to Himmler's Ahnenerbe and the Thule Society and such, but numerous passages in Mein Kampf, numerous speeches, and even point 24 all make this clear. The link does good work showing this. Wehrmacht soldiers wore belt buckles specially made that said Gott Mit Uns. Some carried bibles. Hitler bestowed a gift of Korans on an Arab Waffen SS division from Arabia.

The Black Sun may be more alive in posterity because NS lost, rather than if it had won. Mystic power grows in the sub-conscious before emerging into consciousness.

Tell us more of the fantastic women of the Vril society. I do not know of it. I wrote a research essay on Women in National Socialism, and did not find this story. I did find Himmler's Chosen Women however. They were to marry and breed with the best of the SS to produce a strain of super-leaders for the 1000 Year Reich. Alas. The Chosen Women themselves were to be trained as elegant courtiers, seductive spies, persuasive ambassadors and charming attendants. Such a vision can only have been inspired by mysticism.

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Again, one must not confuse the standard belief and religious structure participated in by the bulk of the populous with the non-christian mystical aim of National Socialism.

I previously pointed out the testimony of Wehrmacht soldaten. I attempted to illustrate that National Socialism accepted the reality of a christianized people. They were not going to waste time and energy on converting anyone. That is what abrahamics do, and have done, either before or after killing them.

If one is going to assert that because of lack of conflict and a few good words this meant that National Socialism was a christian organization, then one needs to demonstrate why Waffen SS uniforms prominently featured Runes, and exactly how those Runes are christian.

Germany was content to allow the uninitiated to believe the symbols were lightning strikes, to imagine that such had to do with a military doctrine of striking quickly and decisively.

Similarly, the origin for die Schwartzensonne has no source, no modification, no allegiance to an abrahamic point of view.

The only way forward to understanding the logic and complexity of this mysticism is to understand the non christian non abrahamic root.

The average German knew no more than a limited, cursory introduction to this ancient root.

I would not say it was hidden. I would say it wasn't a club to hit anyone over the head. The greater society was given rituals of participation. They obviously responded to the power of such ceremonies, and if history is a guide, never associated them with a non christian mystical source. They, like most who are innured into abrahamism responded on a visceral level, and came to know they could trust in their own genius and industry to see them through.

This was enough.

Certainly it is a given that European nations were long converted, often unwillingly, to the abrahamic christian empire via painful wars of genocidal mania. This does not mean that all people throughout those nations marched mindlessly on with the indoctrination. The fire of a soul is not so easily extinguished by a fanatical murder campaign.

If such behavior is to be excused via making history conform to the idea of righteousness, then such has been the way of all abrahamics since their inception. If this is the case, they lose all claims to exceptionalism, and all protections assumed as the trappings of a new way.

In conclusion, the requirement to understanding the mysticism of national socialism has zero compliance with any abrahamic current. Naturally, to small minded critics, this must mean the scary occult was involved. Germany let them think whatever they wished, they were not going to strew pearls before swine.

There is no path, no documentation, no history to provide a christian origin and maintenance to the mystery of the Runes.


Attempts at appropriation and hybridization did occur from the abrahamic empire but this has nothing to do with origin and impetus.

The only answer is that National Socialism was not Christian.

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Thanks Karl.

Recently discovered this Spanish website (thanks to Laura's Subtack). There's not much about Hitler or perhaps anything at all that might aid your research in this area but it did leave me wondering if there has ever been a govt power truly working for the people.

You get a sense of the powerful funders of war, the public faces, unseen hands, etc. Been spending evening hours reading through.

Less optimistic about Hitler (after reading Larry Romanoff) even though I note this anonymous author's typical/not revisionist view (while he mentioned forced labour, thankfully didn't mentions gas chambers).

Had for a while considered humanity's real enemy to be Zionist Jews...but now understanding the even more powerful forces at work are the Church/Jesuits. They shield and work in service - of course as well as for themselves - for the Black Nobility. I had no idea so much was intertwined...and the new world order, one global government is the goal. So dismantling Zionism is not really the answer.

I had thought the church/pontiff served the zionists...but they're all in it together. Really hellish mess. Who on the earth will intercede for the Palestinians was another unsettling thought :-(


Also discovered Dominique Guillet's work


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This has a totally different view of Israelites, Hebrews and Jews vs. Aryans. It says the Israelites were not Jews, but White Aryans. Changes everyrhing. I am not sure what is true yet, but fascinating to consider. Did Jews steal Jesus and the Israelites from Whites along with so much else?


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I find a number of synchronicities in your comment.

The NSDAP/HItler was most certainly one government that worked for the well-being of the People. Perhaps the original U.S. founding fathers was another. But throughout human history, the various branches and offshoots of the Aryans led nations and regions with benevolent governments. The examples are rich and very hopeful. I just finished watching this before seeing your comment:


Right before that, I finished reading this essay by Romanoff:

The Jewish Betrayal of Germany and the Cause of World War II


I hope you know I have about 4 essays in the archive on Romanoff's essay "The Richest man in the World," about Jewish banksters. I know a great deal I could recommend to restore optimism in Hitler as a great benevolent leader, but the book Hitler's Revolution might be my first choice. The Greatest Story Never Told video documentary series does well too. Much else can be found.

I have seen claims of Jesuits and Black Nobility as the peak of the pyramid of power, as the real problems and Zionist Jews as the front men and fall guys. I don't credit it. No signs of Jesuits with 911. Jesuits are not the wealthiest banksters in the world. I do not see the Jesuit Hand in the World Wars. But I see Zionist Jews. Dismantling Jewry is really the resolution of the Jewish Issue. And above all, the Jesuits themselves were significantly Jews. Without Jews, Jesuits would be no problem.

The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Satan - Review


I hope a coalition of Iran, Hezbollah and Syria, possibly with Huthi Yemenese, with the tacit support of Russia will intervene on behalf of Palestine. But I suspect my Polarity Plan theory of history is at play and both sides are working for the decline of the US and rise of BRICS+. Israel will shift its parasitic leaching to BRICS+ as it drops the falling US. Israel's internal goal is the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians, dead or alive. We must support Palestinians to remain.

I don't see Jesuits pushing transhumanism and certainly not transhuman vaxxes. I see Jews though.

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I for one would really appreciate you doing a more thorough debunking of the Black Nobility running the show narrative, it is very much the cudgel being used by many of the Jew apologists

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I'm still engaged with debunking the Hitler evil Freemason cudgel.

Where do you see the BN cudgel now? I'll consider it. Do you have any sources that have already engaged in the debunking?

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I did manage to find a source engaged in debunking - a well written overview, at that


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I was okay with it until it declared with certainty that Lenin and Stalin were both Jews. Lenin was 1/4 Jewish according to Solzhenitsyn, and Stalin was not Jewish at all. He was Georgian. I have never seen any good evidence Stalin was Jewish. His real name was Lubek Dzhugashvili. Yet this essay claimed both these men were Jewish, and gave no source or citation.

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I am not aware of anyone debunking the BN are scapegoating Jews narrative, btw. Here's another link to a substack author who claims to have written a multitude of articles on the topic. It all seems very comic book and disjointed- a pastiche of intel and factoids all patched together to sell the notion that a select group of Satan worshiping inbreeding families have designated themselves the rulers of the world for centuries. It looks to be a crafted misdirect to throw people off the scent of the real culprits.


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I'm sorry to say I cannot offer the kind of in depth sources you deserve in order to properly research the topic. While I really appreciate the level of discourse you promote on your stack, I would be punching above my weight to pretend I could keep up. That being said, here's a current substack article that is an example of the Black Nobility running everything narrative - which by the way, I was using as a descriptor of a similar or related narrative that it is British nobility (the "crown") behind all the machinations and the jews are puppets and strawmen used to cleverly distract and redirect blame. I find the black nobility narrative being promoted whenever someone mentions Jewish complicity or Zionism in current topics, the Black Nobility trope is wheeled out to immediately cloud the waters.


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Great episode and very interesting topic. I can recommend Robert Sepehr, he is an anthropologist and makes videos about ancient aryan history. On Hancock: his early material is interesting, but as he got older he fried his brain with weed so what he puts out now is a bit nonsensical.

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Thank you, another reference from our TT folk. I can't keep up, but I appreciate it all. I am inspired to check out Sepehr if his topic is ancient Aryans. I wonder if he knows Chouinard, who wrote the book The Rise of the Aryans?

Hancock is a dope head? I wouldn't have guessed. NYT bestsellers. I am most disappointed at how he laments the close-mindedness and arrogance of archaeology, insisting on more open-mindedness, but then is close-minded about the ancient builders being White.

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Sepehr writes books but also makes very accessible videos. Here is the link to his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@818encino/videos. If you go the page showing all his videos there is a button to view his most popular videos, which is a good starting point. Topics range from ancient aryans and their geological diaspora, atlantis, archaeological research from the nazis and in particular the ahnenerbe, and myths surrounding the abrahamic religions. A true rabbit hole. Interesting fact: he is of german descent, and his grandfather served in the SS as an officer.

I haven't read the Rise of the Aryans by Chouinard, but after downloading the book and performing a search on the text Sepehr is mentioned 26 times, mainly when quoting passages from Sepehrs books.

Regarding Hancock: I never understood how he could be so openminded when it concerns archaeology but not when the topic approaches things like human races and their origins. Often when people are openminded enough about a certain topic they can apply that openmindedness to other taboo topics.

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Very inspiring, thank you Karl. Hearing you describe your perspective is strange at times, it is like you are giving voice to an inner dialogue that has always been there, but it is only when I hear you give voice to your thoughts and ideas in such a reasonable and yet passionate manner, do I realize how thoroughly conditioned I have been to not accept my own reasoning as legitimate.

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Ok Karl. Thanks very much, will check out YT link this eve; also look at your archive.

Have to say though after reading quite a few articles and watching many of Laura's subtack slides I find it most compelling.

911 gets a mention here.


Have a good day.

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I know how a deep study of a particular topic from a singular perspective can become compelling. I have not conducted a sustained in depth thorough study of Jesuits and Black Nobility, but I have encountered it at times and dipped into it. I am sure they are a component of power. I have conducted a sustained in depth thorough study of Jews, and the compulsion is clear. At this time in history, given acceptance of past power dynamics, it appears clear to me that the great power throughout the West is not Jesuits, but Jews. The Jesuit theorists say the Jesuits put Jews out front to block for them, as their puppets, front men and fall guys. The Jew theorists say Jews actually obscure their power by putting Gentile colluders and capitulators out front as Jewish puppets, front men and fall guys. But now Jewish power is so entrenched that they are starting to take overt power themselves, a dire development. When Jews took overt power in the USSR, 10s of millions of White Christians were tortured and slaughtered. When Jews put Mao into power in China, 100 million died in gruesome agony and misery. I have never seen any Jesuits involved in these greatest mass slaughters of all time. If you have found evidence, I am open to seeing it. In my research, I find Jews.

Every. Single.Time.

Good day to you and thank you for sharing.

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I am reviewing your link here So far it identifies what looks like Sicilian mafia companies defrauding NYC with clean-up contracts. Then they were arrested. I will acknowledge that Whitney Webb identifies that sometimes the Sicilian mafia works with the Jewish organized crime syndicate. On 911 clean-up Schnitzer Steel and another Jewish clean-up company were also hired, and they were Not arrested. They whisked away the steel girders, a crime of removing evidence from a crime scene. Overseeing this operation was Michael Chertof, Director of the Criminal Division of the DOJ, whose mother was one of the first Mossad agents.

The "war on terror" was not launched on behalf of the Jesuits and Sicilian Mafia. It was launched on behalf of Israel and the Jewish organized crime syntidate. Lucky Larry Silverstein who bought the WTC from Ronald Lauder and Eisenberg in the Port Authority system--

All Jews. Sicilians played a minor role. NYC is dominated by the Jewish organized crime syndicate. So is the West.

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