Karl another excellent article...here's a leaked video of Bibi bragging about Israel's control of America...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdq1zhLANT0

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I thought about embedding this but kept with pics and links. It's excellent proof. I think he does not care if we know.

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The Soviet debt for Lend-Lease supplies was only finally paid and closed as part of settlements with the Paris Club on August 21, 2006.

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McMeekin says $.02 per dollar. Britain was squeezed for every dollar plus interest. It was all part of the polarity shift from unipolar Britain to bipolar US/USSR. It goes with the gold. US continued to fund and supply USSR throughout the "cold war" to maintain the bipolar balance. After controlled implosion of USSR Jews looted it and shifted gold to US, and some for Israel.

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The Prudentialist will be breaking down McMeekin's 'Stalin's War!'


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Are they going to try and read it all out loud? They practically worship McMeekin. Big problem is, he's a holocaust believer. Also, while he portrays Hitler better than most, he is still anti-Hitler, which means his historical accuracy is suspect on certain matters. He does often attribute sound and reasonable war decisions to Hitler where others declare Hitler simply mad. It's a good book, but not worthy of worship. The Forced War and Truth for Germany are worthy of worship.

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I only posted it because you had brought it up last week! McMeekin is obviously just another variation of the "acceptable" narrative on WW II. His 'The Ottoman Endgame' isn't too bad; he delved through much of the, at that time(2013/14), newly released Russian and Ottoman archives, and filled-in some of the informatioal "gaps" in the whole Middle Eastern historiography.

Also, guys like 'The Prudentialist,' Auron McIntyre, 'The Distributist,' 'Morgoth's Review,' Keith Wood's, Academic Agent and Gio Pennacchietti at 'Giant Art Productions' are ALL extremely well-read and have absorbed and inventoried copious amount of works in the Western intellectual tradition,...HOWEVER!...,they ALL have some sort of reservations with, or undergo some aspect of cognitive dissonance when confronted with topics connected to the JQ/Zionism, Cultural Marxism, race/IQ, black crime, Christianity, Holohoax, and others.

As an example, Auron McIntyre can be brilliant at times in his analysis of certain impactful works,...but, because he's worried about being called bad names, and has been an employee of 'The Blaze' for about a year, he keeps it safe and acceptable.

Even Ryan Christian and his solid 'The Last American Vagabond,' which I've referred to before, gets frustrating for me. Ryan has first-rate and impressive analytical abilities, but his inflexible and stubborn rootedness in his libertarian Ideology, prevents him from seeing what's going on in Gaza clearly.

Ryan's comment-section's are always replete with people attempting to emancipate him from his continual dogmatic slumber. Just last week, he read a comment related to this matter, and he stated for the untold numeric time, "This is NOT a Jewish-issue, but one of Zionism and its ideological history!"🙄

Similar-type examples apply to the other guys as well, with a different topic or subject-matter as an instructive tool. Many times I'm perplexed as to why their analytical abilities simply don't "take over," and allow them to "connect-the-dots!" As you well know- it's not that simple! So much of people's programming involves affects and emotions- like fear!

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I'm glad you posted this review of Stalin's War.

I appreciated the book for its clear and succinct but sufficiently detailed presentation of lesser-known theaters of the war, such as Balkans, Finland, and even the role Japan played. I might need to write a new essay "Did Japan Betray Hitler?" as I dd for Spain.

I used to watch TLAV especially when he had Whitney Webb on so much. I realized quickly he was anti-US and seemed almost anarchist at times. You say libertarian, and that would qualify I suppose. Ryan is a bit over-animated as a fast-talker for me, but I look past to his knowledge. Good on the covid scam. I figured Ryan for obscuring the JI, though Whitney does better.

Programming through fear is one possibility. Knowing controlled opposition and limited hangout is another. Webb's platform is called Unlimited Hangout, but I have challenged that with some comments, and banning proved to me that it is still limited.

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Karl your "Polarities Plan" is brilliant. You are an inspiration. Thank you.

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One reason I watch Ryan Christian's Daily Wrap-up on 'TLAV' and Max Igan's videos on 'The Crowhouse' is because they present so much footage and information that is deliberately being censored, shadow-banned, or just basically ignored.

Even though there's definitely a shift taking place worldwide because, as is, and has been their tendency over-the-years, the Jews are overplaying their hand, and the bloodthirsty Kabbalistic-face is revealing itself for all to see, who can see.

What has been taking place in Gaza this past month has, at times, filled me with a restrained Berserker-rage, in part because, so many people blindly continue to see this obvious, in-your-face mass-murder as justified, and as "self defense." The scale and breadth of the death and suffering that has been unleashed on the Palestinians; in addition to the mult-generational felonious crimes that have already been concentrated and piled onto these people, is staggering.

Here is a concise thought experiment, by a content-creator by the name of 'D-Train,' for those who are blindly supporting this messianic mayhem by "the Chosen." It's titled, 'My Message For Those Who Stand With Israel':


Also, looks like the State Dept. has a new pathetic Indian-stooge to spin the web of their narratives and lies. Love his equivocating.


This other short video is absolutely hilarious! All the hypersensitive ears on the council were just getting overwhelmed with his Jewish truth-bombs:


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One factor I have not heard near enough yet: Hamas must have known, from long experience, that their alleged attack on Israel would bring a hugely disproportionate reprisal that would devastate the Palestinian people Hamas says it is protecting. Furthermore, Hamas "militants" appear to be "hiding" among Palestinian civilians, who act as their "human shields"--except Israel does not recognize human shields, and blows up hundreds ostensibly to get one "militant." Hamas knew all this in advance, and knows it now.

This must mean Hamas is acting to give Israel the pretext and justification it needs to conduct its latest round of ethnic cleansing. This means Hamas is cooperating in the mass slaughter, destruction and ultimate expulsion of the survivors of the Palestinian people. Has anyone seen any videos or heard/read any statement by Palestinian civilians expressing any remorse or outrage for what Hamas has brought upon them? Such statements must exist, but they are prohibited.

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I wonder just how much true organizational structure there is with this so-called resistance group called "Hamas!" There have been multiple people the last month within Gaza stating literally- "There is no Hamas amongst these buildings!"

All the Jewish-run media has to do is to point to any modicum or degree of resistance against the Occupation as originating with "Hamas." Periodically, march-out some agents who function as "spokesman" or "resistance fighters" representing "Hamas," and people bite it hookline-and-sinker!

Because their media sets the narrative at the point of initiation, it's just difficult to know exactly how much is analagous to the manufactured Orwellian-like war between "Oceania vs Eastasia," and how much is genuinely authentic. It's problematic because, so much of this "war," aka genocide, is played-out in the media to begin with.

It's why the French thinker Jean Baudrillard is so important in our Internet Age. Baudrillard talked(he died in 2007)about "the death of the real" and how man has himself become commodified through the dominance and ubiquity of media. Man becomes caught up in the play of images, spectacles, and simulacra, that have less and less of a relationship to the outside world. External "reality" comes into such question and doubt that, the concepts of the social and political, or even "reality" itself, loses its foundation and meaning. This will become metastasized with the increasing use things like AI- generated images/video, WeChat, "deepfakes," etc.

Blackbird9 always hammers home the point that we are constantly being subjected to "asymmetrical warfare" by the Jews. Their weaponization of the tech-sector, which Brendon O'Connell has discussed extensively over-the-years, only exacerbates our situation, and the nightmarish world that Baudrillard wrote about!


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Interesting videos by O'Connell. Theatrical, infotainment, macabre fascination. I'm cautious of such packaging. What's with the dancing Winney?

Israeli tech dominance is an increasing alarm signal. I only sample the solutions, such as Linux. AI seems to be changing everything. WWebb says get off grid now, use freedom tech, store data before internet access is contingent on digital ID, online passport, social credit score. IDK.

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If that is the only video of O'Connell you've watched, I would suggest you watch many others. His YT channel was taken down, and he has suddenly "disappeared" again.

O'Connell has had a big impact on the so-called alternative "truth community" over the past 10-12yrs! The focal point of most of his content, which has to do with Israel's hegemony of the worldwide tech-sector through their control of all the software and security involved cannot be overemphasized and discussed enough. Many of his videos addressing the issue are thorough and concerning to say the least.

Now, the question of "who" Brendon Lee O'Connell is, the story of Israel working with the Australian government to shut him up, and him subsequently going on the run in countries like Iran and Malaysia as a "political martyr" is another matter that has many questions and inquiries attached to it. This is the incident that led to his arrest and the beginning of it all:


I've been following Brendon's work since just after his arrest in New Zealand in 2009! He definitely built-up quite the fan-base over-the-years, making countless thousands-of-dollars from donations. There were also many others who saw him as either psychologically and emotionally disturbed, and disrupting the "truth community," or as an agent of some kind whose stories didn't always add up. Here is a thorough article by Timothy Fitzpatrick titled, 'The Self-Destruction of Brendon O'Connell.' Fitzpatrick apparently knew O'Connell for some years:


All of O'Connell's videos have been taken down a few weeks back, and he's now apparently "on the run" again.

There are many things with O'Connell that I've had issue with over-the-years, especially his constant mocking and ridiculing of white nationalists and his combative nature. I wouldn't be surprised if his whole shtick was to divide-and-conquer the truth community all along. But, many of his videos were important to watch, if anything, to get people to see deception where they always have assumed there is none. His video 'The History of the Jewish Elite in China' was/is quintessential O'Connell. Like him or hate him, agent or authentic dissident, he definitely has had an impact on many. He has "disappeared" before; something tells me he will resurface again, if for anything, because he'll need some financial hand-outs again!


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I've followed O'Connell off and on for years. His over-animated style puts me off, and his fierce denunciations of what look to me as otherwise credible and helpful researchers such as Whitney Webb put me off too. Still, as you say he makes valuable contributions. His disappearing act at times makes me lose track of him and I have to move on until he resurfaces again. He appears paranoid and self-absorbed narcissistic at times, and his sensationalism and hyperbole discredits him somewhat. Still, I know how to sort, and I appreciate some of the knowledge he shares, especially on Israeli tech power. It is a real concern.

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That's why it wouldn't surprise me if he was deliberately engaging in subterfuge with his divide-and-conquer methods of attacking people like Corbett, Webb, etc., yet he would talk-up guys like Steve Bannon and Trump at times.

He took down all his content about a month ago- that has never happened with him! He's disappeared, but always left his content up.

This guy actually makes a good case for O'Connell having been an asset all along, and now they're done with him!


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Agreed. It is crucial to understand that they Want us to know we are being hoodwinked all the time. This refers to Hoffman's Revelation of the Method. Snowden's apparent "whistleblowing" on the NSA was meant to tell us we are being monitored and surveilled. They Want us to know. Wikileaks may be the same psy-op. The key is, we are trained to doubt and distrust everything, keeping us always guessing what is real and what is illusion. My next essay in the 6 Weapons series will have to be on Confusion.

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Thank you for this link. I watched everything Brendan produced before he nuked his channel- or they forced him too. I wonder how he is now. Is he alive?

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No problem Becky!

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I've been thinking along the same lines. Something just seems off about the whole situation to me.

Re: civilian protests against Hamas, I just read this piece:

"Across Gaza, rare scenes of dissent are playing out. Some Palestinians are openly challenging the authority of Hamas, which long has ruled the enclave with an iron fist. Four Palestinians across Gaza spoke to AP on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals about what they’ve seen.

A man who was told off by a Hamas officer for cutting the bread line took a chair and smashed it over his head, according to an aid worker in line. In another area, angry crowds hurled stones at Hamas police who cut in front of a water line and beat them with their fists until they scattered, according to a journalist there.

Over the past few night in Gaza City, Hamas rockets streaming overhead toward Israel have prompted outbursts of rage from a U.N. shelter. In the middle of the night, hundreds of people have shouted insults against Hamas and cried out that they wanted the war to end, according to a 28-year-old sleeping in a tent there with his family.

And during a televised press conference Tuesday, a young man with a dazed expression and bandaged wrist pushed his way through the crowd, disrupting a speech by Iyad Bozum, spokesman for the Hamas-run Interior Ministry.

“May God hold you to account, Hamas!” the man yelled, shaking his wounded hand."


(As a side note, I found an interesting book review on the Jewish Chronicle which deals with the role of the security services/KGB in Russia, some curious tidbits in it. For instance that the 'Jewish emigration movement' in the Soviet Union really was a spy movement, fascinating if true:


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D Train denounces Israel for disregarding Hamas' human shields and bombing them anyway. Yet he does not denounce Hamas for going among Palestinian civilians, supposedly to use them as human shields. Why not? If Hamas was genuine and concerned for their Palestinian voting base and tribal fellows, it would Not go among civilians, knowing Israel will disregard human shield tactics and slaughter thousands of Palestinian civilians. In this scenario, Palestinian civilians are not acting as human shields for Hamas, Hamas is acting as human targets to cause "collateral damage." Collateral damage of Palestinian civilians is the real objective. Hamas is acting in cooperation with Israel to give Israel a pretext to bomb Palestinian civilians. They all must know it. Why don't we?

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Webb, like Christian, does solid research and analysis, but generally avoid talking about the Jews. Some of Webb's material is first-rate- her research on the Mega Group/Maxwell & Epstein, and the intelligence agencies, DARPA, the WEF, and just the overall worldwide 'Build, Back, Better'/2030 Agenda with its accompanying mass-surveillance and "National Security Total State." She truly has done some great work!

She hasn't posted anything in awhile, and hasn't been that productive the last 6 months or so. I sometimes wonder about her emotional stability. She has had her share of issues, as she's alluded to previously. She has quite the fragile and timorous constitution, and I worry on her behalf at times. I know she's trying to be a good mother, keep her life in order, and still have time for her research and website, but I sometimes think she's made of glass and, one day she's going to fall down and break.

The old saying that, "Your only as strong as your greatest weakness." I myself have been born with a peculiar "sensitivity" that has given me additional "antennae," if you will, to read the world with, however it is also a distinctive shortcoming of mine that can lead to the darkest of melancholies. It is in those times that life can become a problem for oneself,...at least until the storm has passed, and one regains a new confidence in life.

When you get the chance Karl, add the book 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' to your reading list! It was written by Milan Kundera, a Czech writer who passed this past July. His novels are superb! There was also a movie made in 1988- by the same title -with Daniel Day-Lewis in it. It's just under 3hrs, and maintains the spirit of the book quite well.



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I used to challenge Webb for obscuring the Jewish Issue, but no longer. She identifies plenty of Jews, starting with Epstein/Maxwell/Wexner. I'm fine with it. She'll reference Israel, Zionists occasionally, sometimes the J-word. That's fine. Not everyone has to name the Jew. We all must go there willingly and voluntarily, and no one must be pressured or coerced. I respect whatever level of exposure any of us is willing to risk given their various circumstances, risk tolerance, exposure and how much they have to lose. We all have everything to lose in the end, but in the shorter term we all choose our strategy. Webb is my research model. She may be our best.

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The quote by Netanyahu at Fink's bar is from Veterans Today, and the editor Gordon Duff and friends who are former US Military Intelligence. Duff responds to e-mails so I suggest you contacting him and ask him if you can be allowed to hear the recording.

Your reasoning regarding how the BRICS+ nations are going to transfer their authority to Jerusalem is unclear. Do you mean that this will be the result after a nuclear war between the US and BRICS+?

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I've seen critiques of Duff. Kevin Barrett is a White Muslim.

I haven't written yet about the final Polarity shift. I haven't thought it through and it is harder to envision given that its dispensation is still decades ahead. I do not believe in nuclear bombs any more than viruses or gas chambers or climate change. The transfer of power from US to BRICS+ is already underway through some of the means and methods I've mentioned. War is only part of it.

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I listened to crow777radio.com for a bit. He says they faked the nuclear bombs. I don’t believe in those anymore either. Never made sense considering people have always lived in Japan after those bombs went off. So that means they lie about what happens to people too. Also doesn’t make sense they never used them again.

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The radiation damages caused to a human body by a so-called nuclear weapon are real, regardless if they work as described. Therefore there is clearly an acceleration of free charges and not just fast expansion of pressure. Since the radiation proves the involment of free charges which is not present in conventional bomb it proves that the technology is different. Do you agree on that?

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I don't understand it. What are free charges? The radiation damage caused by X-rays are known and accepted by me. Even wifi and other microwave radiation has damaging effects. So yes, various forms of radiation have damaging effects on the body, so I suppose radioactive minerals such as uranium may be damaging too.

Do you mean the technology is fundamentally different for nuke bombs compared to "conventional" explosives? IDK. We have been told the execution technology of gas chambers was different from execution by electric chair because it could be carried out en masse. This fails to prove the validity of gas chambers.

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Free charge are free particles with an electric charge, for instance free electrons, free protons, free ions. Electromagnetic radiation is only created/emitted when free charge is changing velocity -acceleration or retardation. This is the only way electromagnetic radiation is created, from the smallest RF-transmitter to the background radiation from the Big Bang. An electron at stand still or travelling at constant speed hence DOES NOT emit electromagnetic radiation. Velocity of electromagnetic radiation is the speed of light.

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