Whitlock reported me to YT Security Team, and he's also shadow-banned me on his YT channel. I responded aggressively to a few dozen comments that were questioning why the EMJ interview was taken down, and he did not take kindly to it.
Initially, I'd say the majority felt Whitlock was the "victim" of YT's immediate censorship, rather than simply obeying their dictate to take the video down, which he has finally admitted to.
Hot-headed O'Connell is back! While he leaves much to be desired as a person, and annoys me with his lack of polish and skittish temperament, he does have and cover some interesting material at times on his shows. However, my spirit can only digest his restive obstinacy periodically!
Whitlock reported me to YT Security Team, and he's also shadow-banned me on his YT channel. I responded aggressively to a few dozen comments that were questioning why the EMJ interview was taken down, and he did not take kindly to it.
Initially, I'd say the majority felt Whitlock was the "victim" of YT's immediate censorship, rather than simply obeying their dictate to take the video down, which he has finally admitted to.
Hot-headed O'Connell is back! While he leaves much to be desired as a person, and annoys me with his lack of polish and skittish temperament, he does have and cover some interesting material at times on his shows. However, my spirit can only digest his restive obstinacy periodically!