Dear Subscribers and all others:

Do not Despair! If you missed the 5 part series by 'holocaust survivor' Vera Sharav, "Never Again Is Now Global," you can now see the archive--for free! No holocaust reparations payments required, no shekels transferred even if you are Aryan. You can get your substantial dose of Jew genocide propaganda, plus a side helping of anti-German ongoing evil "Nazi" demonization, all in a convenient package of anti-vax hysteria (the only part I approve of).

Never Again Is Now Global


You must understand, at the time the threat of "Nazism" and the evil dictator Adolf Hitler was indeed global, he was trying to take over the world and enslave it to his evil "Nazi" plan for cruel domination (not!). So yes, the threat then was said to be global (that's the story anyway). But now the threat is really global! "Never Again" refers to not allowing the holocaust to ever happen again, yet how can something happen again that never happened as described to begin with? It's the same as global then/global now: don't think too much about it and just accept the premises and stereotypes.

At least you will get the chance to see the evil dictator Adolf Hitler kissing babies and patting children on the head. That alone might be worth the price of admission.

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Julius Skoolafish, source of many great references, sent me here on my latest: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/rfk-and-gaza. I mentioned that Vera had subbed me awhile back, I think to keep an eye on me since I've posted many on the world wars and Hitler. This is one: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-trials-of-david-irving.

I've done 18 on Malone, with this one on his relationship to Meryl Nass: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/meryl-and-malone.

I just wanted to introduce myself and thank you for saving me from watching this series. I've been suspicious of Vera from the first time I saw Tessa Lena in a roundtable, where Vera dominated the space by talking about some anti-Semitic commenter who verbally attacked her. The whole discussion ended up expressing sympathy to Vera for what she had to go through. Tessa is also someone who continued to defend Malone to the bitter end.

Glad for the sanity check.

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It's interesting. At the time the series was released, heavily promoted by many I subscribe to on Substack, I had no interest in watching it. I think I watched about 5 minutes combined of promotion and the first episode. It seemed clear, no matter what your takes on "The Holocaust," that it was thematically weighted towards that subject,, far more than a "covid" critique or expose. Almost like "Anne Frank Does Covid."

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"Anne Frank Does Covid." Excellent, Howard! I already read that with an early narrative of a woman who forgot to wash her hair after someone coughed in aisle 9. She was barely able to walk across the room where she confined herself for the duration.

And "Covid Night" by Elie Weasel (although I've sworn off insulting these fine animals) An interminable queue six feet apart and masked, where you wait for the life-giving shot and then get sent to take a shower.

Swindler's List where the helpful dancing doctors and nurses lead you to the respirator. And what was that movie where the dad tells the son stories on the train? Let's do the Covid Cattle Car singing the 'Nevermore' chorus.

We're going to give Kevin Barrett a run for his money!

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Matthew Crawford wrote a Substack post about how people should stop saying "Nuremberg 2.0" because the Nuremberg trials weren't hard enough on the Germans. I told him to read Carlos Porter's book about Nuremberg and to watch David Irving's presentation about Nuremberg, and I told him how the official death toll of Majdanek is now 78,000 even though it was claimed to be 1.5 million during the IMT.

Two years ago I got sick of everyone saying that Fauci is Mengele 2.0, so I wrote around 100,000 words of notes about Mengele, but I never bothered to compile them into a finished article.

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Yes Mongol, this is how layers of lies are applied over the original core lie.

The Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court Harlan F. Stone called the Nuremberg Trials "a high-grade lynching party." Republican nominee for President Robert Taft called the Nuremberg Trials "a travesty of justice."

I read Irving's book Nuremberg which made it clear that the Nuremberg Trials were as much a farce and hoax as the alleged holocaust for which the Germans were blamed.

Maybe we could collaborate on writing up your notes into an essay. We might be allowed 4,000 words for publication in The Barnes Review. The Occidental Observer might take it as well.

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I would gladly look at your notes and see if we could shape them into a good essay. I have a whole book on Mengele, Unmasking the Angel of Death. By David g. Marwell.

Standard boogie-man tactic.

Justice for Mengele! Redeem his reputation. Prevent nightmares in children.

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Sorry, I'm focused on researching COVID now. I was planning to post some part of my notes on the CODOH forum but it's now gone too...

Marwell's book was almost like a revisionist work. Much more realistic than Posner and Ware's book. In the parts of the book where he had to present the obligatory Holocaustian view of Mengele's time at Auschwitz, he seemed to write it was what eyewitnesses like Nyiszli were saying, as if he was embarrassed to state it as a fact himself.

For example he wrote: "If Auschwitz, as place, stands as a symbol of the Holocaust, then Mengele, as perpetrator, has come to serve a similar role for the death camp itself. Perhaps for this reason, much of what is known about Mengele's time at Auschwitz is more trope than truth. Countless imagined encounters, misattributed deeds, and clichés about Mengele's activities have obscured the larger nature of his enterprise. [...] Mengele's outsize reputation as a medical monster is in inverse proportion to what is known and understood about what he actually did."

The chapter where he debunked the eye studies was also really good.

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It has become obvious to me that Mengele was built up as a boogie man, the Angel of Death. How dramatic. He stood at the train platform, directing some Jews to the death camp, others to the work camp, with no regard to their obvious family relations. What a ghoul! LOL

He was trying to save lives. Reverse the myth.

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Jews do a lot today to divide and break up families. Counter-accuse.

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Yes of course. War propaganda saturates the Mengele myth. He did more than anyone to save Jewish lives. All inmates. An outrage. Pardon Mengele.

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henjin (in Karl's absence, ?passing?!!) - is there any way you can share your 100,000 words on Mengele. I would love to be able to share and preserve your research.

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No. It's mostly just copy paste from various sources.

A good source on Mengele is part 3 of Mattogno's book about Miklos Nyiszli: https://holocausthandbooks.com/book/an-auschwitz-doctors-eyewitness-account/. David Marwell largely relied on Nyiszli's eyewitness testimony when he described the supposed atrocities committed by Mengele.

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The whole "Jewish subtlety" in this "Never Again Is Now Global" is an attempt to CONSOLIDATE and REINFORCE the Holohoax story and THE Jewish VICTIM HOOD by mixing THE HOAX alongside with the well documented undeniable fact about the bio-clotshot and the (Jewish controlled) Cabal without clearly calling them out as such! When I re-read the "exodus" by Jewish Leon Uris in English, the story of torpedoed orphans boat appears to be just like the "gas chambers!"

To me, this is a "subtle" effort to exonerate the "Jews" from the evil crime against humanity that can no longer be covered up! The "Jewish Genesis Prize" clip is the words from the very horse mouth! I love such "over confidence!" of them!

Fortunately, no one can cover the sun with just the palm of hand no matter how many!

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Yes, I agree, that is a very good summary. Associate a real modern day genocide attempt with a fake past one.

I would like to make a video narrating a comparison between death by cyanide gas and death by burning alive at Dresden, for instance. Cyanide gas was used for capital punishment because it was so humane.

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Karl, thanks for delving into this topic.

This might be relevant: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/four-ways-they-hide-redacteds-role

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Thank you. Darn, just when it got to part 3, "holocaust survivors" telling us what to think--

I had to sign up for a 7 day free trial to read on.

I am currently offering my substack page free for everyone to learn and share. In this new year I might provide opportunities for folks to donate and continue the pursuit of taboo truth.

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When I first encountered Vera Sharav being interviewed by Reiner Füllmich (July 2021) and subsequently given saturation coverage by RFK Jr (Children’s Health Defense) and others, I was immersed in ‘red flags’. Both Füllmich and RFK Jr lost all credibility at that moment as Sharav was given licence to gush her unbridled hatred for the German people.

I did some research and for what it is worth, I framed a lengthy ‘note to self’ which I never shared. Without perusing, editing or formatting, here it is in full for your archives … broken up into several parts …



Another related anecdote: This is quite a long comment so I just add for your archives. I did this research following a recent ‘anti-pharmaceutical’ video which went viral, featuring Vera Sharav.

The video was even featured by RFK Jr and G Edward Griffin no less, amongst others. It had various titles such as “Holocaust Survivor: Don’t Let Authorities Use Fear to Turn You Into a ‘Robot’” or “Holocaust Survivor Sees Pandemic Lockdown as a Return to Nazism”.

Now while Vera seems, on the surface, quite authentic on the topic of warning about the dangers of the pharmaceutical industry and the ‘lockdown’, and while I don’t put her in the same drain as the despicable Irene Zisblatt et al, there are certain clues that come out of her biography and testimony that expose the fraudulence of the basis of her narrative.

To her credit she has been doing some good work here:



• Part 1: Vaccine Safety Assessments & Vaccine Science Falsified to Support Vaccination Policy


• Part 2: Government Pronouncements of Vaccine Safety are Based on Deceptive & Corrupt Practices


• Part 3: Gaining Control of Vaccine-Related Information: Establishing an Infrastructure


• Part 4: The HPV Debacle: Suppressing Inconvenient Evidence


• Part 5: Internal CDC Email Correspondence Reveals a Corrupt Culture


• Part 6: “A Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth”– Albert Einstein


• Part 7: Multiple Industry-Saturated Collaborating Partners Set the Agenda for Vaccination Policies


From Part 6:

“This recourse to authority is an attitude reminiscent of the American eugenics movement, when public health officials and academics at elite universities, embraced the pseudo-scientific tenets of eugenics, which were the basis for abhorrent discriminatory policies, including forced sterilization policies that were launched in the USA.[60]”

The link [60] takes us here:


I forget how I got to the following link …


“I first discovered that people with disabilities were sterilized and killed by the Nazis when I was a teenager, watching the TV mini-series “Holocaust” in 1978.”

[that’s right – on a television mini-series in 1978 – I wonder who produced that!]

RFK Jr has even featured her [Vera Sharav] on his Children’s Health Defense site and her seven-part exposé is featured here.

• The Vaccine Program: Betrayal of Public Trust & Institutional Corruption


To be continued …

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... ‘2.

I am surprised I have not heard her mentioned by Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s TTAV series as her work seems to parallel much of theirs.

The Vaccine Choice Canada article shows its true colours:

• “But her distrust of the drug industry and medical research institutions has also led her to embrace some dubious heroes, including discredited British physician Andrew Wakefield, who falsified data to imply a link between vaccines and autism. [Really?]

• Wakefield’s medical license was revoked for a series of ethics violations, and most in the mainstream medical community blame him for raising unjustified doubts about the safety of vaccines. [Really?] Yet Sharav puts him on her “honor roll” of “exemplary professionals,” along with Florence Nightingale. [Good for her]

• “My research and my gut tell me that Wakefield has been wronged,” she said. “One thing I’ve learned from early in my life is that if I don’t stay true to my gut feeling, then I’m lost. I don’t have any control.”” [Again, good for her]

But it gets really interesting when we look at her bio and testimony:

• Sharav had been born Vera Roll in Romania just a few years before a fascist government allied with Nazi Germany took over the country. In 1941, some 145,000 Romanian and Hungarian Jews — including her family — were deported to an area known as Transnistria along the Ukraine border.

• The Rolls were sent to the town of Mogilev, which the Romanians and Nazis had turned into a concentration camp. **Vera’s father died within weeks of their arrival, probably of typhus.**

Comment: So typhus was a very real phenomenon and threat to public health, even in 1941 !!.

What one must understand is that there was a programme of mass migration of Jews (by mutual arrangement) heading for Palestine (Vera later says she was on a train headed for ’Israel’).

Yet her testimony raises so many queries that it is hard to know where to start.

Vera states she was **3½ years-old** when her family were moved to a ‘concentration camp’ [but fortunately not one of THOSE ‘death camps” - so she would hardly “know what it is like” living under such a ‘regime’ Vera herself says that she learned about ‘Germany’ from *what she was told and read* in later life. Maybe she genuinely believes everything she was told.

I take it she must have spent round three to three and a half years in that detention camp as she was 7 years old when her mother arranged for her to join a group of [sixty one] Jewish orphans to be evacuated via Istanbul to Palestine. I note that there is no mention of ‘extermination’ and remember, the Jews were eager and committed to getting to Palestine to establish their ‘homeland’, and no doubt the Romanians (and Germans) were equally keen to help facilitate that migration.

04:53: Vera: “I was on my way to my mother's sister in Israel”

04:57: “I had befriended a family on the train to the ships that were to take us from Romania - because I was sent back to Romania from the camp - the camp by the way was in Ukraine”

06:43 “There I was - everyone was already on the one of the three boats and I was sitting in my [inaudible] just crying, screaming - I just was not going to go - no matter what”

07:20: “by then I was six years old”

07:25: “From Romania it was to Istanbul. From there we then took a train to Israel …”

07:38 “but anyway during the night while I was asleep - I was not awake because I got very - I was very seasick - so I could not be much on the boat - it was always to go down and go to sleep um a submarine drowned the boat with all the children. [anyone care to translate? – seasick but not on the boat?]

[Vera’s body language and particularly eye movements – as if recalling a narrative rather than experience – are quite concerning.]

Anyway, to cut a long story short [and this really is fascinating and revealing] …

Her story is quite dramatic in that Vera was due to join the other Jewish children on the **M V Mefkure**. She threw a tantrum and refused to board the fated ship (read on below …). I will add that I am bit sceptical here as I find it hard to believe that a 7 [or 6]-year-old child throwing a tantrum would have swayed the men boarding people onto the ship to make alternative arrangements in the middle of such logistical mayhem.. Nevertheless … let’s keep researching …

From the Vaccine Choice Canada article:

• “The Mefkure finally departed without Sharav. Two days later, on Aug. 4, 1944, it was strafed by cannon and machine-gun fire and sank. All but five of the 320 refugees on board were killed.”

Now of course we know who we are supposed to believe ‘strafed’ the Mekfure with cannon and machine gun, killing over 300 Jewish refugees – many of them children, don’t we? Obviously it was them “ebil nartsees”. Until you do a bit more research.

In fact it was the Germans cooperating with and supervising this very movement of Jews who were wishing to migrate to Palestine, and indeed the Germans were providing naval escorts for the ships embarking onto the Black Sea and headed (in this instance) for Israel via Istanbul. Furthermore, this was being coordinated in full consultation with the "Jewish Emigration Office”. In other words, notwithstanding genuine individual hardships and traumas, this was a coordinated migration for mutual benefit – a lot of movement – zero ‘extermination’.

To be continued …

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... ‘3. (final)

From the book <b>“Auschwitz - A Judge Looks At The Evidence”</b* by Wilhelm Staglich

• “According to Jürgen Rohwer [source below}, even as late as 1944 several shiploads of Jewish émigrés left Rumania via the Black Sea under protection of the German Navy.”

• On August 3, 1944, the three ships "Morina", "Bulbul", and "Mefkure", sailed out of Constance into the Black Sea with Jewish refugees on board. They were accompanied by the German security boats until the end of the flank mine barriers. One hour after midnight Soviet submarines attacked them and set the "Mefkure" (which stayed behind because of a damaged engine) on fire. The people, who jumped overboard, were shot at with the machine guns. The burning ship sunk in flames together with several hundred Jews.

Referenced source:

• Juergen Rohwer, "Die Versenkung der juedischen Fluechtlingstransp orter Struma und Mefkure im Schwarzen Meer (Februar 1942, August 1944)" ("Sinking of the Jewish Refugee Freighters "Strum a" and "Mefkure" in the Black Sea (February 1942, August 1944)"), Bernard and Graefe Publisher on Military Matters, Frankfurt at Main, 1964.

From <b>Adolf Hitler Begruender Israels</b>


• Despite the objections stemming from a fear that eventually Jews would pass some military secrets to the enemy, the Reich's Government allowed those who were willing (even during the Winter of 1941-42), to flee to the Russian combat zones in the East.

• Still, in October 1941, a ship ferried the Jews to Lisbon, Portugal. By then the roads from Poland over Slovakia and Hungary into Italian or Yugoslavian harbors were already blocked. The fleeing to the Mediterranean Sea basin was possible only trough Romania and Dardanelle. **The German Navy controlled the Black Sea and chased Soviet submarines, which were interrupting free passage of the ships.** There they escorted those ships through the mine fields. **The Grand Rabbi, Dr. Isaak Goldstein of Berlin, who lived in Romania during the War, recalled: "I owe it to the Truth to tell, that we transported to Constantinople more than 30,000 Jews with a permission of the German Supreme Command on ships under the supervision of the International Red Cross. From there, disrespecting the laws of the English Government, the Jews in great numbers were smuggled through Syria into the Holy Land." (68)**

• The "Struma", a Bulgarian ship, which transported Jews into the Mediterranean Sea, was in distress because of an engine failure. Then its Captain Gorbatenko asked the harbor Authorities of Istanbul for a permission to dock, but they refused, even after getting a message that the dysentery had taken its toll on the ship's passengers. So, on February 24, 1942, North of Bosporus, this drifting ship became an easy target for the Russian torpedoes, and with 763 Jews aboard was sunk on the Black Sea. Of the four people that were saved, only one survived and lived to see the end of the War. (69)

• Throughout the entire year 1942, advertisements were printed in the Romanian newspapers by various agencies, which offered to emigrants ship accommodations. In the capital city of Romania, Bucharest, a "Jewish Emigration Office" and a Governmental Emigration Bureau were cooperating in the same building and on the same floor.”

if Hitler wanted to annihilate the entire Jewish race – why on earth is he going to such extraordinary lengths to provide safe escort for their mass migration to Palestine???

It’s a shame Vera has to cloud and discredit her good work with such insinuations.


As tragic as the skinning of the “Struma” and the Mefkure were [by the Soviets], let us also not forget the deliberate sinking of the refugee ship “Wilhelm Gustloff” – with a loss of innocent lives on the scale of the Titanic – multiplied by SIX!!

• <b>The Sinking of The Wilhelm Gustloff</b>


... END

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Thank you Julius for this excellent research. I feel I covered it in the essay, but you have added some good detail. It seems certain Jews are desperate to re-impose the holocaust myth, and will associate it with the huge and looming vax catastrophe to latch onto its credibility. It won't work however, the holohoax is collapsing at an exponential rate. RFKJ must be participating in the ongoing theater, which diminishes if not destroys his credibility. I've come to distrust the Kennedy Camelot frontispiece anyway. Why was RFKJ witnessed attending the Epstein house in Florida? Children's Health Defense indeed...

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