Another excilent monolouge, I included in my Journal Entry for today.

God Bless., Steve



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November 12th, 2023, Sunday Morning, Index Number 2077:

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I appreciate you sharing the word in so many platforms. I hope you share any written essays you think deserve a wider audience.

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I am seeing a number of articles citing the Ben Gurion Canal

Richard Medhurst was the first to come to my attention.

• Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane - Richard Medhurst


• The Ben Gurion Canal Project – Declassified Documents Reveal Truth - Martin Armstrong




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Interesting video. First I've heard of it. Some will say this shows US/EU using Israel, I still say Israel is using the US/EU. After all, this canal, if genuine, will be in Israel. I still say expelling the Palestinians with terror tactics is part of the Jew World Order plan for its own sake.

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Absolutely - even the proposed Ben Gurion Canal is just part of the infrastructure to that end (JWO).

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Interesting. Thank you, often resources are behind conflict. In Zionist Wall Street, George Washington Armstrong said the Rothschilds were after the mineral wealth of the Dead Sea region, which is why they created Israel.

I thought the Suez Canal and possibly the Bosphorus were the most important shipping lanes in the world? What about Panama Canal? I will have to review this.

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From Eva K Bartlett:

• Israel is Genociding Gaza. It’s far worse than anything I saw during two brutal Israeli wars on Gaza – Eva K Bartlett


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Hamas is not hiding among civilians, that is Israeli propaganda.

Amnesty never found proof of this but found ample proof that the IDF were using Palestinian civilians as human shield during 'Cast Lead'

Hamas is deep underground in cement fortified tunnels.

The bombing Israel is doing is because they want to restore their deterrence capacity, they feel humilated and the Isrraeli Jews are calling for genocide.

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Hamas most likely knew Israel would use the propaganda as a pretext. So whether Hamas is hiding among civilians or not, Hamas knew Israel would claim it and mow the Palestinian lawn again.

What use using Palestinians as human shields when Hamas obviously has not nearly enough concern for Palestinian life? Or is it as Neoliberal Feudalism said, that Hamas needs Israel to kill Palestinians, not Hamas? With all the propaganda from both sides, if Hamas killed Palestinians Israel used as human shields, Hamas could just say Israel killed them.

Israel's bombing motivation could be as you say. Some Israeli Jews are calling for cease fire and peace. The Israeli IDF has bombed Gaza before. Was the reason humiliation? Maybe partly. The ultimate reason Israel is bombing Gaza in my view is that Israel has to ethnically cleanse Israel's undeclared borders of all non-Jews in order to create the Jewish Supremacist state as the epicenter of world control.

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The lojng term goal of the criminal terrorist apartheid state is of course ethnically cleansing the Palestinian Non-Jew from Palestine.

The short term goal is to restore their deterrence.

If you read Prof. Norman Finkelstein "Gaza - an inquest to its martyrdom" you'll understand that the reason Israel bombs civilians is the so-called Dahiya doctrine which is about:

- punishing the Gazan's to make them overthrow Hamas,

- satisfying the home opinion,

-revenge because Hamas defeated tseveral military units as well as their so-called "elite" Givati brigade,

-restore their deterrence capacity

This is also a golden opportunity to get their "US war against Iran" which they propbably feel "must happen before the US collapses economically"

Hamas reasoned that they had to do this to bring back the issue of Palestine on the table and expose the true face of zionism,.

Their people is in a slow motion genocide anyway, sniped to death every week all the year round, are dying waiting to recieve advanced medical care not availible in Palestine, their holy sites desecreated by Talmudic Jews, expelled, their homes stolen in the East Jerusalmen and the West bank, humiliated every day and with the Abraham accords the Arab US-puppets were establishing ties with Israhell, so they were being forgotten. You might want to see the former military intelligence Scott Ritters analysis:


He says that De Gaul accepted a French civilian sacrifice of tens of thousands and asks rethorically if Hamas is ready to sacrifice tens of thousands to create a state? Of course!

It is the most moral thing to do in their situation.

The blood of the civilians is not on them, it is not even on satanist Israel but is on the corrupt Western world which refuses to uphold international law with respect to the Jewish state because they are slaves to organized Jewry who also own the reality description in their respecitve countries.


The zionist Jew is only doing what his criminal religion and supremacists culture has taught him and cannot do otherwise.

What did you want them to do? Just sit on their hands while the zionists are raping their people?

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"Hamas" was an Israeli created boogie man to be used as their patsy to unleash hell on the poor people in PALESTINE and to try and instigate a war with Iran...just listen to Nikki Haley a zio/con bootlicking shiksa for proof......Oct 6th was obviously a false flag...like 9/11

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I have heard your view as you express it here a number of times (though expressed slightly differently). I have not researched the deep history of the founding and development of Hamas to say for sure. Some have said Hamas was created by Israel as a "counter-weight" to the PLO.

If you have a link to a Haley statement as evidence for Hamas as Israeli boogie man, please provide. October 7th was quite possibly a false flag, though whether a DIY or LIH or EtR (Exploit the Real) type is unclear. We have seen the pattern before, and not just 911 but other Israel/Palestine incidents. I am cautious of certainty from our perspective, but probabilities from historical patterns (if they are to be believed) are under consideration.

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Those who think they have the divine right to rulership are sneaky liars. They’re experts at causing confusion and making it difficult to get to the bottom line Truth. They lie about everything.

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Agreed. This is why I am cautious in my analysis. They also cause us to Want to believe certain things. They try to get our identities entangled with our beliefs. Hard but necessary to sort these things out. Confusion is one of the 6 Weapons in the Psy-War.

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Karl, thanks for pointing out the obvious. Hamas leadership knew something like this (nearly 10,000 deaths, mass eviction) would happen to the Palestinians. Leadership of the whack factions in Israel knew that eventually Hamas would respond to one of their egregious religious provocations.

Do we have to suppose that one or another side is secretly pulling all the strings? I don't think so. Hamas had obviously been working on this for a long time. Speculatively, they could have felt threatened as an organization by remaining passive in the face of settler and IDF abuse for years, and lashed out so they wouldn't lose their base of hothead young males.

But obviously Hamas cares little for females of childbearing age. Of course Israel bombed the hospitals and killed the babies, and Hamas is not the primary cause. But it certainly is a secondary cause. And I think it is a very safe bet that the young mothers dragging baby seats with their children in them toward south Gaza are thinking hard about possible life in Detroit or Londonistan.

Do we need at this point to weave every event into a conspiratorial web? I think at this point we should identify which actors have the most agency, and also watch for Cui gets the most Bono.

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It I presented a penetrating grasp of the obvious. I saw few others doing the same. Most likely deliberate marginalization.

I have come to the view that it is best to consider how current events fit into a larger conceptual framework. For me, that is the JWO-OWG plan. Conspiracies are far more operant than not, and we are best to consider that, rather than believe in trust fantasies of random, unguided, spontaneous and short-sighted events. It is possible that Hamas acted from the motivation you suggest. Yet didn't Hamas have other means of keeping its base of young males? Wouldn't Hamas risk losing its young males when their sisters, daughters, mothers and others were killed by the IDF retaliation? We are told this only increases the numbers and motivation of Palestinian young males, but I wonder.

Israel is saying Hamas is the primary cause for the IDF killing babies and bombing hospitals. Does Hamas admit it is a secondary cause? If Israel provoked Hamas with "religious provocations," such as Rabbis conducting Talmudic ceremonies in Al Aqsa Mosque as we've heard, why was only Hamas provoked to react? Why not all the other devout Sunni Muslims throughout Arabia and the world? Why didn't Kevin Barrett take up arms and assault Israel for that flagrant religious provocation? No, only Hamas. That's strange and not likely a legitimate reaction. Someone prints a picture of Muhammad in Paris, Muslims go on a killing spree jihad (so we're told). Jews conduct a blasphemous ceremony in the 3rd most sacred site to Islam--and only the least powerful, most restricted, poorest and weakest Arab Muslim contingent responds with home-made weapons, cheap drones, gliders and whatever. Where are the Muslim Jihad hordes with blood in their eyes and rage in their hearts for infidels desecrated their sacred shrine?

I start with conspiracy, how events fit into the larger conceptual framework. Which actors have the most agency is part of that, and who benefits as well. That often leads to, or leads from, the conspiracy plan. With Israel, we should always assume conspiracy for eventual world domination, because that is what they themselves tell us. Sometimes I consider believing them.

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Bravo! Excellent counterpoint.

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There are a great number of evangelicals that know Zionism is bogus. The focus on Christian Zionism is needed, but the insinuation is that this is the majority of believers. It is not. Dispensationalism is varied greatly within evangelicals, as well.

Within my real life circles, these supposed zionists are starting to change, hence my consternation with those who keep painting us all as the same hated enemy. Christianity is not the enemy. Jew power is the enemy.

We can either ally against that enemy, or we can try to face it as separate battles, but this is the same old failure we keep seeing over and over again. (One might consider that many battles previously won was done so by some version of Christianity). It sure wasn't some alliance of atheists.

Or maybe I should change my tact. Maybe I should insinuate that all atheists are the reason no one can get allied together because there are so many different aspects and rationale for atheists doing their thing? Am I supposed to believe that atheists are going to lead this battle?

Something tells me that an alliance is needed. But something keeps stopping that alliance.

That something is the atheists that keep pushing the divide. This is so obvious that I am rather perplexed that people don't see this.

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This is a new consideration for me. It was my understanding that all Evangelicals shared a love of Israel and see Jews as God's Chosen. I thought that's what made them Evangelicals. I have not met many, but those I have all have these beliefs. If this is changing I consider that good news. I also understand Evangelicals believe in a double-reverse in the End Times, when Jesus returns to vanquish the Jewish Anti-Christ and his followers, then redeems all the true Jesus believers to heaven in the Rapture. That would be fine, but in my view the Zionists are only using this redemptive prophecy to get the Evangelicals to support them, with no intention of being vanquished in the end. The Jew World Order is supposed to go on forever after, with no redemption by Jesus or anyone else, in their plan.

It is a good thought that Atheists are less capable of organizing together due to their lack of a common creed. It is also true that Christians have a hard time organizing together due to their disparate sectarian creeds, with Catholic/Protestant being only the most obvious. Also, some potential coalition members against the Jews are not Atheist, but Pagan, or Cosmotheist, or whatever. They might have a hard time building coalition with Atheists, Pagans, or anyone too. Each of these groups is partially responsible for their inability or unwillingness to form coalition. Jews are partly responsible too, for engineering this divisive mentality among all groups, generating a culture of critique and fomenting cancel culture generally. So yes, Atheists push divide, and so do Jews through Atheists. And through Christian sects, and through Pagans...

If looks to me as if the Jews are the ultimate source of division among us all. That is why I say the only requirements for membership in any coalition is that we have a common enemy--the Jewish Power Elite--and a common cause--freedom from Jewish oppression. After we achieve that goal together, we can sort out our differences. And this also means that our main work is in showing all potential coalition members--Christian, Atheist, Pagan, or whatever--that we are dividing ourselves under the influence of Jews, and should unite for the same reason. A tall order, but the best place to direct our efforts, in my understanding.

You see it clearly from your perspective. That is wise. I also see that some Christians push divide as well, even amongst each other. Can we look up and see who and what is pushing the divide within us all, transcend that and join together against our common enemy for a common goal? That should be our rallying points. We are not going to succeed with all, and should not want to. Just enough.

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"That is why I say the only requirements for membership in any coalition is that we have a common enemy--the Jewish Power Elite--and a common cause--freedom from Jewish oppression."


Isn't obvious from my participation here, after searching for similar veined viewpoints and joining those that I think are the most beneficial in this fight, that I am willing and actively trying to make these coalitions.

Now, go back and read the guy's comments and my responses (saorties or whatever, its not worth me going back to look him up and there are plenty of them in cyberland who are most willing to cut Christian ties, even tho here I am, a true proof that they are wrong). He was obviously not going to have any of it and doubled down. And this is what I am complaining about. It doesn't matter how much I try to reach over to these people, NEVER proselytizing or even giving the Gospel, as it were, and explaining that they are essentially throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I am not trying to convert them, but trying to ally. The answer is obvious. They don't want it.

Your problem is not with my lack of effort of activity. It is the other partially correct viewpoint that cannot see the potential and paints all of us (Christians) in the same light. I cannot be more descriptive of how that is simply not altogether true and by smiting and alienating me over such a fallacious ideology is backwards and will never achieve what you are trying to do.

Someday, if you are interested, I will tell you about my theology and how I came to it. You will see that most of Christianity will not agree with me and has caused much heartache for me over the decades.

You see, I have to fight within my group, just as much as I do within atheistic groups.

Now, who's trying to reach out and who is trying to keep me out?

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Methinks you protest too much. Perhaps you should go back and read my comments to you as well. With typical Christian chutzpah, you're adamant about us (pagans, 'atheists' [everyone is an atheist when it comes to other religions' gods] etc.) being ingrates and in turn fighting for a lost cause - unless we ally with you of course. Is it a numbers thing? As per my previous comments to you, there's millions of your ilk but none of you has set an example to follow or ally with. It's 2023 and you have nothing to brag about as you continuously loose more and more ground. My cohorts and I tried in vain multiple times to meet Christians half-way but we were either dismissed as ungodly satanist heathens or had to subordinate ourselves to them as junior partners.

Other than complaining, what do you have to put on the table? We'll be happy to look at your strategy.

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I am here trying to ally with anyone, with decades of experience, money, hundreds of videos attacking the jewish power issue, yet I am still your enemy.

Fine by me.

Just like blacks, you never know when one will turn nigger. So you are cautious of all of them.

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Last try. What is your particular strategy? Is there something cogent you can put down in writing?

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I'm glad to see you potential colleagues dialoguing here again. It appears your discourse is improving. Perhaps encounter therapy is helpiing, and I don't mean to be facetious. As we engage with what seems to be our ideological enemies more frequently, we discharge the polarity energy and start to align.

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Meeting of Party Members, February 27 1925, Munich

Context: Released from jail the previous year, Adolf Hitler found his party badly reduced and wracked by internal divisions and conflicts. A main theme of his speech announcing the revival of the party was unity.

"Why am I calling the old movement, the old Party, back to life?

"You know that today there is a bitter quarrel raging within the movement. Do not ask me to take sides in this dispute. I still see in every Party member only the supporter of the common idea. Even today I do not see the individual before me, but the great idea, and if I should ever have any doubts about it, I need only close my eyes, and the picture rises before me of an hour when thousands were prepared to go to their deaths, if necessary, for this idea. Do not think that i have ever abandoned this thought. It is unshakably my guiding star, now and always. Every individual, however, who I believe has taken an iota of his thought into himself, is a brother in my eyes and belongs back among the old ranks. And I don't see my task as leader of the new movement in asking questions or in looking into the past, I see it only in one duty, namely to bring together again those who are drifting apart. But this I could not do if I were to take sides.

"...whoever intends to come, I say to him: the quarrel has now come to an end.

"Do not come with excuses...

"There is a lot of talk today about 'coming together.' However, the first prerequisite for coming together is understanding. The first prerequisite for coming together is reconciliation. And those who cannot reconcile are not worthy to work in such a movement.

"Don't come to me now and say 'Yes, yes, but I represent this opinion in the interests of the movement itself.'

"...let only one feeling prevail now, the feeling for the obligation to faithfully administer the great good that we now have to carry on. Do not let it fragment and be dragged into the gutter, for every word we speak among ourselves in bad faith becomes a weapon against us in the hands of our enemies.

"...But whoever thinks he can attach 'conditions' to his entry, does not know me well. ...I lead the movement, and no one imposes conditions on me. If some gentlemen come to me and one tries to demand that I impose this condition, and the other that I impose another, I have only one answer to give:

"My friends, wait and see what conditions I impose!

"...So I ask you once again to put aside everything that could divide you, and remember that today all of (the nation) is watching us."

-Adolf Hitler, In His Own Words, the Essential Speeches of Adolf Hitler, Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022, p. 113-5

Very little of their divide at that time was Christian vs. pagan. Mostly it was the problem of Strasser leading the party in the north in a different direction, along with various internal disputes over strategies, ideology and application. Most important, the NSDAP was divided internally, and its leader rose above such relatively petty disputes and brought unity again. He knew their enemies rejoiced when they fought among themselves. As do ours.

We must unify too. "Those who cannot reconcile are not worthy to work in such a movement."

"Those who believe they cannot do so can leave."

We can reconcile. We can unify. We must.

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I am always interested in what Kevork Almassian has to offer

• The untold history of Hamas – syrianaanalysis – Kevork Almassian with Zachary Foster


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Very helpful. Hamas started out as a charity. It shifted to a military resistance organization after horrific Isaeli atrocities were committed against Palestinians. One Hamas leader as a boy of 8 years old witnessed the IDF round up and slaughter all Palestinian males 16-40. Israel then refused to recognize Hamas' victory in the elections. Israel provoked division between Hamas and Fatah after the Palestinian attempt at a coalition government. Hamas won that civil war and then Israel said we can't negotiate with a terrorist group.

The only insight Foster fails at is thinking Israel actually wants to reduce and eliminate violence. Israel is always provoking and inciting violence on all sides, including looking for or creating incidents to justify more violence.

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We need to know more about the untold story of Hamas. I wasn't sure the best source. This could be it, if objective.

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A few years ago I was lent a copy of “Son of Hamas” by Mosab Hassan Yousef (with Ron Brackin – ghost writer) to read on recommendation.

Mosab Hassan Yousef identifies himself as the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founder and spiritual leader of Hamas.

The book starts out with a blood-curdling description of how he [Mosab] was treated by the Israelis (gets your sympathy for the underdog against the bad guys) but then skilfully turns the narrative by describing how much WORSE the Palestinians are to their own kind.

Here are some of passages that started to raise some red flags …

“Two weeks later, on September 11, nineteen Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four jetliners in the United States. Two crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City. Another crashed into the Pentagon in Washington. And the fourth went down in a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.”

“The [Park Hotel] explosion killed 30 people and wounded about 140 others. Some were Holocaust survivors.”

“On March 29, I checked into the City Inn Hotel on Nablus Road in Al-Bireh, where the BBC, CNN, and the rest of the international media were housed.”

“[…] I told them. “They’re New York Times best sellers. [] They’re just stories about human experiences.””

“[…] that same month I started a job in the Capacity-Building Office of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Village Water and Sanitation Program, headquartered in Al-Bireh. Long title, I know, but then again, it was a very important project.”

“My job with USAID gave me a certain amount of protection and freedom as well. And the Shin Bet always had my back.”


• "Son Of Hamas" aka "Green Prince" speaks at Jerusalem Post 2016 Conference


Mosab Hassan Yousef doesn't look or sound the slightest bit like anyone with either a Palestinian or Islamic background

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Some people online have commented that Hamas may have chosen to initiate the attack in order to sabotage the the Saudi Israel Normalization of relationships. There are many articles about it, here is just one I pulled up.


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Lawler, alongside Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), Max Miller (R-Ohio) and Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.), introduced the Antisemitism Awareness Act in late October, which they hope will enable universities and law enforcement to go after antisemitic speech, which he described as hate speech.


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