Karl if you want to do a video with me on some issues let me know.

My pet topic is the Holocaust Hoax. I also follow Max Igan and post his videos on my site.

Not many of us boomers left doing this.

Jim Rizoli

My bitchute channel


My email


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I'd really like to see Debunking Lies About Hitler, but it keeps hitching.

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I initially had no problem loading and playing that video but I was interrupted and had to pause at 11:58 and then it would not restart. I have downloaded a copy for good measure.

Hitler's financing miracle is best explained in Leon Degrelle's 'Hitler Democrat' - CHAPTER 13: Where to Find the Billions

Edit: I was able to reload from the main channel and complete watching the video.

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I just got through it. It focused mostly on the Mullins quote from Secrets of the Federal Reserve, though touched on Anthony Sutton and a couple other anti-Hitler propaganda sources. It did very well at debunking Mullins. I'd like to see another one bringing in Reinhardt, Feder, more about Schacht, and the MeFo Bonds. Yes, Hitler Democrat would be an excellent resource. Also Henry Ashby Turner (anti-Hitler himself) in German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler gives excellent data on NSDAP funding. It ain't capitalists!

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"When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Palestinian state, the Jews thereby cleverly dupe the simple-minded goyim. They haven't the slightest intention of building up a Jewish state in Palestine so as to live there. What they really want is a central organization for their international world-swindle, one with sovereign rights and freedom from outside control–in other words, a refuge for convicted lowlifes and a training ground for budding criminals.

As a sign of their growing confidence and sense of security, a certain portion of them openly and impudently proclaim their Jewish race, while another part hypocritically pretends that they are still German, French, or English."

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Thomas Dalton translation) Volume 1 Chapter 11

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The most useful quote on the myth of Hitler Zionism. I've seen it translated as "dupe the simple-minded Aryan." And lowlife translated as "scoundrels." I suppose it doesn't really matter.

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I think this one deals with Schacht.

On The Accusation That Hitler Was Financed By Jews

Start at 5 or 6 minutes – depends on the editing of the preamble for the particular upload


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Hey Julius, Is Debunking Lies on you tube or bit chute? I’m gonna read every one of your Substack posts as time allows. I’ve already emailed myself a couple of your book links! Thank you soooo much!

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Hello Becky

1. Debunking Lies - is this the one you were after (James Corbett)

• Debunking a Century of War Lies – Corbett Report


Watch video here (my links to bitchute and video are both 'broken':


2. It is just my personal reading journey which has influenced and shaped by 'worldview'. I don't attempt reviews - some have more detail than others. My first entry (Falsehoods in War-Time) is pivotal as it verifies that lying at the government level to ignite or perpetuate wars is an institutionalised bureaucratic industry and has been so for well over 100 years, if not several centuries.

3. Note to self to include a link to any PDF and/or audio reading.


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Yes, and that is the purpose and function of historical revision: To clear away the war propaganda and tell the true story. That too was standard procedure, up through WWI. But with WWII, historical revision became suppressed and marginal. The war propaganda continues to this day. But WWII revision is growing exponentially under the surface. We may be approaching critical mass.

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Thank you Julius! I really like and respect James Corbett! I’ve watched several of his videos. I share them. Sadly people don’t watch them. I’m so happy to have found Substack and people like you who care about the Truth and share these links!! Hugs.

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Will do.

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I'm still reading Germar Rudolf's analysis. Yet to finish Carlo Mattogno's Healthcare in Auschwitz'. Not had time yet to check out my recently received book by Victor Thorn.

The revelations had my head spinning for a while.

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Yeah, I was disoriented for a month or more when I first learned the truth. Such an immense pack of lies! All my life I never questioned it, then I read a 28 page booklet and the whole house of cards crumbled at once. Then integration and move on to other Taboo Truths.

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obvious false flag... https://www.bitchute.com/video/SucecjE47s93/

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Thank you Karl. I too have dropped everything and invested tens of hours in an effort to analyse what is going on from ‘both sides’ as this ‘feels’ important.

Here is Mosab Hassan Yousef, the co-author of the book “Son of Hamas” (with ghost writer Ron Brackin). He is far too smug and comfortable with his audience at the Jerusalem Post to be believable. I am reminded of the likes of Irene Zisblatt or Elie Wiesel.

• “Son Of Hamas” aka “Green Prince” speaks at Jerusalem Post 2016 Conference


To save repeating myself, I mentioned the book here:


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There is an excellent documentary Born in Gaza available on Netflix of all places. A little somber push back between the cracks of an almost wall to wall, soul-crushing coverage by msm. The doc was made in 2014 by Hernan Zin, Spanish filmmaker w/ an impressive resume. He interviews and follows 10 Palestinian children in the aftermath of Protective Edge. So sad, so much trauma on little faces and psyches that become prematurely aged. Yet they radiate sympathy with their dignified demeanor, an obvious credit to a strong community and culture. The landscape they inhabit is one of endless devastated concrete w/ only the sea offering an intermittent vista of freedom. It's a wonder they can continue to survive.

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I wonder why Netflix would allow it. Netflix was co-founded and owned by a descendant (grandson if I remember) of the Jewish propaganda master Edward Bernays. COLH? Why would the Jews want us to have sympathy for Palestinian children? We might know some reasons.

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As you are probably aware there are a number of conspiracy pundits who are noticing what seems to be faked stories/images playing up Palestinian suffering. The LIHOP scenario is now giving way to MIHOP, same as w/ 9/11. But why would Israel deliberately shoot itself in the foot? Or perhaps a more accurate metaphor, give itself a black eye for others to see. I wonder if it's simply the left-Zionists who want to disenfranchise the Likudniks. Could also be they want the West to open its arms to a mass migration of Palestinian kids/families.

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They have for long said Palestinian suffering is fake. It looks real to me, and in fact Palestinian suffering is minimized, while fake Israeli suffering is maximized.

Israel has given itself a black eye many times, for a number of strategic purposes, in this case as a pretext for the escalated ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Israel wants it all, especially the Gaza Strip with its coastal access, border with Egypt, and established infrastructure. The Rothschilds will profit from the destruction, and the rebuilding. If Israel is going to be the center of the OWG, it can't have a pesky little population of Goyim right in the heart of the world empire.

This is why I think it is in our best interest to support and maintain the Palestinians in their "occupied territories." It's demoralizing to the Israeli Jewish Supremacists.

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Thank you for this Karl. Found it very interesting and very sad.

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes (CJB who's a Jew) who used to be Adam Green's mentor , before they fell out in a major way, posted this on his YouTube channel - https://youtu.be/i52cCS4pSjU?si=AWOV3Nt86xwExy6U - in the video Adam mentions that he co-founded the Goyim Defence League with Jon Minadeo (who's most definitely a FED) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Minadeo_II - Jeffrey Daugherty a.k.a. The Christian Whistle Blower has a few things to say about Adam Green, Laura Loomer, Owen Benjamin et al. - https://rokfin.com/stream/39331/REALLY-BIG-SHOA-HT-UGLY-LIES-LOOMER-ADAM-GREEN p.s. Jeffrey Daugherty is always on the lookout for good guests, but struggles as he's awake to the entire Judeo-Christian matrix, perhaps approach him?

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Karl a few words of warning regarding Mr. Igan et al. - ALL of these people fall into the David Icke camp of VERY DEEPLY hidden military (((Psychological Operation))) operatives (other examples would be Joe Rogan, Alex Jones and Adam Green - I'm NOT joking on Mr. Green) - they provide the "honey" for the traps - please be VERY careful.

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Do you have any specific evidence, on Green for instance?

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Unfortunately that is always a suspicion. The suspicion itself may be the strategy to sow distrust and maintain divides. Operation Trust may be in full effect in our nation. I really don't know the truth. How about Ron Unz? Honey trap? So far I have had no problem.

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Another excellent article-comment!

I added it to my Journalling for today ..


This Video or Article with my comments is Referenced Here:

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[ https://www.dropbox. com/scl/fi/ykrmaqggkznyf74b0d8q3/Multiverse-Journal-Index-Number-2053-October-19th-2023-Thursday-Morning-Updated-19-Oct-ober-2023-late-same-day.pdf?rlkey=o7ib2ot09fyirzyutyh3v9fo0&dl=0]



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October 19th, 2023, Thursday Morning, Index Number 2053:

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"[…] Equally, it appears to have slipped Mr. Roosevelt’s mind that Palestine is not being occupied by German troops but by English ones. By brute force, England is curtailing Palestinian freedom and is robbing the Palestinians of their independence to the advantage of Jewish intruders for whose cause the Palestinians suffer the most cruel of abuses. The Arabs living in this territory assuredly have not complained to Roosevelt of German aggressions. Rather, in persistent appeals to international public opinion, the Arabs lament the barbaric methods by means of which England seeks to overpower a people who loves its freedom and fights only to defend it."

• Adolf Hitler - speech before the Reichstag – reply to F D Roosevelt – Berlin, April 28, 1939

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Good one. I got a whole booklet from IHR which includes FDR's letter and Hitler's prolonged reply speech. It is astonishing.

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Some very interesting tidbits in this article that was recently published on the site of the Jewish Tablet Magazine. For instance, the leader of Hamas lives in Qatar where coincidently the US has its largest Middle Eastern military base:

The Biden Administration Tries to Hide What It Knew About an Impending Massacre, While Leaving U.S. Backing for Iran Untouched


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US backing for Iran?

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