Staying steps ahead of the jew/mud/shitlib onslaught requires full-time attention to your health and security.

One must remove themselves from almost all participation with the mainstream system in order to buy time and stay healthy.

In this particular case, having a reverse osmosis water filter and fluoride free toothpaste is essential. In addition, find the many other sources of fluoride and eliminate them as well.

Finally, as conscious whites should know already, there are several angles that the jews and their henchmen are taking to poison us. Become familiar with all of them and carpe diem!

Never let your guard down!! Rats can squeeze through the smallest of chinks in your armor.

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Is there a list of what countries around the world fluoridate water, toothpaste, etc?

Fortunately the town water around here isn't fluoridated, and we'll go back to well water if they ever do.

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