Thank you, great article. Also wondering where the other voices are on this. It's unfortunate to see Scott Ritter waxing nostalgic re having been favored with a private audience with Kissinger- going so far as to write a glowing personal tribute, brushing aside the man's record of masterminding the murder of millions because he can "only speak to what I know". It is appalling how easily people can become seduced by their own hubris- Mr Ritter is more proud of showing off his medals- his complicity and fraternity in the machinations of these heinous monsters than to stop and consider the Zionists that he is so courageously standing up against for mass murder of civilians in Palestine are all the same gang of Jews that he used to run step n fetchit errands for back in the day.

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Hello Mr. Haemers, I am not familiar with the "nuclear bomb hoax" argument. Do you have an article that explains all that? I'd love to read more.

Kissinger was a foremost proponent and promoter of the nuclear bomb hoax, engineering the “Cold War” and wasting uncountable $billions and probably $trillions in opportunity costs by panicking the U.S. over an alleged “missile gap.”

I, however, am not awaiting a Golden Age of White Aryan Order but do very much appreciate your research and writing style.

I'm more someone who believes Christ is Our King (though definitely not a Zionist Christian!).

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Thank you Alison for your inquiry. I was remiss in not including the link to the article you request. I confess it does not explain everything about the nuke hoax, but it is my current statement on the issue.


In another amazing revelation, I am steadily discovering that Christ himself was an Aryan, and indeed an Aryan King, and his mythos is an archetype story almost exactly the same as many other Aryan peoples of the ancient world, such as Sumer, Egypt (Horus), Greece (Dionysus, Hercules), Persia (Mithras, Zarathustra), and many others. I am learning this from the book Aryanity by Orion Starfire. It also explains the basics of Gnosticism, which recognizes Christ as an Aryan sun-king and his disciples as the true bearers of his gospel, not Paul the Semite.

So I am very happy to learn that the Aryan Golden Age and the 2nd Coming of Christ are essentially the same thing. Jesus was not a Jew, he was a White Aryan, and from a long lineage of Atlantean and Aryan sun-kings. Even the ancient Israelites were Aryans not Jews, and their migrations to Europe starting in the first century AD established the many European peoples.

I am still learning the basics of this and hope to report on it soon. I need to learn more about Gnosticism.

Glad to know you are not Christian Zionist. Would you describe yourself as Christian Identity, Born Again, or something else?

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Thank so much for the link in your response. I’ll definitely read it.

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Roman Catholic :)

A helpful thing to read about the heritage of Jesus is the Gospel of St Matthew.

Gnosticism is a very dangerous heresy but you seem wise enough to not get caught in its lies.

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We've been told that the Hugenot were a dangerous heresy. Also that Keltic Druidism was a dangerous heresy. Some say Mormonism, 7th Day Adventist and Jehovah's Witnesses are dangerous heresies. To the Catholic perspective, everything that is not their is a dangerous heresy.

The Aryanity book said that Catholicism was created by Constantine to try to reconcile and unite Christianity, Paganism, and Judaism. This was partly successful only for a short time, The New Testament as Constantine selected and edited it (leaving out the Gospels of Philip, Thomas and Mary Magdalene plus others) retains many "pagan" or mythic elements from many other religions and belief systems. They all have a common root, the Aryan Sun-King. Amen means Sun God in Egyptian.

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Another thing to consider is that most (perhaps all) of the heresies throughout the millennia are started by Jews or Judaized Christians to allow for sin and/or divert people from the true Messiah and His Church/ Our Mother - the Catholic Church. God bless.

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Jews certainly start heresies and promote sin. I'm not sure about such "heresies and sins" as the Crusades and Inquisition, which Jews and their sycophants condemn, but real Catholics might honor, aside from the role of Judaized Jesuits and bankers such as the Knights Templar.

God knows (a turn of phrase for me) the Communists hated the Catholic Church and exterminated it whenever and wherever they could. So it must have been doing something right, primarily building local community parishes and resisting the worst effects of degenerating cultural marxism. Also Catholocism resisted excessive materialism, at least among the sheep (not the Vatical itself so much) which subverted the plans of the Jewish banksters.

Some Aryan-worshipers say it is wrong for the Church to welcome blacks, semites of both kinds, browns, yellows and reds, since it only leads to race-mixing and the dissolution of the Aryan super-soul. Today's Aryans are trying to regain that super-soul, not degrade and dilute it with blended identification of all races with Catholocism. They say Jesus was an Aryan and we should be too. Religion such as Hinduism maintains race separation and a functional caste system. Still, I think other races can join us in coaliton against the anti-Christ Jews, so long as we maintain our distinct identity and breeding.

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I don't know anything about a "Aryan super-soul" but right off it reminds me of how Jews perceive their souls - as superior to all others. This is one reason why Hitler failed, he diverted from the reality that there is only one God and all humans have a soul which is an eternal spirit and needs redeeming because we are fallen (ie. original sin). Going against reality/logos/God is never going to bear good fruit.

With respect, may I ask, were you raised in any religion?

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Yes, they are all heresies. The Catholic Church was started by Jesus Christ, not Constantine. There is a lot of erroneous information out there. The basic battle is between powers and principalities; Christ and anti-Christ. Jews are anti-Christ. It is actually that simple. The Catholic Church has been around for over 2000 years and all the other faiths are false - they may have some elements of truth but they are not The Truth. That's not my opinion, it's reality. All are welcome in the Catholic Church (yes, it's full of sinners and scandals and always will be but that doesn't mean it's wrong). Jesus is God, the second person of the Triune God. Truth, beauty and goodness.

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It is important to know that we both agree Jews are the anti-Christ.

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they can fake an invisible "virus" they can't fake a nuclear explosion...irrefutable video evidence of nuclear tests dating back decades...before computer trickery....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vPAoaRPi2k

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13:20 - Do bombs fall sideways like that? Don't they fall nose first, since the nose is heavier? If not, why have fins on the back?

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BRO...what part of you cant fake nuclear explosions dont you get?...your point is irrelevant

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I can't get the part of an alleged bomb falling sideways and not angling nose-down, nor a design of a bomb falling in such a fashion with fins on the back. My point is pertinent and I ask that you address it. Please stay with the debate parameters and offer your rebuttal.

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11:24 - A rising columnar cloud going up, then suddenly a darker smooth cloud lurches sideways across the upper peak of the lower rising cloud in 3 or 4 stages. What?

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John Pilger's documentary The coming war on China has irrefutable video evidence of the nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands...showing the enormous cavern hole in the ocean created by a NUCLEAR explosion....10 mile high mushroom clouds caused by NUCLEAR explosions CANT BE FAKED....this is so obvious a 5 year old child can understand it....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V42KtSeo3uI

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Please offer your rebuttal of the points I have made about the first video you offered. We cannot move on to other material until the first material has been thoroughly debated. We require your rebuttal.

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8:45-9:03 - Some kind of slow moving white cloud wave rolling across the surface of the ocean. Camera side view. Rate of motion is too slow. A real nuclear blast would be so much faster. And this is not in slow motion compared to the ship, because we can see the ship rocking at a reasonable speed. How did the camera survive? Did they sacrifice a large ship to make this demonstration?

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Examine 6:20 with a critical eye. A dark column rising from ground level, then the white mushroom head above. But the white portion is actually in 2 levels. The lower level is rather flat on the bottom, and is slightly narrower than the white section above. We can see actual straight lines on the edges left and right. We can see the line between the bottom and top of the white section all the way across. This is rather poorly done. Besides, why would the lower stalk section be so dark and the (2 part) cloud above be so white? What explains the contrast in color or shade? This picture is 3 different cloud shapes stacked on top of each other.

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Looking closely at 4:16. It shows a large bullet shaped object up overhead of a few men, at least one of them wearing a Hawaiian flower shirt. Not military? How is the bullet thing suspended above them? There is a relatively narrow harness near the middle (actually front of middle) but the rope at the top is slack and droopy. Would this be a proper way to hoist or suspend a nuclear bomb? A flexible rope? The men are in t-shirts and shorts. Is no radiation pouring off the material inside the bomb and infecting the men? The bomb cannot have lead shielding, it would be too heavy.

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Look closely at 4:10. If we can approach it with a skeptical eye, does it look real? I find it looks to be absurd fakery. They might not have had our CGI, but they had their methods. It looks to me as if they are on display at 4:10.

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I do love the movie starting at 1:40. It is the sun rise, then some kind of movie special effects when the expanding circle of light gets a spotty pattern with darker blobs all of the sudden. I find it entertaining.

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I've seen the irrefutable gas chamber evidence too.

I've seen some nuclear explosion videos that look like the most preposterous fakery. It takes hypnotic suggestion to believe in them.

Also, many of the pictures of nuclear blasts appear to be compilation of 3 different clouds stacked on top of each other. One looked like it incorporated a plumbing part.

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comparing evidence of gas chambers to nuclear explosions is a strawman argument...stay on topic bro

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Please start with the image at 6:20. I see it as the most obvious pictorial fabrication and image manipulation of them all. Do you see the flat bottom, the line about a third of the way up the white dome, and the angular shapes at both left and right lower corners? Yes or No?

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The meta-topic is fear-based hoaxes, and both gas chambers and nuclear bombs deserve placement beneath it. The sub-topic of our respectful debate leading toward synthesis of truth for us both and all humanity, is nuclear bombs as fear-based hoax.

Please confine your response to detailed rebuttals of the points I have made regarding your original video. Do you see the fraudulence and fabrication in the videos and still photos, or do you see legitimacy and genuine bomb explosions? Why or why not?

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no I don't see anything fraudulent...like I said you can't fake a nuclear explosion...1961 video of Russian nuclear test...impossible to fake this bro...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSbxoRDhtqU

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Shame about PCR ... at least we still have this:

• World War II: The Foundational Lie of Our Era – Paul Craig Roberts


reposted from here …


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I am mystified by some other people I follow when it comes to Kissinger. Recently, Pete had Thomas777 on and he had some pretty decent things to say about Kissy. Thomas is obviously brilliant and his memory is astounding, but I find his military fixation a bit too much and may cloud his opinion. But I do enjoy listening to he and Pete do the historical reviews.

I also listened to a rebroadcast that The Corbert Report did back in 2009 that breaks down the criminal's life fairly well, without the huge focus on his jewishness, of course (it is presented). I found the video to be pretty good:


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This, too, caught my eye, which addresses both Kissy and Putin (the right's greatest hero):


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