In a real sense Israel is using palestinians within its borders as human shields/hostages. Iran would be endangering them too, in any kind of mass strike. Iran and Hezbollah could both probably be more strategic in targeting. Then there's the alleged "Sampson Option." Iran would have to call Israel's bluff.

I haven't researched the theory that the Northern Crescent is contolled opposition (CO), but it could be possible. Not likely though, Iran is Shia, Syria is largely secular, Hezbollah Shia, all with a long history of conflict with Israel/Jews. You would think Israel's foreign policy in the region would be to try and get along, to cooperate, remain peaceful, not threaten, appease, but it has been the total opposite. Antagnoize, threaten, insult and harass its neighbors, then say "We are surrounded by hostile neighbors!" Pathetic comedy. Small wonder people hate Jews. They must think we are idiots.

SA is suni. Houthis are Shia? No wonder Israel has been trying to get the US to invade Iran. No can do, let Iran exert its influence in the region. Stop Israeli chaos. Disband the Mossad. INRG Corps must neutralize Mossad. Spy vs. spy.

US abandon Israel.

Joe Atwill is the only pundit/influencer I have heard say Palestinians would be some of the best immigrants we could take in. They are our strongest counter-semitic allies. Welcome Palestinian immigrants, we can work with them on more counter-semitism in the U.S., then send them back better equipped and educated in strategy and organizing in Palestine.

I know some are indoctrinated in refusing any consideration of taking in any more browns arabs, even our greatest counter-semitic allies. I know a couple Palestinian folks. They are fine, they get our issues with Jews. We could help each other. It's not as if we don't need help.

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I am of the opinion that Muslims are racial enemies. No jew made me think this way, all my young life I was indoctrinated into thinking Muslims are good people, hence the current liberal position of supporting Muslims against jews (it backfired on them, but thats because they indoctrinated liberals into thinking Muslims are just like us, when they are decidedly NOT). However, after studying our wars against Muslims, it became clear that European history with Muslims has been little more than a bloodbath. With that said, we have (and should continue to do so) utilized propaganda against Israel by highlighting the differences between tiny Hamas and massive Mossad, between little Palestine and massive Israel.

However, jews are handing Europe over to Arabs, in return for some desert land. Muslims are flooding Europe, they rape our women and children, and sure the jew let them in, but the jew is not forcing them to rape our women, or attack our children. The jew did not force Muslims to invade Spain, or Italy, or Greece, or Anatolia, or Eastern Europe; the jew simply helped them, because it benefitted them.

We can help Muslims against jews, but they are not allies. They are unhappy bedfellows, at most, but realistically they are just propaganda tools. Currently, ISIS terrorists and other Mossad-related Muslim extremists have entered America illegally. Currently, Muslim rape gangs are running wild through London, Brussels, Paris, and elsewhere. Muslims, regardless of their origin, are racial enemies.

I could link videos of Muslims agreeing with me, saying that they hate us and want us colonized and Islamized. The jew kicks them out of a desert and sends them to Europe and America where our tax dollars pay for their housing and food. The Muslims can act without impunity in our lands, and the jew lets them. This is a GREAT deal for the Muslims. Finally, they can claim our lands for their own, and all they have to do is let Israel expand in a useless desert. I could quote from those articles about how Mohammed is the most popular name in Ireland, my ancestral homeland. I won't because you know all of this.

Do not argue that we should ally with these racial enemies. Argue instead that we should utilize propaganda against the jew by highlighting the Palestinian struggle. I reject the idea that we should arm, or train, racial enemies, just in the hopes they will win against the jew.

Personally, I don't think we need help from non-Whites. I think we need help from Whites who are working with jews. We need more Whites on our side, not more anti-semites from other races. This is my opinion, not jewish indoctrination. I hate Muslims for what they do in our ancestral lands, and what they have done to us in the past, not because jews convinced me Muslims are bad.

Palestinians, like jews, are semites with horrible genetic issues from inbreeding. They are not allies. They are semites. I will always view them as racial enemies.

If you want an ally who hates jews, look to ARMENIA, NOT PALESTINE.


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I agree with much of this too. I still think we need a base of operations in Israel, and Palestine is it. Imagine a Hamas raid surging out of Gaza with American weapons and troops, maybe mercenaries, striking into Israel and taking out key infrastructure. Maybe taking high-value hostages. Netanyahu! That would be sweet. We need airstrips, hangars, barracks, depots. This may be one reason Israelis are so determined to ethnically cleanse its lands of non-Jews. They can't be trusted. Palestinian young men are eager for any chance to get back at Jews. We could give them some.

Similar things happened when NatSoc armies liberated the Baltic states. Massacres of Jews occurred, and the NS allowed them. they thought of it as justice vs. the Communist Jews who had oppressed and brutalized the Baltic peoples. Same during the Hungarian uprising of 1956. Jews often get their justice during times of overturning power. Best to let the victims enact the justice.

Cuff the hands of rape gang members and put them in a room with the parents.

Russians are people hated by Jews, and thus are also a potential ally. The Russians have long resisted the Jew World Order, including the Czars, including Putin today. They earned the hatred of Rothschild Zionism. Trump first defied these Jews by trying entente with Russia at first. remember Rex tillerson? We can trade with Russia, Trump said. Oh no, the big Jews won't have it.

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I appreciate you very much Karl, I hope my comment didn't come off as rude.

I still have some things to work on when it comes to clear and efficient communication, especially when there are slight disagreements.

I can only get better with practice!

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I mostly agree w/ this and do not like Karl's suggestion we follow Joe Atwill's advice to import Pals who will help us (how?) and then return to Palestine better educated in organizing and strategy. Huh? Remember Joe Atwill is the guy who wrote a book claiming a Jewish woman was the real Shakespeare. Doesn't that seem like someone whose strategy on dealing w/ Jewish Power is by sucking up to their chosenness?

I would not state so strongly that Muslims are our racial enemies. I think you mean Arabs not Muslims. As to Armenians, they're comfortable collaborating w/ Hollywood Jews. Perhaps because the Jewish press highlighted their supposed genocide during WW1. You can have a junior Holocaust, but know your place.

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A lesser holocaust is still disapproved by Jews, but okay, they cede the Armenian Genocide. They are probably proud of their role.

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That's how I see it. They condemned it as it was happening, while it was their secret agents who were perpetrating it.

Most of us are stuck on one side of the dialectic, either left or right, condemning or encouraging. The JPE plays them off each other.

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As for Muslims, I do mean them. I also mean Arabs. Muslims extend beyond Arabs, yes, but that religious cult is not friendly or compatible with the West.

As for Armenia, yes there are Armenian jews who hold sway over them in some ways. However, they are not friends together. Israel arms Turkey, Turkey arms Azerbaijan, and Armenia is screwed over in the process.

As for the "genocide" I would not call it a genocide since they are still around, however they were massacred en masse. I have seen the pictures and verified them after long hours of internet searching. Armenian girls nailed to crosses. Armenian men thrown in pits. Whole families and towns gone forever. There is a reason there are more Armenians living abroad than in their ancestral homeland. Armenia is an ancient nation, and it has held on for a reason. You cannot defeat those highlanders, you can only make them weak. They always come back. It's because of their racial spirit, which was heavily weakened by Turkish rule.

I prefer Armenians over any other Middle Eastern group, and for good reason. I've never met an Armenian I didn't like, but I know they are not in our racial sphere for a reason. They miscegenated a long time ago.

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Show me the crucifixion photos of girls on crosses.

Islam outside of Arab lands is less militant.

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Islam in Indonesia is brutal. Islam in India is brutal. Islam in Africa is brutal. Islam in Eastern Europe is brutal. It is a foreign religion that is not compatible with the Aryan spirit. We are not brutal pedophiles like Muslims.

I will do a full essay on the Armenian "Genocide" and share all pictures and documents I have saved on my computer.

The claims which deny the massacres are: most photos are from the film "Ravished Armenia", most photos cannot be verified as being dead Armenians, and most photos show only dead Armenian partisans.

Some claims debunking the "genocide" have merit. Some of the pictures of dead girls are from the film. Not all though. Some pictures of the dead Armenians do depict partisans. Not all though.

It's not like the Holocaust. They do not get international recognition, and they do not get big ol' bucks from sad Turks, or from sad Americans, or whatever. Jews and Turks actively say there was no genocide or massacres, and most of the world controlled by jews concur. This event is not like the Holocaust, unless you want to talk about liberals and commies claiming it was an actual genocide, which is wasn't. There are millions of Armenians alive today. They were not genocided, they were ethnically cleansed from certain ancestral areas and brutalized by Turkish mongrels.

I hope that clarifies my position.

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It looks like Islam in Pakistan is in constant war with Hindus in India.

Uigurs in China are Islamic, aren' t they? Nothing but trouble. West is shaming China into tolerating them. Good luck.

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I didn't address your assertions on pan-Islamic militancy/brutality. Militancy to me would mean exporting Islam by invasion or armed coup. That characterized their initial period of conquest carried out by Arabs. Otoh, brutality as a term is vague. Wife beating is brutal. Israel's action in Gaza is brutal. See what I mean.

To throw out a bunch of Islamic countries and call them brutal w/o any backing is reckless, scattershot. But requiring a link or other documentation for each would be too much. How about just a word or two for each example? Indonesia - East Timor.

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I wanted proof of Armenian girls crucified by Turks. You waffled. You backtracked. You acknowledged complexity. OK, it's not like I haven't said things in passion that I

couldn't back up.

Write your essay on the Armenian "genocide". Post a link under one of my comments. You'll have a chance to refine your thoughts. I'm sure I'll learn more about the subject. It's rare to encounter anyone who knows much about it. I hope you have read Turks and Armenians by Justin McCarthy.

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Canada will lead the NA Union into Hate Crime legislation which will culminate in LIFE SENTENCES for hate speech.

Now, when Orange Jesus is sElected this year, who do you think will champion the same types of laws here while the Drumpfters cheer him on? I have long contended that this is Trump's part of the Kabuki. Corral whitey into believing he is real, only to turn when the jew tells him to.

Check out the Highwire's explanation:


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Trump is ultra-Zionist. Hate speech laws for US. Canada appears lost already. They are incentivizing Canadians to snitch on their fellows. $20,000 fine if one is found in possession of material with intent to distribute and incite racial hatred. And the $20,000 goes to the snitch. Think of that! I have neighbors who know of my book library. I have a small stack of What World Famous Men Said About Jews. Be great to set up a table somewhere. On campus.

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Fanatical dirtbags like Fleischmann would sacrifice his wife and children if it meant accelerating the achievement of "Biblical prophecy."

The US government and various institutions are saturated and replete with these types of deranged dispensational dullards. Here in Salt Lake City, I'm surrounded by a throng of the Christian-Zionist "cousins" in the Mormon multitude, though their demented doctrine has its own unique and laughable peculiarities.

However, one thing they do is love them some Jews and, any hint of criticism directed towards the "Chosen" is immediately met with a side-eye!


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Religious zealot. Crazy man. No side eye that.

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the profits at the top have kept the sheep vulnerable to the wolves as the good shepherds need to eat and serenaded by the praise of the world.... my mormon lingo is off a bitas not used for many years

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I was banned permanently today from r/Nietzsche on Reddit titled 'Disgusting photograph of Hitler gazing into the eyes of a white marble bust of Nietzsche'

Some of my "acceptable" or "tame" comments are still present but, some are missing. I'm still getting responses from the "Hitler was evil" clones who feel I need to be sent to a "re-education camp" for wrong-think. I just hope someone puts money on my books!😁

The 1934 photo, from the Villa Silberblick in Weimar- where Nietzsche spent his final years being taken care of by his mother and sister- is the (in)famous photo that is used frequently when usually attempting to discredited one or the other man.

Addendum: Most of my couple-dozen comments/replies are gone now, other than a few. A moniker 'Whiteman' is frustrating the Hitler-haters now, using "safe sarcasm" and, doing a great job at it!


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I rarely bother with Jewish censored social media platforms. That's why I stay with Substack (for now), Telegram, Gab, Bitchute, that's more than enough. I can't bear the self-censorship. It's the worst. They know that. If they can get us to do it to ourselves, it is more effective demoralization. Safe sarcasm... Oy.

Hitler was right. So was Nietzsche on some points.

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After I sent you the reply above, I went to bed. I woke-up early this morning to a message and an invitation to have a "dialogue" from the man who runs r/Nietzsche on Reddit. Here it is:

"Being a White Nationalist is the worst possible way to cope with your sadness and loneliness. I'm sure you feel a small sense of comaraderie from doing so but, it's not worth it. Only having internet trolls as your friends sucks and, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy"

Below the message is an invitation by him to further chat, with two link choices of "Accept" or "Ignore."

I'm thinking of "playing along" with this programmed golem by first "apologizing," then "confessing" some mild feelings of guilt, and asking for his advice on how I can get some "help" then, unleashing a mini-polemic stuffed with a sortie of prose-rich harangues that unambiguously disclose his feeble-minded and fatuous attempt to "pity me."

I also might simply decline and not waste my time on this superfluous NPC who, might be Jewish by-the-way- his name is Fredman! I'll see what my mood is later!

As an aside- you might like Tim's latest podcast if you haven't listened. He had quite the sharp and insightful young fellow from Australia on discussing Kerry Bolton's latest book 'Generation '68: The Elite Revolution and Its Legacy.'

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I always accept invitations to debates. They are so rare. Debate to win.

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I like ruffling the feathers of some of these academic cock-with-a-walk know-it-all's. They think they are smarter than they are.

I knew I was going to get banned today and actually brought it up in a few of my comments, telling some of the meatheads calling me the tiresome "Nazi" to be sure and report me to the Reddit Security Team, like good shabbos goy.

I periodically used the r/Nietzsche sub because of my extensive readings of and about Nietzsche , so it's no big loss really. Most comments bore me anyway! My mood today was to go all-out "scorched-Earth" and call these timorous Lilliputian's out. It felt good! Have a good night!

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Uninhibited free speech does feel good. So inhibited speech feels bad. That is the main strategy. When we self-censor, we hurt ourselves more. But the alternative is banning and blocking. So... Be strategic in picking a fight and letting loose. Remember online statements can lead to legal challenges. They sometimes try to incite us. They always chronicle the offenses. I've seen Antifa do this often in the streets. Provoke people, then get them reacting on video.

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I recently came across the content-creator 'WellHereWeGo.' I've posted his 3-part documentary titled 'Jews, Vaccines, and Viruses' as a primer for anyone that is not familiar with him- it is absolutely superb! Though I've only yet watched a few other videos he's posted, his content is well-researched, detailed, and comprehensive in its analysis.

He also has DOZENS of lectures he has posted under his videos that are supplementary and lengthy in scope as well. How I have come to miss this guy confounds me. His first post, that I can tell, is from September of '21. He has multiple videos of interest that are lengthy, intricate, and compelling as well.

Pt.- 1


Pt.- 2


Pt.- 3


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This is too much for me to take on. I know some of his content already re Talmud as inspiration for vaccines. But of course he goes into more depth and breadth. Good luck w/ your exploration.

One word of warning. In a talk on the history of gay acceptance, he refers to mystical poet Yeats as "Yeets". The guy obviously doesn't know much about poetry. Serious lacuna not to have heard of Yeats.

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I get it my friend! Ive already noticed "flaws" myself and have stopped watching a couple of videos however, I'm not seeking perfection or someone who is "everything to everybody." Some of his research Im very familiar with as well but, its not going to stop me from refreshing or learning something new. Some of his material is excellent!

Look at Greg Johnson at Counter Currents; a flaming homo but, posts some excellent content at times. Also, I watch Ryan Cristian and periodically cant stand much of his libertarian bloviating but, he can do some good shows that save me time on research. Max Egan's another I watch periodically because he has numerous people send him material that he goes over and has a plethora of links provided in the comments.

In addition, I've studied philosophy since I was 16 yet, very, very few can discuss Marx, Deleuze, Nietzsche, Hegel, Heidegger, etc. in relation to our contemporary issues, either because they've never read them, are intimidated by Philosophy or, they have preconceptions of "philosophy" being "just speculation," a "useless hobby," or they lack a firm and extensive grasp of philosophical concepts. Not many people can study Fritsche's book( link below) and discuss it, and I don't expect them to but, I don't necessarily hold it against them. It takes years of devotion and suffering!


Very, very few people can understand the whole historical dynamic of the Jewish issue , like the few of us here at TT or Unz understand it, and start discussing it in relation to the ideas of Deleuze, Heidegger, or Baudrillard. Virtually all in Philosophy departments in academia see us as "a bunch of Nazis" and, very few outside academia wrestle with these thinkers AND see the centrality of the Jewish issue for the world.

Now, the above being said isn't going to stop me from absorbing some content-creators who are excellent at one level and, maybe severely handicapped in others. The more intellectually developed you are in this game, the lonelier this gig can be. It's why Karl is so good because he has so many bases covered and, has accomplished it in a relatively short time-span.

Sometimes it's one's moods as well. There are days I have patience with the likes of Cristian or Red Ice and, other days they drive me crazy with the constant disclaimers or repetitive content.

Overall though, I understand that those in this in toto, with heart and soul, and who are attuned to the Light will undergo their own "Hero's journey" or "path of initiation" into higher levels of understanding and, eventually exit Plato's Cave and the "realm of the Shadows" and see the "terror of history" with "new eyes."

"In the age of the world's night, the abyss of the world must be experienced and endured. But, for this it is necessary that there be those who reach into the abyss. The turning of the age does not take place by some new god, or the old one renewed, bursting into the world from ambush at some time or other. Where would he turn on his return if men had not first prepared an abode for him? How could there ever be for the god an abode fit for a god, if a divine radiance did not first begin to shine in everything that is? The gods who "were once there," "return" only at the "right time"- that is, when there has been a turn among men in the right place in the right way" - Heidegger

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Very well said. An excellent summary of the state of those of us who engage the JQ.

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"Only a select few have the moral courage to stare into the molten pit of human reality. They become burned orphans in empires of illusion."

-Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

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But not really. We find families of affiliation, we heal and prepare fire to launch in return. One can understand how many young men volunteered to fight the Soviets. Give them weapons, a bit of training, some leadership, and watch their morale drive them forward. Self-motivated soldiers are the best. Red Army soldiers had to be compelled. With prison for their family members back home, Stalin imprisoned his own daughter-in-law when his son Yakov was captured by the Germans. That was a crisis for Stalin. I never heard of a prisoner exchange proposed. Yakov seemed crazy.

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Nice to see you express yourself at length. I've only brushed against Heidegger and Baudrillard in the dark of my unconscious. Once I heard someone yell out Deleuze as a reference in They Became What They Beheld, but that was when I was exploring Marshall McLuhan a long time ago. Yes, I'm another of those who are intimidated by philosophy. I turned to psychology as more congenial to my path.

Agreed about listening to/reading people who are strong on this and weak on that. One has to develop one's discernment or else play it safe and stagnant. I have a problem w/ podcasts. You mentioned Red Ice, but there are many others who I think of as conspiracy pundits. They make few overt errors, but boy does it take a lot of time and verbiage to get to the salient insights. I guess they're aspiring to a cult of personality.

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The acceptable range is becoming ever smaller. they aspire to attract and keep paying members.

I got some raging emails from this essay. Some people hate Muslims worse than I hate Jews, which I suppose is understandable. Except Muslims did not do 911, Jews did. So many passionate opinions are based on propaganda and lies.

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Muslims don't control Hollywood or news channels. They don't run psy-ops on us. They don't incite thugs, BLM and Antifa to attack us. Muslims don't push pornography, homosexuality or transgenderism. Muslims ain't woke.

Now, they shouldn't be emigrating to Europe or N America, but whose fault is that - our common enemy: the JPE whose right wing pushes us to attack their countries uprooting them and then whose immigrant lawyers and open border policies welcome them into our midst.

Save the hate for where it truly belongs. Aim it where it will do the most good for our cause.

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And where and who is that strategic choke points? We have race traitors who are supposed to represent us, but we know that is a joke of now. Clown world. So hate our traitors. Hard not to.

What about elements of weakness and cowardice within ourselves?

Own our hate. It is partially for ourselves.

Just let's be thoughtful. Transformative.

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One can hope. Iran has the capacity to annihilate Israel in one massive strike with conventional ballistic missiles. If we consider that in reality, nuclear weapons are a psyop, then what is keeping Iran (who I have to assume are wise to the ridiculous nuke bomb fallacy) from just wiping Israel off the map? At this point the US could then just stand aside, making it look like abject cowardice (which would seem entirely plausible to the entire world given the current reputation of the US), giving US an excuse to finally abandon the Jews to their own well deserved comeuppance.

As great as it sounds to imagine Palestine being rightfully restored through a massive act of fiery retribution, there are some who suggest the entire region; Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran and therefore Hezbollah- are Jew cabal run- just playing various roles in the regional drama as needed to ultimately further the overall plan to destroy all western (white) culture). What is your perspective on this notion?

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I think you’re forgetting that Jews run America. Fundamentally you could consider it a colony of Israel. Israeli nationals administer political control of our population and exploit it for economic benefit. Those are two defining features of a colony, and that’s Israel’s relationship with America.

Israel is the polestar in which all American foreign policy ultimately rotates. All of it comes down to larger Jewish-Zionist interests. The entire policy making apparatus is Jewish. State department: Jewish. Think tanks: Jewish.

America exists to protect Israel, and the Jews who occupy the government plan on squeezing every last drop of power out of the dying empire to continue the war in Gaza and will most likely expand it beyond its borders, while they still can.

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Yes, very good point. Agreed the US is controlled by the parasitic scourge. But-- their stranglehold on the host has been cultivated and secured in large part under the cover of an absurd farcical narrative that portrays themselves as oppressed and long suffering victims, decent hard working, compassionate people, uniquely gifted at rocket science, high finance and marketing, theatre and the arts, more clever and resourceful than any other race and a champion of the downtrodden.

Now, in the space of a few months, the entire world is watching in perplexed horror as the Jews give lie to their own fake narrative - as they themselves burn down the carefully constructed theater of lies, revealing themselves as they truly are - to everyone - in realtime 24/7 on every social media platform at once - NOW EVERYONE CAN SEE WITH THEIR OWN EYES how truly vile, depraved, gleefully dishonest, utterly psychotic genocidal maniacs the Jews really are. And they think they can shut down TikTok as if that will somehow stave off the awakening. haha. Incredible.

It is quite shocking, most especially for the majority of the world's population that has been largely sympathetic and tried to accomodate the endless cries for special treatment, sympathy and handouts from the Jews all these many years. Now that is all gone.

There is no going back from what they are doing in front of everyone. And even now, in the midst of their murderous rampage, they continue to try to reframe, lie and spin -but it is only making them look even more depraved and monstrous.

They infiltrated our culture by subterfuge and secret alliances to their own kind. But like the moment you tear up the floorboards in a house overun with termites, there is no going back, the infestation has revealed itself.

Yes they are dug in deep, the network of infiltration is a web of deceipt, blackmail, secret collusion and violence. But now that the light have been snapped on, the world can see them with a level of clarity impossible to imagine before Oct 7.

It may take a while to shake out, but I believe the Jews have basically dug their own grave. There will be no going back after this, the era of the trans-national clandestine Jew mafia is coming to a spectacular end, done in by their own collosal hatred for all life, greed and racial hubris.

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Do you suppose Hamas anticipated this, provoked it? If so, well done.

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Real politik. Fait accompli in Palestine. I think that is their strategy now. It is their chance to go for the full ethnic cleansing, damage be damned. I would like to see Hamas hold out and repel the Israelis in Gaza, air defense for Gaza.

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Palestine Home Stand. There will be no right of return.

Anti-aircraft fire up from Gaza. Surprise the Israeli pilots. Surface to air missles in Gaza. C'mon Russia. Get some supply in. Hezbollah can supply some too. U.S, train Gazans. Be great to tell Israel U.S. was training Gazans in self defense.

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It can certainly be hoped so. People can't be any more deluded and in denial. The blinders are off, the curtain is pulled aside. The little man is working the controls, putting up the illusion. Follow the gold.

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I wish it were true to the extent others are espousing the unveiling of the Emperor's New Clothes. I have not seen an inch of movement among my small social circle, both local and on line. They're either dug-in neo-cons, woke libs too frightened to speak up and be called anti-sems or politically apathetic boomers who only watch legacy news.

No, I don't think Hamas planned to sacrifice their people to get Israel reprimanded by the UN. As if that matters.

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winder how much the leadership of the muslim world is compromised and wont ever takeeffectve action

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Is the House of Saud crypto-Jews? Donmeh? I've seen that theory before. Could be.

But there are plenty of Shia Muslims around the region. They seem to be united in coalition against Israel. Iran is the center of that. Iran has some alliance with Russia and China. Iran joined BRICS this year. It is on the path of the Belt & Roads project. It has important hydrocarbon products. It may still be outraged over the apparent assassination of Soliemani. Whatever went on at the 4 year anniversary event is highly suspect. Lots of psy-op war propaganda going on from both sides.

Without Iraq Iran became stronger and gained agency. Israel/US used to use Iraq against Iran.

The Shia Muslims have learned to be cautious taking effective action against Israel. US has hit back hard. Now US might be too weak, the Great Satan could be the little devil.

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jews have invested heavily in the holocust myth and the term anti-semitism.... its brought them a fortune they have reinvested in the propaganda.... so far their longterm investment has wirked well for them

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I never forgave them for Rachel Corrie.

This was a good show. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3021686/?ref_=ttpl_ov

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her murder ripped the curtains back for me too

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http://humanphenotypes.net/basic/Armenoid.html It's debatable how white the Armenians are. Also debatable how blameless they were in their "genocide".

The Young Turks established a secular govt. Their movement was dominated by the Donmeh who were crypto Js from Salonica, Greece. So the bottom line is that crypto Js killed Armenian Christians but Moslem Turks got the blame.

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Yeah. Attaturk.

The Donmeh were Sabbateans/Frankists. Religious zealots. Crazy people. Crazed by the Talmud. It's been a big problem for a long time.

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Indeed. The Sab-Franks espouse an extreme antinomian religion. Redemption thru sin. There's an insightful essay by some reputable Jewish scholar that Kevin Barrett's touting called Redemption thru Genocide. Bring on the End Times - Moshiach will come.

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Reputable Jewish scholar... ? Barrett can get weird. A White Western Muslim. Don't let Moshiach get to the Dome. Send Moshiach to Gaza.

Elijahu Mali. Sicko person.


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Reputable among his Jewish peers, not a maverick. Thus what he said would not appear outlandish to them. Redemption Thru Genocide ups the ante of Redemption Thru Sin, Sevi's already extreme slogan. These psychopaths are not trying to hide their darkness any longer.

I'm not into Barrett's Muslim observance and bias any more than I'm into E Michael Jones's trad Catholicism w/ his condescension towards White Nationalism. Yet both guys are on our side, fighting the same enemy w/ vigor, Jones especially.

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I was listening to an interview with laurent Guyenot who said Europe had never unified and formed a functioning alliance between great powers, Germany Russia, Germany Italy, which would have afforded Europe the ability to resist outside influences that kept it divided and weak. This competition actually helped Europe become stronger, especially militarily, and it should have ruled the world, which it mostly did.

But the Balfour Declaration was extracted from Europe against its wishes, and Hitler wanted to unify Europe toward the end of the war, but the holohoax story disrupted that. Much else. So a Russia German alliance could still evolve,or Germany Italy, we should hope for either one and work toward it. Britain no longer has any legitimate reason to oppose such alliances now. Let Germany make its own destiny. It knows what to do. Has for a long time. Support Palestine. Submarines for Palestine. Anti-aircraft for Gaza. Training for Hamas.

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I don't have another observance myself. Asatru I have not tried to any extent. NS could substitute. I don't like rituals and ceremonies and all that. Seems phony. Pointless. Baptism by water? By fire maybe. Everyone should have to be public saying something against Jews. It's thrilling. the aftermath is always interesting. See your name on the front page under the headline "holocaust deniers" picket Anne Frank play. Great fun. Or "crash hate speech hearing." "Nazis" show up at library and intimidate sodomites.

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I was an altar boy at a time when parish priests were not pederasts. The high Catholic observances are a transporting sensorium, tho not for low church souls who despise such pomp and pageantry. They don't like Wagner either.

Are you familiar w/ Craig Nelson's Ulysses Unsheathed substack? He has a warrior spirit like your own, tho he comes from a different background - anarchist until he had his scales lifted. He has participated in street actions of various sorts.

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Yes. Jones our most outspoken open critic. Jones rejects White as an identity. I think that's wrong, obviously.

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He has a tenacious spirit w/ intensity and oratorical skill. When his righteous fury is aimed at the enemy, I'm a huge fan. When he lapses into bullying "the white boys" and his latest - the mistreatment of Catholic priests in NS camps, I wish some bravo would take him down or at least stand up to him. But haven't seen it yet.

What I did see was Bro Nathaniel turn cold eyes on him as he launched into his whining for the incarcerated priests. Jones pretends they were considered guilty for being religious Catholics when it was their liberal sermonizing that got them in trouble.

Bro Nathaniel is an interesting character, not as erudite as Jones but more knowledgeable about Jewish character. Jones was offering Christian love to his Jewish enemies and BN retorted they don't want your love.

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Senile geriatric Mike Dewine, a made man since 1983, was awakened from his nap by the praetorian nurses and dressed up to make an official appearance before the TV cameras. In a manner similar to that of his good friend Joe Brandon, he let slip a liquid flatulence and needed to pause while his clothes were changed. As he shuffled to the podium he could not help but curse the hoi polli who simply did not have enough class to shut up and be quiet. He absolutely hated the fact that his restful sleep was disturbed by these human animals. And he thought about his greatness and his Divine right to power, after all He had been anointed. Mike faced the same problems today that many great leaders and kings have faced since the beginning of time. It was always something with these disgusting creatures and he continued to curse. In his fall back safe space, He was comforted with the knowledge that the words he would pronounce as he read the from the monitor would soothe and assuage the voting consumers who, too, would soon go back to sleep. Life is good at the top, he reminded him self.

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I think the October 7th attack was a false flag attack done by Israel to create a pretext for their war on Gaza. Israel has a long, ugly history of doing false flag attacks, including 9/11:


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