
In a real sense Israel is using palestinians within its borders as human shields/hostages. Iran would be endangering them too, in any kind of mass strike. Iran and Hezbollah could both probably be more strategic in targeting. Then there's the alleged "Sampson Option." Iran would have to call Israel's bluff.

I haven't researched the theory that the Northern Crescent is contolled opposition (CO), but it could be possible. Not likely though, Iran is Shia, Syria is largely secular, Hezbollah Shia, all with a long history of conflict with Israel/Jews. You would think Israel's foreign policy in the region would be to try and get along, to cooperate, remain peaceful, not threaten, appease, but it has been the total opposite. Antagnoize, threaten, insult and harass its neighbors, then say "We are surrounded by hostile neighbors!" Pathetic comedy. Small wonder people hate Jews. They must think we are idiots.

SA is suni. Houthis are Shia? No wonder Israel has been trying to get the US to invade Iran. No can do, let Iran exert its influence in the region. Stop Israeli chaos. Disband the Mossad. INRG Corps must neutralize Mossad. Spy vs. spy.

US abandon Israel.

Joe Atwill is the only pundit/influencer I have heard say Palestinians would be some of the best immigrants we could take in. They are our strongest counter-semitic allies. Welcome Palestinian immigrants, we can work with them on more counter-semitism in the U.S., then send them back better equipped and educated in strategy and organizing in Palestine.

I know some are indoctrinated in refusing any consideration of taking in any more browns arabs, even our greatest counter-semitic allies. I know a couple Palestinian folks. They are fine, they get our issues with Jews. We could help each other. It's not as if we don't need help.

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Karl Haemers

Canada will lead the NA Union into Hate Crime legislation which will culminate in LIFE SENTENCES for hate speech.

Now, when Orange Jesus is sElected this year, who do you think will champion the same types of laws here while the Drumpfters cheer him on? I have long contended that this is Trump's part of the Kabuki. Corral whitey into believing he is real, only to turn when the jew tells him to.

Check out the Highwire's explanation:


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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Karl Haemers

Fanatical dirtbags like Fleischmann would sacrifice his wife and children if it meant accelerating the achievement of "Biblical prophecy."

The US government and various institutions are saturated and replete with these types of deranged dispensational dullards. Here in Salt Lake City, I'm surrounded by a throng of the Christian-Zionist "cousins" in the Mormon multitude, though their demented doctrine has its own unique and laughable peculiarities.

However, one thing they do is love them some Jews and, any hint of criticism directed towards the "Chosen" is immediately met with a side-eye!


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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Karl Haemers

I was banned permanently today from r/Nietzsche on Reddit titled 'Disgusting photograph of Hitler gazing into the eyes of a white marble bust of Nietzsche'

Some of my "acceptable" or "tame" comments are still present but, some are missing. I'm still getting responses from the "Hitler was evil" clones who feel I need to be sent to a "re-education camp" for wrong-think. I just hope someone puts money on my books!😁

The 1934 photo, from the Villa Silberblick in Weimar- where Nietzsche spent his final years being taken care of by his mother and sister- is the (in)famous photo that is used frequently when usually attempting to discredited one or the other man.

Addendum: Most of my couple-dozen comments/replies are gone now, other than a few. A moniker 'Whiteman' is frustrating the Hitler-haters now, using "safe sarcasm" and, doing a great job at it!


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Mar 10Liked by Karl Haemers

I recently came across the content-creator 'WellHereWeGo.' I've posted his 3-part documentary titled 'Jews, Vaccines, and Viruses' as a primer for anyone that is not familiar with him- it is absolutely superb! Though I've only yet watched a few other videos he's posted, his content is well-researched, detailed, and comprehensive in its analysis.

He also has DOZENS of lectures he has posted under his videos that are supplementary and lengthy in scope as well. How I have come to miss this guy confounds me. His first post, that I can tell, is from September of '21. He has multiple videos of interest that are lengthy, intricate, and compelling as well.

Pt.- 1


Pt.- 2


Pt.- 3


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One can hope. Iran has the capacity to annihilate Israel in one massive strike with conventional ballistic missiles. If we consider that in reality, nuclear weapons are a psyop, then what is keeping Iran (who I have to assume are wise to the ridiculous nuke bomb fallacy) from just wiping Israel off the map? At this point the US could then just stand aside, making it look like abject cowardice (which would seem entirely plausible to the entire world given the current reputation of the US), giving US an excuse to finally abandon the Jews to their own well deserved comeuppance.

As great as it sounds to imagine Palestine being rightfully restored through a massive act of fiery retribution, there are some who suggest the entire region; Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran and therefore Hezbollah- are Jew cabal run- just playing various roles in the regional drama as needed to ultimately further the overall plan to destroy all western (white) culture). What is your perspective on this notion?

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jews have invested heavily in the holocust myth and the term anti-semitism.... its brought them a fortune they have reinvested in the propaganda.... so far their longterm investment has wirked well for them

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I never forgave them for Rachel Corrie.

This was a good show. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3021686/?ref_=ttpl_ov

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http://humanphenotypes.net/basic/Armenoid.html It's debatable how white the Armenians are. Also debatable how blameless they were in their "genocide".

The Young Turks established a secular govt. Their movement was dominated by the Donmeh who were crypto Js from Salonica, Greece. So the bottom line is that crypto Js killed Armenian Christians but Moslem Turks got the blame.

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I think the October 7th attack was a false flag attack done by Israel to create a pretext for their war on Gaza. Israel has a long, ugly history of doing false flag attacks, including 9/11:


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