Racial slur terms are numerous and prominent among all the Peoples of the world, and most if not all of them are “organic”—arising in colloquial fashion as slang among the Peoples themselves to refer to one other type of People different from themselves. This serves a healthy function of differentiation among racial types who are best not inter-breeding, which would degrade their genetic stock and ultimately even eradicate their distinct racial type forever. The use of racial slurs is an expression of in-born instincts meant to identify “the other” and keep them at a distance, so that in-group eugenics (good breeding) may continue within an optimal limited homogeneous diversity. Succinctly, the use of racial slurs does not provoke inter-racial violence, in a real sense it prevents it by labeling others in a way that prevents excessive intimacy.
Certainly our Oligarch Overlords have then weaponized slur terms, assigning some of them hypnotic triggers associated with negative emotions (neuro-linguistic programming) as part of their Race War to inflame racial tensions beyond these natural healthy distinctions, The speaking or writing of such terms has now become a heinous taboo in the minds and hearts of many, and in taboo terms, the speaker or writer themselves become taboo as well.
Simply listing these terms will help break the imposed hypnotic taboo and allow us to think and feel more clearly. From there we will consider the most racist slur term of them all by far.
Slants, Gooks, Chinks, Japs; Spics, Beaners, Wetbacks; Jigaboos, Spooks, Coons, Niggers; Dagos, WOPs, Guinneas; Crackers, Whitey, Honkeys, Micks; Krauts, Nazis, Kikes; Abos, Sand Niggers, Shit Skins, Towel Heads, Dot Heads… and many more. The creativity which emerges from folk wisdom among all racial types is almost endless.
As we can see, each of these racial slur terms refers—negatively—to only one distinct other racial or sub-racial type. Some have been assigned a greater emotional trigger, which most of us will agree include Nigger, Nazi and Kike, though all are to some degree taboo now. Each is a derogatory name for only one other distinct racial or sub-racial type. They indicate the in-group as preferred and even superior, and the specific singular out-group as degraded and even inferior.
One racial slur however breaks this form, and refers to all other peoples different from the preferred in-group. It refers not to only one other type, but to all other types at once:
This term is plural, and when an individual is indicated, the term is Goy. This racial slur is used by Jews, especially Talmudic or Talmud-influenced Jews, to distinguish themselves as superior and elevated above all the other Peoples of the world who are Not-Jews. It has been translated as animals or cattle. If racial slurs are now considered expressions of heinous racism and debased troglodyte bigotry, then Goyim far exceeds all others. Imagine the extent of the racist contempt and arrogant supremacism of a distinct People who would invent and use a slur term that in a single name debases and degrades all the other Peoples of the world who are not them. No other race has come close to achieving this level of contempt, hatred, disdain and animosity toward other races in a single name—because Goyim disdains us all!
This alone should unite all the other races and sub-races of the world against any Jews who would use this slur term, even if used only in the Jews’ minds. It indicates that such Jews have a malevolence toward all the rest of us that requires our collective self-defense. Of course any alliance among us Goyim should be a coalition that maintains our distinct racial groups, but cooperates to neutralize the threat aimed at us all by Jews who would call us Goyim.
It seems clear that Jewish use of the Goyim slur term functions to maintain their racial and tribal homogeneity, urging in-group breeding to the exclusion of all others. Indeed this is one of the functions of all the other slur terms we have listed, and it is a positive function, especially for Whites, whose miscegenation with other racial types would only degrade their stock and prove generally dysgenic. Jews feel the same, but have devised a single name that works to exclude any who are Not-Jews.
This is not the place to develop the understanding that those who are primarily promoting miscegenation for other races, especially Whites with Blacks, yet attempt to maintain strict in-group breeding for themselves, are Jews. It is nevertheless important to include here as a second indicator of Jewish racism, bigotry and malevolence toward all other races, expressed in their most racist slur in the world:
In comments please add any slurs you know that I may have missed. It would be great to get a comprehensive list, though that may be impossible given the rate that new terms are generated and the variety that arise in widely diverse sub-groups.
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Nips and Japs, porch monkeys and shines, paleface and ghostface, Hebes and Yids. When I lived in Hoboken, we had an influx from the Balkans. Locals started calling them "Yugos". Then from childhood there was "limeys" for the Brits. My Wham parody was "Wake me up before you go-go, I'm a wanker and a limey homo."
I remember being on a tourist bus ride in England where my fellow local passenger complimented
Americans on "wetback." He thought it was hilarious. But that was late 80s. Too bad they don't have a similar defensive term for illegal immigrants, now that they need one.