The National Justice Party (NJP) has been one of our more successful National Socialist groups active in America today. Their organization was expanding nation-wide, new chapters were forming and getting active in many locales, they held annual meetings with increasing numbers of hundreds of attendees including whole families, their public actions against drag queen story hours, transgender celebrations and homosexual promotion generally, as well as justice for White victims of black violence, were well attended and successfully conducted with good optics and strong messages increasingly well received by larger segments of the public.
NJP achieved this growing success against the Jewish state’s strategy of almost total black out of coverage. The NJP only showed up once to my knowledge in any “main stream” Jewish media, when Rachel Maddow, Jew, featured a report of NJP literature distributed at a Trump rally. Maddow fixated on the overtly “white supremacist” and “anti-semitic” content of NJP’s message, and other easily distorted talking points, while at the same time defaming Trump. The Maddow show displayed the NJP flier with the full name , but Maddow herself never mentions the group name and says “We are not going to spend too much time on this group.” Otherwise, media Jews systematically ignored NJP.
NJP produced and distribute its own media, such as the Strike & Mike show, the Right Stuff, Modern Politics with Warren and Emily, Fash the Nation (discontinued in 2022) and others. Antelope Hill Publishing distributed books with themes aligned to the NJP’s affiliation with National Socialism, the Jewish Issue and others. While nowhere near the reach of main-stream Jewish corporate for-profit media, NJP was growing through the outreach it could achieve.
The Problem
Early but vague signs of internal discord emerged in 2022 when Jazzhands McFeels, not a core committee member but a renown media personality, left the popular Fash the Nation show soon after it had expanded into video format, as well as his role on The Right Stuff. Few clear reasons were given, and no replacement was brought forward. Fash the Nation disappeared.
Later in the fall of 2022, one of the 7 founding members of NJP Michael McKevitt was expelled, or quit, or was “squeezed out,” or other euphemisms used to describe or obscure the dispute. Conflicting statements gave conflicting reasons, but the real reason as always was, they could not cooperate.
On February 16th, 2023, NJP Treasurer Greg Conte released this statement on his personal Telegram page. In part: “…I have found serious issues with the corporate structure and fiscal oversight of the NJP. When I raised those issues with the board, my concerns were dismissed. I offered a comprehensive solution to the problems in the organization. It was refused. Ultimately, I was offered $10,000 to go away. When I refused that money, this suspicious transfer appeared in the banking records, which initiated my public break from the party.”
Conte said NJP board members Tony Hovater (Chief of Staff) and Mike Peinovich (President) transferred $10,000 to a Kraken account (? an app for buying and selling cryptocurrencies) without board process or knowledge. These details will become essential when we discuss Lessons Learned and solutions to such problems in groups. $10,000 may seem petty, especially when compared to the $billions our Jewish enemies fling around, but clear process around money matters is essential to group functioning.
This November 28, Eric Striker, real name Joseph Jordan, released a statement on his Telegram channel Striker Unfiltered. In part:
“After many good faith attempts by all parties to try to work these differences out, we have come to the conclusion that our perspectives are sadly irreconcilable.
I will be leaving NJP. Strike and Mike has also been cancelled.”
Striker/Jordan did excellent investigative journalist work, and was popular with the broad membership of NJP and beyond. Apparently according to his own statements he was also an active core organizer and strategist on the central committee:
“I gave the party its name, I wrote the entire platform, many of my ideas on what our message should be were implemented. I've always sought to bring a humanistic touch to what we do, with focus on charitable endeavors, forgiving people who give themselves to our struggle when they make a mistake in their personal lives and focusing on the bigger picture…”
On December 11, 2023, President Mike Peinovich released the following statement on his personal Telegram channel:
“Tony Hovator has been relieved of his position as Chief of Staff of the NJP. This is a decision I took in consultation with our National Staff and Supporter Group Directors and I have their complete support. The NJP could no longer function under a committee structure so I am now in control of the party. The Committee structure was prone to instability and this resulted in several notable departures, namely due to irreconcilable attitude and outlook differences between the members.”
A week later on the 18th Peinovich gave more detailed reasons for relieving Hovator of his position. According to Peinovich: “abysmal job performance,” “vindictive methods,” “sheer negligence,” and much more in detail. See the Peinovich Telegram timeline.
Thus we saw 4 of the 7 core members of the founding committee gone in 6 months, after more than 2 years of activism and successful growth. NJP was becoming the most successful organization of its kind in the U.S. Great potential for its popularity and power opened up with the IDF invasion of Gaza, for NJP’s counter-semitic message to spread to large and growing audiences. Also, 2024 is going to be an epic election year, and NJP’s presence on key issues would bring much greater attention to it as a growing political force. Founder Warren Balogh said “We were approaching a break-through moment, with the 2024 elections…” “The atmosphere has never been more ripe for our kind of politics.“ His co-hostess Emily agree and said “Everybody is waking up to the Jews.” (see Modern Politics video below)
This was when the NJP finally imploded. The timing seemed propitious, and maybe the stresses of opportunity and growth overwhelmed the capacity of their character and commitment.
Another founding member, Warren Balogh, remains, and claims it was he who was the true founder that brought all the other members together initially. Warren Balogh issued a statement on the Modern Politics show that included some NJP history and current status. Pinned on the Warren Balogh NJP Telegram channel and here on Odysee (click image for link):
Balogh maintains as respectful yet rueful a position of them all. His approach is to remain positive, recognize the success of the NJP thus far, and consider a learning curve into the future, without denying the tragedy. Comments accuse him of naivete, utopianism and delusion.
Greg Conte also issued a video statement, indulging more criticism of others and assigning responsibility. Such criticism may be valuable, though how it is phrased and whether it includes a critique of himself without shaming or blaming is essential.
Click image for link or go here:
All of this may impact us as gossip, with a fixation of the emotions as a form of entertainment drama. Unfortunately some of the actors have contributed to this drama with their public statements, not well considered and lacking strategic focus.
Pseudo-Problems & Chasing Shadows
The following is a long list of problems the various members of the central committee have given for the NJP’s implosion, drawn only from the few statements as written on Telegram or in a few videos they have made. Only those in bold will we consider close to the proximate problem:
“decentralized shitposting,” “arbitrary rules,” inappropriate use of funds, “no functional organization,” “personal agendas,” apathy and neglect of duties, fear of success, “lack of momentum,” delays, insubordination, deliberate internal subversion/sabotage, failure to dismiss, excessive trust, accusations of racial betrayal, faggotry, fatness and other unwanted demographics, “disorder and incompetence,” “Jewish censorship,” “lazy, incompetent and out-of-touch leaders,” inappropriate leadership promotion, new pressures on leaders, “lack inner qualities and strengths that define a real leader,” “a cult,” “finding good leaders and organizers,” “lack of standards and ideological cohesion,” “ad hock and informal manners,” insuffient application of National Socialism, “committee structure prone to instability,” “irreconcilable attitude and outlook differences between the members,” “corporate structure and fiscal oversight,” failure of inter-department communications, “personal drama,” “failures within the dynamic of the founding group,” impatience, doubt, loss of confidence, “what has defeated the NJP this round… who beat us was this Jewish system that we are fighting against,” “complete and very deliberate blackout of media coverage,” “total social media and internet censorship,” “infighting, internal problems within the organization between personalities,” “a deliberate strategy of denying us oxygen,” the first resignation in early 2023 “shook confidence,” 2 others publicly resign and “break solidarity over internal disagreements” and “eroded confidence,” “loss of confidence in the absence of ‘big wins’,” “incompatible personalities,” “brinkmanship becomes the pattern,” “overmanaged, overpoliced,” demoralization/nihilism…
The Solution
Some few of these “reasons” strike close to the core problem. In such groups that do not have a pre-established identity, ideological/religious cohesion, common historical experience, racial/tribal commonality, ecological locale and other factors that align them with a clear shared identity, such factors are going to challenge group cooperation. The Amish, indigenous Irish people living in the same Parish for generations, villagers in the Swiss Alps for time out of mind, will not face the challenges of cooperation and solidarity that the 7 members of the NJP did. Therefore such a group needs overlaying legal and rules-based structures to refer to and align with. In a sense we could say that the problem NJP faced was that it did not have sufficient written rules, protocols and agreements to refer to when personal conflict and challenges inevitably arose.
None of these statements and reports by the NJP people themselves nor other participants or observers present in detail the inner structures and working agreements, policy positions, vision/mission/goals statements, monetary and financial protocols, work agreements, contracts, nor above all decision making process, meeting rules, and conflict resolution structure of the NJP. It is here that the solution lies.
I lived for 5 years in an intentional community of 12 adults and 6 children, mostly divided among single family homes plus a group house and a hermit cabin. We paid dues monthly and met once a month for “business meetings” to consider proposals, approve allocation of funds, discuss issues, make decisions, hear reports, plan projects, schedule other meetings, generate new proposals, review policies, processes and programs, and other ”business” in the community. For all this we had clear detailed rules and protocols of participation.
I entered into this community believing formal documents and procedures and such would be unnecessary so long as we kept a love for one another and cooperated together for the good of all. I left after 5 years believing the more formal documents and procedures and such we had to rely on to guide us, the better.
Requirements for Membership
Warren Balogh in his video statement on Modern Politics said that the NJP conducted careful vetting and screening of all members at every level (my paraphrase) and that no infiltrators or saboteurs/subversives entered the party. This is remarkable and admirable if true, since so many NS groups are notorious for such infiltration. It also means that any sabotage, subversion and disruption among group members was entirely unintentional and caused by members themselves. Perhaps the NJP did not vet for other qualities that might have been required, such as ability to cooperate in groups, personal responsibility, willingness to contribute selflessly, degree of recovery from dysfunctional patterns, willingness to participate in heirarchy and follow orders, patience & tolerance, endurance & resilience.
Initiation Process & Expulsion Process
Our community had a clear staged process toward full membership, starting with a probation period under a Sponsor and the study of all documents. We participated in meetings and other functions, but did not vote or make proposals. If we passed this phase, we were formally invited to become a member, and if we accepted, we progressed through an initiation process and recognition of membership. This gave us full voting privileges, the power to make proposals, and also full responsibilities and duties.
Even more clear and strict procedures and processes were articulated in writing for expelling a member from the community. It was important for everyone to know these in advance, so that they could avoid them if they wanted to stay members, and so that any expulsion would have clear reasons and processes. These would include any monetary or material refunds or relinquishments, a timeline for departure, a ritual of parting, and closure. An appeal process should be available and expulsion will only be implemented if a Conflict Resolution Process is unsuccessful (described below).
Rules of Meeting Participation
Every human group needs strict and clear rules for how to participate in meetings. A number of forms have emerged, and they all provide a meeting agenda ideally prepared in advance, forum for someone to speak while others listen, categories on the agenda such as report, proposal, discussion with estimated timelines, alerts for when a decision is required, allocation of responsibility, and other detailed protocols for meeting participation. Most groups should allow for a Shadow’s Advocate position to avoid blind spots and group think, and rather than using it as a scapegoat to dump their disowned ego content, should use it as a way to consider aspects of a problem or discussion they might not otherwise consider.
Meetings will also have designated roles, possibly on a rotating basis, such as note taker, stack monitor (who speaks next), possibly vibe checker (emotional undercurrents), and above all Facilitator, who guides the meeting along its established rules and protocols. The Facilitator presents the agenda and calls for additions and changes, introduces the topics on the agenda, guides discussion through the topics (stands aside as Facilitator if they want to participate in the discussion themselves), calls for decisions, alerts the note taker to important points, reminds participants of rules, and everything to do with the meeting process itself that is not part of the content.
Decision-Making Process
Every group needs a clear and effective decision-making process to finalize conclusions on their discussions, if a decision is required. In our community we used Consensus, and sometimes Consensus Minus One. Many falsely believe Consensus is unworkable, but in my experience it was an excellent decision-making process if understood and executed well. We don’t know what process the NJP used, whether majority vote, benevolent dictator decree, coalition vote super-majority or other. Not having a clear decision-making process upon which everyone participates and agrees presents a major area of conflict and group implosion. Follow-up on decisions to see that they are implemented and a process for completing them if not are also essential.
In other words, processes for entering and leaving the group should be clear, firm and detailed.
Drug/Alcohol Policy, Property Covenants, Travel and Expense Compensation, Wage/Salary Contracts, Work Descriptions, Heirarchic Authority, Etc.
Many details of conduct in a group such as NJP must be clearly articulated in writing and referred to throughout group functions. These refer to specific roles, actions and processes, such as Work Descriptions that clearly define spheres of influence and authority. One example might be Greg Conte’s role as Treasurer not as clearly defined as necessary to resolve the monetary issue that came up with NJP funds. If Conte had clear written jurisdiction to decide the matter, and all other parties agreed to defer decision to him, that issue might not have divided the group and caused Conte to leave/be expelled. We don’t know if this was the case, and NJP might have had such clear work descriptions, and encountered a divisive issue anyway, but having these kinds of detailed documents in these specific areas of group process to refer to when issues do arise are greatly helpful in alleviating divisive matters and allowing the group to continue functioning.
The financial issue is only one example, and Peinovich’s power to make decisions on behalf of the group may be another. That must be clearly delineated in documents of his authority so others are not confused and oppositional when challenges come up, or their opposition has a proper agreed-upon avenue of grievance procedure.
If members depart from agreed-upon conduct requirements, such as a drug/alcohol policy, use of allocated funds, job performance metrics, communication issues or mental/emotional conduct, clarity must be provided by documents in order to allow for intervention & support, conflict resolution and/or expulsion.
Conflict Resolution
We consider this factor last, since it may be most important in the end. We assume conflict in groups such as NJP to be inevitable, so a pre-established conflict resolution process is provided that activates when needed. In our community we called it 3rd Meeting, where the two parties involved in the conflict agree to each take responsibility for their share of the disagreement, explain their side of the disagreement, hear the other side, and make an agreement that resolves the dispute to the satisfaction of both. They agree to monitoring adherence to the agreement in the future, and re-convening in conflict resolution meetings upon any perceived departure. A 3rd Meeting is attended by a skilled, experienced, neutral 3rd party mediator. Our 3rd party mediators were usually members of the community.
Other conflict resolution can enlist the services of a professional mediator outside the group, The process is often the same: each party expresses their own role in creating the conflict, each party displays that they have heard and understood the other, each party acknowledges that their needs are unmet by the conflict, and they engage together in shaping a resolution agreement that resolves the conflict for them both.
In successful conflict resolution, the two parties emerge with greater knowledge of themselves and the other party, stronger in their respect and cooperation with the other, and better able to organize together to pursue the goals and mission of the group.
Conclusion: NJP Needs More Well-defined Applied Operational Procedures
NJP’s main problem is said to be “infighting,” “incompatible personalities,” and inability to cooperate. In a real sense this is a true assessment of the problem. In another sense, NJP’s main problem was that it did not have sufficiently detailed, clear, thorough and functional documents to guide it through every challenge it is likely to face, especially inter-personal disagreement.
It is possible NJP had some and even enough of these institutional structures in place, yet failed to apply them enough. It is possible it had more than enough in place, applied them, yet failed and dissolved anyway. Yet that seems unlikely given the content of the various statements of the original 7 members, and given the history of failure historically for the same reason of many other similar groups.
As the struggle of the White Race continues against the Jew World Order, White Nationalist groups will enlist the services of professionals in these fields of meeting protocols, conflict resolution, work roles and requirements, and all the other many aspects of cooperative institutions. We have many such professionals among our White folk, and surely some are already among the staff and support groups of the NJP. Further enlistment of this valuable human resource will help NJP and similar groups overcome their #1 challenge—infighting!—and march forward to final victory.
Copy the Jews
As an aferthought, we might examine the success Jews have in maintaining group cohesion and cooperation under pressure. Jewish solidarity and in-group cooperation is legendary, and usually improves under threat, real or imagined. The Jewish Power Elite even manufactures threats to Jews in order to drive this separatist cooperation. Common goals of greed, power, vengeance and hate compel Jews to work together against a common enemy (non-Jews).
White Nationalists would do well to promote a wide-spread message of threat to the White Race’s existence, and clearly identify a common enemy: Jews. In meetings such as the NJP holds, repetition of this common cause and common enemy could become a ritual to remind members of reasons they must cooperate together. Validation of their common racial identity and history, similar to that which Jews no doubt affirm in their meetings, could only help White Nationalist solidarity and cooperation.
This is another path of solution to NJP’s problem, and deserves its own essay to develop details and applications. Every approach must be tested and applied to achieve group success. The stakes are existential, and the enemy formidable. It sounds cliche, but we win when we work together.