One of our Taboo Truth folk sent me a good summation of the ADL vs. Musk drama:
"I Don't Believe In Cancel Culture" - ADL CEO Fumes At Suggestion He Was 'Shaking Down' Musk For Money
It’s good as far as it goes. It even has some history. It presents some soft-ball interviews with Greenblatt on Jewish-owned and operated corporate for-profit media.
Here investigative journalist and revisionist historian Karl Haemers throws Greenblatt some hard balls to discover the chutz-pocracy behind Greenblatt and the ADL.
KH: You say antisemitism is rising and even out of control, and people like Musk allowing hate speech on X is the reason. I showed that the ADL “Audit of Antisemitic Incidents” for 2021 was pure propaganda nonsense, and I’m sure the same is true for 2023 today. Do you recognize that counter-semitism is valid and necessary given the dominant control Jews have over government, media, finance, education, and even public discourse such as you and the ADL wield? And wield atrociously in the view of most Goyim Americans? Can you understand why counter-semitism Should be rising, given Jewish behavior in America today, including your own?
Greenblatt: Look, we have to protect Jewish people from hate, and that is the ADL’s mission since 1913 when we were founded to defend a child rapist murderer who was also one of our Jewish secret society leaders in the B’nai B’rith. Those awful antisemites among that Irish community in Atlanta cared more about their little girl Mary Phagan than our sick evil pedo murderer Leo Frank. We could not tolerate that then, and we can’t have it now.
KH: So do you think someone somewhere, maybe those “Nazis” with their swastika flags in Florida recently, are firing up ovens, getting their Zyklon B crystals ready to toss through holes in the roof— er, I mean push the gas through the shower heads— ah that is fumigate the chamber through the vents— no, well, however they got the gas into the chamber. But look, many people know the holocaust was a hoax, and you seem to be one of them with your tweet in February.
So come clean with us Jonathan. This ain’t no time to be cool. You’re still milking the holohoax to stir up fake fears of antisemitism and keep the Jewish people in line, using them as Jewish shields against the Jewish oligarchs including yourself who are the real criminals against humanity, and stirring up more fake fears today through your fake “Audit of Antisemitic Incidents” and accusations by counter-semites on X and Musk himself. Admit it!
Greenblatt: Well Karl, we at the ADL appreciate honest researchers like yourself and open inquiries into all historical events. But the holocaust is the most documented event in human history, even though no documents exists of a “Nazi” plan of extermination, the intercepted radio broadcasts from Auschwitz make no mention of anything remotely genocidal, in thousands of pages of post-war writings of Churchill, FDR and others no mention is made of such a thing, and no document shows Hitler himself ever knew of such a non-existent program.
You know, a lot of money rides on the holocaust story, and while the ADL advocates for reparations to blacks for White enslavement of those poor unfortunate Africans (notwithstanding the Jewish role in the transatlantic slave trade), we cannot endorse reparations to Germany when the holocaust is finally admitted to be a hoax.
As for X and Musk, yes, somewhere someone is reformulating the Zyklon B and stoking the refined coal known as coke into the ovens. Don’t you understand? The mass of Jewish useful idiots and willing dupes need to keep this fear fresh in their minds, so we can get at least some of them to Israel. Jews are in decline in Israel! They don’t like all those nasty Arabs around them, threatening them, and now Netanyahu (Milekowski) is dividing Jews in Israel. No Jews want to go to Israel anymore—unless they are afraid enough of another holocaust 2.0 (really 1.0) just around the corner.
KH: Jews and their lies, Jonathan. You accuse others of spreading “disinformation” and “antisemitic conspiracy theories,” but aren’t you spreading more lies than anyone? It’s what I call chutz-pocracy, a form of extreme Jewish hypocrisy and projection, blaming others for the crime and sin of lying you yourself commit. Can you finally admit that the ADL is not against defamation, it is the foremost promoter of defamation in our (not your) nation today—and your campaign against X and Musk is proof?
Greenblatt: No sir, I cannot allow that kind of slander and defamation to be spewed at me and the ADL. That kind of counter-accusation is a tactic we learned from the CIA (well actually we taught it to them) and we only use it against our Goyim enemies, never them against us. I insist X and Musk—and everyone else!—is defaming us unjustly, and our defamation against them is just.
And don’t try to bring up that old lawsuit against the ADL years ago, also reported by that antisemitic rag The Occidental Observer, where they discovered we were bribing and blackmailing police departments and others to develop dossiers on organizations and individuals in America, for which the ADL was fined lightly but no one served prison time. We’re obsessed with money, but the amount was relatively trivial given all the Jewish oligarch funding we get, and more from those we extort and pressure. And remember Karl, our dossier program only expanded after that incident, and we now control the FBI itself too. We probably have a dossier on you.
KH: You should be more afraid than me. Your crimes and the horror you inflict on innocent Americans are fully public now. Counter-semitism is indeed rising, and you are the reason. Some people are comparing you to Nosferatu, an evil vampire. We know all about Jewish Ritual Murder, Jonathan, and Jewish obsession with blood. Have you ever raped, tortured and slaughtered a child and drunk its blood? It’s one of your rituals of power among the Jewish Power Elite, and its Goyim colluders and capitulators. It’s time to confess, Jonathan.
Greenblatt: I claim the 5th.
Besides, that’s “Blood Libel.” We at the ADL have a simplistic dismissive word or phrase for every accusation you can make against Jews, and we keep a list ready for every occasion. “Holocaust denier,” “climate denier,” “antisemite,” “anti-vaxxer,” “neo-Nazi,” “hater,” “bigot,” “racist,” “White supremacist…” We got it covered, and we spew our hypnotic trigger words paired with negative emotions through our GAME Complex (Government, Academia, Media, Entertainment + advertising, think tank, NGOs, etc) into the public mind through every vector imaginable, and some you can’t imagine.
So in the sense that vampires hypnotize their victims, especially women and children, before feasting on their blood, I suppose yes, your comparison is apt. And I’m proud of it.
KH: Good. You may be engaging in your other strategy of Revelation of the Method, where you show us your power when we can do nothing to resist it, in order to further demoralize us. But it may be backfiring, Nosf— I mean, Jonathan. The Goyim are not so docile and dumb as you arrogantly suppose. Some of us are Aryans, and you know what that means.
Greenblatt: Oh yes, you pesky Aryans. If I may presume to offer some advice from successful Semites, you may think more about Organizing. Jews are very good at organizing into influential groups that work in coalition to further our goals for world domination. We spread money from the top Jewish banksters down through these networks—though we prefer to get the Goyim to fund us, which is why Germany provided submarines to Israel, and the U.S. is Israel’s #1 benefactor—who then work together in a coordinated campaign to put Jews on top of the world. That’s what our latest J7 program is all about, countering antisemitism using the power of the world’s wealthiest and most prominent nations (they are really our vassal nations).
Just remember that as you try to organize, Jews and their lackeys such as the FBI, CIA, Mossad, and indeed the ADL will be there to disrupt and disperse your groups. You can sneak around in masks and put little stickers on lamp posts and walls, but we will always be there, watching. We even allow some of your Aryan organizing for our purposes. We Jews have a complete plan for world domination and it is sure to come in my lifetime! We will rule the World! Jews—!
Eh, that is— we really must stop this unjust antisemitism against innocent helpless Jews. It’s morally wrong and Jews have suffered enough in history. In this post-modern world Jews need the freedom to live in peace and safety, as they pursue earthly wealth and power. To impede that is un-American. You could say that the A in ADL stands for American. Because America is ours now. We tolerate some Aryans—for now.
KH: It’s been very enlightening speaking with you Jonathan. Thank you so much. I appreciate your candor as far as it went. Now I’m sure we each have more work to do: You spreading defamation against your perceived enemies, which is all the Goyim masses of humankind, and I spreading knowledge to inform the inevitable counter-semitic reaction we both know must come. Hail victory!
Greenblatt: *hisssss*
Mocking, comic and parody genius. The exact way to treat them. Portray them as they would wish to portray us - weak, futile, gormless and with utter contempt. #BanTheADL
Greenblatt: Look, we have to protect Jewish people from hate, and that is the ADL’s mission since 2013
1913 (sorry, but I had to)