A couple weeks ago, Substack contacted me to announce that the subscriber list for Taboo Truth had reached 100 people. I was thrilled and excited. This is a milestone (a guiding stone monument raised in the landscape to show the proper way and confer cosmic alignment). Upon you founding 100 Taboo Truthers, I confer the title Centinals.
You Centinals had the courage and tenacity to expose yourselves to perspectives and views dissident from official mythologies. You knew that was Taboo, and pursued Truth anyway, knowing that in some sense the Truth can only be explored within the Taboos. You brought your own established Truths, and were open to learning more. You shared and questioned and proclaimed in our Taboo Truth legion, building a comraderie among fellow Truth Warriors, disseminating ripple effects out from our node upon which we can only speculate. Certainly our Truth effects spread a positive light into the otherwise wide-spread cloud of lies.
We continue to Awaken, tearing and slipping free from the clinging tentacles of lies. These lies come in many forms, but we recognize them and cast them off with Truth. Omission and fabrication, demonization and glorification, minimization and maximization, distortion and inversion, projection and deflection— We see you, we know you, and we reject you! Only Truth guides our inquiries, shapes our views and propels our conclusions. These are always relative, and we remain open to further study modifying and refining our perceptions. Yet we have attained a solid foundation of clarity, upon which further elegant structures are raised. The more we refine, the more clarity we attain.
Knowledge is power. Knowledge of Truth is clarity, and clarity informs effective action. To know is to act. We see the essence of the problems, and we gain insight into solutions. More clearly, we see the Issues, and consider the Resolutions. (((They))) protect themselves from just retribution by obscuring themselves behind a cloud of lies, which we pierce through with rays of Truth, come what may.
The National Socialist German Labour Party began with only 6 members. Then a 7th member appeared, and the rest, as they say— is over 100 years of history distorted by the most grotesque absurd lies ever invented. We are now 100. We carry the power and responsibility of many Taboo Truths. We are achieving more. In honor of our Centinel legion, I commit to one entry on Taboo Truth every day for the next week. As always I welcome all your thoughtful and incisive comments, your approval by liking, and your sharing among our Centinal folk.
I ask one commitment of you. Let each Centinal within the next week alert one other like-minded person of the existence of Taboo Truth. The power of 100 to spread Truth simply by its presence is immense, and we grow exponentially. We are marching toward 200, and then 1000!
In gratitude and humbleness,
Karl Haemers
I'm 101 now, I guess. For some reason I thought I'd already subscribed, but I guess I was still on the free option I always choose until I'm sure.
Does it come with a battleax and pike or should I get my own?
I really appreciate your articles and have read every one of your articles on TOO which I can't say about every author on TOO.
I fully agree with your views, formulating them even more sharply in personal conversations.
It was only by chance, namely a link in your last TOO article, that I came across your website and I'm happy about it. Please continue in your valuable and absolutely necessary work undeterred. You'll get a lot of resistance from the usual crowd, but don't let that discourage you, rather take it as a mark of honor.
I look forward to your future articles and have recommended your site to a like-minded friend.